king of prejudgment

Chapter 197 Everyone Must Die

Chapter 197 Everyone Must Die
"The big villain is the big villain. No matter where dadi goes, he will follow him. He is just here to target our Korean mid laner."

"Does this person have a grudge against us in South Korea? Does this make our South Korean mid laner mentality?"

"Actually, his strength is insufficient. If he is strong, we will chase him and fight."

"How could Kassadin beat the crocodile? Other mid laners should pay attention, this guy has a lot of strange things."

The Korean players were puzzled. Obviously, this guy came to Korea to win the Dragon Snake Cup, and suddenly became famous as the world's number one mid laner.

Why do you still look like you have enmity with South Korea? Of course there is enmity.

Among other things, you Koreans like to apply for world heritage and grab festivals, isn't it just a small grudge?

Of course, this is righteousness. Personally, you are targeted to live in the worst hotel in South Korea. The solution later depends on bringing a boss who has the ability to make money.

Otherwise, the Dragon Snake Cup would definitely not be so easy to win.

Therefore, from the righteousness of the family and the country to the personal grievances.

Enmity exists, but Chen Xuan doesn't need to target Dadi, only the breakthrough point.

You use Kassadin and still not be targeted, wait until you develop to level [-] and kill randomly?
So, 30 seconds away, I miss it very much.

I am coming again!

The crocodile faced Kassadin again, Dadi's face was like a pig's liver, and the audience took screenshots one after another.

"With this look, I feel that Dadi is going to write a miserable word on Brother Xuan's leg."

"Indeed, it's too miserable. It's been fucked all the time, and it never stops."

"Don't panic, the winner is the one who has the last laugh. So what if you get a solo kill in the early stage? Kassadin's ability in the late stage is well known!"

Audiences from all over the world expressed their opinions in the barrage.

Many people think that this Kassadin is too miserable.

Four and a half minutes into the game, Kassadin made 25 last hits, and the crocodile made [-] last hits.

No more, no less, exactly a fraction of a crocodile.

Needless to say, Chen Xuan's oppressive power.

And if you use a crocodile to fight Kassadin, you don't have to worry about being caught.

A two-stage e is enough to escape to a place of complete safety.

Prince Casadinga, on the other hand, doesn't have any skills to keep people.

Therefore, the prince set his sights on other paths.

It's better to help the bottom lane to be more reliable, Tianmu team, the bottom lane is a bit of a breakthrough.

Facing the bottom lane of the top teams, it is really powerless.

You definitely can't go in the middle, it's a waste of time. When the crocodile reaches six, it's not a problem for one to counter kill two.

The prince appeared in the bottom lane and squatted back, and the ssz team's bottom lane was also full of acting skills.

Successfully squatted down, and played ad in the bot lane to double kill.

After Chen Xuan saw the prince appearing in the bottom lane, he could finally jump over the tower and kill Kassadin with peace of mind.

There is a price for the jungler to catch people, and the price for the prince to catch the bottom road is that.

Kassadin is unprotected, so there is no need to consider the possibility of jungle anti-squatting.

Pushing the line of troops directly into the tower, Chen Xuan used 25 points of anger to give the opponent a seemingly safe anger value.

A normal Kassadin would naturally be scared when he saw Red Fury, so he didn't dare to approach him.

Therefore, a crocodile who really knows how to play must not use red anger to create a sense of oppression for the opponent.

This anger is the best.

And Wei has already taken the position from f4, and the spicy teacher said: "I can q flash."

"Try not to use it, let me see if I can force him into your position." Chen Xuan said.

It's very profitable to catch someone with a flash, but it's even more profitable if you can save the flash.

Chen Xuan was going to force Kassadin to a position against the wall, but the opponent might not cooperate and hide in another direction. In this case, Wei might not have enough distance to dodge Q.

Therefore, Chen Xuan first glanced at it with his future vision.

Then the corners of his mouth raised slightly, I'm sorry for this flash, but I have to save it.

Chen Xuan's crocodile rolled and approached Kassadin.

Then a q skill directly brought the anger to 45 points. In this way, the crocodile only needs to level A once to bring the anger to [-] red anger.

The position where the crocodile sprints is in the direction of the right wall.

The attack distance is not enough to reach Kassadin, and the crocodile is resisting the tower at this time.

Kassadin knew that if he retreated, the crocodile would follow and he would not have to carry the tower.

Therefore, Kassadin chose to lean against the wall of f4.

In this way, the crocodile's second stage e came over, and it was still within the attack range of the defense tower.

Maybe he could be killed with the defense tower, but what he didn't know was that there was an enemy on the other side of the wall!

Wei came through the wall with a q skill, fully charged, and the distance was the farthest.

A direct punch hit Kassadin's face!
"What?" Kassadin realized that the crocodile seemed to drive him this way on purpose.

Wei has not reached six, so this wave of q skills must be hit to kill.

Chen Xuan also didn't flash and ignite, so the single player didn't do enough damage.

Kassadin is charged, and the crocodile can walk over instead of using a double-e.

First A, Hong Nu then W, and fainted for [-] seconds.

Chen Xuan observed his anti-tower blood volume, A again, and then the e skill e went out of the tower, and scraped Kassadin's body at the same time.

Move yourself to a safe position while fighting the tower.

In this way, when you can't bear it anymore, you can just go out of the tower.

And when Wei finished finishing work, Chen Xuan went directly into the bushes of f4 to return, and the prince was still on the way down and couldn't make it through.

Wei can also easily kill and exit the tower, because when Kassadin died, the crocodile was still resisting the tower, so Wei didn't even carry the defensive tower, so he can continue to do things to clear the jungle, and the rhythm will not be interrupted.

This kind of gank is the most comfortable, no skills and no blood loss, how can there be such a good mid laner in this world.

Teacher Spicy only thinks that the joy of playing jungle lies in having a top laner who can cooperate with each other.

And Kassadin was sent home again.

At this time dadi's expression became a little more gloomy, as if he could wring out water.

You can't beat the one-on-one fight, and it's so annoying.

This line, but how to pass ah.

The huge disadvantage in the middle lane made the Samsung team feel cold again. How could this one be worse than the previous one.

You are worse than a wine barrel!

Dadi has been knocked out, looking at Chen Xuan's ID, the hand holding the mouse trembled slightly.

I always feel that my thoughts are all being seen through.

It's outrageous, why is this game played like this.

The emperor's mentality changed a little.

From disobedience at the beginning, to seriousness, to unwillingness, to humiliation, and now to fear.

Dadi took advantage of the time when he was in the middle lane, and adjusted the settings in the game.

Turn off the id display function.

There is no way, Dadi is almost beaten and loses confidence.

After turning off the id, I finally stopped shaking my hands.

At least they can match a line normally, but how can the crocodile play now.

Level [-] crocodile, fight level [-] Kassadin.

Dad, let the prince who has finished brushing the wild area directly eat the line with him.

Otherwise, Kassadin has reason to believe that the crocodile will come over in two consecutive e, and beat himself up in seconds.

The two of them ate thread, although neither of them could eat much, but at least they ate some.

And the sixth-level crocodile looked at the fourth-level Kassadin and the fifth-level prince.

I just feel that the other party's thinking is very naive, two people, can't two people kill each other?
It is precisely two people who have a better chance.

Kassadin alone knew that he would definitely die.

But with the prince around, I might be afraid.

After all, if they are caught, both of them will be injured, and the crocodile will be in danger.

Chen Xuan's current equipment is all output equipment, brutal power, shoes, Dolan sword, and double long swords.

The next piece of equipment must be Tiamat. If you play in the middle, you must have full burst.

While the other two were present, Chen Xuan was still waiting.

When a flash cd turns around, Kassadin's flash is synchronized with his own, and both of them know each other's flash cd.

Therefore, Kassadin maintained two stages of e, and the prince only maintained one stage of e.

Because the prince is more fleshy, he may not die if he takes a set of injuries.

Moreover, if the crocodile gets to Kassadin for the second round, the prince must have enough time for the second round.

Chen Xuan looked at the flashing CD spinning, the prince and Kassadin in front of him could kill him, but Chen Xuan wanted to kill Kassadin more, because Kassadin's blood volume was lower, so he could really do a set of seconds.

He wants to complete the operation of killing Kassadin before being controlled by the prince.

You must use three red anger skills to do enough damage.

Otherwise, Kassadin would flash away in sync with himself.

Chen Xuan kept paying attention to the specific number of anger points, and when the anger value exceeded 75 points, the time to do something came, and the flash ignited for the better.

First pretending to retreat, and then suddenly e small soldiers, flashed and directly ignited Jiahong Nu w biting Kassadin, stunned for [-] seconds.

At the same time as w, press the r skill.

Use the big move directly, and then q in seconds!

At this time, the crocodile played the damage and recovery of the red anger, but the anger did not drop to zero.

This is because the w of the crocodile will lock the anger.

When opening w, [-] points of rage are fixed.

If you wr directly, it will even swallow dozens of points of anger from you.

And wrq, you can prostitute a red anger q for nothing.

In this way, a skill of three consecutive red anger skills is played, red anger w plus red anger q.

When the combo was used, the prince's eq had already raised his hand, and was provoked by the prince.

But it doesn't matter, Kassadin handed over the flash, and he was waiting to be burned to death, and Chen Xuan's blood volume was almost full.

"What kind of combo is this, it's so fast." Dadi shuddered, and the blood on his body was drained.

Before the commentary had time to explain, Kassadin had already fallen.

And the crazy crocodile with the big move directly stood up to the prince. Seeing that Kassadin was dead, the prince knew that Kassadin was dead. First.

Chase again, then A, then the crocodile's big move is hot, cooperate with A, and the anger value will increase rapidly.

The prince was afraid that the next red angry q would take him away.

In the end, he could only be forced to hand over Flash!
One hit two, kill a Kassadin, and play a prince flash.

At this moment, people seemed to see the crocodile roaring in the middle of the canyon: "Everyone must die!"

 first update
(End of this chapter)

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