king of prejudgment

Chapter 231 It Doesn't Matter, I Will Shot

Chapter 231 It Doesn't Matter, I Will Shot
How far can the Tianmu team without a jungler go in the All-Stars?

Bei Zheyan felt very satisfied, the All-Stars lost, and then missed the first round of the playoffs.

Perfect script, new year and new atmosphere.

In the era of s4, it is about to change its appearance.

As for Bei Zheyan, he kept his composure now and waited until the night before Team Tianmu was about to set off before announcing the news!

Notify Mrs. Spicy directly that you have successfully transferred to Team Yidi, the All-Star.

You can't beat it!
Of course, if the Tianmu team can choose to forfeit the game because there is no one, the Yidi team, the second-voted team, can actually be a substitute.

At the same time as Bei Zheyan notified, he also hoped that the Tianmu team would abstain directly, so that the Yidi team would benefit from it. Wouldn't it be great to go to the All-Stars to practice their hands first, and beat last year's world runner-up stk?
This news instantly confused Team Tianmu.

what's the situation?
Spicy teacher himself is also confused, isn't it the promised summer game?
As a jungler who has been fighting together for a year, he would never choose to leave the team at this time.

In an instant, he understood that he had been cheated.

There is a problem with that contract!

It seemed that the news at that time did not take the contract seriously enough.

This night, everyone is packing their things and preparing to go to the All-Stars tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, such a big news came.

Li Wu was the first to explode, with red eyes, he grabbed the spicy teacher's clothes and asked, "What do you mean, give us an explanation!"

"I'm sorry, my question." After the spicy teacher figured it out, he immediately resigned to his fate. He was cheated. Now the alliance has received the transfer information and completed the transfer. Now he is a member of the Yidi team. , At this time, everything is like an excuse.

"Let him go, there must be some misunderstanding here." Chen Xuan said.

Li Wu glared at Teacher Spicy, and let go of his hand.

Teacher Spicy looked a little helpless, Chen Xuan said: "If there is any misunderstanding, just explain it clearly. I believe you will not choose to leave the team at this time."

"It's not a misunderstanding. They poach me over there. I really want to go, but I'm talking about going again in the summer split. I don't know what they did to make it happen. I'm sorry for you. If you want to fight It’s okay to kill.” After the hot teacher finished speaking, he bowed deeply.

He also didn't take Chen Xuan's high salary as an issue. The boss felt that Chen Xuan was worth the money, and it wasn't that Chen Xuan himself could get it if he wanted it. This matter wasn't Brother Xuan's problem at all.

It's just that Teacher Spicy himself is dissatisfied with the boss's distribution method, and he wants to prove that he also has the ability to win the championship.

"Why do you want to leave? What's wrong with Tianmu?" Li Wu couldn't figure out why he had survived such a difficult life together, and now that he was rich and rich, it turned out like this. I want to leave Sky Squad.

"Everywhere is good, but I think it's better. It's my fault. I'm sorry for the team." The hot teacher lowered his head and looked at the floor, unable to recover for a long time.

I suddenly couldn't even beat the All-Stars, and I was a little bit sad. Would it really be better to follow such a boss?
At that time, how did I listen to his rhetoric.

At this time, the spicy teacher feels scared for a while. Is the boss who doesn't count, is it really worth following?
"Then what should we do at this time, we will get on the plane tomorrow and play the All-Star game, where can we find a jungler at this time? Even if we find it, we won't be able to complete the formalities." Frando said anxiously.

"I'll try to contact Riot, because the player is unable to play due to force majeure, and see if Riot can allow us to rent a player." Lin Mumu suddenly thought of a trick to rent a player.

Maybe you can try it, and go to it right away.

Teacher Spicy also watched eagerly, hoping that this trick would work.

Otherwise, if the Skyscreen team didn't have an All-Star team, they would really regret it for life.

However, time is really running out.

At this time, it is not enough just to contact the fist people.

The All-Star game will start the day after tomorrow, and tomorrow we will leave for Paris, France.

The competition venue this time is held at the ZenITh Center in France with [-] seats.

Contacts take time, yet everyone is on the plane the next day.

Spicy Teacher can still go. After all, he has already bought the air ticket, but he can't play at all. The lpl team has completed the personnel change.

At this time, the spicy teacher begged: "Let me follow, if the fist agrees to rent, maybe there is still a chance."

"The probability is very low, our request is too hasty, and there are exactly five of us, I have an idea!" Lin Mumu said.

At this time, everyone's eyes were on him.

And his gaze was on Chaoyang: "Let Chaoyang play wild, and I think he can play. After all, we have also won the world championship. No matter how high the gold content of the All-Star is, it can't compare to the S game, right?"

Chaoyang was stunned at this moment, and felt like a tiger's body was shaking again. It had been a long time since he had played a game, even if he was playing in the wild, it seemed that it was not impossible.

"This, can I do it?" Chaoyang struggled.

"Is that the only way?"

"Try it?"

Everyone said in a hurry, it is definitely unrealistic to abandon the game, and they will be sprayed to death by netizens.

So far, lpl has not won an All-Star.

The qualifications of the Tianmu team were also voted by countless players.

If you abstain, it will also hurt the enthusiasm of the voting audience.

That's 70.00% of the audience, voted by one vote.

Chen Xuan was the first to disagree with the rest of the Tianmu team.

Living up to the expectations of these food and clothing parents, Chen Xuan will suffer for the rest of his life.

So, when Chaoyang was a little bit tangled, Chen Xuan spoke.

"Give it a try, it doesn't matter, if there is a problem, I will take action." Chen Xuan said, the connotation means, if you can't play the jungle, you can let Chaoyang go back to play the mid laner, try the jungle by yourself, at least you have been on the Hanbok First.

But in Chaoyang's ears, it means that his mid laner is strong enough, even a half-baked jungler like Chaoyang is not incapable of winning.

With Brother Xuan's encouragement, Chaoyang also agreed, and started to practice hard that night.

Teacher Spicy also tried his best to watch behind the scenes all night.

Do what you can, and if you make a mistake, you can only find a way to make up for it.

The spicy teacher also had a headache, and he was really dizzy at the time.

Jealousy, no wonder it is one of the seven deadly sins.

I'm literally committing a crime.

Taking advantage of Chaoyang's ranking, Mr. Spicy went to the boss, Bei Ming, and apologized in person.

And, explain why.

"I'm sorry, the real situation is that I'm jealous of Brother Xuan. That person told me that Brother Xuan's salary alone exceeds that of the entire team. I can't stand the excitement for a while, so I want to go to other teams to win the championship and prove my worth. "Spicy teacher said sincerely.

Beckmin shook his head: "Football and basketball, there are also superstars who are worth more than the whole team.

It's not because his skills surpass the sum of the four people, but because of his popularity.

If a person's popularity exceeds the sum of his four teammates, then his commercial value is the sum of his teammates. This is the essence. Salary is not based on the level of technical scores, but how many people you can get.

Therefore, this kind of competition is still technically high or low, which seems fairer.

The small fresh meat in the entertainment circle has no acting skills, but the salary is much higher than that of the old actors with good acting skills, which is also the reason.

So, your thinking is actually correct, if you become a superstar in other teams, you can also become a super-valuable star player.

However, don’t think that the salary of a star player is directly proportional to the skill. Have you ever thought that one day you may become such a person, and will you refuse such a high salary? "

Beckmin explained the salary structure in an easy-to-understand manner. The high salaries of star players may seem unfair, but from another perspective, they are fair.

Because the income of the team ultimately depends on the people to realize it.

This is the case in many industries. Skills cannot be quantified, but popularity and popularity can be. Chen Xuan's skills may only be twice as high as others, but his salary is ten or twenty times higher. higher value.

Teacher Mala understood a little bit, nodded and said: "I understand, I won't be jealous of others anymore, I will try my best to be the person who is envied by others."

"Well, I can't blame you for this matter. You were also deceived. Go to the Yidi team and fight well in the future. See you later." Bei Ming said.

Spicy teacher, who thought he would welcome the storm, did not expect such a result. He immediately felt the difference between the two bosses. Teacher Spicy really regretted it.

The next day, everyone boarded a plane to Paris.

Chen Xuan was thinking on the plane, whether he should let Chaoyang play the jungle, or he should go to the jungle by himself.

This is a problem. Although the role of the middle lane has been weakened, it is still the core position of the soul. I always feel that if I play, it will be more stable, and the jungler position, the rhythm engine, and I secretly ranked first in the Korean server, and my level is also low. It may be higher than Chaoyang.

So, let’s take a look first, let Chaoyang fight for a while, if the fight is over, let him continue to fight, if there is a problem, make changes.

At this time, the netizens who knew the news were also blown up.

"Teacher Spicy suddenly transferred to Yidi, so the All-Stars can't play?"

"It's a joke. There's no jungler. Is it funny to go to the All-Stars? You can just swim back."

"Team Yidi has good means. They poach people before the game, and they have deep routines."

"How can you blame others? If you don't sign the contract, who can force you to leave? You can forfeit if you don't want to play. Now the first team in the regular season is the Yidi team, which is more suitable for playing All-Star."

On the Internet, the rhythm is everywhere.

The scolding battle was like a cloud, from looking forward to the Tianmu team's double kill stk, to hoping not to lose too ugly.

At least, let's make it to the semi-finals.

All-stars, six divisions, six teams.

It's too embarrassing not to make it to the semi-finals.

People got the news that Chaoyang was temporarily playing wild.

Team Tianmu's journey is obviously not over yet.

However, it seems to have become the team that everyone is least optimistic about.

The original crew can't get together, is this still a mess?

 Update to
(End of this chapter)

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