king of prejudgment

Chapter 213 Darkfire Wine Barrel

Chapter 213 Darkfire Wine Barrel
Solo kill!

With a simple operation, countless solo kills will occur in the canyon every day.

At this moment, countless people's blood boiled.

For the entire three rounds of laning, people almost thought that there would be no solo kills in this BO5.

This was a pinnacle match, the two super mid laners both solo killed all the mid laners who had faced each other.

This battle will compete for the position of the world's number one mid laner on the highest official platform.

Originally, this position had been temporarily occupied by Chen Xuan, but it was because it was played in an unofficial match.

The gold content is not enough, it can only be regarded as the first in the wild list.

Just like the official player ranking this time, Feike is ranked higher.

In addition, along the way, Tianmu's score has not been smooth since the quarterfinals.

At one time, many people thought that the two were really [-]-[-].

However, it was obvious after this wave that Brother Xuan was more skilled.

"Wow, this wave of two people's game has achieved the ultimate, constantly cheating each other's skills, and finally the wine barrel actually flashed behind Riven, using the body card position and the defensive tower to complete the solo kill of Riven, it is really too It's beautiful." When the baby guide explained, he only felt terrified.

When I saw the barrel blowing people back, I felt that the blood volume was too low.

The mid laner Riven has played many times, and she has seen Riven's beheading line before. She almost thought that the barrel would make the mistake of killing others by herself, and sent Riven to her face to slash herself.

As a result, I didn't expect that every step was under control, and I played to the limit.

"The operation under this tower is too extreme. It's a game of life and death. After all, this wave is still a barrel, and the skills are superior!" Mi Le then shouted hooked.

"You like jumping towers, don't you? If you don't leave after being bombed in, then don't leave and stay under the tower!" Sun Tuxiao was the most excited when he saw this scene.

He used to be the top player of Dungeon and Warriors, and he has been playing in South Korea, but he has never won.

Now, in other e-sports events, there are better juniors appearing.

On the stage of the global finals, it's really cool to kill Han Yizhong solo!

The South Korean commentator wailed for a while.

Feike, who had high hopes, still missed a move and fell under the output of the defense tower.

They can only give as much credit as possible to the defense tower to make themselves less uncomfortable.

When explaining your own team, how many people can be objective and fair in the true sense?

"It's just a little bit. It's an honor to fail to climb the tower!" South Korea's commentator spoke at an astonishing speed, hysterical, and at the same time, he didn't forget to add Smecta after every sentence.

"Indeed, standing on the world's highest stage as a challenger, and being able to perform the operation of jumping towers and killing Xuan, is already an extremely outstanding performance. Feike, a player, still has a promising future. Moreover, the competition has been up to now, in fact It's still just the beginning, and it depends on who can have the last laugh." Another commentator sang along, trying to make the audience forget about this solo kill.

They can't wait to say that an assist from a defensive tower is not considered a solo kill, but in fact, as long as there is no assist from anyone, it is a solo kill.

In the group stage, Feike’s wine barrel also blasted Ruthless back to the solo kill. At that time, it was blown like a demon from the sky. You can’t say that you count as a solo kill in the group stage. In the finals, it’s not counted if you are blown back to the tower Bar.

How can there be such a double standard?
Group stage and finals, two sets of standards?

This is obviously impossible, and only the opponent will regard the failure of the tower as a point worth touting.

How do you know that the opportunity to cross the tower is not a bait deliberately given by the other party?
Feike knew that when he saw the opponent's detailed operations under the tower, he knew that the opponent was already prepared.

He saw through his idea of ​​using his big move to move into the tower.

The terrifying Xuan is worthy of being a man who played double robbery.

This wave of wine barrels that went home directly made three Dolan rings.

It also made the audience wonder again, how could it be made like this with money in hand.

"What kind of operation is this San Duolan?"

"I'm afraid Brother Xuan is not the reincarnation of the little prince. He likes to wear fingers."

"Lord of the Rings, huh?"

After the cloth shoes, he bought San Duolan, which was Chen Xuan's helpless choice.

Even if there is a reply of w, returning blue is definitely not enough.

Chen Xuan must maintain a state of not lacking in mana in the mid-term, and clear troops at will, in order to join the regiment as quickly as possible.

And against Riven, playing the Great Holy Grail is obviously a waste of the attribute of magic resistance.

As for the relatively cheap and cost-effective blue-recovery equipment, there is no comparison with Dolan Ring.

By the way, you can also add more than 200 HP, and killing a small soldier can restore [-] points of mana, for a barrel that can clear all the soldiers in the back row with one q.

It is almost equal to a perpetual motion machine, passive blood recovery, w back to blue, plus three Dolan rings.

When Chen Xuan goes online, he can push the line of troops without thinking, and then put pressure on the opponent.

As long as the wine barrel disappears, be careful everywhere. A good wine barrel with a ult blows up, and its gank ability is equivalent to that of a blind monk with eyes.

Blowing people back has the same effect as kicking them back.

Faced with the pressure brought by the disappearance of the wine barrel, the opponent can only retreat.

Chen Xuan, on the other hand, can gank if someone can gank, and if there is no one, he can go wild.

The wild ability of the wine barrel is also quite good.

One q can kill three small birds, and another ea will almost wipe out the big birds.

Then brush the three wolves, and then take the blue buff.

It's the familiar growth rate again. It can only be said that people who have a bad relationship with the jungler can't play like this.

As for the jungler, buddy, if you eat my wild monsters, you have to play the damage that my lack of money reduces.

Otherwise, I will never end with you!

Not only did Chen Xuan want to make up for higher damage, but he also wanted to take the place of the prince and walk away with one hand.

If you eat wild monsters, you are half a jungler. It makes sense to roam around, right?
The choice of the first gank is the crocodile on the road.

Because the crocodile pushes the line fast, and there are not so many eyes to assist.

The wine barrel after pushing the line continuously pinned down Riven in the middle.

The disappearance of several waves in a row has been clearing the wild, which reduces the vigilance of the opponent, and will not immediately retreat as soon as they see the barrel miss.

If it is true, it will be empty, and if it is empty, it will be true. Repeatedly, people will not be able to figure out your routine.

Chen Xuan asked, "Do crocodiles have eyes?"

"I'm not sure. When he shows his vision, he has no eyes." Frando shook his head and said, many experienced top laners will avoid the opponent's vision when making eyes, otherwise the fake eyes on his body will disappear, and the opponent will Can guess the position of the eye position.

"Then judge according to your eyesight." Chen Xuan analyzed, the opponent did not retreat immediately, there were only two possibilities.

One is luck, thinking that the wine barrel may not come to catch you.

The other is to make eye contact. Obviously, Chen Xuan is more inclined to the second one. After all, the world finals, people with a fluke mentality, will not be able to make it to this place.

The audience and commentary from God's perspective can be clearly seen.

The vision of the crocodile in the grass, and the crocodile has e and flashes, plus an eye.

More importantly, they are still full of blood. No matter from which angle you look at it, you don't know how this wave of crocodiles died.

"Why do you want to gank on the road, obviously you can't kill it."

"I also think that for the explosion of the wine barrel, it is better to hit the crispy skin."

"This wave is about to be seen by the field of vision, the gank has failed properly, and it's just a waste of time."

Many people are not optimistic about this wave of gank. There are still people in the bottom lane who have control, and Annie has the initiative.

To catch the crocodile on the road, there is a high probability that the bamboo basket will be empty.

However, it seems that the wine barrel cannot be blamed.

People don't know that there are eyes on the road, and being seen by eyes is just a waste of time.

It doesn't have a big impact, and even if you are not a player, you also have a God's perspective, knowing when and where people made what eyes.

I saw Chen Xuan's wine barrel, leaning against the edge of the river wall, leaning up the road.

Then, Chen Xuan's wine barrel went directly into the dragon pit, stuck to the wall, and then reached the position of the triangular grass!
"Such a thick wall, can you pass directly by e?" The commentator did not expect that this position can be passed by e.

In this way, the eye position will be bypassed.

"The wine barrel knows that there are eyes here! Just bypass it, but in this case, the wine barrel will not have the e skill. Can this crocodile gank?" Go around the field of view here.

At this moment, the crocodile has not noticed yet, and is still pushing the line.

Normally speaking, it is a reasonable choice to have a river view.

And Chen Xuan was already stuck in his vision, and continued to stick close to the wall.

When Kenan made a move, the crocodile realized something was wrong. Kenan's damage alone was definitely not enough to kill him. Someone is coming!

who is it?

He hurriedly retreated, only to see that the wine barrel had just finished drinking, and appeared from behind him unsteadily.

It's okay, but it's not a big problem, let's go quickly.

Kenan had already pushed over, and the crocodile opened up directly.

Then try to get close to the barrel, and use the barrel to perform two-stage displacement.

The crocodile's e skill can only reach the second stage when e reaches the human, otherwise the displacement distance will be very short.

And Kenan has already caught up with his big move, so he can't be stunned by Kenan.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, the crocodile directly flashed close to the wine barrel, preparing to directly double e, a wonderful escape as silky as half of Dove.

However, in a flash, Chen Xuan understood his thoughts.

The moment the crocodile handed over his e skill, he threw out his big move directly.

Regardless of whether there is a future vision, this big move must be thrown away.

Otherwise, if you get caught by the crocodile and come out in two steps, the distance will be too far.

Even if it can be blown back, it will still lack a lot of damage.

What's missing is Kenan's ultimate move, Tianlei.

Chen Xuan had to make a shot from this position in order to blow the crocodile into the thunder pond.

Go back, crocodile!

When Chen Xuan used his big move, the crocodile slipped half way.

He just received a gas tank, which directly blew him back into Kenan's big move to quit Internet addiction.

"Oh, this big move, the angle is perfect!" the baby guide exclaimed.

"While the crocodile is moving, can it still bomb in such a good position? Is this the death bombing of the wine barrel god?" Sun Tuxiao couldn't help but hit the second, this kind of prediction is really cool.

Even though I have seen Chen Xuan use such a god-level prediction many times, it will still be amazing to see it again.

If it is blown crookedly, or if it is too empty, it will either send the enemy thousands of miles away, or it will be on the bronze funny collection.

This wine barrel is used with too much confidence.

"Good shot!" Like a teammate receiving a pass, Frando directly gave the crocodile who was sent into the Thunder a comfortable electrotherapy massage.

The damage of electrotherapy is matched with qw, which triggers the passive of vertigo.

Chen Xuan added another q skill, and the crocodile couldn't even use the second stage e after being stunned by the electric shock because he didn't touch the barrel's body.

Therefore, he wanted to use the red fury w to make a set on the wine barrel, at least to suppress his blood volume so that he could not go back to fight Feike again.

Obviously, the threat of this wine barrel is too great. He is still the first person who can kill Feike solo in this year's S competition.

For the stk team, as long as there is misfire in the middle, it is very threatening.

Both teams are teams that rely on the engine in the middle, but the Tianmu team may be more dependent than stk.

But what the crocodile didn't expect was that when he got close to the wine barrel, Chen Xuan turned his head a little, stuck in the distance of the crocodile w, and kept twisting back and forth, making it impossible for the crocodile to bite him alive.

The upgraded shoes are not a joke with you, this wave of gank must have been successful.

But even if you succeed, you need to keep your blood volume healthy.

Playing back and forth, by the way, engage in the mentality of the crocodile.

Let the opponent increase the hatred against him, so that he can target himself instead of his teammates.

To help teammates attract firepower, Chen Xuan has the confidence to dodge his skills, and his teammates may not be able to block the distance.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Since you are a team leader and everyone listens to you, you have to take on more responsibilities.

Pulling back and forth for a while, the crocodile almost vomited three liters of blood, and even refused to let me touch it in the case of death.

Damn you!
In the end, the head was accepted by the wine barrel, and Chen Xuan was not polite, he gave me the head, and I can c.

After three consecutive games, Chen Xuan gradually found his confidence. Sure enough, the future vision is getting closer and closer to the desired result. The training method is correct.

Now it seems that even if the future vision is not available for the time being, his operation still has a very high success rate.

So give me the head, I will carry!

After taking the head, the state is still perfect.

Chen Xuan returned to the middle lane again and continued to use Sanduolan to develop.

However, the spider suddenly changed its tactics and made a sneak attack on the bottom lane. It directly jumped over the tower with the policewoman Annie, and ez took the double kill. Chen Xuan frowned slightly.

After all, this game is not a Japanese manga story. As long as you have faith, you can burst out with infinite potential if you shout two voices. The weak can defeat the strong, and being able to make it to the first game is already an incredible explosion.

After Brother Wu broke out, the other party was also more cautious and didn't give him any more chances.

Then, this one can't continue to follow the steady production route.

Three minutes later, the wine barrel on the second return trip directly made a useless stick.

This made many people speculate about Chen Xuan's production route, the first one was a big stick, could it be a hat?
In the normal situation, it is the second hat.

This is the first hat to be made, which is really rare.

"Oh, I thought this round of wine barrels would directly cook the meat completely. After playing a round of meat barrels, I finally got some output."

"Will it be too low to make a hat directly? If the initial magic power is not enough, it will be too wasteful to make a hat directly."

The passive of the hat can directly increase the ability power of the wine barrel by 30.00%, but the current wine barrel only has three Dorans. It seems that it is a waste of this passive to make a hat directly.

Normal players are the second to make hats.

However, when the barrel of the next return journey was made into the Devil's Code, people realized that they were wrong.

"This wine barrel, is he actually going to be a ghost fire?" Many people reacted.

Embrace of Darkfire, an extremely violent piece of equipment, but in the S match, no mid laner was willing to do it.

The reason is that this piece of equipment has extremely high damage, but it does not have the attribute of mana recovery, and the magic power is not high enough, and the game pays attention to team fights rather than single seconds.

Even Feike's bewitching girl doesn't dare to be a ghost fire, you are a wine barrel that has been poking to be a ghost fire, what are you going to do?
"Damn it, what is the idea of ​​the dark fire coming out of the wine barrel?"

"Brother Grumpy, I thought Brother Xuan would be cowardly, but I didn't expect him to be the toughest one."

"Turtle, Darkfire Wine Barrel, who is this going to kill?"

"It's too pretentious. What kind of operation does cloth armor shoes match with dark fire? Isn't it impossible to lose people in seconds, and the attributes are rubbish?"

Countless people gave completely different evaluations to this piece of fire.

Some people are looking forward to what amazing things this rare dark fire wine barrel can do. Some people think that this equipment is made in the world finals. It is ridiculous and irresponsible to your teammates. Can't compare to the traditional outfit of the Great Holy Grail and hat.

The damage of the wine barrel is all AOE, what kind of rhythm is your one-second person?

Some people wonder if this wine barrel is to make a useless stick first, and then make up the Holy Grail.

However, 2 minutes later, the synthetic ghost fire appeared, completely cutting off everyone's thoughts.

"The Embrace of the Dark Fire?" Feike was confused when he saw this equipment, does the wine barrel need the Dark Fire?

What is this guy doing?

 Update to
(End of this chapter)

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