Actor: I am drawing skills in movies

Chapter 142 The entanglement in the depths of the heart, one side is an angel and the other is a dev

Chapter 142 The entanglement in the depths of the heart, one side is an angel and the other is a demon!
And Lin Shu, who had been watching on the set, couldn't help feeling a little tingly.

Because of one or two shots, Cao Ping pulled all the actors in the crew to reshoot over and over again.

He suddenly felt that if Cao Ping was allowed to continue shooting like this.

Not to mention finishing the filming before October, I'm afraid the filming may not be finished until December.

But in this way, when will the movie prepared by the company be delayed!
But asking him to go over and persuade Cao Ping to shoot faster is unrealistic.

In order to make this movie well, he spent a lot of time and energy.

The purpose is to rely on this movie to hit the film festival award.

If the filming is too fast, the quality will not be guaranteed at that time, and there will be no place to cry.

Besides, Cao Ping doesn't necessarily listen to him!
Thinking of this, Lin Shu took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of his agent Chen Manni.

A few rings!

"Sister Chen? I'm Lin Shu!"

"Aren't you filming? Do you want to ask about the endorsement?" Chen Manni asked suspiciously.

"No!" Lin Shu shook his head, "It's like this. Director Cao's filming cycle may be longer than expected. Isn't the company still has a movie to shoot? If the stipulated time is exceeded, what will the company do then?"

Hearing Lin Shu's words, Chen Manni couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"How long will it take you there!"

"According to Director Cao's filming progress, it is impossible to finish filming before October!"

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Manni on the other end of the phone fell silent.

I don't know how long it took before her voice came through the receiver again.

"Boss Lin is still in the company, let me ask for you, and I will give you an accurate answer in a few days!"


"Should be!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Shu went outside the set again to feel the gradually sweltering breeze at the end of June.

It's just... After blowing for more than an hour, he couldn't stand it anymore!

He felt as if he had that serious illness.

He didn't even have a role in it, and he was still watching from the sidelines.

As for the scene between Guo Tao and Duan Yihong, he can recite all the details backwards, and he can even read a thread.

After saying hello to the field manager, Lin Shu chose to go back to the hotel directly.

When Duan Yihong with two big dark circles appeared in front of him the next day, he realized how correct the decision last night was.

"I didn't say, what time did you take pictures last night!"

"Twelve o'clock in the evening!" Duan Yihong yawned.

"Then today's scene... can we still shoot? If it's not possible, I'll tell Director Cao that we can shoot again in the afternoon!" Lin Shu said worriedly.

"No problem, just ask the makeup artist to touch up the makeup." Duan Yihong waved his hand, disapprovingly said.

"When the time comes, it really won't work, so let's shoot my part first!"


After a short chat with Duan Yihong, Lin Shu came to the dressing room and changed into Xin Xiaofeng's clothes.

After more than ten minutes, the crew came to a famous building in Ludao!
After taking all precautionary measures, Lin Shu and Duan Yihong came outside the tall building.

Not far ahead, there were two criminals holding prop guns.

"It's the first time I'm filming at such a height, I'm really nervous!" Lin Shu glanced at the crowd under the tall building, and subconsciously swallowed.

Even with the protection of professional equipment, standing at such a height is still a little daunting.

"It's okay, there is this!" Duan Yihong pulled the safety rope on his body, showing a forced smile.

"If your legs don't shake, I might believe it!"

"Nonsense, who is not afraid of being so tall! Just ask Brother Cheng to come, see if he is afraid of being so tall." Duan Yihong said in a bad mood.

"Why don't we shoot after we get acquainted with each other a little bit!" Lin Shu suggested.

"No, what you want is this kind of fear, otherwise you will get familiar with it later, and the effect will not be good!"

Although Duan Yihong has some complaints about Cao Ping's attitude of striving for excellence, he is still very serious and responsible when it comes to filming.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be scolding Cao Ping as a pervert, and at the same time honestly follow his request to reshoot.

When all the equipment was ready, the scribe, with trembling legs, gently pressed the slate in front of the camera.

The moment the sound sounded, the two actors playing the role of criminals "ran" forward in a panic along the edge of the protruding floor.

It may be too much to say that it is running, but in fact it is basically equivalent to walking.

On the left is the "Abyss", even if there is equipment protection, it is inevitable that there will be some fear in my heart.

But it is precisely because of this fear that the performance of the two is extraordinarily natural.

"Fuck your mother!"

"Don't run, don't move, don't move!"

"Stand still!"

"Go back, put it down!"

After encountering the two criminals at the center, Duan Yihong and Lin Shu kept threatening loudly.

A shot goes off!
One criminal's gun fell from a long beam between two buildings, while another took the opportunity to slip through it.



After scaring the criminal without a pistol back, Duan Yihong hurried forward and chased him out.

But unexpectedly, the criminal with the gun in his hand suddenly turned around and pulled the trigger.

Although there was no bullet in the pistol, Duan Yihong slipped and was about to fall from dozens of stories of buildings.

At the critical moment, Lin Shu threw himself on the ground and grabbed his hand with great effort.

And the previous criminal who didn't have a pistol also took this opportunity to walk over on Lin Shu's back.

"Xiaofeng! Catch it!"

At this moment, another policeman with an ax also came to the rooftop.

He threw himself on the ground, trying to pull Duan Yihong up first.

But Duan Yihong, who was hanged by Lin Shu, looked at the two criminals who were about to escape, but shouted with all his strength: "He Song, go!"

Realizing that He Song didn't have any intention of chasing the criminal, he took the initiative to put down one hand: "Go!"

In just two words, it seemed that Duan Yihong had exhausted all his strength.

The blue veins on his neck and forehead can clearly see all the lines on them.

And this time!
Cao Ping, who was sitting in front of the monitor, had unconsciously clasped his hands together.

When Duan Yihong fell just now, he was going to yell!
But Lin Shu grasped the timing so accurately that he subconsciously stopped.

This kind of dangerous shot will not be pursued in one shot, but if it can be shot in one shot, that is of course better.

No matter how bad it is, there are safety measures. At worst, we will do it again later.

In front of the camera!
He Song, holding an axe, slowly approached the criminal.

But the moment he swung the ax out, because he didn't control the strength well, he fell directly from upstairs and gradually disappeared.

Colleagues who worked together just fell from under their noses and turned into mud.

Witnessing all this with his own eyes, Lin Shu, who tried his best to pull Duan Yihong, had a trace of fear in his eyes, but more heartache!

After taking some short breaths, Duan Yihong shouted loudly: "Xiaofeng, let go!"

"Let them pass!"

To Duan Yihong's words, Lin Shu showed indifference, still firmly grasping.

"They are here, Xiaofeng, let go!"

Watching the criminals approaching, Duan Yihong struggled.

"Please!" Lin Shu roared frantically, his eyes full of longing.


In a few seconds!

Duan Yihong, who was hanged by Lin Shu with both hands, suddenly said: "You three go and surrender!"

At that moment, the expression on Lin Shu's face froze!
"Let go!"

"Let go!"

Listening to Duan Yihong's words, Lin Shu didn't know how to choose for a while.

In this plot, Yi Guchun at this time already knows "everything" that Xin Xiaofeng did back then.

At this moment, he hesitated!

Letting go now, he can completely avoid criminals, and once Yi Guchun dies, no one will know his secret anymore.

If he doesn't let go, not only Yi Guchun, but even himself may be killed by criminals.

Even if you are lucky enough to be saved, you still have to accept the trial of the law.

In the bottom of my heart, heaven and man have been fighting for a long time, Lin Shu suddenly shouted loudly: "Fuck your mother!"

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head and looked at the two criminals: "Check the evidence, what are you doing with the knife and the gun, come and help me!"


Xin Xiaofeng's conscience is not lost, if he hadn't lost his conscience, he wouldn't have been guilty of "that incident" for so many years.

If he hadn't lost his conscience, he wouldn't have taken care of the tail all the time.

He didn't want to continue to make mistakes, even if he had to accept the legal trial in the end.

According to the original script, there is no "dry" in the latter part.

At this moment, Xin Xiaofeng has already prepared himself. The only thing he wants to do now is to rescue Yi Guchun, and he even does not hesitate to encourage criminals to help him.

But the word "dry" is a stroke of genius in Cao Ping's view.

He is a director who is very strict with the script and doesn't like actors changing his lines.

But at this time Xin Xiaofeng uttered this word so naturally.

It seemed to be making such a big fuss about a trivial matter, and there were some helpless shouts.

Just when the two criminals were stunned, a large group of armed police armed with modern equipment appeared on the rooftop.

"Don't move, don't move!"

"Put the gun down, put the gun down!"

"hurry up!"

A few seconds is too long!

Cao Ping, who was sitting in front of the monitor, hastily pressed the pager.

Hearing the voice from the rooftop, several staff members hurried forward to help Lin Shu pull Duan Yihong up.

Before they could move, Lin Shu shook his head towards them.

He let go of one hand to support the ground, and directly lifted Duan Yihong up with one hand.

"Let's go! You like staying in this ghost place!"

Looking at Duan Yihong who was still in a daze, Lin Shu said unhappily.

"No... you just pulled me up like this, then just now..."

Duan Yihong was very puzzled. During the filming just now, Lin Shu gave him the feeling that he couldn't hold on several times. How could he act so relaxed when pulling him.

Could it be...he has become lighter?
After returning to the rooftop, Duan Yihong patted Guo Tao: "Can you pull me up with one hand?"

Guo Tao glanced at him suspiciously, frowned and said, "Are you alright! Let alone one hand, even two hands will struggle to pull you up!"


"Lin Shu was born in action scenes and has a background in martial arts."

As soon as this remark came out, Duan Yihong suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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