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Chapter 116 The entrance is soft, the 1-line throat

Chapter 116
The old doctor Wang left, and the main hall became quiet, only a faint candle and the scent of medicine remained.

The blood beads that had oozed from the fingertips had returned to their normal bright red color, and it took a long time for one drop to drop.

Ye Jingtang put his arms on the armrests and sat leaning against the chair. He felt that this scene seemed familiar—it was like infusion in a hospital, the only difference was that there was no medicine bottle hanging beside the chair.

While thinking wildly, footsteps came from outside the door.


Looking at it in a blink of an eye, the fat-headed dragon, gleaming and stupid, came over with his entourage, his expression calm and majestic, like a superior visiting his subordinates.

"Your Highness, why do you..."

"You don't have to get up."

Dongfang Liren lifted up the screen and retreated to the left and right, and came to the front:
"How's the injury?"

While speaking, Dongfang Liren bent down and looked at Ye Jingtang's left hand.

Originally, this action was nothing, but Ye Jingtang was sitting on the big chair, and Dongfangli was tall, standing beside him bent over, and the oppressive fat-headed dragon was presented in front of his eyes, so heavy that he could see it with the naked eye.


Ye Jingtang couldn't help staring at the fat-headed dragon, so he could only turn his eyes away and signaled to the seat next to him:

"Why is Your Highness here? You may meet outside..."

"Your crush?"

Ye Jingtang nodded, speaking a little worried.

Dongfang Liren stood up straight, with a calm expression: "I met, I was afraid of disturbing your family members, but I didn't meet. Speaking of such a beautiful girl, where did you abduct?"

"Oh, how can I kidnap? We met by chance, and then we got together. I took her out to handle the case tonight. I didn't expect the murderer to be so cunning..."

Dongfang Liren lifted a chair and sat upright in front of Yejingtang, with a posture similar to interrogating a suspect:
"Since it's a case, why don't you come and tell me, but bring your family with you?"

Ye Jingtang replied very frankly:
"His Royal Highness has zero actual combat experience, and I have to pay attention to protecting him when something really happens..."


Dongfang Liren was taken aback by the frank words, and patted the armrest:

"There are thousands of people under my king's command, which means to arrange manpower for you. Do you think that this king's daughter will go out with you to investigate the case?"

Ye Jingtang laughed and said: "I'm just guessing, if I really brought the chief arrester of the Heiya with me, if nothing happened, wouldn't it be embarrassing."

When Dongfang Liren said this, his eyes were serious, and he asked curiously:

"How did you guess that the government has an internal response?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said: "I just wanted to study the palm prints at night. Ning'er was also curious, so we dressed up like this and passed by together. Who would have thought that we would bump into the murderer and destroy his body and traces. The murderer can touch it so quickly, it must be in the The government has internal support, and it is definitely not a crime alone."

Dongfang Liren suddenly realized: "So that's how it is... But it's also very powerful. At least you did see that there was a problem with the palm print, which led to the murderer showing up. Can you see the face of this person?"

Ye Jingtang thought about it carefully: "No. Judging from his height, weapon, and posture, he is definitely the murderer, but Zhuji Street was not present when the case was handled. The murderer's martial arts skills are not as high as mine, but he should not be underestimated. , Tuzhou Longqi sword, there is a red rope in the sleeve, which can penetrate the beams of the house to move, and there are many hidden weapons on the body, as well as the 'snow moth scale' from Yanbei..."

After Dongfang Liren listened quietly, he frowned and thought:

"There are so many martial arts, and the source covers all over the world. It is estimated that the green bandits are behind the scenes."

"I asked Niao Niao to chase after him. Niao Niao should be back soon, and I can continue to investigate later."

Seeing Ye Jingtang's meticulous layout, Dongfang Liren really admired it, but seeing the blood bowl under Ye Jingtang's hands, he still said seriously:
"Whether this matter is solved or not, you will be credited with the first credit. The rest of the matter, let the chief of the Yamen handle it, and you can rest well. They are eating official rations, and they can't find any clues for a few months; you don't have a penny. If you don't get your salary, you still work hard at night, it's really..."

Ye Jingtang smiled and said: "Your Highness is so kind to me, even gave me the 'Jade Bone Map', I should treat His Highness's affairs as my own."

Dongfang Liren blinked, feeling a little moved in his heart:
"It's good if you have this heart, but don't make fun of An Wei, there are some masters under my king's hands. After a busy day, go back and accompany your favorite person."

Ye Jingtang faintly felt that these words had an imperceptible smell of jealousy, but it was hard to point it out, so he just nodded with a smile.

The two chatted for a few words, and there was another noise outside the door.


Niao Niao flapped its wings, flew in from the door, and landed on Ye Jingtang's shoulder, looking very angry!

But seeing that Ye Jingtang seemed to be injured, he rubbed his head against Ye Jingtang's neck again, probably to comfort him.

Ye Jingtang saw that the blood was no longer oozing from his fingers, so he pulled out the golden needle and put it on the desk:
"Have you found anyone?"


The bird opened its beak, begging for a reward.

Dongfang Liren has been in contact with him a few times, and he can roughly understand the bird's language, so he took the bird over:

"Take me to find you. If you catch the murderer, I will give you a big golden birdcage."


When Niao Niao heard the birdcage, she jumped back to Ye Jing Tang's shoulder, with a small look of 'Niao Niao doesn't know you'.

Ye Jingtang and Dongfang Liren walked out of the main hall together, but they didn't find any trace of Lady Luo, instead they saw Sanniang in a light yellow summer dress, standing at the corner of the veranda and looking around, holding a small medicine box in her hand.

"The daughter of the people pays homage to Your Highness."

"Miss Pei is here too, um... where is Miss Ning'er?"

Dongfangli looked left and right.

"Miss Ning'er is thin-skinned, I'm sorry to see His Highness coming down, let's go first."

Pei Xiangjun looked at Ye Jingtang's complexion, and seeing that there was nothing wrong, he said again:

"Jingtang is fine, I'll go back first..."

Dongfang Liren quickly raised his hand: "No need. Ye Jingtang, you send Miss Pei back to the mansion, I still have some errands to do, so I will leave first."

As he spoke, he hugged Niao Niao on Ye Jingtang's shoulder, and left with his entourage.


With the departure of the Queen and Lady Luo, the Wang Family Medical Center became quiet.

After Ye Jingtang bid farewell to the shopkeeper of the clinic, he walked out of the gate of the clinic with San Niang.

As soon as the Queen left, Pei Xiangjun's virtuous and dignified demeanor changed. With his hands folded on his waist, he assumed the posture of a jealous elder, leaving Ye Jingtang with the back of his head:

"Hmph~ You are really good. You can't get enough of beating two people in the morning, and you come here to fight with people at night..."

Ye Jingtang walked in front and sighed: "I can't help it. In the morning, I was helping Sanniang Tianshui Bridge to solve the trouble, and in the evening I was handling the case for the Heiyamen. I had to take care of both ends. I also did this for Prince Jing's appreciation, so that I could protect him in the future." It’s the Red Flower House.”

Pei Xiangjun slowed down a bit, and became shoulder to shoulder: "There must be a priority in handling things, right? I ask you to help, and I have to arrange a few experts to follow, so as not to make mistakes. You help the Yamen handle the case, as long as you are willing, fight for anything Fate? Are you sure you didn't do it to please the Queen?"

"How can you say that you are trying to please me? Prince Jing is very concerned about me. I feel ashamed for doing this. Alas... the most difficult debt in the world is the debt of favor. There is indeed some truth in this statement."

Pei Xiangjun complained sourly, but seeing Ye Jingtang's helpless look, he stopped talking and said instead:

"I sent people to pay attention today. Second Master Cheng sent people to Tiefuling. I'm afraid that in a few days, Angry King Kong will kill him. Be careful."

"Of course I know..."

While talking, the two came to the side of the street.

The carriage of Prince Jing's Mansion had already left, and only one official horse was left, parked in the stable next to the medical hall.

Pei Xiangjun came over in a hurry and didn't take a car. It's okay for the two of them to share a horse, but it's obviously inconvenient for Pei Xiangjun to wear a skirt.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang wanted to go to Mrs. Zhang to pick up a carriage, but Pei Xiangjun stepped forward to move the horse over:

"It's fine if you can go back, don't trouble others."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang gave up, came to the front, asked Sanniang to go up, and then, like Monkey King, led the horse to Tianshui Bridge.

hooves, hoofs...

Baishi Long Street is empty and deserted, only the lights and green trees along both sides of the street.

Pei Xiangjun sat sideways on the horse's back, seeing Ye Jingtang leading the horse so neatly, he was a little embarrassed:
"Why don't you come up too, and no one will see you."

"There's no one here, there must be some on the street ahead, it's not good for people to misunderstand Sanniang."


Pei Xiangjun folded his hands on his waist, looking at Ye Jingtang's tall and straight back, he couldn't help thinking of his sister-in-law's words, and the internal and external troubles of Honghualou. When he was thinking about it, he suddenly remembered the medicine box in his hand.

She opened the medicine box, and she could see that the inside was lit with red soft cloth, and there were four pits, each of which contained a pill filled with medicinal fragrance. She could smell ginseng and other precious medicinal materials, which should be something for conditioning the body. Then he raised his finger and took out one:
"Jingtang, this is the medicine Mrs. Wang prescribed for you just now, come and take it."

Ye Jingtang turned around and raised his hand to catch it, but Sanniang threw it straight away, and he had to open his mouth to catch it like eating peanuts, feeling... um...

Not bitter, soft in the mouth, a line of throat...

(End of this chapter)

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