Actor: I am drawing skills in movies

Chapter 143 "The Actors Please Take Their Places" will be broadcast soon, the audience att

Chapter 143 "The Actors Please Take Their Places" will be broadcast soon, the audience attracted by the trailer!
"You did a good performance just now! By the way, I remember the last word in the original lines, it seems!"

With a simple understanding, Duan Yihong saw that Lin Shu had walked over, and immediately shifted the topic to him.

"In that sense, I feel like I have to scold a few words, and I can't justify it!" Just after finishing speaking, Lin Shu patted his head suddenly: "I almost forgot, I'll go find Director Cao!"

Duan Yihong stretched out his hand to grab Lin Shu who had already turned around: "No need, Director Cao didn't call you, it means that the filming just now was okay, and the lines added are pretty good!"

He knew Cao Ping quite well, so he didn't think it was a big deal.

"Forget it, let me go over and talk about it!" Lin Shu insisted.

Although he is the leading actor, it's not good to change his lines without saying hello, so he still needs to explain.

Later, Lin Shu came to the monitor and showed Cao Ping why he came.

"Sometimes the emotions are in place, and it does make people react subconsciously and say something that fits the situation. I understand."

"Scorching Sun" is not the first film he has made, and he has seen many scenes like Lin Shu's sudden change of film.

It's just that some of them are deliberate, and they always feel that they understand the characters better than the average person, while some are emotionally improvised.

As for Lin Shu, he felt that it was most likely improvised.

Lin Shu is the male lead, if he really wanted to change the lines, he would discuss it with him before the filming started, instead of changing the scene temporarily.

And he could tell that Lin Shu had always respected his seniors, even if he was an actor with few roles, he also had a respectful attitude during conversations.

Besides, there was no unpleasantness between him and Lin Shu for the time being, and the lines were really well added.

"I'm afraid you misunderstood!" Lin Shu smiled embarrassingly.

And this time!
Several group performers gathered around the rooftop still couldn't forget Lin Shu's performance just now.

"Ms. Lin's acting skills are really amazing!"

"I really didn't expect that Mr. Lin could act so naturally, hesitating such an expression that doesn't look easy to show!"

"I've watched an episode of "Actors Please Take Your Place". I was impressed by an actress whose expression when thinking is very contrived. I really don't know why she can become a girl!"

"To put it bluntly, you are sour!"

"Are you not sour?"

"I... also feel sour, if their acting skills are half as good as Teacher Lin, I can understand, after all, they are not as good as others!

But this kind of acting is not very good, and he is better than me, it is more uncomfortable than killing me! "


While several group performers were chatting with each other, the crew also began to arrange the set for the next scene.

The next scene is still a chase scene.

It's just that Xin Xiaofeng, Yi Guchun and others chased the criminal from the hotel to the rooftop.

But the uncomfortable thing is... Cao Ping started to fall ill again!

For the whole morning, Lin Shu and Duan Yihong ran up and down the corridor countless times.

At the end of the filming, even though Lin Shu's physique had been greatly strengthened, he was still a little out of breath.

Without any choice!

The long shot of chasing scenes was broken down into several small fragments by Cao Ping.

But even so, Cao Ping can sometimes spend more than 20 minutes shooting for the three-second shot.

Lin Shu, who finished filming for a whole day, wanted to cry from the bottom of her heart.

He seemed to understand why Duan Yihong treated Cao Ping so badly. This high-intensity filming simply didn't treat actors as human beings.

Hard work is hard work, but the actors are also in pain and joy.

Cao Ping cares so much about the camera, which also proves that he really tried his best to make "Scorching Sun".

In the next few days, Cao Ping still carried out the attitude of striving for perfection.

Ten days.

A full ten days.

Only 10 sets of effective shots were taken, and the total effective shots may not even last for [-] minutes.

Everyone in the crew, the last person I want to see now is the stage manager.

Because every time he appears, it means shooting again.

In the endless torment, the leading actors only feel like their days are like years.

And this time!
The trailer released by Blue Ocean TV has aroused the interest of countless netizens.

Affiliated to the official account of Blue Ocean TV, as usual, before the show airs.

From the program "The Actors Please Take Their Places", the director intercepted some interesting video clips and sent them out.

What is different from usual is that the names of Lin Shu, Zhang Wei and Chen Daoming are @ at the end of the copy.

Cai Si Nuo!

A standard beauty with a typical oval face and a petite figure.

She is Mei Yanhan's best friend and a member of that small group.

When I have nothing to do, I like to watch some variety shows to relieve my mood.

In the show "The Actors Please Take Their Places", she doesn't have any favorite actors, or she likes them as long as they are good-looking.

She watched the trailer on a video website before, and when she learned that a special guest was going to participate, she became very interested.

It's just that in order to maintain the mystery of the next issue, mosaics were made for several guests.

This damn coding...

After finally waiting for the show to air soon, she naturally wanted to know in advance who the mysterious guests would be.

Can't wait to open the blog, Cai Sinuo entered the words "actors please take their place" in the search box at the top.

In the relevant search, the information that popped up was exactly the blog that Lan Haitai had released not long ago.

Seeing Lin Shu's name among the special guests, she sat up from the bed at once.

Sitting up in shock from dying of illness, Sinuo said directly that I can do it!
Since watching Lin Shu's "Slaying the Wolf 2", she has been deeply fascinated by Lin Shu's violent aesthetics.

Although she still likes to look at good-looking idols as before, she no longer drools while watching.

On the contrary, watching Lin Shu's movie clips will make her eyes glow.

It's just that Lin Shu's works are too few, and it's not a problem to read them repeatedly.

When she found out that Lin Shu was on the variety show she had been chasing, she immediately became interested.

Clicking on the trailer, Chen Daoming's figure appeared first, followed by his emotional voice.

"If Lin Shu was born ten years earlier, what would happen to me!"

The voice just fell!

Lin Shu, who was wearing armor and had doubtful eyes, sat upright in the hall. Although he didn't do anything, he gave people a sense of power without anger.

There was domineering, majestic and contempt in those calm eyes.

The screen turns.

Lin Shu tilted his head: "Your murderous aura... is in chaos!"

The screen turned again.

"The widow did not expect that the person who knows the widow best is the assassin who is wanted by the widow."

Two lines of clear tears flowed across Lin Shu's face:

"The widow is alone, how many censures and plots he endures."

"No one can understand the heart of a widow. Even the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty in Qin State regard the widow as a tyrant."

As soon as he saw the rise, Cai Sinuo suddenly found that his happiness... was gone!
"Damn, what kind of trailer is this, if you play more, you will die!"

With a bitter face, she wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth.

Lin Shu sat on the throne in armor, which really fascinated her.

Just one look, completely engraved in her mind, lingering for a long time!
"No, I must watch this issue."

After saying something in her heart, she took out her mobile phone and set an alarm clock for 55:[-].

At the same time, some netizens who have been following the program "The Actors Please Take Their Places" have gradually learned of the news.

(End of this chapter)

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