The Heavens: Take Kratos to kill the world

Chapter 245 Beyond the Realm, The 4th Wall

Chapter 245 Beyond the Realm, the Fourth Wall

As soon as he thought of the mysteriously missing priestess, Axis already knew who it was.

Ok!It turned out that the other party's target was his own seed, so without thinking, Axis could directly lock on the target, which was definitely Gaia, the mother of the earth.

Wait, that girl, she won't, she won't be the mother of the earth, Gaia, right?
Thinking of this, Axis shuddered all over his body, and felt a chill, no, no, no Gaia, my God, why did such a terrible thing happen?

The legendary super-grandmother Gaia, who has the face of a aunt, did she come to find me?
I want to die.

"Father's sister's mother has a human head and a snake body. You can look for it according to this clue, and bring her here as soon as possible before she is born. The power of the Phoenix in the universe is willing to give her some power." At this moment, little Phoenix, He spoke again.

"You mean that the Phoenix Force chose your sister?" Snake body?Fortunately, it’s fine if it’s not Gaia.

But what is it called?own daughter?I just found out today that I have a daughter who was actually chosen by the Phoenix Force?
Please, she is still in another world, not born yet!How on earth did you choose?Axis' choice for the Phoenix Force.I'm really confused, is this guy a bit of a secondary school student?Or is there something wrong with your brain?
"The reason why she chose my sister is because my Phoenix Force is showing favor to me." Little Phoenix said.

"Wait, kid, you, are you kidding? Do you know how high the level of the Phoenix Force is? You mean she actually, she actually flattered you?" At this moment, Axis looked surprised Ghost expression.

After the observer mentioned the other two time-closed-loop zombie universes, Axis immediately thought of the multiverse of comics. The Phoenix Force in the multiverse of comics is not a trivial matter in the movie universe, but The power of the original space of the real universe comes from the red and white space, which is a proper multiverse level.

With such a great power, why is he willing to let his daughter?A daughter who has not yet been born, and I don't even know, inherits her power.

Now my own child actually told him that it was to please him, did he make a mistake, how strong are you?What kind of ability do you have that makes the Phoenix Force want to curry favor with you?

"Come on, little Phoenix, tell Dad, why does she want to please you with the power of the phoenix? In addition to your father's divine power, and your mother's chaotic magic, besides your father's divine power, have you inherited any power?" Ake Sith asked.

This kid won't have inherited his time-traveling ability, but his own time-traveling ability is given by the system, so it's not about blood inheritance?

"Yes, father, but this power is also inherited from you? It's just that this world has the same power as him, so this power has also found me." Little Phoenix said.

Damn, it can't really be the time-traveling ability, right?But isn't this the dog system?Dog system, did you do something to me?I love your sister.

"Come on, tell Dad, what power have you got?" Axis asked.

"The power I got is called the power of transcendence, and it comes from the realm of transcendence." Little Phoenix said.

"Wait! You, you say it again, what you just said is the power of transcendence, right? Is it from the realm of transcendence?" Suddenly, Axis began to tremble all over, and pointed at the little boy tremblingly. Phoenix's voice was trembling.

The transcendent, the transcendent, no way!No way!It turned out that the energy beyond the domain chose my child, but how is this possible, this is a transcendent!

The transcendent who has never been able to eat turtles hangs and beats the entire cosmic god group. The five creation gods are like toys in his hands, and the court of life is like ants in front of him. The six infinite gems are still comic versions. As insignificant as a fart.

Hell demon Mephisto, in front of him, is like a little follower.

In the entire Marvel universe, only OAA can be compared with him, and he can play with any rules at will.

Even if he said that water is hot, fire is cold, fish run on the ground, and cats swim in water, then all these will become true, and all physical phenomena will change in this way. There is a fart in front of you.

He said that whoever eats this small apple will gain the strongest power in the universe, and whoever eats this ordinary apple will become the strongest existence in the universe.

He said a person, you will have eternal life, then that person will have eternal life, there is no reason, there is no logic at all.

He said that a dead person will be resurrected, then that person will be resurrected immediately, and no force can stop his resurrection, and it is perfect.

It can be said that the words follow the law, and they are more buggy than the saints in the prehistoric world. At least the saints are restrained, while the original transcendent has no restraints at all.

He can easily destroy and tamper with the entire omnipotent universe, because it has surpassed everything.

There are many settings for it, some say it is an incomplete cosmic cube, and some say it is a juvenile body that surpasses the gods, but none of these can describe it.

So far, there is no general setting for the original transcendent, because countless Marvel editors have overturned it, but there is only one thing that cannot be denied, and that is the power possessed by the transcendent.

Absolutely powerful and incomparable, the entire Marvel multiverse, in the realm of transcendence, is as inconspicuous as a drop of water, and the original transcendent is equivalent to the entire realm of transcendence.

But why does my son say that he has energy beyond the domain?Are you kidding me?And he also said that this power is inherited from himself.

It just resonated with the power beyond the realm, but Nima, why didn't it resonate with me?How many catties and taels I have, don’t you know?

If I had the power of transcendence, even if it was just a little bit, I would have already beaten the super god, okay?

"Phoenix, you have to understand something clearly. I have no power to surpass. Tell me why he chose you?" Axis asked.

"No, you have a father, think about it carefully, where are you from? Transcendence told me that the power of Transcendence is equivalent to the power of Marvel editors, they say you are from the same world as the real Marvel editor, not the fake one The editorial universe, but the real editorial world," says Phoenix Jr.

"Well, I do come from the same universe as those real facial micro-editers, but I am an ordinary person. Before I crossed over, I was an ordinary person, and I have no power to transcend."

"You have, they told me, no character, not even Deadpool, has ever broken the fourth wall, what they have broken is a false fourth wall, and the Marvel editorial office they went to was just Marvel The place where the Wei editors want them to see, the Marvel editorial department in the real world, has never been visited by any Marvel character, no matter whether it is a villain or a decent character, no character has ever broken the fourth wall, but But you came from a place beyond the fourth wall, and the same time you came here means you have the power to transcend." Little Phoenix said.

this!If so, then all comic characters, those comic characters who are set to break the fourth wall, none of them have broken through the fourth wall.

There is an editorial universe in Marvel, and there is also an editorial universe in DC. These characters they opened up are all passages to the editorial universe, and they have not really come to reality.

But I did come from a place beyond the fourth wall, so after I came to the Marvel world, it was equivalent to coming from the same place as the transcendent.

But why is Nima not as strong as a transcendent?
"Okay kid! To be honest, you really scared me. I can't imagine that I have such a big background, and because of my inheritance, I gave you a little power of transcendence. How can you say that you can mobilize the power in the realm of transcendence now?" How about your dad conjuring a set of six infinity stones from the comic world?" Axis said.

"Axis, what the hell are you two talking about? Why can't I understand at all?" Wanda on the side kept listening to what was beyond the universe, what transcended the realm, and what There's a fourth wall, what the hell are they doing?

"Mom, I'll explain this to you later. Father, I can't mobilize the power beyond the domain right now. This power is too dangerous for me now. You have to wait for me to grow up, and grow up naturally , you can’t use any time skills on me.” Little Phoenix said.

What a joke, he has just established a connection with the Beyond Realm.But with his current small body, he couldn't bear the power of transcendence at all.

Also, do you think it is very easy to conjure a set of infinity gems?The original transcendent used half of his power to completely erase death.

The concept of death is directly erased, so that all life can only live but not die.

And I just established a connection with the transcendent domain, it doesn't mean that I am the master of the transcendent domain, okay?
"Um! Alright!" My son has the power to transcend and is also immune to the zombie virus, so the observer is so concerned about his child.

"It seems that you already know it. You know Secret Wars. It's a story that happened in another multiverse. Your child has obtained a part of his power. Believe me, as long as your child grows up, all the zombie world The hero is like a toy in front of him, and there is no threat at all." After Axis came out, the observer appeared and said.

"Okay! If the power in his body is the real power of transcendence, then I agree, it's like traveling with him to the world of zombies." With the power of transcendence, be afraid of a ghost!

Everyone will be hanged and beaten by my son Phoenix, okay?The power beyond the domain is such an awesome bug.

(End of this chapter)

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