king of prejudgment

Chapter 230 Transfer before the game, the storm is coming

With the end of the German Cup, s3 came to a complete end.

This year, the Tianmu team became the legend of this year's e-sports with an almost perfect record.

League of Legends had its third most popular year in esports history.

I left behind a stroke of my own!
It has become the belief of countless players. Even if their grades get worse in the future, there will still be many people who will remember their glory and legends.

After the end of the German Cup, there will be an awards ceremony.

Including the most popular players, etc., but there is basically no suspense about these things.

Chen Xuan basically took everything he could get, the best mid laner, the most popular and so on.

It took a lot of effort to dress up in a handsome suit, but I didn't expect to receive the award, so I really received the award.

Pure honor, nothing practical.

Chen Xuan was a little depressed. He didn't know that he could wear casual clothes. He bought this suit with his own money. The cheapest one Chen Xuan could find was 500 yuan.

What a black suit!
However, wearing it on Chen Xuan's body is still very good.

The former Chen Xuan was thin and thin.

Now eat and drink well, become just right.

Already looking like a clothes rack, it fits just right.

Unlike the top laner of the Imperial City team next door, he walked on the red carpet and became an Internet celebrity directly, because he was too thin and couldn't stretch his suit, so he was directly funny in a different way.

When Chen Xuan came to accept the award, he was also found to have an excellent image and temperament. If he retires in the future, he might be able to join the film and television industry.

After the awards were presented, many members of the Tianmu team found that they had become very popular.

There are always teams coming to contact him, trying to poach him.

The price offered is not low, it must be more expensive than in Tianmu.

But out of emotional considerations, but also out of confidence in one's own strength.

Most people choose to refuse, even if they are shaken, they all understand that in China, except Chen Xuan's mid laner is better than the Koreans, and they are not very good at other positions.

If you leave Team Tianmu, do you have the confidence to achieve better results?
Truth be told, most don't.

Therefore, in the face of temptation, I basically resisted it.

The Grand Slam team won't stay. If you ask me to go to the one with poor grades, it won't have five times the salary. The temptation is still not enough.

When Frando was poached, someone asked him: "Do you think it's interesting to be in the same team as Xuan, and you can only be his green leaf forever?"

"Interesting, the green leaves are meant to set off the flowers. If you go to a weak team to rely on the defense, it can only be a nutrient, and it can't even compare to the green leaves." Frando replied.


That being said, there is no one left.

It's even more useless to find Qin Qin.

Others played with three times the salary, and said attentively: "My family has a building in Yangcheng, I will give you a set, can I win the championship?"


As for looking for Li Wu, it was useless.

"The relationship between me and Xiaoxuan is that of dear relatives and friends, brothers and sisters. Unless you increase the money to 5000 million, you can't talk about it. Of course, if you are willing, I think brothers can do it again in a few years." Li Wu said Quotation, directly breaking through the sky, half a small goal to play.

You might as well go straight to the NBA!
Only Mr. Spicy was a little shaken, but thinking about it carefully, without a good mid laner, the fight would be uncomfortable. Although he was fighting with Chen Xuan's thigh in his arms, there was no way for others to do so.

So, faced with three times the annual salary, the spicy teacher struggled a bit, but gave up.

After all, the bonus for winning the championship is not something that every club is willing to pay, and it cannot be lost because of small things.

The original lineup remained until the start of the Spring Split.

And this spring split, they didn't play particularly well.

Due to the change of treatment, the change of meat equipment talent, the popularity of teleportation and so on.

The rhythm of the game becomes very slow in an instant!
Angel Bomber became popular among mid laners, and he brought a healer to play in the mid lane.

Mindlessly clearing the line and delaying time, waiting for heroes such as Big Mouth Mouse to join the team in magical costumes.

If Chen Xuan has the idea of ​​a solo kill, the TP in the top lane will directly persuade you to quit, and the healer will recover blood and speed up. With flash, as a professional player, this can kill you, it is really too bad.

Under the frenzied movement of the fist, this game also started to become a bit suspenseful.

At the beginning of the Tianmu team, they encountered a one-on-one encounter.

As a world champion, such a record obviously does not meet the expectations of the audience.

Similarly, in South Korea next door, stk also encountered similar problems.

The era of mid-laner assassins has come to an end, Feike can't kill anymore, and Stk's record has also declined a bit.

These two teams rely on the mid laner team, and they both stumbled.

The power of the version patch can only be described as terrifying.

Chen Xuan still had a very good record, but he didn't play as smoothly as in the German Cup. At that time, a single person could score three.

Now it is difficult to solo kill the opponent. If the opponent's bottom lane or top laner becomes fatter, it will be more difficult to fight.

Moreover, several major teams have made reinforcements.

Not to mention the Yidi team, although they did not find Mu Chen, they managed to find the Bomberman.

Bomberman's natal player, whose id is called You, excellent You, there is no one else, with the son of the version in hand, he fought one-on-one with Tianmu.

The Imperial City team is also strengthening. If you can't find top domestic players, then look for foreign players.

They were invited by the Koreans and sold two Korean aids at a very low price to the Royal City team for trial.

If it is used well, it can have a publicity effect, and maybe there will be more teams looking for Korean players to buy players in the future.

So, they sold the jungler insaike and a support player, whose ID is the number 0, so they are called zero eggs.

The joining of these two people also added a wave of blood to the Imperial City team.

He was eliminated directly from the quarterfinals of the German Cup and turned into a strong LPL team again.

It also played a one-to-one match with Tianmu!

As for Chen Xuan, because of Fengshen's many fanatical fans on the Internet, and the data is very good-looking, there is no cheating behavior.

So the poor record made the audience start to find the ghost.

Looking for the blame man!
Who is most suitable, of course, is the jungler, and the jungler naturally has the attribute of taking the blame.

If the line is suppressed, it's because the jungler can't come, if the dragon can't get it, it's because the jungler can't control it.

But this is a five-player game. If you have an online advantage, you can do things in the jungle. If you can't fight in a team, isn't Kailong being wiped out by the opponent?

The jungler is also sad, any team has a problem, it can be said to be the jungler's problem.

The Tianmu team is no exception, not to mention that Teacher Spicy is a player who doesn't care about kda at all and dares to start a team against the wind, and if he loses, he will be given away.

But if you don't open it, where is the chance?

Netizens, on the other hand, are emotional creatures. They don't know much about the game, and if they feel that you are not good enough in the jungle, they will be mad.

This made Teacher Spicy feel irritable. If he wins, it's the mid laner's credit, but if he loses, is it because I'm the jungler?
For the spicy teacher who is confident in his own strength, he can't stand this grievance, and he will spray back when netizens spray him.

Then he faced more exaggerated waves and offensives, which put him under great mental pressure.

After finishing the regular season in the Spring Split, Team Tianmu ranked third in terms of points.

This result is not bad, and the chance is still great.

However, before the start of the playoffs.

Riot's new All-Stars are here. This year's All-Stars still use the voting system, but for some reason, Riot's brain is cramped and the rules have been completely changed.

This year's All-Star Game, directly vote for a team.

Engage in an All-Star Tournament with a whole team!
Ever since, the Tianmu team obtained the All-Star qualification for this year with an overwhelming advantage.

This time, it made the fans of the No.1 Yidi team very upset.

We are now the kings of the regular season in the spring split, and it turned out that we let the third place go, it's not fair.

However, South Korea also voted for stk, and they are not No.1 now.

Before the playoffs, the Tianmu team was able to fight stk again!

But this time, Bei Zheyan is determined to bring down the Skyscreen team. If the All-Stars are demoralized by them, it will be hard to say in the playoffs. This team's BO5 is much better than the regular season.

Now, Bei Zheyan is wholeheartedly working on the team, but he is not convinced.

He wants to take advantage of the imperfect rules to deal a head-on blow to Team Sky!

It has not been a few years since lpl was established, and its professionalism is still not enough.

South Korea next door has a transfer period, and only during the transfer period can players transfer.

But there is no such saying in China, as long as you pay liquidated damages, you can transfer at any time.

Therefore, after a long period of observation and preparation by Bei Zheyan, he found that the only player who could be poached was Teacher Spicy.

He has a strong and irascible personality, and he is not convinced by anyone. Now that the team's performance is not good, and he is being crazily exported by netizens every day, it is the best time to sow discord, not to mention that he also has a key secret information, which can be called lore!

Taking advantage of a weekend of rest, Bei Zheyan invited Mr. Spicy out for a private chat face to face.

After Teacher Spicy saw him, he regretted it a bit, and I wouldn't agree to him, why did I come out.

"Don't poach me, you can't give up the price I want, can you?" Spicy teacher said, he really needs money, and he is in a bad mood recently, speculating in stocks online, he didn't expect to make money in the front and lose money in the end, so he just gave away his salary and bonus. More than half of them are fully covered.

Now I'm numb, and I'm in a bad mood, so I came out to make an appointment with the boss of the Yidi team.

"How do you know, I don't want to part with it. If you really don't have any ideas, you won't come to see me, right?" Bei Zheyan said very elegantly, "Sometimes, if people want to leave, it's only because of money. If you didn’t give enough, or you were wronged, and you happen to have both. If you win, the mid laner carry leads your teammates to victory. There are criticisms, aren't there?"

"Don't try to sow discord, it's about the idiot fans, and it has nothing to do with the players. The team treats me very well, and Brother Xuan is also very good. I just like to talk to them about those idiots." Teacher Spicy was upset Said, this guy is here to provoke.

It's funny, can Brother Xuan be blamed for what the fans did?
He now has tens of millions of fans, and a hundred idiots came out to criticize me, and it seems that many people are complaining, but this does not affect our relationship between the middle and the field at all.

"Yes, of course, fans' behavior, but what about the boss's behavior, have you ever thought about how much Xuan's salary is, and how much is yours?" Bei Zheyan then asked.

"." Spicy teacher said in silence for a moment, "What do you mean, it's normal that his salary is higher than mine, fmvp doesn't get a high salary in the s game, but does the dish get it?"

"The question is, do you think your 60 a year is reasonable, and his 3000 million a year is not reasonable?" Bei Zheyan exploded his blockbuster bomb.

This news must be kept secret, otherwise there will be disharmony among the players.

"What?" Teacher Spicy's expression changed. He knew that Chen Xuan was very valuable, and 300 million to 500 million should be enough.

But 3000 million?
Fifty times as strong as yourself, is there anyone in the world whose strength is fifty times as strong as yours?

"You can ask face to face. In the contract given by Bei Keming, if you win the s4 championship, the mid laner will have a bonus of 3000 million, and you, the maximum is a few million. Do you think this is fair? Five people won the championship together. Did he get it all by himself in the middle?
In my humble opinion, you can consider joining our Yidi team. Not to mention the first place in the points, not to mention the 200 million salary increase for you, and more importantly, I also paid 3000 million, but after winning the championship, all The average score per person, I think the championship belongs to each of you, just like winning a rank, everyone should add points, not just for mvp, right?
In the Tianmu team, you will never be valued. The whole team is built for him alone. The salary of the four of you combined is not as good as his. Why don't you come to other places and prove that Beck is wrong. Well, it's a five player game, isn't it? "Bei Zheyan's output made Spicy Teacher's scalp tingle.

So shocked by this news.

In the eyes of the boss, are we really not as good as Chen Xuan's one finger?

People don't worry about being few but about being uneven. This news made him feel very uncomfortable.

The same amount of training, the same game, no one can win without less, and those who play well should get more, but they shouldn't get so much more.

"Let's go to the summer game, I want to go to the summer game." Spicy teacher said after thinking for a long time, let's go after playing the All-Star and playoffs.

"Okay, you sign this contract, I'll send you the money right away, and the 200 million will arrive within today." Bei Zheyan took out a stack of thick contracts.

Then, start to flicker.

Because, this contract will take effect on the day it is signed, and the all-star spicy teacher can't beat it.

If the fish is dead and the net is broken, I will leave tonight.

However, they have a good relationship and definitely want to finish this spring split, so Bei Zheyan was already prepared. Teacher Spicy asked if he was going to the summer split, and he said yes, of course.

Like a devil with no morals at all.

Yes, let you play in the summer split, but the transfer is transferred now, and Bei Zheyan will definitely pay the breach of contract.

It's enough to make the Tianmu team an All-Star.

Seeing that the spicy teacher looked at the thick contract and couldn't understand it, he signed his name directly.

Bei Zheyan wanted to laugh. These simple players are really interesting. I don't know how many players will be contracted to death in the future.

The signing took effect, and the Tianmu team will have no jungler from now on!

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