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Chapter 117 3 Mother, Are You Drugging Me?

Chapter 117 Sanniang, are you drugging me?

Wende Bridge and Tianshui Bridge, as their names suggest, are both on the banks of the river in the capital. The difference is that one is upstream and the other is downstream, and the distance is not too close.

Ye Jingtang led the horse for a quick walk, passed through the bustling market and secluded alleys, and walked for half an hour before returning to Pei's alley from the back alley of Tianshui Bridge.

Pei Xiangjun sat on the horse, because there were pedestrians on the side of the road, and there was a distance from Yejingtang, so he didn't like to gossip, and he kept thinking about messy things secretly.

When the horse stopped outside the gate with the lantern with the word "Pei", Pei Xiangjun jumped off the horse and straightened his skirt:
"Jingtang, go in and sit down, I'll tell you something."


Ye Jingtang felt a little hot in his chest and abdomen, and for no reason he always recalled the clumsy attack of meat and eggs, Luo Hero's shame and humiliation, Sanniang's bare-shoulder look back...

Hearing Sanniang's voice, Ye Jingtang came back to his senses, and turned his head to look:

"What's the matter? Why don't we just talk here?"

Pei Xiangjun was just about to enter the son-in-law, when he heard this, he stopped in his tracks, showing sour eyes:
"In a hurry to go back to accompany Miss Ning'er?"


Ye Jingtang didn't know why, and really wanted to hug Nuxia Luo and chat, but seeing Sanniang's resentful appearance, his thoughts were suppressed immediately, and he walked up the steps:

"It's already night, maybe someone will listen when you go in, let's chat here."

Pei Xiangjun thought for a while but didn't insist, folded his hands on his waist, looked at the alley in the distance, secretly brewing words.

Standing next to Sanniang, Ye Jingtang couldn't help but stare at the perfect plump curve on the back of her waist...

I still recall the feeling of holding it inadvertently last time...

Under the illumination of the dim yellow lanterns, the full moon behind the waist is as round as the Mid-Autumn Festival...

Ye Jingtang raised his hand by accident...


A crisp sound.

Pei Xiangjun was thinking deeply, when he heard applause from behind, he looked back blankly:

"what happened?"

Ye Jingtang rubbed his face with his hands, his eyes were a little frightened, and he looked around pretending to be stern:

"Hmm... it's summer, are there mosquitoes?"

"Why do you slap yourself in the face when there are mosquitoes, really..."

Pei Xiangjun looked around the door, but still didn't notice the "buzzing~" movement, and suddenly found Ye Jingtang next to him, turned around, looked at the couplet next to the door, his eyes were piercing.

? ?
Pei Xiangjun followed suit, feeling a little dazed:
"Jingtang, what are you looking at?"

I don't know either!

Ye Jingtang didn't even dare to look at Mei Jiao Niang who was next to her with the "Three Steps to Kill the Man", staring at the couplet thoughtfully:
"This handwriting is flying like a dragon and flying like a phoenix, it is really extraordinary, it looks like it was written by a famous artist..."

"I bought it for a few coins on the street, and it's the hands of some famous master."

"Really... this beam looks a bit old..."

Seeing Ye Jingtang looking around, Pei Xiangjun was a little puzzled, shook his head and said:
"Let's get down to business. I told Aunt Ni today that you met a chivalrous woman taught by Pingtian when you went out this time. You like it very much..."

"What did Auntie say?"

Ye Jingtang felt agitated all over his body, so he sat down on the threshold, and his eyes just happened to be on the back of Sanniang's waist.

? !
Ye Jingtang wanted to stand up, but found that the sword was on the verge of breaking out, and he could no longer stand up...

Pei Xiangjun didn't notice the strangeness of Ye Jingtang. He stroked the hem of his skirt and sat down side by side on the threshold, with his elbows on his knees and his chin, looking at the swaying yellow lantern under the eaves. Very helpless:

"Your aunt said, my Pei family has treated you badly. If you have someone you like, you can't force it to stay, but the Pei family can't live without you. So let me quickly find someone in the building and promise it to you, alas... Qinglongtang is like this Tell me about the girls who are waiting to be married, who can you look up to?"

When Pei Xiangjun said this, he secretly looked at Ye Jingtang, trying to figure out the meaning, but found that Jingtang was staring at her lips...

? !
Pei Xiangjun's almond eyes widened a little, but he was a little panicked, so he sat up straight:
"I'm you... don't think about it."

Ye Jingtang wiped his face, fidgeting:

"No, no, how could I want to do something with Sanniang just to prove that I won't abandon the Pei family... It's all thanks to Sanniang."

Pei Xiangjun blinked his eyes, hesitated for a while, and said: "But your aunt's intention is to let me... let me keep you, what do you think I should do?"

"The important things in life should be decided by Sanniang herself, I... I can do it..."

"You can?!"

Pei Xiangjun's eyes widened, showing the astonishment in his eyes.

"No no, I mean..."

Ye Jingtang felt that he was a little drifting, and he said whatever he thought, he suppressed distracting thoughts and organized his thoughts:

"Well... everyone has a love of beauty. I help Sanniang, and Sanniang treats me meticulously. I must not be as simple as 'chivalrous' in my heart... But I still hope that Sanniang can treat these things from her own point of view. Think about it, don't just think about the external reasons of Honghualou. Imagine if there is no Honghualou, no aunt urging you, you are just an ordinary daughter, would you be so anxious, thinking about wronging yourself, leaving me in the The Pei family?"


This can be said from the bottom of my heart.

Pei Xiangjun has known Ye Jingtang not long ago, and he has a good impression in his heart, but because Ye Jingtang doesn't live in Pei's house, there are not many opportunities to connect with him, so he stayed together for a while while on the boat.

Yejingtang's incomparable excellence really made her want to stay by her side all the time, but her original intention was to help Honghualou and Pei's family, and she couldn't tell whether she had any love for her son or daughter in her heart.

Seeing Ye Jingtang being so frank, Pei Xiangjun blinked his eyes, a look of complexity appeared in his eyes, he held his chin and looked at the wobbly lantern under the eaves:
"Jing Tang, I'm sure I read you right... I know you won't abandon me, but the more you do this, the more I feel indebted to you, it's like getting something for nothing..."

Ye Jingtang knew that Sanniang was restless, and wanted to enlighten her, but now her mind was full of 'enlightenment'!
Unable to organize his thoughts at all, he could only hold his knees with his hands and look around.

Pei Xiangjun thought over and over again, and found that Ye Jingtang was in a hurry to leave, and he felt a little resentful:

"Are you in such a hurry to go back to accompany Miss Ning'er?"


Ye Jingtang wished he could hug Sanniang next to him, his hair was so sudden, he gradually realized something was wrong.

He is definitely not this kind of hungry ghost, the problem can only appear on the medicine he just took...


A look of disbelief flashed in Ye Jingtang's eyes, and he turned his head:

"San Niang, did you drug me?"

"Huh?" Pei Xiangjun froze with a resentful expression.

"I know that Sanniang is for Honghualou, but how can you wrong yourself and do such a stupid thing? Alas, this is the end of the matter, I... I am! What a mess I was thinking..."

? ?
Pei Xiangjun looked at Ye Jingtang's strange appearance, his eyes were inexplicable:
"Jingtang, calm down... What kind of medicine did I give you?"

Ye Jingtang touched his face: "It's the medicine just now, I feel...um..."

Only then did Pei Xiangjun realize that Ye Jingtang's face was a little red, and he raised his hand to touch it with the back of his finger—his cheeks were hot, and his breath was as hot as an emotional bull.

? !
Pei Xiangjun's eyes were astonished, after a little thought, he understood something, and his brows stood upright:

"This witch!"


Ye Jingtang turned his head: "What witch? The medicine given by San Niang was given by the witch?"

"What medicine did I give you? Why should I give you medicine?"

Pei Xiangjun was very serious and took out the medicine box:

"This medicine was prescribed by that Hu Meizi taught by Pingtian. I saw her pull Mrs. Wang and prescribe this medicine. I said I would give it to you. She reacted strangely and refused to give it. No wonder...it turns out With that in mind!"

Lady Luo?
Ye Jingtang quickly shook his head: "Impossible."

Pei Xiangjun gritted his teeth and said, "Before I entered the door, I heard someone say with my own ears, 'Pretend you don't know anything, and wait until he comes to get close, and then try to make it difficult...', I didn't understand the meaning of this at the time, but now I understand it. She was doing it on purpose. Hanging on to you, refusing others on the surface, and then secretly drugging you, making you unable to resist using force. In this way, you will be at a loss, she can continue to put on a cold posture, and you still have to coax her..."

Ye Jingtang waved his hand and said: "How is it possible, Lady Luo is very pure, she is not such a woman."


Pei Xiangjun saw that Ye Jingtang still trusted the leader's wife so much at such a time, his eyes were aggrieved and resentful, as if he was looking at a heartless person he didn't know:
"You mean I lied to you? You believe her, I'm talking nonsense, right?"

? !
Ye Jingtang saw that the situation was not good, and comforted him softly:

"No. There must be something hidden about this matter...I'll go back and ask, and I'll explain it to Sanniang tomorrow..."

Pei Xiangjun quickly pulled Ye Jingtang back, his eyes annoyed:

"You are not allowed to go!"

Ye Jingtang wanted to get up, but realized that standing was inconvenient, so he sat down again:
"I'll go back and ask about the situation..."

"Is there any need to ask about this situation? She obviously wants to prescribe you medicine. After you took the medicine, why don't you let her handle it when you go back? With your current appearance, you will probably agree to whatever that foxy girl says..."

Pei Xiangjun gritted his teeth, and said righteously:

"I can't let you get caught!"

To be honest, Ye Jingtang now hopes that Xia Luo deliberately drugged him, so that when he returns, he will be able to do that...

But seeing Sanniang's aggressive appearance, if he dared to leave today, Sanniang would hang herself at the door, so she could only raise her hand:
"Okay, I'll wait until the medicine wears off before going back. Hmm... Does Sanniang have an antidote? I can't control my thoughts now, I'm afraid I will offend Sanniang later."

Pei Xiangjun looked around: "Why would I prepare this kind of antidote... I think your eyes are clear, it doesn't look like you have been poisoned by aphrodisiacs, you should... you should be able to suppress it?"

Ye Jingtang took a deep breath, his breath burning hot:

"San Niang enters the room, I can hold it down, you sit here, I..."

Pei Xiangjun understands the meaning, she is too sexy...

But what if I enter the house and you run away?
How could this Hu Meizi from Pingtian School do such a thing?

Fortunately, she was resourceful and stopped the medicine from falling into the pit...

But I was shocked, it was not just an uncomfortable night...

Pei Xiangjun felt that sitting like this was not quite right, so he rolled his eyes:
"How about... you go to find Prince Jing?"


Ye Jingtang thought it was a good idea, but immediately suppressed his distracting thoughts, and said to himself: This medicine is really strong, how can I pay such a crooked attention...

The two fell silent.

Pei Xiangjun's expression was really weird, before he could figure out how to deal with the situation, footsteps suddenly sounded at the entrance of the alley.

The two looked around, but saw a woman in green clothes and a veiled hat appearing at the entrance of the alley, looking inside with her head.

Ye Jingtang was overjoyed, as if seeing a savior, he quickly waved:

"Lady Luo... woo—"

Pei Xiangjun's face darkened, and he quickly covered Ye Jingtang's mouth, trying to hide in the door, and said in a low voice:
"You're still barking? You don't care much, do you?"

Ye Jingtang was dragged into the door by Sanniang, and half of him fell into Sanniang's arms.

Pei Xiangjun was in a hurry to hide from the leader's wife, so he didn't notice the wrong skirt...


Pei Xiangjun trembled in shock, and quickly let go of Ye Jingtang, hugging the skirt of his clothes with both hands, his face flushed, his eyes frightened and ashamed.

Ye Jingtang's thoughts were wandering, and he stood up:

"San Niang, you know, it's really not my fault... I was drugged."


Pei Xiangjun's almond eyes widened, and his eyes were very complicated. Seeing that Ye Jingtang was about to leave, he gritted his teeth and stepped forward, hugging Ye Jingtang's arm and pulling towards the door:
"You are not allowed to go with her. I am doing this for your own good. You cannot fall into her trap!"

I go……

Ye Jingtang's arms were clamped, his legs couldn't move, and he said kindly:

"San Niang, calm down, if you do this again, I will do something stupid."

Pei Xiangjun's eyes are firm, and his meaning is probably—it's better for you to do stupid things in Honghualou than to be tricked by Pingtianjiao's witch!
Pei Xiangjun's face turned red, and he pulled Ye Jingtang into the room with all his strength, and wanted to close the door with his hands:

"Come in for me!"

"Sanniang, calm down..."

Ye Jingtang is still rational, so how dare she shut the door of Luo Nvxia outside, she can only block the door with her legs in despair, waiting to be dismembered by the two...

(End of this chapter)

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