The Heavens: Take Kratos to kill the world

Chapter 359 Protest!doomsday lost

Chapter 359 Protest!doomsday lost

The big news broke out. Lex Luthor's company suddenly disappeared mysteriously last night, and all the staff and security personnel passed out on the spot, which caused a very big commotion.

The disappearance of Lex Luthor Company, which should have dominated the headlines, was directly squeezed into a small corner by the newspapers.

In the face of today's angel news, the disappearance of the building is nothing more than a small news.

Today, no matter if it is Planet Daily, or any other daily newspaper, or what kind of media, there is only one headline on their front page, and that is a female angel wearing a platinum robe with a pair of golden wings growing on her back.

Originally, the mission of the Justice League today should be to settle this matter, but Sarah suddenly appeared and revived Louise Lane, completely disrupting everything in this world.

It turns out that the dead can really be resurrected, and the lives that have passed away can really be saved.The legend that angels can raise the dead is true.

Angels really exist, so that means God also really exists. Could it be said that God is also a stronger alien?
The female angel came to the world to save the world, performed an unparalleled miracle, and resurrected Superman's wife Louise Lane who had been dead for five years.

But he only saved Superman's wife. She didn't save the devout believers of God, but he saved the soul of the most terrifying and evil tyrant on the planet.

This makes it impossible for ordinary people to accept it, they cannot accept it, they cannot accept this horrible thing.

God sent his angel to save a tyrant's wife.

Countless people took to the streets to shout, raised signs against Superman, and even began to scold the church and God.

All the people, all the resentment and anger towards Superman for these years, were collectively ignited at this moment.

Even more serious than the previous incident of the Clown Gang, this time, the people's anger against Superman has reached a peak.

"Protest! We protest! Why? Why do you abandon your followers to save a tyrant?" An old man held up a portrait of an angel, but with a giant octopus on it.

"Go to hell, bastard Superman, even God loves you, but what have you done all these years?" A black woman raised her horn and shouted loudly.

Countless civilians took to the streets, and large-scale demonstrations broke out in various cities such as Seaside City, the newly built metropolis, Gotham City, Central City, and Star City, and they all resisted one person.


The entire Justice League is in action.Superman's army was dispatched collectively, and even Lex Luthor didn't have time to worry about the mysterious disappearance of his company building. He had to go out to appease the already furious people.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on? Who the hell can explain it to me?" Lex Luthor said angrily.

Originally everything was fine, originally everything was developing in a good direction, he had contacted and cooperated with Batman, he had already got what they wanted, and he would soon be able to open the channel to another world, and then Summon the Justice League from another world.

Let them defeat Superman and save the world, but their plan failed overnight, and their building disappeared inexplicably.

The machine that could travel through the universe is also missing, but now, an angel actually came to the world and revived Superman's wife, what the hell is this?

Do you still think this world is not chaotic enough? God, what the hell are you doing?
"I don't know what happened. This morning, that female angel suddenly appeared in the cemetery of New Metropolis, and then attracted everyone's attention, and then exposed Superman's wife in front of countless people. Louise Lane has come back to life." Yellow Lantern Hal Jordan said speechlessly.

"This is a super crisis, and if it is not handled well, our entire regime may collapse."

"I know, I understand, but what can I do? Do I want to stop that female angel from resurrecting Superman's wife? Superman will kill me directly?" Hal Jordan said.

A lot has changed in five years, Superman has changed completely, he has changed completely since the first time his hands were stained with blood.

He's no longer the superhero who doesn't kill, he's become a do what I want!ancestors.

Of course, he still has a little moral bottom line.but.Everyone knows that's not much, just a little.

"I always feel that there is something wrong with this angel, Hal and Barry, why do you think about it? Why does she resurrect Superman's wife and make it known to everyone in full view?" Lex Luthor said.

"This female angel has come to the headquarters of the Justice League with us. If you have any questions, you can ask her now, but I advise you not to have too much hope." Hal Jordan said.

They had asked them very friendly before, but no matter what kind of questions they asked, this female angel had only one answer. She was ordered by the Lord, and all instructions were arranged by her Lord.

But by a strange coincidence, no one asked who the Lord was in the angel's mouth.
But all superheroes, or all the people in this world, think that the Lord mentioned by the angel is him, the supreme god, God.

But none of them imagined that the Lord in the angel's mouth was the dragon of light, Axis, not the person they imagined.

"Okay. Lord, then Lord, what is he trying to do?" Luther slammed his fist on the coffee table.asked.

"You should ask that female angel about this kind of thing, instead of questioning me here. You think I don't want to know? I'm still in a fucking state, and I don't know how to deal with this matter." Hal Jordan said.

"Cut! Tell me, where is Superman? Where is that bastard Clark? And where is Wonder Woman? Now they need to come out and preside over the overall situation." The Big Three have fallen apart.

The original Batman defected, and now Wonder Woman is also missing. What is the current Justice League?
"The heroine has returned to Paradise Island. Clark is in the room over there, spending time with his wife, Louise Lane. If you don't mind or are not afraid, you can go in and ask Luther." The Flash said.

"." Lex Luthor fell silent, the veins on his bald head popping out.

Damn it, if I dare to ask him.Will I still stand here and yell loudly at you?I've gone in and asked Superman, but will he answer me?If you don't do it well, you have the risk of being killed.He knows better than anyone what the virtues of Superman are now.

The alien bastard had finally grown into what he least wanted to see, and that was why he was targeting Superman everywhere.Possessing the power of a god, but maintaining a mortal heart, but when this mortal heart disappears, then his god side will be revealed.

"Okay, please stop arguing, everyone, let's deal with the matter in front of us first. Now demonstrations are breaking out all over the world, especially in Europe and the United States, but other places are fine." Eagle Maiden said.

"What else can we do? We can only appease the people now. For example, make up a reason or something. Luther is the best at this, so hurry up and think of a way." The Flash said.

"That's it! You go out and tell all the demonstrators that the angel was able to resurrect Superman's wife because of the power of the Lord.

Without the power of the Lord, an angel cannot resurrect a mortal who has been dead for a long time, and an angel can only resurrect one at a time, and it is impossible to resurrect the dead all over the world, so let's start with it! said Lex Luthor.

What else can I do?Now I can only wipe the ass of this angel by myself, and I can only make up some words that can make these ordinary people believe.

"Okay! Everyone, let's go, let's go."

All the people in the Superman regime glanced at each other, flew out of the headquarters collectively, and began to go to all over the world to appease the people who had completely rioted.

Of course, there is one person who did not go out, and that is the son of Batman, the fifth-generation Robin Damian.

Now Damian has grown into a handsome 19-year-old boy with strong muscles, which rivals his father Batman.

He also has an extremely clever mind and extremely agile skills. Once, he was the one who discovered the Martian Manhunter pretending to be Hawkgirl.

Destroyed Batman's strategy, causing Batman's plan to fall short, and also caused the Martian Manhunter to be killed by Superman in anger.

"What's the matter? Kid, what's the matter with you?" Luthor asked.

"I think this is a conspiracy. What happened today is too coincidental. I can feel that there is an enemy hiding in the dark, and a pair of invisible hands are manipulating everything." Damian said.

"As expected of Batman's son, you are right, I also found out, but now we don't even know who he is, what he wants to do, or even whether he exists or not." Luthor said arrive.

To be honest, he can't imagine who the black hand behind the scenes is. He can make his Lex Tower disappear completely without anyone noticing, and he can send an angel to the world to revive Superman's wife. This is an act of God, okay? good?

Could it be that God wants to clean them up?But why do you want to do this?Why resurrect Superman's wife first?

"Let's analyze Luther and tell me all the information you know and your guesses." Damian said.

"Hehe, you're not Batman after all, get out, don't bother me," Luthor said.

"No one in the entire Justice League is better at analyzing intelligence than me. Although you are very smart Luthor, this is not something you are good at. Tell me everything you know and your conjectures, and let me analyze them." Mian crossed his arms and said confidently.

"." Lex Luthor was silent for a moment.

"Well, kid, first of all last night, someone who didn't know who, or what force existed, secretly took away my Lex Luthor Building, but there were no casualties. All the security personnel and All the internal personnel of the company are lying outside intact.

Originally, all the members of the entire Justice League today, including Superman, should help me search for the missing Lex Luthor Building. I'm afraid you don't know what is hidden in that building. said Luthor.

"Really? I guess it's something that can destroy the entire Justice League, overthrow the Superman regime, and even kill him, Luthor, I know you have a lot of things hidden." Damian said.

"Huh! You know, Superman let me control the Doomsday guy with a super chip, and there is also a clone of Superman who disappeared with Doomsday. This clone has matured, and all his abilities are comparable to Superman is exactly the same, think about it, if these two things join forces, Superman is dead," Luthor said.

Whether it's the clone of Superman or the Kryptonian ultimate weapon, Destruction Day, they are all very troublesome existences, but now the two of them are missing together.

And there are still a lot of things in his own building. Although some things can't pose any threat to Superman, it is still easy to deal with most of the Justice League.

"You mean Doomsday? Damn there is also a clone of Superman, why don't you bastard die?" Damian said angrily.

"Superman's clone is a surprise I prepared for him. As for Doomsday, it was Superman's order. He asked me to transform Doomsday, and he also used his Kryptonian technology. Otherwise, you would think that Earth's technology Level, can a chip that controls Doomsday be manufactured?" Luthor said.

"You're right, now is not the time to quarrel, and then this female angel appeared, she resurrected Superman's wife, and then came to the Justice League, and also proposed to talk to Superman alone." Damie Ann said.

"Yes, that's right. Hal Jordan told me just now that this female angel hopes that after Superman's emotions stabilize, he can meet and talk with her alone," Luthor said.

"We can't let this female angel talk to Superman alone. No matter what, I or you have to have one with Superman, and we can be together in the end." Damian said.

He is now [-] to [-]% sure that this time the enemy's target is Superman, or an unknown existence that wants to do something to Superman.

"It's not up to you and me," Luthor said.

You'll have to ask Superman about that and see what he says.

"When Superman comes out, let's talk together. We must not let him and the female angel be alone." Damian said.

No way, that's what his sixth sense told him.

"I see, I wish we had thought more." But boy, I'll tell your dad Batman about it.

(End of this chapter)

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