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Chapter 115 I'll send it to Jingtang

Chapter 115 I'll send it to Jingtang
Earlier, Tianshui Bridge.

When Pei Xiangjun came back from a business trip, he had nearly a month's worth of trivial affairs in front of him. He worked in the accountant's office until late at night, before he roughly sorted it out.

Returning to Pei's mansion with a bit of fatigue, the house was very quiet.

Pei Xiangjun came directly to the back house, and saw his sister-in-law, Mrs. Zhang, sitting in the teahouse, holding a needle and thread, with a gratified smile on her brow.

"Sister-in-law, why are you so happy?"

"San Niang is here, sit down. This morning, Luo Er was not convinced, and went out with Jing Tang on his own initiative to handle errands, but Jing Tang single-handedly fought from Wutong Street to West Market, and suppressed Luo Er. Zhong boasted that he was very surprised, and then he packed up his bed and went back to the academy, he seemed to feel the pressure and knew that if he didn't study, he would have nothing to do with Pei's family in the future."

Pei Xiangjun was not surprised by this, and sat down opposite the tea table:
"Jingtang is really powerful. This time I went out, and things went well, but... just a little reckless..."

Mrs. Zhang poured Pei Xiangjun a cup of tea:

"You're talking about Zhou Huaili? Jingtang can solve the follow-up troubles, so it's not reckless, it's real skill..."


What Pei Xiangjun was talking about was about the leader's wife, but he really didn't dare to let his sister-in-law know about it.She thought about it, and said tactfully:
"Jingtang was in the rivers and lakes, and met a chivalrous woman who was taught by Pingtian..."

Mrs. Zhang's eyes were fixed, and she said vigilantly:
"Pingtian sect came to poach the wall?"

Pei Xiangjun nodded: "Pingtian Sect must have the intention of poaching the wall, but Jingtang seems to really like it..."

Mrs. Zhang put down her needle and thread, her expression became serious:

"Sanniang, when Jingtang first arrived, I told you that you are not prepared at all to guard against other powers in the rivers and lakes poaching you?"

Pei Xiangjun sighed softly: "I didn't expect Ping Tianjiao to attack so quickly. Jingtang promised me that he will continue to help the Pei family in the future..."

Mrs. Zhang patted on the tea table, a little annoyed:

"Jingtang and my Pei family have no relatives and no reason, and the second elder brother ran away from home. He can help out of friendship. My Pei family shouldn't take over with peace of mind. Now that he has promised, you are so ashamed to keep him. ?

"I said a long time ago, you can either go up by yourself, or choose a fair-skinned and beautiful girl in the building to keep people's hearts first. The result is good, if you don't go up by yourself, you won't let the people in the building get involved.

"Xiuhe has been looking forward to it for a long time. Didn't you see it? Dayuanlou was talking about the matter. The head of the Zezhou Hall had the cheek to bring out his granddaughter. You stopped her immediately, and now let the outsiders start first." , what do you mean?"


Pei Xiangjun thought it was nothing at first, but now after listening to his sister-in-law, he realized that what he did was not much different from Uncle Song, he hesitated for a while, and sighed quietly:
"What did the sister-in-law say?"

Mrs. Zhang frowned and said: "Pingtianjiao uses beauty tricks, you don't know? You are still close to the water, and you can't play with Pingtianjiao thousands of miles away?"

"I... oh... Jingtang and I have known each other for a short time, so it's really hard to make a decision on such a big matter..."

Mrs. Zhang thought for a while, and her expression became serious:
"If you can't make the decision, I'll help you make the decision. The elder sister-in-law is like a mother, and your elder brother and master are not here, so it's up to me to make decisions about your marriage. Such a good man, you didn't even eat it when you brought it to your mouth. Master knows, I'm afraid I have to kick the coffin boards out to teach you a few words.

"If you miss Yejingtang, you will regret it for the rest of your life. If my sister-in-law decides for you, even if you regret it in the future, you will just scold her for messing around with the mandarin ducks. Hualou is gone, and you regret being strong all your life."

Pei Xiangjun blinked his eyes: "I... well, I'll find a chance to talk about this with Jing Tang..."

The two were chatting when there was a noise outside the door.

In a blink of an eye, Xiuhe ran in from the hanging flower gate, holding a big bird in her arms:
"Sanniang, Master Ye's bird suddenly flew over..."


When Niao Niao saw Pei Xiangjun, he flew to the window sill, raised his wings and pointed outside:


Pei Xiangjun was a little dazed, got up and held the bird in his hands and asked:

"What are you doing? Something happened to Jingtang?"


Niao Niao flapped its wings and twittered, indicating that Niao Niao went to chase the thief just now, and finally followed to the lair, but when she returned, she found that Tangtang had left work first.

I couldn't find it at home, so I went to Mingyu Tower, only to find that Sister Pangtoulong was not there, so I had to come to you...

Pei Xiangjun couldn't understand half of the 'ji', but he knew that Niao Niao must have something to do, so he didn't dare to delay, and went out with Niao Niao.

Niao Niao is also smart, and didn't take Pei Xiangjun directly to the place where the murderer was hiding, but went to the Yamen of the Police Department first.

Pei Xiangjun inquired a little, and learned that Ye Jingtang fought the murderer just now and had already gone to Wang Taiyi's residence.

Pei Xiangjun really didn't expect that on the first day after Ye Jingtang came back, he could fight from morning to night, and he hurried to Wende Bridge again under worry.

The breeze parted the flowing clouds, revealing the light of the silver moon and stars.

Pei Xiangjun hurried to the vicinity of the medical hall, and found the carriage of Prince Jing's Mansion parked not far away, he hesitated a bit.

But even Prince Jing came running, Jingtang might be seriously injured.

After much deliberation, Pei Xiangjun brought Niao Niao to the entrance of the medical hall.

It wasn't too late. Occasionally, a family member of a wealthy Wendeqiao family came to seek medical advice. The guards of the nearby Heiyamen saw a woman walking towards the hospital, but they didn't stop her.

Pei Xiangjun came to the door, but before he went in, he vaguely heard a sentence:
"...pretend not to know anything, wait until he comes over to get close, and then try to make things harder..."


Pei Xiangjun recognized Mrs. Wang's voice, and was a little puzzled, so he looked around.

As a result, when she looked up, she saw Mrs. Wang standing in the corner of the medicine cabinet, talking to someone in a low voice.

On the other side of Mrs. Wang, there is a glamorous and stunning woman with those eye-catching peach blossom eyes...

It's not surprising...

wrong!Isn't this the wife of the leader of the Pingtian Sect?

Pei Xiangjun's expression was blank, but he immediately realized that there was a little weirdness in his eyes.

Niao Niao was very enthusiastic. She poked her head from the corner of the door and raised her wings:


There was silence inside and outside the hospital.

Mrs. Wang glanced around, slightly surprised:

"Miss Pei, why did you come here alone at night? But there is something urgent at home?"

Luo Ning suddenly bumped into Sanniang, her heart trembled, she wanted to act like a gentle little daughter-in-law, but felt it was wrong...

Overnight Xiangjun had a lot of white hair...

If she is a fiancee, this female boss is logically her rival in love...

Luo Ning's heart turned sharply, and she put on a posture of being neither humble nor overbearing, and bowed her head:
"San Niang, are you here to visit Jing Tang?"

When Pei Xiangjun saw the leader's wife, he didn't know her identity in the Honghualou, so he immediately settled down, and walked into the room with a proper demeanor, like an elder who came to visit his nephew:
"Ning'er, you're here too. Mrs. Wang, Jing Tang is my young master. I heard that something happened. Come and visit me..."

Mrs. Wang really didn't know about Guo Ye Jing Tang's family background, she said unexpectedly:
"Really? I said who raised such a handsome man. It turned out to be the young master of Tianshuiqiao. Mr. Ye is fine. The old man is giving acupuncture. Let's talk first."

When Miss Ning'er met her in-laws, Mrs. Wang naturally couldn't stand beside her and chatted about her daily life, so she left the hall of the hospital immediately.

Pei Xiangjun folded his hands on his waist, and came to Luo Ning in a leisurely manner, with concerned eyes:
"Why is Miss Ning'er dressed like this? Did you go to run errands with Jingtang just now?"

"Yeah, um... why is Sanniang here?"

"Niao Niao flew over to look for me, and came here."

Pei Xiangjun was a little curious, and looked at the back of the medical hall with his probe, and asked:

"Prince Jing is also inside, did Miss Ning'er meet you just now?"


Luo Ning really didn't notice that the queen was coming, and came to the door to check, only to find the carriage of Prince Jing's mansion parked on the street.

With Luo Ning's current status, she and the queen are rivals in love!

And the real identities are even more outrageous. One is the emperor's younger sister, and the other is the wife of the anti-thief leader.

For this reason, Luo Ning didn't dare to stay for a long time, she thought for a while and said:

"I haven't seen Her Majesty the Queen, um... Jingtang is inside, I think I'll come out later, I'm a Jianghu girl, I don't dare to bother Her Majesty, why don't I go back first, Sanniang is waiting here?"

Pei Xiangjun knew that the wife of the leader did not dare to "see the king". Although he really wanted to beat the wife of the leader, but he was afraid that his identity would be exposed and Luo Ningqiu would settle the score. After thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

"Miss Ning'er, be careful on the road, um... what is this?"

Pei Xiangjun looked at the medicine box in Luo Ning's hand.

? !
Luo Ning, who was about to run away, her expression froze, she pretended to be calm and said:
"It's the medicine Mrs. Wang prescribed for Jingtang to regulate her body..."

Suddenly, Pei Xiangjun stretched out his hand and took the medicine box:
"Is that so, I'll just give Jingtang later."

Luo Ning held the small medicine box and didn't want to let go at all.

She never thought that the third lady in front of her was quite domineering, she took the medicine box with a clean swipe.


Luo Ning was startled, opened her mouth, and stopped talking.

Pei Xiangjun also said that it was the wife of the leader, and he regarded her as a rival in love who "scrambled to serve his lover".Feeling a little unhappy at the moment, I put the medicine box in my sleeve and asked:
"Miss Ning'er, is there anything else?"

I'm fine, I'm afraid something will happen to you...

Luo Ning's eyes widened, her heart was very strange, and she wanted to say that this was a medicine for fun, but she asked Mrs. Wang to prescribe this medicine, and the rival in front of her knew about her, so she didn't know what to think of her.

Luo Ning hesitated again and again, but finally did not dare to explain, but just reminded gently:

"This medicine was prescribed by Mrs. Wang. I haven't asked about the effect yet, um... Sanniang must listen to the doctor's orders first. I'll take my leave first."

After Luo Ning finished speaking, she ran away quickly.

Pei Xiangjun felt that the teacher's wife was a bit weird, but he didn't take it to heart. He came to the back of the medical hall, found Mrs. Wang who was busy, and asked:
"Madam Wang, how should I use this medicine?"

Mrs. Wang was packing up the dried medicinal materials. When she turned her head, she found the small medicine box in Pei Xiangjun's hand. She was taken aback for a moment, and said to herself: Miss Ning'er is also stupid. How can she let others do this kind of thing? Still feel wronged enough?

After all, these are other people's housework, and Mrs. Wang doesn't like to talk too much, so she just explained softly:

"One pill at a time, the effect can be seen in two quarters of an hour."


(End of this chapter)

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