The Heavens: Take Kratos to kill the world

Chapter 358 Resurrection!god!Why!

Chapter 358 Resurrection!god!Why!
"Please don't joke, miss, don't you think it's too ridiculous to resurrect the dead?" Flash Barry Allen said.

Every superhero has desires, and every superhero has regrets deep in his heart.

Therefore, if there is a female angel who can resurrect the dead, and she really succeeds, then Flash Barry Allen can hardly imagine how many people will beg this female angel to help her resurrect their relatives and friends.

So isn't the world going to be messed up?Will Batman want to resurrect his adopted son?Ye Yi?Would he want to resurrect his mother?Will Neptune want to resurrect his father and mother?Under the green light, Hal Jordan also has someone who wants to be resurrected, Kyle Rayner.

There are also many Green Lanterns who have died in battle on Earth, these are just a few main members of the Justice League, and once some other people know that there is an existence that can resurrect the dead, it is simply a disaster.

"Clark Flash is right. I've never heard of such a thing as resurrecting the dead. Even the ancient Greek gods can't do these things." Wonder Woman said with a frown.

what are you kiddingYou bastard, bring Louise Lane back to life, then what am I?What am I who is by Clark's side now?
Superman is a god on earth like him, his wife can only be me, not Louise Lane, that mortal, but if Louise Lane is resurrected, then she is completely hopeless.

"Shut up, don't talk yet, Barry, and there's Diana." At this moment, Superman waved his hand, interrupting everyone's speech.

With the injection of powerful light power and Axis' secret help, at this very moment, a miracle is happening.

Boom!Boom!There was a faint heartbeat.From Louise Lane's coffin, this faint heartbeat was not heard by others.

"Louis, my Louise, my God." Superman's see-through eyes allowed him to clearly see that at this time, Louise Lane, who was lying in the gate like a Sleeping Beauty, was slowly opening his eyes. own eyes.

Things are really getting more and more troublesome, and this is a crisis of dire proportions.If this matter is not handled properly, the entire Superman regime may collapse.

"I understand, wait a moment, after I comfort my wife, I will come to meet you alone, and thank you in person." After finishing speaking, Superman picked up his wife Louise Lane and returned Watchtower.

She thought all this was just a dream. She dreamed that a bomb was implanted in her heart by a clown, and then Clark punched herself angrily and took herself into space. After that, she didn't know anything Yes, but now it seems that this is just a dream.

"I'm pretty sure Diana, she is Louise Lane, my wife." Superman looked at Wonder Woman and said.

"Sorry, Louise, that's not a dream, it's something that really happened, it happened five years ago."

Even Superman saw a trace of killing intent in Diana's eyes. If it wasn't for Diana being his close friend, if it wasn't for the relationship he had cultivated in the past five years, Superman would not hesitate to twist her head off.

"Those who were killed because of the Apocalypse invasion."

"Five, five years? God, Clark, you have to tell me what happened."

"Oh, I knew you would never let me down, Clark, you finally came to save me." Louise had a happy smile on her face, and she put her arms around Superman's neck.

After witnessing the scene of an angel resurrecting the dead, everyone, no matter men, women, young or old, only think about one thing now, which is to ask this lady angel to help resurrect their relatives or friends.

"Let's go, let's go to the watchtower. My mission is Superman. These ordinary people have nothing to do with me." After speaking, Sarah flapped her wings and flew into the sky. The headquarters of the Alliance, or now the headquarters of the Superman regime.

"Wonder Woman, what did you just say? What do you mean by that? Wait, I, I'm in the cemetery, why am I in the cemetery? This is a coffin, did the Joker put me here? Oh, this It's really his style to bury a living person in the cemetery." Louise Lane said jokingly.

"Wait, Clark, maybe this is some kind of trap, maybe he's a demon pretending to be Louise Lane who never came back to life, what you see is just a fantasy." Wonder Woman gritted her teeth and said.Damn, things have been going so well, where did you goddamn angel come from?
Superman was also taken aback. He remembered what happened in the third year of the Justice League, the magic crisis.At that time.I fell into an illusion, a peerless dream.

Who is God?My master is Elrath, the dragon of light, and the master of the dragon of light is Axis, so you pray to God, what does it matter to me?

The Flash stood there speechless. To be honest, just now he had an impulse to rush up and let this angel resurrect his mother who had been dead for many years, and even those superheroes who died because of Superman's mistakes.

"Okay, Miss Angel, please go to the watchtower with us, and Superman will meet you there later." Flash said.

In that wonderful dream.He successfully rescued Louise Lane, and then Batman angrily killed the Joker.

And everyone looked at Clark's eyes.Why is it so strange?It stands to reason that when Clark appears normally, as Superman, everyone will applaud wildly, with a happy smile on his face!

The Flash covered his eyes helplessly, please, the worst thing I was most worried about finally happened.

And this is just the beginning, the next Miss Angel may cause a new crisis, unprecedented.

At this moment, her memory was still at the time when she was kidnapped by the clown. He didn't know that she had already died once.He has been sent to space by Superman as Doomsday, suffocated to death.

Her dead body was recovering its temperature, blood was flowing, and her heart was beating again.

He is no longer the simple and incomparable before.Kind and amiable Superman too.In the past five years, he has grown into a downright cruel tyrant, and his super brain has made him smarter than everyone else.

"Save our relatives, Miss Angel, and bring them back to life." Obviously, at this moment, everyone was excited.

"Come back, Miss Angel, you come back."

Raising her daughter by himself, making her a superhero like himself, everything is so beautiful, but when a dream wakes up, Superman is even more angry.

"Am I dead? Clark told me, am I dead? I dreamed before, I dreamed that the clown planted a bomb in my heart, and then you punched me angrily and took me to the Outer space, then I lost consciousness and then, then, I seemed to be drifting very helplessly somewhere," Louise Lane said.

Her child is gone, her child is gone, how is this possible?besides.Is it really okay for Clark to hug himself openly in this kind of place?After all, she is nominally the wife of reporter Clark!

"And my sister."

"Wait, you guys, what are you talking about? I don't seem to understand, and me, what's the matter with my stomach, where is my child?" At this moment, Louise Lane finally noticed her stomach , The abdomen that was slightly raised was now completely flattened.

But Superman with super hearing, he heard it.

But that's the bottom line for him, Louise Lane, what if Diana dares to play tricks?Then Superman wouldn't have any hesitation, and would directly burn through his head with heat.

There were even tears of excitement in his eyes.The god on earth, at this moment, reveals his mortal side. He is no longer a god, but a husband who has regained his wife.

"And me, and me, my brother, my brother was a soldier of the superhuman regime, died unexpectedly a few years ago, he shouldn't have died so young, he still has a wife, he still has two children to support , please save my brother." A man knelt on the ground and said.

"I'm sorry, it's my Lord's will." Sarah said the same thing.

"Louis, my love, I know you are confused now, I will tell you everything I know, I hope you can accept it all." Superman looked at his wife and said.

"And my brother, my good friend."

"I don't care about other people's thoughts at all. I am here only to fulfill my lord's order."

Because he knew that Batman didn't kill the Joker, and kept this scourge, what a happy life he missed.

Without any hesitation, between Superman.After digging through the cemetery, he carried out the coffin and hastily opened the lid of the coffin.

"Miss, my wife, my wife passed away due to an accident a few years ago, please, please save her." The old man suddenly knelt in front of Sarah and said.

"Miss, I mean you, you can resurrect the dead, right?" At this moment, an old man tremblingly walked over with a cane.

"They should all be saved, Miss Angel save them." Countless ordinary people surrounded Sarah.

"I'm sorry, Miss Sarah, she has such a temper, he doesn't mean anything malicious, haha." Yellow Lantern Man Hal said.

Louise, who just opened her eyes, was a little dazed. She looked around and saw the person she was thinking about day and night.

Didn't even notice that the pregnant belly had been flattened, she was resurrected, but his and Superman's child was not.

"Louise, I can't believe that you have come back to me. Sorry, I will never let you leave me again, forever and ever." Superman hugged his wife excitedly.

"Okay, Miss Angel, I'm afraid you did something earth-shattering. Please, Superman was supposed to investigate the mysterious disappearance of the Lexus Company with us today, but now I'm afraid we have to investigate alone." Yellow Lantern Ha'er said.

"Okay, everyone be quiet, the Justice League will take care of these things, Miss Angel Sarah, please leave with us immediately, otherwise, I think something very bad will happen." Hal Jordan changed into a yellow The giant hood directly isolates ordinary people outside.

"I'm sorry everyone, angels can indeed resurrect the dead, but there are many restrictions, and without my lord's order, I can't resurrect any mortals." Sarah bowed to everyone and said.

But at this moment, Superman can be sure that he has not been attacked by magic or countless curses, and the Louise Lane in front of him is also real.

"Of course, but now please go back to the watchtower with me first! Hal, and Barry, Diana, take care of the next thing, and welcome our new friend by the way, this female angel, your name is ?” Well, obviously, no one had time to ask this beautiful female angel just now, what was her name.

"My name is Sarah, Clark, and Louise Lane. I came here with a mission. I hope you can listen to me after the reunion." Sarah followed Axis's script , said.

"No, Miss Angel, my wife and I, we are Christians, we are very devout, we pray to God every day, but the Lord has never responded to us, but today the Lord responded to a tyrant, and indeed did not respond to us A devout believer, Superman didn't even pray, why?" The first old man who knelt on the ground threw off his cane angrily, and said.

As for Wonder Woman, she kept her face black all the time, ignored Sarah at all, turned around and flew directly to her paradise island.

All kinds of disobedience and weird feelings made Louise Lane suddenly have a bad guess in his heart.

He knew what Diana was thinking. Diana was interested in him, and she didn't want Louise to be resurrected.

An angel who can resurrect the dead came, but he saved the wife of the tyrant Superman, the wife of the tyrant who ruled the planet.

"Why didn't you save my brother?"

"It's not fair, it's not fair, why did you resurrect Superman's wife?"

"Don't abandon us."

Countless crowds knelt down on the ground and made gestures of prayer, but Sarah ruthlessly followed Hal Jordan and left without any nostalgia.

After discovering Miss Angel's ruthless departure, everyone's faith collectively collapsed.

"No! Why God!"

(End of this chapter)

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