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Chapter 101 One night Xiang Jun has a lot of white hair

Chapter 101 One Night Xiangjun with White Hair

The ferry quietly sailed out of the port in a thunderstorm and headed upstream along the Qingjiang River.

The lights on the boat were silent, and more than [-] incense masters and hall masters were patrolling back and forth in the night rain, paying attention to all the wind and grass on the river.

Inside the ship building, the door of the tea pavilion was closed.

The dim candlelight illuminated the corners of the tea pavilion, and the four of them sat there in silence.


Niao Niao obediently squatted on the tea table, looking at the fruit plate next to her. Because of the wrong momentum, she poked her head several times, but didn't dare to eat it.

Ye Jingtang changed into a clean robe and took a seat on the right side of the tea table, with a stern face and steady eyes, thinking about the current situation.

Bai Fo Song Chi, with bandages wrapped around his arms and shoulders, sat upright on the chair with his back straight, his eyes were piercing, and he remained motionless.

Chen Yuanqing, the third master, paced silently in the tea pavilion with his hands behind his hands, and occasionally let out a secret sigh:

And as the head of the sect, Pei Xiangjun sat upright at the main seat, perhaps for the first time in his life showing such a serious expression, staring coldly at the two talents sitting around the tea table.

Well, the young master stole Pingtian's beloved wife...

The second master took the young master to kill the elder brother of the contemporary sword master in the middle of the night...

The eldest brother is like a father, the hatred of killing his father and the hatred of taking his wife, let's live together!
I, Pei Sanniang, have such right-hand men and assistants, why can't I escape to Beiliang incognito?

The more Pei Xiangjun thought about it, the angrier he became, and he looked at the serious Song Chi:

"Hallmaster Song, please explain, what happened today!"

Song Chi knew that he had caused trouble, and the elder couldn't show his air, so he said softly:
"I saw that Jian Yuhua's talent is good today. I wanted to take in an apprentice, so I went over with the young master to have a look. Who would have thought that Zhou Huaili would also come over..."

"Then you decided to kill people on your own?"

"It's not self-assessment, I discussed it with Young Master's eyes..."


Pei Xiangjun took a deep breath: "You're an elder! Jingtang is young and energetic, why don't you discuss it with him? If you are a little slower, he will think that you, an elder, are signaling a quick decision!"

Ye Jingtang sat upright and said softly;
"It's true that I was murderous today, and Uncle Song..."

Song Chi raised his hand slightly: "I'm all motivated to kill, otherwise I won't talk if I don't talk, just go together."

"You... oh..."

Pei Xiangjun also had nothing to say, put his hands on his forehead, and closed his eyes.

Chen Yuanqing also had nothing to say. He guessed that the two discussed it like this:
"How about we make people?"

"Go, go, go!"

As for the consequences, let's talk about killing him, and the opportunity will be gone if he misses it.

Chen Yuanqing paused, and after thinking about it, he smoothed things over and said:

"Everyone has been killed. It's meaningless to talk about it. We should think about how to end it now. If things get out, Honghualou and the Zhou family will definitely fight head-on. With Zhou Chiyang around, the Zhou family will be invincible..."

Ye Jingtang calmly said: "The body is burnt. You can't see the marks of fists and feet, only the marks of knives. I also keep the sign of King Jing. If there is no accident, the Zhou family should associate with the imperial court and go to the capital." If you check the identity of the swordsman, you won’t suspect it to Honghualou.”

Song Chi nodded: "I don't have a master who is good at swordsmanship in Honghualou, and the conflict only happened in the afternoon, and I ran to revenge like a street brat at night, not like the style of a wealthy family..."

"You still know?!"

"Hmm... This is called surprise and deceitful tactics. They think that the dignified Honghualou will not act so rough, so I will do the opposite..."

Pei Xiangjun was really powerless to complain, and looked at Ye Jingtang in a blink of an eye:

"The Zhou family and Junshantai wear a pair of trousers. Junshantai has a very close relationship with the imperial court. They will definitely investigate Prince Jing's subordinates, but there is a swordsman who can use the 'eight-step mad knife'. You have used the sword in the capital..."

Ye Jingtang thought for a while and said, "I wrote a letter and sent it to King Jing. I said it to do business, and I got acquainted with Honghualou. In order to learn the Overlord Spear, I went to Zhou's house to support myself, and then..."

"Even if Prince Jing approves of your actions to protect you, he can only guard against open guns. If they attack secretly..."

Song Chi pondered for a while: "Jingtang is handsome, and Prince Jing is a daughter. If the Zhou family knew that Jingtang was Prince Jing's favorite, Zhou Chiyang probably wouldn't dare to assassinate him at the risk of killing everyone. For revenge, there is a high probability that he will come to the door openly, beat Jing Tang half to death, and save a breath, and will not do everything."


Quiet in the living room.

Pei Xiangjun's apricot eyes stared round, and he wanted to say that Song Chi had made up his mind randomly, but after a little thought, it seemed that this method was really safe-the brother-in-law of the Great Wei Emperor, who knew the consequences after killing everyone, not to mention the Zhou family, usually When Tianjiao makes a move, he has to weigh whether he can resist the great Wei Tie riding a horse to the south of the sky.

Pei Xiangjun was silent for a while, and looked at Ye Jingtang:

"Jing Tang, what do you think?"

Ye Jingtang thought for a while: "This method is a bit of a joke. How could I deliberately get close to Prince Jing and deceive the woman's feelings in order to avoid disaster. Well... I will write a letter to Prince Jing first. If it is not possible, I will leave The capital went to Tiannan to hide, this matter will not be implicated in Honghualou."


Pei Xiangjun understood the meaning of this - if the queen's thigh can't be hugged, then go hug the teacher's wife's thigh, anyway, Zhou Chiyang can't afford to mess with either Prince Jing or Pingtianjiao.

What is this?Multiple phases, multiple paths?
After working for a long time, her white thighs are the thinnest, and they were broken when they came up...

Pei Xiangjun was full of thoughts, and he didn't know what he was thinking. After pondering for a long time, he raised his hand slightly:

"Uncle Song, Uncle Chen, you guys go to rest first. Jingtang and I will have a chat alone."

Song Chi stood up, bowed his hands, and left the tea pavilion with Chen Yuanqing.

"You go out too."


Niao Niao got up consciously, and Ma Liu ran out.

The tea pavilion fell silent, and the dim candlelight illuminated the profiles of men and women.

Pei Xiangjun, who was wearing a goose-yellow skirt, leaned against the small case, resting his forehead with his hands, his face was no longer as gentle and graceful as before, but his brows were slightly frowned, with a worried look of 'nephew and nephew are not filial'.

After the sound of footsteps disappeared completely, Ye Jingtang got up and sat down opposite Sanniang, raised his hand and poured tea:


Sanniang narrowed her eyes, her skirts fluctuated slightly, but there was no reaction.

Ye Jingtang comforted softly: "Don't worry, Sanniang, I killed the person, and I want to kill him. I will never let the disciples of Honghualou who are outside bear the revenge for me."

Pei Xiangjun took a deep breath and raised his eyes:

"Since you are helping Honghualou to settle the matter, I, Honghualou, will advance and retreat with you. If he, Zhou Chiyang, dares to kill you, the two hall masters and I will definitely die before you. You said this to make Sanniang As an outsider?"

Ye Jingtang waved his hand: "Why, I just told Sanniang not to worry..."

"Don't worry? You dare to touch the women of Master Pingtian, so don't worry? How good were you before? Why are you so confused about women? Xue Baijin's women are the ones you can touch?"

Pei Xiangjun supported the small case with one hand, his familiar face was full of anger, but there were faint tears in his eyes, as if he was looking at a heartless man who was promiscuous.

Ye Jingtang explained softly: "Ning'er and I..."

"It's Madam Leader, Ning'er is called by Xue Baijin!"

"The leader's wife and I have already made things clear. The leader of Pingtian will never blame Honghualou because of us..."

Pei Xiangjun didn't believe it at all, and after thinking for a while, he approached him and asked, "Jingtang, are you caught? In order to make you rebel, Pingtian Sect deliberately sent the number one beauty to seduce you?"

"How could I be seduced by beauty. I didn't know her identity before. When I came into contact with her, she resisted fiercely. I took the initiative..."

Strong resistance?

You take the initiative?
Aren't you trying to harm a married woman with violence!
Pei Xiangjun was confused by these words, his skirts were bulging:

"Do you dare to attack a beautiful woman who doesn't know why? Have you never heard the saying of 'three don't mess with'? A woman who is as beautiful as a flower and dares to walk alone in the rivers and lakes, can there be a good opponent? If you want to touch it, you can wait." If you have the strength, you can shake hands with the leader of Pingtian, but if you mess up now, I can't keep you even if I sell Honghualou..."

Ye Jingtang knew that Sanniang was concerned, and comforted him: "The matter is not that serious, and I guarantee that Master Pingtian won't care about it. But the reason is a secret, I can't tell it, if I tell it, something will happen..."


Pei Xiangjun patted the small case lightly, with resentful eyes, as if looking at a heartbreaker he no longer knew:
"Jingtang. We met on the first day you came to Beijing. I told you everything. I trusted you enough to take off your clothes and heal your wounds face to face. What happened? Just because the Goddess of Toad Palace is beautiful, you treat me as an outsider , keep her a secret..."

Ye Jingtang's scalp was numb from the resentful eyes: "Being a man has to be faithful. If you promise something you won't say, I can't break your promise; it's the same with the thing you promised Sanniang. I know that we have no relatives and no reason. Guarantee these things, but I always do what I say, and Sanniang will just see how I do it in the future, and I will see people's hearts as time goes by."

Pei Xiangjun's mind was very confused, he was silent for a moment, and finally sighed:
"Oh... I know you value friendship, and I didn't say I don't believe you, but your aunt is worried and keeps talking nonsense. Since I'm in charge, I have to let your aunt feel at ease..."

Ye Jingtang looked at Sanniang who hesitated to speak, and asked:
"What did Auntie say?"

Pei Xiangjun hesitated for a moment, his eyes were strange:
"Your eldest aunt, it means to let you in Qinglong hall... um... think about the important things in your life and become a family. Do you have someone you like?"

Ye Jingtang is not stupid, he can guess what Sanniang is worried about and what he wants to say, he thought for a while and smiled:

"A marriage forced by the situation always feels unsatisfactory. Doesn't Sanniang also like to settle down casually. Hmm... I think that the most important thing in life is to be happy with each other. I won't abandon Sanniang anyway. As for whether You will find someone you like in Qinglongtang, it depends on fate. What does Sanniang think?"

I think it should be the same...

But Pingtian Sect even the leader's wife personally went out to dig the wall...

Pei Xiangjun wanted to say something, but in the end he decided to forget it, and raised his hand slightly:

"Forget it, I'll go back and discuss it with your aunt. You can write a letter and see how Prince Jing responds. If Prince Jing doesn't protect you, you should go to Pingtianjiao, um... let's talk later. "

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, got up and left the tea pavilion.


The door opened and closed again.

Sitting beside the tea table, Pei Xiangjun gradually suppressed the upset in his heart, but the look of sadness on his face became a bit more:



The first order is about 19000, thank you for your support or2!

 I slept for four hours in two days, and coded more than 3 words. These 2 words were all hard-written. I couldn’t bear the dizziness. Let Aguan adjust for two days, and I will count the data tomorrow morning. Thank you or[-] !

(End of this chapter)

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