The Heavens: Take Kratos to kill the world

Chapter 246 The True Purpose of the Observers 1 Clan

Chapter 246 The True Purpose of the Observers
"It seems that you have made a decision? Are you willing to help us?" the observer asked.

"Yes, I can help you with this matter, but I have to wait until your two universes can't hold on. When there is really no way, my child needs to grow up. The more time he grows, the stronger his strength will be. The probability of this incident is greater," Axis said.

"Yes, judging from the current situation, the zombie universe can last for more than ten years. At that time, we will use some time-type spells or time props, which should be able to delay until your child reaches adulthood, and wait until your child As an adult, it is extremely easy for him to solve this incident, and you can choose to follow along to see it, or not to go." The observer said.

"Cut! You said lightly, how disgusting is this world of yours? Don't you know it? A small matter, a mishandling, may eventually turn into a crisis, and the entire multiverse and even the Almighty The crisis of the universe." Axis said.

"." At this moment, he really wanted to say that the DC world, where they once traveled in their omnipotent universe, seemed not much weaker than their universe.

There are also all kinds of restarts and crises of annihilation flying all over the sky. At least they have not experienced any restarts here at Marvel, it's just that there are a lot of parallel universes.

"Let me first give your wife the power to travel through the multiverse. Of course, this power can only allow him to travel within this multiverse. This multiverse is relatively safe, and there will be no too much trouble." Too dangerous to happen," said the observer.

Compared with the comic universe, the universe of movies, TV series and anime is simply a world like a safe house.Thanos snapped his fingers, Kang the Conqueror, if this were placed in the comic universe, it would be drizzle!
Only when Galactus invades, the God of Darkness Moore launches a major event, Thanos, the heart of the universe, restarts the Almighty Universe, and secret wars are called crises.

Even if this child is just born, in this safe multiverse, she is an invincible existence. Coupled with her mother's cosmic power and chaos magic, there is no problem with the safety of their mother and child.

"I see, you have the nerve to say, all the worlds I know, only one DC can be compared with you."

"So do you want to stay here, or do you want to travel to another universe?" the observer asked.

"I want to stay in this universe. Just give Wanda the method of crossing this multiverse. Can you give me the coordinates?" Axis asked.

"I can give you the coordinates of this multiverse, but Mr. Axis, I hope you will not do something that endangers the universe." The observer said.

"I just want to find a way to become stronger. I have never been a destroyer, and I won't." The only time I actively wanted to destroy the world was when I was dealing with chat groups, but I didn't do it either.

"Okay!" The observer nodded, a burst of golden light came out of his hand, entered Wanda's body, and gave her the ability to travel in the multiverse.

"I have given your wife the ability to travel through the multiverse, as well as a copy of the detailed coordinates of this multiverse. I hope you will enjoy traveling in various worlds." The observer said.

"Of course, we will have a good time traveling." It seems that I have to establish a permanent portal in the Marvel world, otherwise Wanda and Little Phoenix will stay here, and Axis will not be able to provide support if something happens.

Build a permanent portal here, and give Wanda and little Phoenix each an authority. If there is any crisis that cannot be dealt with, they can use the power of this portal to escape immediately.

"Then, goodbye, Mr. Axis. The next time we meet, it's time for us to go to the zombie universe." The observer said.

"En!" Axis nodded.

The observer also nodded to Axis, and then disappeared.

"Hey, buddy, when I was observing you in the multiverse, I saw you mentioned the method of resurrecting the dead. If possible, I hope you can give me this method in return. When you go to that zombie universe , I can go there with you and help you fight." After seeing the observer leave, Dr. Black Strange came to Axis and said.

He really, really needs this power of resurrection. He became like this because of his girlfriend, so if there is any chance of resurrection, he wants to try it no matter what.

"It's not a problem, and you won't need help. I have a good impression of you. This is the cultivation method of the small universe. There is also a famous clothes and a spell that can resurrect the dead into undead. I don't think it will be difficult for you to practice. Can you be perfect afterward?" Resurrection depends on your girlfriend's ability. If he can cultivate to the eighth sense of the small universe, he can do it. Of course, if he can't resurrect perfectly, this kind of false resurrection is quite powerful. Except for wearing armor for a while, There are no side effects."

Axis originally wanted to use Tenseiken's resurrection technique to resurrect Doctor Strange's girlfriend, but after thinking about it, he decided to use the method of the underworld warrior. He didn't want to easily reveal his perfect resurrection ability unless it was absolutely necessary.

With the resurrection ability of turning around, even if he revived a mortal, he would consume a lot of power. If it was a god or a high-level life form, then it would directly consume his own life.He really didn't want a big boss to come over one day and force himself to use this trick.

So the best way is to know as few people as possible. The ghost fighter resurrection method only needs Axis to provide a dark clothing, the cultivation method of the small universe, and the resurrection spell of the undead in World of Warcraft. You can be the hands-off shopkeeper directly, why not do it?

"Thank you very much, Axis." Doctor Strange said excitedly, his wife's body was beside him, and he could use the death spell to revive him anytime, anywhere, and the rest was up to him.

Moreover, this kind of undead magic is simply too rough in the eyes of Dr. Black Strange. There is a lot of room for improvement in both the resurrection technique and the cultivation method of the small universe. He feels that he should be able to improve better.

After self-improvement, this resurrection method might be more perfect.At that time, my wife can also be resurrected with a more perfect posture, instead of the false resurrection, and I must understand the eighth sense to be perfectly resurrected.

After chatting with Doctor Strange for a few more words, Axis decided to leave and leave. After all, this is a place of nothingness with nothing.

Soon, Axis left the small space where Doctor Strange and the Observer were with Wanda and Kratos, and returned to the main universe of the movie.

After Axis Kratos, and Wanda mother and son left together, the Observer appeared in front of Doctor Strange again.

"He finally agreed. I had already prepared for the worst."

"When that child grows up completely, his strength will far exceed that of the multiverse. Although he can only use a little bit of energy that transcends the domain, it will make him an existence that surpasses the five creation gods. He can easily solve the two zombie universes." ” said Dr. Black Strange.

"I'm relieved, Doctor Strange, you did a good job this time, I allow you to resurrect your wife and leave here, looking for a life in the universe that lost Doctor Strange." The observer said.

"Thank you, great observer. To be honest, I really like it here. But if my wife comes back to life, she might not want to spend her whole life with me in a tavern." Dr. Black Strange said.

"Well! You can leave Doctor Strange at any time now, and I hope we won't meet again." The observer said.

"Me too, because as long as I see you, it means that there is an extremely terrifying crisis in the universe, and it is at the level of the multiverse." Doctor Strange said goodbye to the observer and left this mysterious nothingness Bistro.

The observer waved his hand and completely disappeared the tavern.

Then a golden light flashed in his eyes, and he appeared in a strange space, where there were several observers with big bald heads and capes, all of them were members of the observer family, and none of them were at the multiverse level exist.

"Is the situation over there settled?"

"It's no problem. He believed everything I said. He believed us. The crisis of the two zombie universes successfully made him think that we need the power of his children to save the two zombie worlds." The observer said.

"Very good! It's really great, closely monitoring that child, this is the only chance for our family, if this plan is successful, we will leave here, and leave this false world of nothingness."

"Our plan will be successful. The man named Axis never imagined that our goal is not his son at all. Even the transcendent energy in his child's body, the transcendent energy from the transcendent realm, is all given by us."

"It's just using an imperfect cosmic cube. This kind of thing can be done as long as you have a cosmic cube."

"This matter must not let him find out anything. As long as he grows to the level of the multiverse, we can start planning and escape from this world."

"We have to do a full set of acting, and let his children go to the zombie universe once they grow up."

"I see."

All observers secretly ended this special meeting.

We will meet again, Axis, I am afraid you would never have imagined that our goal is not your child at all, and saving the two zombie universes is simply fake, and even the transcendent energy in your child is our use of the universe Cube made.

Our only purpose is to use your power to leave this pre-set world and get rid of our family's fate of observation for generations.

(End of this chapter)

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