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Chapter 102

Chapter 102
"I see, I see—"

In the hot summer, the singing of cicadas echoed in the garden of the palace outside the window, and the weather was a little hotter.

In the study room at the top of Mingyu Building, a white screen was placed at the window to block the sun, Dongfang Liren was dressed in a thin dress, blindfolded with a black belt, and held a three-foot sword, motionless.

Behind the desk, the petite empress dowager was lying in a big chair, with her legs resting on the armrests of the chair, her skirt outlined her plump buttocks, she was holding a small fur ball in her hand, she gently tossed it and caught it, with a lazy voice:
"Jiangzhou is better. It's warm in winter and cool in summer, and the seasons are like spring. It's been a few years since I went back to visit relatives."

"It's too hot in summer. The queen mother can't bear it due to the exhaustion of traveling thousands of miles..."

As soon as Dongfang Liren spoke, he saw the empress dowager throwing the fur ball out of her hand.

The fur ball is too soft and light, and it doesn't make any sound of breaking the wind.

But even so, Dongfang Liren was aware of it.


Dongfang Liren didn't listen to the sound to identify his position, but the moment the Empress Dowager raised her hand, she already raised the precious sword in her hand and blocked it on the side, her skills were very clean.


The little fur ball hit the painted fat-headed dragon, bounced to the ground again, and rolled a certain distance...

The palace maid Hongyu held back her laughter, hurriedly stepped forward to pick up the little fur ball, and sent it back to the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager was quite appreciative: "It's not bad, it's only half a month of training, and it's already so advanced, it can be regarded as a martial arts genius."

There are elements of exaggeration in this statement, but not many exaggerations.

Ye Jingtang only taught the moves of Tianhe Dao, but did not explain the path of luck.

In just half a month, Dongfang Liren was able to figure out the method of luck according to the instructions of the moves, and turned it into his own use. Strictly speaking, he has already been considered a beginner, but he is not proficient.

This learning speed, in the Jianghu, is at least a contemporary leader.

In the past, Dongfang Liren would still be complacent, but after meeting Ye Jingtang, he only felt that he was an "Oriental stupid girl", so he couldn't be prouder.

Dongfang Liren patted the fat-headed dragon on his chest, regained his posture, and pointed his sword obliquely at the floor:

"The empress dowager congratulates me, let's continue."


The Empress Dowager was being dragged to practice the knife, if she could have any interest, she reclined on the chair and continued to play with the little fur ball:

"It's been very busy in Zezhou recently? Chatting with the Holy One in the morning, the Holy One seemed to mention something..."

"In Honghualou, a local rich man in the rivers and lakes, a young master suddenly appeared. His name is Ye Silang. The day before yesterday, he went to Shuiyunjiantan to find a place. He won the battle. It is said that he has good talent..."

The empress dowager has lived in the deep palace for a long time, and she doesn't know much about Jianghu affairs, so she thought for a while and said:

"I remember that Chen Yuanqing, the owner of Jiangzhou Yide Boat Company, is also from Honghualou. He ran for the Qin family a few times, and then handed over the matter to Xiaoshanbao."

"Xiaoshan Fort is no longer working..."

call out--

While Dongfang Liren was speaking, he raised the saber swiftly again, and slashed at his side in a split second.

The empress dowager held the little fur ball with blank eyes:


( ̄- ̄)...

dong dong dong...

Fortunately, a sound of footsteps broke the embarrassing scene.

When Hongyu came to the door, she saw a maid from the palace walking up quickly, holding a letter in her hand:
"Your Highness, the bodyguard of Pei's family at Tianshuiqiao just sent an urgent letter from Mr. Ye."


Dongfang Liren pulled down his blindfold, took the letter over and looked at it, and saw that there was a wax seal on the letter, with the words 'King Jing's personal letter' written on it.

Dongfang Liren saw that the secrecy measures were so good, so he knew that he was talking about serious business. He walked to the window, opened the envelope, took out the letter paper and looked at it, and the densely packed handwriting came into view:
Your Highness, words are like faces...

When I killed Xue Bodhi, I met Song Chi from Honghualou...

Learn the Overlord Spear, help Honghualou go to the Zhou family to kick the gym, and kill the Quartet...

When Dongfang Liren saw this, his expression didn't change much.

After all, Honghualou belongs to a very honest power in the rivers and lakes. It is dedicated to making money, and the business tax is paid on time for the bright industries.

Ye Jingtang has learned the Overlord Spear, and she happens to be a whore for nothing. Maybe she can use Ye Jingtang's hand to turn the Honghua Building into her own private little golden cave, so that the Ministry of Finance will not say that she spends on maintenance and guards. Big……

But then look at:

Jian Yuhua spoke up for me and fell out with the Zhou family...

At night, I went to recruit Jian Yuhua, and found that Zhou Huaili cleaned up the house, hit it off with Song Chi, and killed him...

? !
Dongfang Liren tilted his head slightly, he really didn't expect Ye Jingtang to kill the head of Shuiyun Jiantan.

The faction that Ba Dakui belongs to is basically the eight giants of the rivers and lakes, and the strength of the head is definitely not low.

Ye Jingtang and Baifo Song Chi were able to succeed. It seems that Ye Jingtang's martial arts have improved by leaps and bounds recently...

At this point in the letter, Dongfang Liren also understood the meaning of Ye Jingtang's letter - come and hug this king's thigh!
Dongfang showed a hint of arrogance, but continued to look down, and saw a few words of justice:

With King Jing's letter, I have the responsibility to hunt down the bandits...

Although I have murderous intentions and old grievances, Zhou Huaili is indeed disregarding human life. No matter what the original intention is, I will draw my sword to stop it...

According to the "Great Wei Law", those who refuse to be arrested will be punished; those who resist and escape, others can shoot and kill them...

Zhou Huaili resisted fiercely, stabbing me twice, Song Chi four times...

The helper Song Chi and the victim Jian Yuhua can all be witnesses...

I left the sign of Prince Jing's Mansion at the scene of the crime, so as not to implicate Honghualou...

Wang Jingwang presides over the open court trial. I would like to "confront" with the sword master Zhou Chiyang in order to distinguish right from wrong. If the fault lies with me, His Highness should also be punished according to the law...

Please also ask the imperial court to protect the personal safety of the victim Jian Yuhua and me, so as not to be silenced by criminals...


Dongfangli people were dumbfounded!

He never expected that Ye Jingtang, a Jianghu man with big eyebrows and big eyes, would understand the laws of the Wei Dynasty, and he said, "The affairs of the Jianghu, the Jianghu is over"?

Ye Jingtang's 'pleadings', not to mention sending it to her, but to Li Xiang and the empress, the court has to protect Ye Jingtang's personal safety according to the law, and after verifying the case, they will be punished according to the law.

How did you lose this case?
Let the sword master Zhou Chiyang come to the capital to fight a lawsuit, even if he dares to come here without shame, I am afraid that he will be sentenced to a row in the end for the shitty things his brother did!
Dongfang Liren held back for a long time, but couldn't say anything, with a strange expression, which stunned the Empress Dowager, and said curiously:
"what's wrong?"

Dongfang Liren coughed lightly: "It's nothing, Ye Jingtang reported the crime, there is something trivial to deal with. Meng Jiao."

As the wind blew into the room, the white-haired old woman silently landed in front of the screen and asked respectfully:

"What are your orders, Your Highness?"

Dongfang Liren handed the letter paper to Meng Jiao:

"What do you think?"

The white-haired old woman took the letter paper, looked at it carefully for a moment, then nodded slightly:
"Hmm... This kid is indeed a great talent. He has comprehended the highest mind of martial arts at a young age."

The Dongfangli people were confused by this letter, and they were ashamed to say that they were the umbrellas that shocked the hall that night, and said seriously:
"Since the crime has been reported, I have to act in accordance with the law. Well... let's put some news on the rivers and lakes first, saying that the black government has recently arrested the leader of the green bandit in Zezhou, and accidentally killed the murderer Zhou, so that the Zhou family can't find the murderer. ... No, I can't find a righteous man who draws his sword to help, so I want to retaliate against others indiscriminately."

The white-haired old woman nodded slightly: "The old man sent someone to retrieve Jian Yuhua and keep it as a witness. Then send a certificate to the Zhou family and ask Zhou Chiyang to come and wait for His Highness to ask questions."

Dongfang Liren nodded, and said righteously:

"Take a message to Zhou Chiyang. If the Zhou family makes a mistake, he will die. If the black government makes a mistake, he will kill and pay for his life. This king will invite Lu Taiqing and Xuanji to sit in on the case. He will never cover up his subordinates and let the people die in vain. He must give him justice."

The white-haired old woman shook her head and sighed:
"Zhou Huaili's personal morality is too bad. The Zhou family can't turn this case over. Your Highness publicly upholds justice for Zhou Chiyang. If he comes or not, he will lose. If he loses the law, if he seeks revenge from the black yamen, he will not take reason or chivalry. Yes. But this blood feud cannot be eliminated, the Zhou family will most likely pay for revenge in private. Moreover, this case is related to Ye Jingtang's sword technique, Junshantai's reaction may be greater than that of the Zhou family..."

Dongfang Liren thought for a while: "It's easy to hide from open spears, but hard to guard against hidden arrows, as long as Zhou Chiyang is not easy to do it for the time being. Keep Ye Jingtang's identity under wraps, and the rest can only be guarded by Ye Jingtang. Well, this king wrote a letter Send the letter to Yejingtang..."



(End of this chapter)

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