Chapter 212
Riven, a full-fledged female warrior.

However, no matter how comprehensive a hero is, there will be shortcomings.

If it is absolutely perfect, it must become a non-ban must-choice bug hero.

Riven's shortcoming is that she has no poke ability.

This means that if you become a disadvantaged party, you will rely heavily on flash to start a team.

If you can't start a group, even if you have a four-stage displacement, you will not be able to hit people.

And if Riven's equipment is luxurious, and he can hack one to death in a flash, then naturally he can break all spells with one force.

But with the normal development of the barrel, as the level increases, the q skill of the barrel of 1000 and [-] yards, under constant poke, can be more effective than Riven.

Chen Xuan's wine barrel, after a wave of blood changes, it will be much easier to fight in the lane.

As the level reaches the third level, both sides are full of blood, but Chen Xuan can use the q skill to make up the knife and force out Riven's e at the same time.

Under the consumption of the wine barrel, Riven must use the e skill to offset the damage.

After using the e skill, Riven lost some movement.

Feike couldn't guarantee that if the opponent forced him to use his e skill, would it be that the jungle prince had already approached him.

Therefore, I dare not go forward to consume even more.

Both sides are teams with mid laners as the core, and the junglers on either side will constantly come to the mid lane to take a look.

Moreover, consumption does not make much sense.

There are still four bottles of medicine in the wine barrel. Putting skills back to blood, w back to mana, the wine barrel on the line is simply a perpetual motion machine.

And the barrel was not in a hurry, it was very stable.

Always stay in a drinking state, always have a percentage of damage reduction and attack power.

There was only a two-second skill vacuum period, at that time Chen Xuan used q to make up the knife, and then hid beside him and waited for a drink.

It is still a small loss to exchange blood with Riven, but the recovery of the barrel is much stronger than Riven.

All five bottles of medicine are used, which is enough to go home for the first time.

Moreover, if the five bottles of red medicine in the wine barrel are all used up, Riven will definitely be in a state of residual blood.

What Chen Xuan had to do was to prevent Riwen from performing a perfect combo of blood exchange without injury.

As long as the opponent doesn't have an e, the blood exchange is profitable.

And fighting like this is not worthwhile for Riven.

Why does your barrel make up in front of me, Riven? As long as the skill has a cd, Riven can't control the urge to consume the opponent.

But Feike was very patient, and waited until the wine barrel used the q skill, and then there was a cannon cart that was about to lose blood.

In terms of time, the cd of the barrel q skill will definitely not turn well.

No top mid laner can refuse the temptation of Ferrari.

The more expert you are, the more you know that the economy plays a huge role, so you will have an obsessive-compulsive obsessive-compulsive obsession with making up.

And the economic value of the cannon cart is as high as three soldiers.

It was impossible for the wine barrel to withstand this temptation, so Riven withdrew one after another, making room for a little bit.

Only press forward when the barrel is close.

The cannon car that can be replenished with just A, at this time, no one will give up.

Very good, right now, Riven at level [-] has a set of abilities to knock wine barrels home.

It is enough to make the opponent lose one or two waves of soldiers.

q displacement, then A, second w stun, then qA and damage.

With this gorgeous combo, Feike's mastery of Riven, whether it's distance or damage, has reached a peak.

During the summer split, he had already started practicing secretly.

Hanbok's king game has a winning rate of more than 90. Except for the occasional few rounds when he encounters the No. [-] jungler in Hanbok and is obsessed with the opponent, his Riven has never lost.

This one should be the same.

After all, that perverted jungler must not be a spicy teacher.

However, after Riven cut out two qa, she suddenly found that the prince came out from the side.

This guy is acting!
Oops, Feike thought that the cannon cart seduction he designed was a normal player's choice, but he didn't expect it to be fooled.

The three-stage qa that was originally cut forward immediately changed direction and turned around backwards.

Chen Xuan's wine barrel was hit by a fleshy egg, which directly slowed down.

Riwen watched the prince raise the flag, and was forced to hand over the flash plus e to barely escape.

In this game in the middle, they lost a little bit.

After this wave was flashed, Feike's Riven no longer dared to press the barrel.

If the prince comes again, he doesn't even have to run.

And Chen Xuan pushed the pawn line into the tower and returned directly.

Going home and buying cloth armor shoes, I completely extinguished Feike's murderous intentions.

What the hell is this, the first wine barrel that produced cloth armor shoes, no matter how I cut it, I really need to cut the knife with a curly blade.

"What a cowardly outfit!"

"Can you kill someone with such a costume?"

"Brother Xuan can not lose to Feike in the lane, uncle is very satisfied, but he can't kill Feike solo, uncle is very dissatisfied."

"Brother Xuan single-handedly killed the mid laners in the world, what's wrong with killing one less?"

"Why do you use the barrel to kill Riven solo, the damage is not at the same level at all, okay?"

Some people thought that Chen Xuan's beating was too cowardly and obscene.

Some people also expressed their understanding, after all, Riven was developed by him to beat wine barrels.

If the wine barrel can kill Riven solo, what kind of shit is Conte?
But Chen Xuan really had this idea, but it was obvious that if he wanted to kill Riwen solo, it was not enough to rely on the barrel's own damage.

At least, with the help of defensive towers.

Just like half a year ago, with the European French king solo.

However, Riven was different from Clockwork.

His displacement was as many as four stages, even if he was blown back to the tower, he could still escape.

So, there must be a bait.

I don't know if I can catch Feike with the three hundred catties of fat on my body.

Of course, fishing is also risky and requires precise calculations, perfect operations and god-level reactions.

The opponent is one of the strongest mid laners in the world. In the past, Chen Xuan only needed to look at it from the perspective of the future to know if he could show off.

But now, when it is not necessary, everything depends on pure prediction.

Moreover, in order to seduce the opponent, he had to suppress his blood volume to a dangerous level.

It can be said that high returns represent extremely high risks.

However, the game is still too difficult to win if you don't.

It's pretty good for teammates to spawn once or twice once in a while, and you can't expect someone to carry you crazy.

The position of the mid laner, in this version, the responsibility is to carry.

After all, the core position of the version is the mid laner.

Even Fist is giving benefits to the mid laner, Minghuo, armor-piercing revision, and adap two kinds of assassins, all of which are sons of the version.

Not carrying is simply a crime.

Chen Xuan himself had done the thing of Riven jumping over the tower and forcibly killing the wine barrel, so he was very aware of Riven's outburst.

Even if he was wearing cloth armor shoes, as long as his blood volume was suppressed low enough, he could still succeed in seduction.

The opponent didn't dare to consume himself because he was afraid of the jungle position.

But when the jungle position is exposed, there is nothing to be afraid of.

The prince is bound to run on the road frequently. Although Kenan, the top laner, is a crocodile, he plays very comfortably.

But the crocodile combined with two stages of displacement and flash, only needs one red anger, and Kenan will die when the spider comes.

If the prince couldn't walk up the road from time to time, Kenan might be thrown up.

And as soon as the prince appears on the road, Riven can play a set with confidence.

Although Chen Xuan's cloth armor shoes are very fleshy, he also lacks the ability to fight back.

Riven only needs to spot Chen Xuan's q, and then immediately move to avoid it, and then press up to consume it.

Blood exchange must be profitable. Although the attack power of the wine barrel is high, but the attack speed is too slow, it is impossible for A to match Riven's damage.

Make sure that the jungler is not there, and Riven, who has no flash, can still ride face.

The hero advantage is so strong.

After one set, the wine barrel was knocked out half of the blood, and at the same time the line of soldiers began to press forward.

"Oh, the barrel is still beaten with a complete set of qa, this hero's restraint is too exaggerated." The baby director sighed when he saw this scene.

Even Feike himself couldn't tell that Chen Xuan was selling blood on purpose, let alone a commentary.

This point, the public's perception is the same, Chen Xuan's wine barrel was successfully exchanged by Feike's Riven.

Even if the cask hits so well, it's just past the early stage.

At the sixth level, I was still overwhelmed.

After a few waves of consumption, Chen Xuan's wine barrel's HP has reached half, while Riven's HP is still close to full.

Push the line of soldiers over, cooperate with Dolan's shield, and even be full of blood.

And the level of the wine barrel is gradually increasing, and the basic damage of a q skill is enough to clean up the long-range minions.

At this time, Feike could probably feel the idea of ​​the wine barrel.

Blow up all the ranged minions, then blow yourself into the tower?

Sorry, I used this trick.

Moreover, I can also see that if I am blown back, I can use the tower under the tower to forcefully kill your wine barrel first.

Not every time the wine barrel blows people back, it must be beaten.

The wine barrel produced cloth armor shoes, the damage was already low, only the basic damage of one big move, the rest was all due to the defensive tower, the q skill had to be used, and the e skill was added, it was still not enough to fight.

And after Riven's ult, full blood is the line of killing, not to mention half blood, don't overestimate your cloth armor shoes, okay?
People on both sides are thinking quickly about how to kill each other.

It's been three games, and the first solo kill is almost inevitable.

I saw that the melee soldiers under the tower were almost all killed.

And Feike's Riven is still standing in front of the tower, waiting for the q skill of the wine barrel to appear.

Feike knew that the other party was about to attack.

This q skill was thrown out, but it didn't detonate directly, but waited for the defense tower to release A again, killing the last melee soldier at the moment.

Detonate the q skill and clear all the long-range minions.

Then a big move was thrown out directly!
It's now!

Feike's Riven was blown directly under the tower by the big move of the wine barrel.

"The blast is back!" Several commentators exclaimed one after another, seeing Riven being blown up and moving towards the defense tower.

And the moment the big move was thrown, Feike had already opened up.

Riven's ultimate move also has a casting action of [-] seconds, using the displacement time of being bombed to open up, which just offsets this time point.

But the position is not directly blown to the barrel, which makes it impossible for Riven to use rw to stun and play a full set in the first place.

But it's not a big problem, Riven, who landed on the ground, still directly eqs ​​on the face of the barrel.

Chen Xuan immediately charged at a meaty egg on the side, and continued to distance himself, so that Feike's Riven would have to continue to hand q to touch the barrel.

The second-stage q is still a displacement, and the third-stage q can only shoot the wine barrel.

Ignite it in the air to increase the attack power, fly on the ground, connect A and then w.

Because of the large Riven, the skill range of qw will also increase, so A followed by w is still enough to stun the barrel.

But at this time, Riven didn't directly reject R.

Cloth armor shoes plus a wine barrel that reduces damage is still beyond imagination.

Without playing full qa, the damage is still not enough.

Beheading requires a lower blood volume, so continue to follow A.

However, the barrel has a flash.

If he was hidden, he was afraid that he would be killed.

This is a bit too long in the defense tower.

ea followed by r, you can kill the opponent.

But Feike paused for a moment after trying to ea, trying to trick Chen Xuan's flash.

However, Chen Xuan was not fooled at all.

In Chen Xuan's eyes, Riwen's movements were very slow.

The movement of raising your hand r yourself will definitely be clearly captured by yourself.

Chen Xuan was sure of this, so Chen Xuan's choice was to turn around and see that the attack from the defense tower broke Riven's white shield, hang it up and ignite it, and get in close contact with Riven directly.

Because if the distance is far, Feike will also think that he can wait for the big move to make a move before hiding.

But if the distance is close, I may not be able to react.

So, do you want to make a move?
Chen Xuan hung up the ignition, seeing that Riwen hadn't released R yet, he cast another Q skill that had been converted from CD.

This blasting wine barrel explodes immediately.

Riven's blood volume was even lower, and the wine barrel was almost close to Riven's face, maintaining a distance that was less than A.

Riven first turned her head and pretended to leave, then suddenly opened R.

At this distance, the wine barrel will definitely eat r, and then be burned to death!

Riven herself still had a chance to escape.

However, in Chen Xuan's eyes, Riwen's movement of raising her hand was extremely clear and slow.

Is it now?
Chen Xuan suddenly flashed and got behind Riven.

While dodging the second stage of Gale Slash, use her body to get out of the tower.

Riven's scalp was really numb this time, and he was actually dodged by him.

Moreover, the other party not only ran away, but also killed himself?

Yes, if you just want to simply run, you just need to keep running, and then flash the range of Riven's big move, it's not difficult.

Staying far enough away is for the moment.

Although the hero collision volume of League of Legends is small, it still exists.

The body of the barrel twisted and twisted in front of the fit Riven.

Constantly creating the effect of blocking positions, making it impossible for Riven to get out of the tower in a straight line.

Want to hack the barrel?

Change heads with him?
No, it can't be done at all, the blood volume of the wine barrel is enough for Riven to slash three times, but under the attack speed of the defense tower, Riven can't slash three times at all.

When Riven's Gale Slash was dodged, Feike's game was lost.

Feike doesn't know about unwillingness, anger, or other feelings, but it's really uncomfortable.

Was shown!
Cutting down the wine barrel at the end was Riven's last stubbornness.

Then, as the output of the defense tower fell, Riven fell to the ground in despair, telling the tragedy of this battle.

Chen Xuan, completed the solo kill on Feike!

 Update to
(End of this chapter)

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