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Chapter 114 Girl, Listen to Me

Chapter 114 Girl, Listen to Me

The luxury chariot stopped outside the Wang Family Medical Hall, and the guards of the Hei Yamen guarded the intersection. Before the carriage came to a complete stop, Dongfang Liren jumped out of the carriage and walked towards the back of the medical hall.

Mrs. Wang, who was grabbing medicine in front of the Baizi cabinet, hurried out of the clinic when she saw this, and bowed:
"Your Highness, why are you here?"

Dongfang Liren slowed down a bit, and made a pose of a queen who was not in a hurry, and asked:
"Come and see, how is Ye Jingtang's injury?"

Mrs. Wang has a soft expression and walks with her:

"Young Master Ye just came over, and my concubine's name is the lower pulse, it's fine, let the old man give the needle. Speaking of which, Young Master Ye's fiancée is really pretty..."


Dongfang Liren stopped abruptly, and a strange color flashed in his eyes:
"The fiancée...is the person he likes there?"

"Yeah, she's a very pretty girl. She looks a few years older than Mr. Ye, and she has a very good temperament. She cares about Mr. Ye very much, and has been wandering around the corridor waiting for news..."


Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, for some reason, he was a little afraid to enter the door.

But after thinking about it, she has nothing to do with Ye Jingtang, she just came to condolences to her subordinates, it's normal to run into family members, why wouldn't she dare to come in?

Dongfang Li felt very strange in his heart, thought for a while:
"This king has a special status, so don't disturb Ye Jingtang's family, um... take me to see, this king is very curious, what kind of woman Ye Jingtang can fall in love with among dragons and phoenixes like Ye Jingtang."

Mrs. Wang is someone who has been there, and understands Prince Jing's psychological journey, so she didn't say much at the moment, and took Jing Wang to a side hall of the Wang family mansion. From the window, you can see the corridor outside the main hall.

Dongfang Liren made a natural appearance and quietly looked in front of the window. It can be seen that there is a young woman in night clothes in the veranda, pacing back and forth with her hands folded on her waist.

Looking carefully, the young woman's skin is as white as jade, her lips are as red as vermilion, her eyebrows are as light as smoke, and she is paired with a pair of enchanting peach blossom eyes. Worried, biting his lower lip lightly and looking around, the coldest man in the world would tremble at the sight of him.

As for the woman's figure, wearing a close-fitting night gown, you can clearly see the slender waist like a willow, the legs are straight and slender, but the hip line is very plump, and the hips are wider than the shoulders. At first glance, it is the ultimate beauty described in "Tears of a Chivalrous Woman" Types of.

What's even more special is this woman's aura, which looks like a celestial girl descending from the earth, without any trace of human fireworks, exuding a fairy air that is out of the world.

No wonder Ye Jingtang would take a fancy to...

The first time Dongfang Liren saw this woman, he understood why Ye Jingtang would never forget the person he loves.

Although she is very confident in her appearance, she has to admit that this woman is more like a fairy couple in the fantasy of a knight in the rivers and lakes.

And she was obviously stronger, lacking a bit of tenderness and femininity...


Dongfang Liren stared at him for a moment, a look of confusion flashed in his eyes, he turned around, and fell silent.

Mrs. Wang understood her daughter's family's thoughts and said with a smile:
"My concubine really feels ashamed of herself when she sees this girl, but His Highness doesn't have to be like this. His Highness is also a stately appearance, but his temperament is different from this girl, just like peony and hibiscus, each has its own advantages. And..."

Mrs. Wang looked left and right, stood on tiptoe, and approached Dongfang Liren's ear:

"Besides, looking at the face of this girl, I know that she is relatively delicate. She is the kind of woman who will fall in love at the first touch. Coupled with a man like Master Ye, there is a high probability that she will shed tears every night..."

? ?
Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, with a slightly strange look on his face:
"Really? Well... why are you talking about this to me?"

Mrs. Wang smiled and said: "Your Highness cares about his subordinates. You have to worry about these things in life. Why don't you go talk to the girl yourself and tell her not to be jealous..."

Dongfang Liren was keenly aware that there was something in Mrs. Wang's words, raised his hand and said:
"I don't need this, um... last time you said that Yang Qi was too strong or something, I really can't talk to Ye Jingtang. Ye Jingtang is more... more gentleman, you can give this girl some advice, don't talk about it for a long time , really put Ye Jingtang's body..."

Mrs. Wang felt that Prince Jing was a real lady, so she nodded with a smile:
"I understand, I'm going to talk to that girl now."

Dongfang Liren wanted to say something, but felt that it was inappropriate to say anything, so he turned around and said:

"Put this girl away, and I will ask you about the case. Don't be misunderstood by her."





The night was silent, and the sound of insects echoed outside the main hall.

Luo Ning was dressed in night clothes, and took off her face scarf, revealing her black hair tied behind her head, with her hands clasped around her waist, like a little daughter-in-law worried about her husband's illness, pacing back and forth in the corridor.

Luo Ning heard the name of old doctor Wang, and when she came here just now, she thought that there was nothing serious about Ye Jingtang, but old doctor Wang got a pulse, and it took a long time for him to look dignified without saying a word. Basically, you can prepare for the funeral.

The little thief is not yet 20 years old...

Luo Ning's heart was raised in her throat. Although she felt that she had nothing to do with Ye Jingtang, when she suddenly encountered this situation, her heart felt cold and her forehead was sweating, as if her soul and body were not together.

No, it will be fine...

The little thief looked hard at the sight, with a look full of children and grandchildren, how could it be so easy to capsize in the gutter...

Thinking wildly like this, I don't know how many times I paced back and forth. Before there was any movement in the room, footsteps could be heard behind the corridor.

Luo Ning looked back, only to see the female shopkeeper of the medical center walking over with a friendly expression:

"Girl, don't worry. Regardless of the incurable disease, the old man will take a look at it and start writing prescriptions by hand, or ask someone to arrange the funeral. If he can watch for so long, he must be looking at other things. Master Ye is very good." , I watched it for a long time last time."

When Luo Ning heard this, she felt relieved and nodded:
"Mrs. Xie Wang for clarifying the confusion. How long will Jingtang come out?"

"It's not certain. The old man has a big temper, so I dare not go in and ask. Hmm... the girl is Ye Gongzi's confidante, right?"

When Luo Ning came over, she had already talked to Ye Jingtang, but she didn't deny it at this time, her face was slightly red and she said:

"Yeah, um... We haven't known each other for long..."

Mrs. Wang nodded softly, and raised her hand to signal: "I have something to tell the girl, it's about Young Master Ye."

Talking about walking outside the front house.

Luo Ning was a little puzzled, but no matter how powerful a person is, he has to be cowardly when facing a doctor. Now he followed Mrs. Wang to the front of the medical clinic and asked:
"Is there something wrong with Jingtang's body?"

Mrs. Wang stood by the medicine cabinet and said softly: "Look, the girl is also a martial arts practitioner. You should know that if you keep fit all the year round, your energy will be strong; Erlang, who is eighteen or nineteen years old, is at his peak energy. Mr. Ye The foundation is very good, but the martial arts is too hard, and you don't know how to combine work and rest, the prosperity will decline, and the extremes will reverse, and if things go on like this, problems may arise."

Luo Ning thought for a while and said: "I... I know that if the yang energy is too strong, you will be upset, irritable, and have sores on your mouth and tongue. Just take some medicine to clear away heat and fire. Is it okay?"

Mrs. Wang said earnestly: "The medicine is three-point poisonous. In daily life, it can be adjusted by itself, which is naturally better than taking medicine. Moreover, it is nothing to do with ordinary people, but it is not a small matter to be dealt with by experts; The blood is messy, it is easy to get angry, and it is difficult to calm down. Ye Gongzi often fights with people, and life and death are only a hair's breadth away. A little turmoil in his heart may mean the difference between life and death. If a girl really cares about her lover, she should let go, don't wait. Only when something happened, I regretted and wiped my tears..."

Luo Ning understood the meaning and felt that the matter was indeed serious, but...

"Ma'am, you mean, you have to and Jingtang...to help him recuperate physically and mentally?"

Mrs. Wang nodded earnestly: "The compatibility of men and women is the way to recuperate. If you are overworked, you will hurt your health, and if you don't, it will hurt your health. You must be moderate. Is it inconvenient for a girl?"


Luo Ning's eyes are very strange. She is the wife of the leader of Pingtian Sect, so it must be inconvenient to serve the little thief.

But Mrs. Wang said it so solemnly, as a 'fiancée', she seemed a little ignorant of the resolute resistance, so after thinking about it, she could only say:
"Hmm... Jing Tang loves me very much. I am a gentleman. I only talked to him for the sake of recuperating my body... I'm afraid he won't agree."

Mrs. Wang saw that Ye Jingtang had such good conditions, and she was still "preserving herself like a jade", so she knew that she was a modest gentleman who cared about the girl's feelings.

After thinking about it, she turned around and opened a drawer of the medicine cabinet, took out a medicine box from it, and put it in Luo Ning's hand:

"As long as the girl is willing, Mr. Ye will at most hesitate beforehand, and will only cherish the girl more afterwards. If the girl is difficult to speak, or thinks that Mr. Ye will not agree, give him a pill of this medicine, and then pretend that he doesn't know anything. , wait for him to come over to get close, and no matter how hard it is, half-push and half-do..."

? !
Luo Ning looked strangely, and said in a low voice, "Is this an aphrodisiac?"

Mrs. Wang shook her head quickly, and went closer to explain: "I am a regular medical center, how can I sell such harmful things that disturb people's minds. This is an ordinary nourishing thing, just like hawthorn appetizers, which greatly increase people's appetite. Appetite, and also understand what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten. If the girl regrets it and really won’t let her lover touch it, Mr. Ye will naturally stick to the way of a gentleman and will not be rude to the girl; but if the girl agrees, it will be "a long drought meets nectar" ', Mr. Ye may love you more in the future..."


Luo Ning blinked her eyes, feeling that the little thief would blow up at once, and there was absolutely no need for this thing to fuel the flames when it comes to frivolous chivalrous women.

How could she sleep with the thief behind Xue Baijin's back because of the matter of recuperating her body.

Luo Ning pondered for a while, but still wanted Mrs. Wang to prescribe a normal heat-clearing and gunpowder prescription for Ye Jingtang to use first.

But before he could make a speech, he noticed from the corner of his eye that a charming and glamorous face poked out from the door of the medical hall, looking inside the door, and then looked at her.

At the corner of the gate of the medical hall, a furry head also appeared, tilting its head to say hello:

? !
(End of this chapter)

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