king of prejudgment

Chapter 211 Wine Barrel?Meat bucket!

The result of the first game was extremely exciting.

Tianmu team not only scored a point, but also broke the stk team's single weapon belt system.

While countless people cheered, Aite started the Imperial City Team by the way.

"See, as long as you do this, you can defeat the weapon master."

"Huangcheng: What's the use of what you say now, we are all home."

"The sky is awesome, I really have a chance to win STK."

"The beating is enjoyable. Just beating like this. Give me a hard beating. Han Chui has long been displeased."

After scoring a point, Chen Xuan could hear the cheers from the audience, because he took off his earphones and returned to the waiting room.

The result of this game is more important to me.

Even if more than 90.00% of the operations in the future vision do not need to be changed, it is just a confirmation function.

But after not using it, he can still win against the stk team, which is even more meaningful to Chen Xuan.

Because this proves that his mid laner strength is enough to fight against Feike, and the growth of his teammates this week has also narrowed the gap with stk.

Otherwise, the first hand won't win so smoothly.

Back in the waiting room, the stk team immediately began to prepare to change tactics.

The opponent's double tp really caught stk by surprise.

However, it is not unsolvable.

In addition to tactics, there are also ad explosions, but this explosion may not last.

To deal with this kind of tactic, there is naturally a corresponding method. The top laner starts from the weapon and replaces it with Jeskenan the crocodile, who has a strong laning ability.

If the opponent brings tp, then I will kill you alone.

Can't your transmission stop the loss, but I make more money, and I have a head advantage to expand this advantage.

The jungler directly changed from living in the middle lane to living in the top lane.

This tactic was immediately used brilliantly in the second game.

Benji grabs it directly with the second level of the spider, cooperates with igniting the crocodile, and directly teleports Jess with one set.

When Jess landed, the support sneaked up again, and again three guarantees for one. Even if the jungler came, it was useless. Jess was killed again and was directly disabled. Jess, who died twice in the early stage, is equivalent to quitting the game directly up.

In this round of the game, the top lane was directly pierced.

It became the road for the stk team to fully target, and evened the score one to one.

The bone of stk is still hard to chew.

During the break in the second game, Chen Xuan chewed a piece of gum and thought about tactics.

Just like the God of Gamblers, you can get some inspiration by eating something.

"Fuck me like this, I can blow it up a lot when I go back, fuck me 10 times in [-] minutes!" Frando cursed, using exaggerated rhetorical techniques.

However, from his attitude, it can be seen that his mentality has not been affected much.

Having such a mentality that is not afraid of taking the blame is enough to become a top top laner.

In this room, everyone is giving their opinions. Some people are asking if they want to use the auxiliary synchronization, and some say whether they want to use the jungler.

All kinds of ideas, each expressing their own opinions, everyone is thinking hard for the final victory of the decisive battle.

Chen Xuan likes this kind of atmosphere very much. The feeling of the team sounds mysterious, but in fact it is the feeling that everyone is striving for the same goal.

It's like a headwind. If everyone plays badly, they don't even want to fight well.

But if everyone is fighting against each other, encourage each other.

I don't have that temper at all, all I can think about is how to smash the other side.

However, wisdom is not something that many people can come up with.

Until the game, no one came up with a practical and good solution.

Because, opponents may not have to play exactly the same tactics as the top one.

People can also change. The way you think of it is just to ask for a sword.

People's tactics have changed, and if you still deal with the opponent according to the general's thinking, the result is bound to be nothing.

When he was on the field, Chen Xuan was still thinking about how to fight against Frando's radio waves.

Radio waves, Pikachu?
By the way, it's Kenan.

"I thought of it." Chen Xuan said in the voice microphone.

"What did you think of?" Many people looked at Chen Xuan.

"It's good to use Kenan for the top lane. It's harder to catch than Jess, and the opponent is even harder to kill alone. And even if you are really accidentally targeted and killed many times, the big move can be group control, which is also useful." Chen Xuan analyzed road.

This idea also made Frando suddenly realize that yes, Jess was caught and killed a few times before it was useless.

But Kenan will not give up. It can even be said that if you catch me a few more times, what you waste is your jungle rhythm.

Super ghosts, I am five older, also all fainted.

good idea!
However, Kenan also has a problem with this point, for example, he is more afraid of the opponent using the barrel.

When entering the field, if a forced displacement takes you away, Kennen's power will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, a corresponding match is required.

Chen Xuan thought for a moment, and decided to grab the wine barrel for himself.

The wine barrel itself is also the son of the version. There are only two hard-to-play heroes, one is Zed and the other is Riven.

And it just so happens that the opponents of these two heroes are also good at it.

Although Chen Xuan's Riwen took it out first, others can learn it.

It's just that Feike should be the fastest and best person to learn.

The third game started, this round the sky screen team blue side, stk team red side.

Tianmu chose to ban Shen, blind monk and Zyra in this round.

stk has banned Jie, Thresh and Ice Girl.

Stk regards the ice girl as one of Chen Xuan's unique skills.

Afterwards, the Tianmu team directly chose the wine barrel.

In this hand, if it were another team, it would be the single wine barrel with the bright card.

But for the Tianmu team, they have a criminal record.

They can all think of such a showy operation of letting the barrels go on the order and letting the crocodile go on the order.

It's really not possible to just take out Kang's position just because of this wine barrel.

Therefore, the stk team hesitated again and again, and chose the ez and Qin girl in the bottom lane, and first exposed their own bottom lane combination.

"Stk didn't give the mid laner the Kang special position here, but took down the bottom lane combination first. This move should also be frightened by Tianmu's swing tactics." Seeing this choice, the baby director is also for his own side Say something nice.

Blame the opponent's analysis on the success of our swing tactics.

Otherwise, the hero who normally directly takes one hand of Conte barrels will have a better chance of doing the rest of the bp.

However, due to the swaying of the crocodile barrel before the Tianmu team, they could only take the mid laner Kang Te in the last hand.

It can only be said that every game has foreshadowing.

After the Tianmu team confirmed that the opponent was the bot lane combination of ez and Qin girl, they could take down the combination of policewoman and Annie.

The opponent wanted to ban Jie and Ice Girl, and the two ban positions were taken by the middle lane by their own strength.

This allows teammates to choose a lineup that they like very much. The laning of the policewoman and Annie is only stronger than that of the ezqin girl.

Obviously, Li Wu's explosion is unsustainable.

If a player can continue to explode, then he is a superstar player.

Who hasn't felt hot occasionally.

In the first game, Li Wu was somewhat overdrawn by the plane. Now it feels like he has lost a drop.

Only by giving him better bot lane heroes can he play a more comfortable lineup.

Then, the stk team won the Ueno combination of crocodile and spider. If the opponent still chooses Jess, they can feel the conjoined effect of the desert spider.

For benji, he found that the mid laner Chen Xuan was difficult to catch, so he immediately changed his mind and flexibly looked for a father.

After the opponent exposed the Ueno, Kenan's choice became more comfortable.

Kenan himself belonged to the Conte crocodile, and it was not easy to catch. If he was caught, it would be very useful.

Coupled with the rich experience of being caught, Frando's style of play will be more stable.

Ever since she had a good experience with TP, for Frando, igniting is a past that cannot be returned.

Like an ex who has broken up, no matter how you look at it, it's not pleasing to the eye.

After Kenan won, he played wild with his last move and chose the prince.

For Teacher Spicy, it would be a great pity in life if the finals could not be used for a match.

Seeing this hero selection, stk can finally be sure that this wine barrel is really taken.

Speaking of which, Chen Xuan is also rather strange, since he has used wine barrels in the support position.

After the transfer, today was actually the first time that the hero of the wine barrel was taken out.

This made the stk team not have a data estimate for his barrel strength.

However, since you developed Riven to hit the wine barrel, don't blame our Feike for being too talented. After just watching one game, he quickly used the mid laner Riven to kill indiscriminately in the game of kings.

You developed it, idol!

The stk team directly selected Riven.

"Oh, Riven, this player Feike's ability to learn is really very strong. Not long after our Xiaoxuan used Riven as the mid laner, he was already able to use the mid laner Riven to kill the Quartet." Mi Le looked at Feike's mid laner, Riwen, and expressed a burst of emotion.

After this game is over, someone will definitely express their emotions, both Shengyu and He Shengliang.

So, who is Yu and who is Liang?
Putting it before, Chen Xuan must be bright, one step ahead everywhere.

But the problem is, if the final outcome is that stk wins, then in terms of results, it will come from behind.

The loser is the weak one!

"Mid laner Riwen hit the wine barrel, isn't this a routine developed by brother Xuan, and now it's used to beat herself."

"I am a developer, so there must be a solution."

"Not necessarily. The developer of the poison must have an antidote. Some things are Conte when they come out. It doesn't matter who developed them."

"It would be too embarrassing if I was overthrown by the routine I developed, and it would be right to shoot myself in the foot."

The audience was talking a lot at this time. After Stk returned from the second game, people were sure that the strengths of the two sides were still very close, so no one dared to make nonsense about the result of the game.

This is a wonderful battle that is evenly matched.

A small problem at every point may be caught by the opponent and become a comeback point.

This game can be regarded as the most exciting BO5 in the past three years. The wonderful operations and games of both sides are full.

At this time, the lineup of both sides is determined.

Team Tianmu has Blue Fang, top laner Kenan, jungler Prince, mid laner Keg, and bottom laner policewoman Jia Anni.

The stk team has Red Fang, top laner Crocodile, wild spider, mid laner Riven, and bottom laner ez Jiaqin.

The curtain of the battle slowly rose, and the two sides were gearing up to welcome the start of the third match.

Feike's Riven, think again and again, is she confidently carrying Dolan's sword, or is she safe with Dolan's shield?
To be honest, I really want to be confident in Doran Sword.

But the opponent who has already fought two games, Feike has a certain understanding of his operational strength.

The opponent is really no weaker than himself.

On the line, it is even slightly stronger.

You must know that she is a ignited enchantress, and she can't get any advantage from TP Ice Girl.

The strength of this guy is really terrifying.

Therefore, after hesitating again and again, he returned the Dolan sword he had already obtained and changed to a shield.

In the world finals, we still have to be steady.

As for Chen Xuan's wine barrel, he went out with cloth armor Wuhong.

What, it would be shameless to fight fiercely without Dolan.

Please, I'm not someone who cares about face.

Chen Xuan upholds pragmatism, and face is worth a few bucks.

As for this fight for the No. [-] middle school in the world, it was just an excuse for myself that the vision of the future could not be used temporarily.

Winning is better than anything else.

Is there anything better than Cloth Armor Wuhong for fighting AD monsters like Riven?
Seeing this outfit also made the audience happy.

"Brother Xuan, wow, the wine barrel goes out with cloth armor Wuhong, which has my true biography of Brother Tianba."

"Hardly, right?"

"Good guy, the cloth armor is five red, the Riven knives have cut their blades, and the wine barrels and medicine bottles can't be finished."

The audience joked that in the tense atmosphere, it was a rare relaxation.

And seeing Riven in this outfit, she was rather dumbfounded.

Good guy, what happened to you being contorted by me.

Do you have to play games like this?

Should I kill you or not?

Meat bucket, right?

Then I have to try, if one set doesn’t work, I’ll make a few more sets.

Feike's idea is also very simple. You can't do any damage by pretending like this, and you can only get hit for ups.

Then I'll hit you a few more sets, anyway, you can't pay back.

But what I didn't expect was that Chen Xuan's first wave of troops was not in a hurry.

Instead, wait for the little soldier to lose blood, and then take a sip of wine on the spot.

Directly let yourself get damage reduction plus attack power bonus, Riven, a hero, is super strong at level [-] to level [-].

If you learn q at the first level, once you get close to Riven, two-thirds of your blood will be cut off.

I brought the cloth armor five reds, and I brought a set of armor runes with additional runes.

Plus Riven doesn't carry Doran's sword, but a shield.

So I will only get half of my blood cut, but if I learn w, the attack power will be directly close to [-] points.

You Riven slashed over to face my minions. I reduced the damage and increased the attack power, which is worthwhile against A directly. The duration is a full 18 seconds, and the CD is only 20 seconds.

During these 18 seconds, I have an attack power of more than 90, which is not necessarily lower than your Riven qa's damage.

Chen Xuan's wine barrel went straight up to make up the knife.

Riven still came over to test the sharpness of the knife, A started, followed by qa.

After Chen Xuan fought back, he walked back and let Riven enter the attack range of the three ranged soldiers.

If you continue to fight back against A and drink the blood bottle at the same time, you will definitely not be able to fight to the end.

And Riven's set of qa was cut down, and the damage was unimaginably low.

The armor data of the wine barrel is [-] points higher than that of Riven, and the w also reduces damage.

Originally, a set of light speed qa with [-] damage could only knock out [-] HP when it hit the wine barrel.

Although the barrel is limited by the attack speed, the level A damage can only be hit three times, but when there are small soldiers assisting.

The amount of blood lost by both sides was almost the same.

The wine barrel only drank one bottle of medicine, and there were four bottles of red.

This makes Riven's first-level exchange of blood, no profit at all, or even a small loss.

"What a witty wine barrel, go out with five red armor, add armor runes, and develop in line with you, anyway, the wine barrels in the later stage are super long-distance, burst output, and the cd is very short, so the early stage is not sharp. Wen pressure is the best situation." Dadi, who had already returned to China to watch the game, saw this scene, and instantly understood that it wasn't that the wine barrel couldn't beat Riven, it was because I was so stupid.

He doesn't know how to be flexible at all. If this is the same as Chen Xuan, how can he be killed by the tower jumping at the third level?

Sure enough, I didn't feel wronged when I lost.

The same hero matchup, but different results, this made Dadi feel convinced that he lost, but the one who lost was himself in s3. When the fist version of s4 is changed, I still have the chance to return to the king.

Times make heroes, not heroes make current events.

Dadi, who had just returned, was asked to exchange with the mid laner of the second team.

Next year, the two Samsung teams will fight against lck together, replace with a group of new teammates, and embark on a new journey.

One team is called Samsung Blue, and the other is Samsung White.

The game on the field was going on, and Riven finished her set, knowing that the wine barrel was not easy to deal with.

This wave of blood exchange is not profitable at all. If you want to imitate Chen Xuan and directly come to a wave of three-level strong kills, the blood volume that needs to be lowered is more than 100 lower than when Chen Xuan played Dadi in the group stage.

Trouble, if Kang Tewei can't play an advantage, then the shortcomings of the mid laner Riven will be exposed.

ps: I made some fine-tuning in the previous article, but I still returned to the previous thinking. The main reason is that the excessive use of eyes has not recovered yet, and the rationality has been restored appropriately. If you have any questions, please correct me

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