king of prejudgment

Chapter 210 Frozen Mausoleum

Everyone excitedly output to the big dragon, while being shocked by the magic show they saw with their own eyes.

The magic of this game is that something beyond imagination can always happen.

So as to constantly refresh everyone's perception of this game, you think you know the game well, but in fact, the game can still be played like this.

"I really didn't expect that Ice Girl still has this kind of gameplay. How did you think of it?" Frando was inexplicably shocked. He could understand many of Jess's operations, but they were too detailed to be able to type them out. They belonged to the operation. difference.

And the ice girl's gameplay is a cognitive gap.

It's easy to do, but too hard to think about.

The opponent must have thought that the ice girl might be on the side, but as long as you come over and make a move, we will definitely kill you, and it may not be a loss.

No one could have imagined that this ice girl could perform magic tricks.

"There are still many ways to move the Ice Girl, which is nothing." Chen Xuan said.

This is a bit inappropriate.

This is nothing?
That's pretty cool, the hero Ice Maiden hasn't been so handsome since she came out, okay?

However, it seems that this is not a big deal in Chen Xuan's eyes.

So here comes the question, what else can Ice Girl do?

What was Chen Xuan doing during this time? Why did Brother Xuan, who felt like he hadn't trained all this time, become stronger again?
Of course, it's not that Chen Xuan has no training during this period, but has changed some ways of thinking.

In what period of human progress is the fastest, the answer is the period of war.

Crisis will stimulate the potential of human beings and explode in order to survive.

World War I and World War II gave birth to countless modern scientific and technological achievements, such as airplanes, tanks, rockets, computers... The huge pressure and urgent needs of the war made the development of science and technology suddenly accelerated.

And Chen Xuan has always been in a safe period.

Of course, it has nothing to do with pregnancy, but the existence of the vision of the future, so that Chen Xuan did not experience any real urgent pressure.

Whether the idea can be realized, you can take a look in advance, know that you can do it before you operate it, that sense of security makes Chen Xuan never really feel urgent.

And when you decide not to use it, then every operation is unknown and may fail.

At this time, you need to think more thoughtfully, and think about things other than operations.

For example, what other people don't know, the special mechanism of heroes, and the development of gameplay that others have never seen before have the opportunity to create the impossible.

Therefore, Chen Xuan also racked his brains to think about the gameplay of more heroes. The more he has never seen it, the more likely he is to create miracles.

After all, for a professional player, he can guard against everything he has seen.

The top team, like Saint Seiya, will not be defeated twice by the same move.

The reason why this trick was used so late was because it was teleportation and the killing line was not enough. Otherwise, it should have appeared earlier.

And now, the same is just right.

A wave directly won the big dragon, which directly doubled the advantage.

This time, it was the stk team that was in dire straits.

The Enchantress and Ignite didn't kill the Ice Girl solo, nor did they gain a laning advantage.

Now the bottom road is miserable, the damage is not enough, the equipment is not enough, and it is too fragile to die.

You can only count on the weapon masters on the road, and the current weapon masters already have a certain single belt ability.

However, this game cannot be single-banded like before.

The two people on the opposite side brought the summoner skill of Teleportation, s3's support, and made eyes all over the world.

In this way, the weapon doesn't know at all whether it will be bypassed directly if it goes solo.

In the previous single belt, as long as the teammates provide information, when to run and when to bring it, it can be said that the rhythm is clear and lively, and the sense of security is full.

Now there are unknown risks at any time, so that the single belt of the weapon is like walking on eggshells.

Basically, you can only bring it to the river line, so you have to be discouraged.

This is a special feeling that Da Mu has never had before. The single-band rhythm of the weapon master suddenly went wrong.

Normally speaking, the power of a single weapon belt is that it is invincible in single combat.

One hero on the other side can't limit me, I can run with two, and with three, the teammate can just push the tower or open the baron.

Putting pressure on the other party, Feike's enchantress can find a chance to steal the crispy skin on the other side by herself.

However, the rhythm of stk in this round is obviously out of his control.

And the weapon master, who just led the line to the river, felt that he was careful enough.

As a result, the two TPs lit up at the same time, one after the other.

"There are eyes everywhere?" The big shepherd was dumbfounded. The intensity of this target is somewhat high. Is it necessary?
Of course, when the weapon master brought it to the river position for the first time, Chen Xuan remembered the idea of ​​​​the weapon.

Obviously, for him, the location of the river is a safety line.

Then I directly ask the support to set up wards at this position, one in front and one behind, so that when all five players appear in the bottom lane, the weapon master will at least lead to this position in the top lane.

The sudden double tp made the weapon not even know where to run for a while.

One tp is near the river and one is at the rear.

This makes it seem that the weapon can only run in the direction of the opposite house without being stopped, but the problem is that it is not a home, it is a dead end.

Therefore, the weapon master chose to run back.

He wants to gamble that the two TPs will fall at the same time. If he can find the position of Jess, he can directly open up and fight with Jess. Maybe he can forcefully kill Jess before the ice girl rushes over. .

Weapon went directly to the eye position, ready to do it when he saw Jess, and to ward Q and run away when he saw the ice girl.

Unfortunately, however, it was the ice girl who landed.

The idea of ​​weapons was also under Chen Xuan's consideration, so when he arranged the placement, it was behind his tp and on the side of Jess tp.

That would be embarrassing, no such luck.

He was directly controlled by the ice girl and played a full set.

Jess added a cannon shot, and the ice girl kept a distance, and waited for Jess to rush to transform before hammering another set.

The ice girl finally finished and took the head of the weapon.

Seeing this scene, kouma in the audience looked the most dignified at this moment.

Unexpectedly, the weapon single-belt tactic was cracked in this way.

It takes a long time to deal with the ice girl with a single belt, and the existence of the opponent's double tp can almost completely ignore the line pressure brought by weapons.

As long as you don't wear high ground, it's a small problem.

As for the other four, they couldn't beat five in a group.

Therefore, weapon tactics can be said to be directly bankrupt.

In the semi-finals, the opponents have already found a solution to the tactic of directly killing the imperial city with three selections.

No wonder, weapons are not banned.

In the previous semi-finals, how many people asked why they didn't ban weapons in hindsight, because the ban position itself is not enough.

Often, an unsolvable hero is released because the three heroes to be banned are more difficult to deal with, that's all.

Therefore, the correct approach should be to solve this point, rather than simply ban it, because the ban position should be used on heroes that cannot really be solved.

A better approach is to think of solutions to all the difficult points, and then the ban position is just icing on the cake, and the hero can win without banning, which is the real crushing of the opponent.

The weapon master is cracked, and then stk will use other tactics it has prepared.

Originally thought that this move could only be used by the opponent's ban weapon, but unexpectedly, it was forced out.

And in this round, the stk team may not necessarily lose.

The stk team is still persisting, constantly looking for opportunities.

This wave of weapons was caught alone, and Feike realized that the opponent had already found a solution to the tactics.

Every few minutes, the other party will come back to the routine of grabbing weapons.

And each death of a weapon will lead to a larger economic gap and the loss of defensive towers.

Therefore, we can only fight team battles.

In the next few minutes, Yao Ji kept looking for opportunities to use her flexible movement.

The shadow squatted a few times to find an opportunity to disable Jess or the plane of the Skyscreen team.

Now his equipment is not luxurious enough to beat others.

However, the skill cd is very short, directly crippling people, and then making Tianmu unable to fully attack.

This few times of dancing with the tip of the knife also gave stk a lot of time to develop.

Many people feel that there are no worthless people under the great name.

"This feike is really flying around."

"Korea's No. [-] mid laner played much better than Moon Lun at that time."

"Riding the savior solo belongs to it. If it continues to develop, if there are three-piece weapons, maybe stk can really come back."

Watching the game time approaching 10 minutes, the advancement of the Sky Screen organization has never been successful.

Now the stk team still has two front teeth towers, three highland towers, and the last second tower on the road.

Weapons are no longer developed alone, and guard the tower with the group.

And Chen Xuan also realized that his teammates couldn't stop this elusive enchantress from being consumed.

Enchantress W went back too fast, and ordinary control couldn't catch him at all.

As long as he reacts fast enough, not only can he come over to consume energy, but he can also cheat a lot of skills.

Just like the operation of Chen Xuanzhong's second tower Nabo, the Ice Girl still needs to flash for such an operation, while the Enchantress only needs a small skill to do it, which can be said to be a more flexible existence than the Ice Girl.

However, Chen Xuan wouldn't blame his teammates either. Facing the top two mid laners in the world, he couldn't just say how to target them lightly.

Just like in football, sometimes three or four people mark a superstar, and he passed him in the end.

The mid laners of the two teams, at this time, have operations and understanding that are a bit ahead of the other players, and at the same time have received a review of the version. In the era of mid laners, it is not difficult to deal with it.

Therefore, in this wave, Chen Xuan spotted flashes in all his teammates.

Prepare for a decisive battle of life and death at the position of the second tower in the middle road.

Because Chen Xuan knew that behind the wall of the second tower, the opponent must have taken a look.

However, the position of the three wolves is not necessarily the case.

Chen Xuan's ice girl walked to the three wolves alone.

Then he leaned against the wall of the three wolves, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

Why is the second tower on the top road suitable for a decisive battle, because at this time, opponents tend to stand together.

The line on the road is only so wide, and there is no way to disperse the stations if you want to.

Chen Xuan, on the other hand, observed the opponent's position through the eyes of his teammates in front of the tower.

If you want to make a shot, you have to keep your teammates far away. Once you get close, the opposite side dare not stand too close.

Chen Xuan's position also aroused doubts about the explanation.

"What is the ice girl doing here?" the baby guide asked strangely.

"Here, the ice girl should be very smart to realize that there is a ward here. After all, the opponent suffered a loss in the middle lane once. It makes no sense not to be a ward on the road, but this is too far away." Mi Le said, exactly It's the doubts of the audience.

It's a long way here, and so are my teammates.

What is the point of such a separation.

Moreover, even the pawn line on the road has been cleared, are they waiting for the pawn line?
Just when everyone felt that this wave was a confrontation and there was no way to fight.

Chen Xuan moved, and the other party was waiting for the eye made by the robot.

And the timing of this eye-rowing is when the opponent is standing closest and the least vigilant.

One is that there are eyes on the side, and no one can see the partition wall.

Secondly, there is no soldier line under the tower, which looks very safe.

The third is that the opponent's heroes are also far away, and at most they will be bombarded by Jess.

Therefore, at this time, the stk team fell into a short period of time when the sense of security was overwhelming.

In just a few seconds, when the line of soldiers comes over, they will spread out again.

If Chen Xuan uses the vision of the future, he can know whether his teammates can keep up, and how many he can set.

However, if you see that this wave of groups is not doing well, why don't you stop?

The result after three seconds doesn't represent the whole story, maybe it wasn't good, but I still want to, because no one knows, the final result after ten seconds, which side won the team battle.

Don't be disturbed by future information, trust your own judgment!

E skill, directly passed through the wall of the three wolves, and continued to fly to the wall on the side of the second tower.

For this skill, if no one cuts the screen to this position, the movement of the skill will not be visible, and a small skill icon will not be displayed on the small map.

I saw this e skill, penetrated into the wall, and passed more than half the distance.

right here!

The ice girl does not need to go through the entire e to pass through the wall, but only needs to pass a certain distance. After the second displacement, the game mechanism will judge that you cannot appear in the wall, so it will find a place to squeeze you out.

After repeated experiments, Chen Xuan has mastered most of the walls that the ice girl can pass through, and where they will appear.

The second paragraph e is used!

I saw the stk five-person group who had just shot their eyes away, and an ice girl appeared under the second tower.

Are we hallucinating?
This question has not yet formed in his mind. Chen Xuan, who has been single for 16 and a half years, presses the flash, and flashes to the most densely populated position. After pressing w, he sets r at the speed of light.

Maybe the damage should be maximized by adding a q, but if you are stunned by some control, then the loss outweighs the gain.

This big move directly caused a wave of Ice Age explosion AOE for himself.

The characteristic of Ice Maiden's big move is that the big move is the center, causing the same damage to all nearby enemies.

This is a very exaggerated AOE, w can only fix three people, but the big move himself directly caused damage to five people.

This scene directly caused countless audiences to stand up instantly, oh my god.

what is this?
what did i see!
The ice girl rushed into the crowd alone, and formed a group of five?

Is this really what you can see in the World Finals?

And everyone in the Tianmu team knew Chen Xuan's idea in advance, but they didn't expect that it could really be done.

Everyone who prepared in advance, no one was stingy with his own flash.

All crazy flashes and skills, Jess flashed qe to make up for it.

The robot w accelerates, then flashes into the crowd, uses aoe with a big move, and is the first to help resist the tower.

Then came the plane's flash r, and the spider's flash e skill flew into the sky.

It's too explosive, the ice girl's group start made the entire stj team not expect it.

How did he come here, why did he suddenly appear here!
It's like Troyon's Trojan horse, who would believe that the enemy will appear within his walls.

And it was just a few tenths of a second of astonishment that the ice girl had already completed her full set of skills, and the mausoleum was frozen in place, becoming an eternal monument of frost.

Everyone in the stk team suffered a lot of AOE, and ez died directly.

Without the key c-position stk, even if there is a second tower, in a game of three to ten minutes, the output that this defensive tower can provide is far inferior to that of an ez.


Feike's bewitching girl, unwilling to accept all of this, threw out all her skills and knocked off Jess, who had come into the arena and hammered a set.

Showed the terrifying outburst and amazing hand speed of his enchantress, but it didn't work.

Jess' damage has also been dealt out, and the luxuriously equipped plane will harvest the whole field.

The ice girl who ended from the big move, the q skills one after another, are also explosive output.

Three 10 minutes, holding the Holy Grail, the ice girl wearing a hat and wearing a stick, this set of entering the field is really too explosive, why doesn't he make a golden body, if it is a golden body, the damage may not be so exaggerated.

It can only be said that the golden body is the equipment considered by Chen Xuan after the Six Gods!
Now, what I want is the ultimate explosion, who said that the ice girl's damage is low?
When hitting five people, the absolute zero ice is also a terrifying death chill.

"Oh oh oh! Team Tianmu is going to win, Ice Girl played a terrible AOE, ez was seconded, Qin Girl fell down, it's going to be a wave!" Wa Dao was usually criticized by others, but in the final victory In front of him, it became extremely pleasant to hear, because when he yelled that, it meant Team Tianmu was about to win!
I saw the defeated stk team fall one by one, Feike's undead enchantress, after flashing, was brought back by the robot's mechanical flying claws before death.

this hook?

Feike, who is known for his positioning, caught an unavoidable hook in the chaos, was caught in the crowd, and fell to the ground angrily under the fire.

Died at the same time as the robot, and at this moment, Yin Qin was convinced that he had the ability to judge his own choice.

Yao Ji ushered in her second death in this game.

The death toll of the Enchantress is two, while the death toll of the Ice Maiden is zero.

Regardless of whether it was a team or an individual, Tianmu won the first battle.

Feike also had to bow his proud head, admitting that in this world, there are really people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

Under the wild cheers of countless spectators, the Tianmu team wiped out stk, advancing in a wave, and ended the first game.

The score is one to zero!

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