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Chapter 119 I'll Show You!

Chapter 119 I'll Show You!
Step, step, step...

A silver moon hangs over the capital city, the long street is silent, there is only a beautiful figure in green clothes, as if being chased by a flower picker, hurrying along the street.

After running out of Tianshui Bridge, Luo Ning slowed down a bit, and looked back at the empty alley.

The thief didn't come out, he might have been dragged into the house by that woman...

The little thief has been drugged, and he will definitely be overwhelmed, and will be wiped out by that woman...

But if she goes back and continues to rob people, the little thief will definitely come to harm her...

Let's go first, anyway, the little thief is forced to do so, and it's not that he can't be forgiven...

Don't mess around and lose yourself...

Luo Ning looked back at the street for a moment, gritted her silver teeth, and turned to leave, but just as she turned into the alley, she bumped into a warm embrace.



Luo Ning was startled, and quickly moved a few steps away, holding the soft sword at her waist.

In the dark alley, a handsome man stood, walking towards her with open arms:

"Luo Xia, don't get excited, it's me..."


Luo Ning was not excited at first, but when she heard the familiar voice, her shoulders shook suddenly, and she pulled out her sword as if she had seen a malevolent star, pointing at the thief like a simple chivalrous girl meeting a flower picker:

"You...don't come here!"

Ye Jingtang didn't care about the edge of the sword that was close at hand, and walked forward until the tip of the sword touched his chest.

? !
Luo Ning looked at the scorching eyes of the little thief, her eyelashes trembled slightly, she was obviously panicked, and she didn't dare to stab, so she could only step back step by step until her back touched the wall of the alley:
"Little thief! Be sober, you... ah!"

As soon as Jian Feng moved away, Ye Jingtang took a step down, put his arms around Luo Nvxia's waist, rubbed it into his arms, and rubbed his earlobe lightly:



Luo Ning tilted her head vigorously, feeling that the big moon was pinched hard, her eyes were ashamed and angry, and she hurriedly pushed and shoved her hands:
"Little thief! Be honest with me, this is not an aphrodisiac, it won't distract your mind, did you do it on purpose?!"

Ye Jingtang did it on purpose, but there must be a reason for the medicine. He hugged Luo Xia tightly:
"Luo Xia, why did you drug me? Do you want to dare not say it?"


Luo Ning was tingled by the man's fiery breath, and twisted her shoulders vigorously:

"Who gave you the medicine? It was Mrs. Wang, she said you were too angry and needed intercourse..."

Ye Jingtang was taken aback, smelling the faint fragrance in the hair bun: "Then Lady Luo bought me medicine to help me recuperate my body?"

Luo Ning was tightly bound by her arms, and the little watermelon was squashed. She explained angrily:

"You have a good idea. I pretended to be your fiancee, and Mrs. Wang misunderstood. I said you are a modest gentleman, and you would never be rude to me because of these things, so she prescribed a box of medicine... I misunderstood you! "

Ye Jingtang blinked: "Then you took the medicine and were embarrassed to use it, so you gave it to San Niang?"

Luo Ning's eyes were slightly cold: "What for her? She ran over suddenly and snatched it without saying a word. It's hard for me to explain to her..."

"Then why did you run over again and pull me back? Jealous?"


Luo Ning was not very good at answering this question, so she hesitated for a while:

"I haven't decided whether I want you, a little thief, to be responsible. You have to belittle me first, so you have to take the attitude of apologizing...I came here to take you away, shouldn't I? Could it be that before I thought about it, I let you go Are you fooling around outside?...Don't kiss my ears!"

"Oh... I can't bear it..."

Ye Jingtang's hug was a little looser, and he said seriously:

"I've always been trustworthy. It's not a coincidence that I was drugged. There's nothing I can do. I'll just give you a kiss..."

Luo Ning blushed and said angrily:

"Little thief! Don't make excuses, you are 'cowardly and cowardly', Mrs. Wang said, this medicine does not affect the mind, if I go back on my word, you can completely restrain myself..."

Ye Jingtang stuck to his ear: "Do you believe this kind of words? You have already drugged me, which means that I have thought about it. Even if my head is flooded, I will go along with it. Mrs. Wang said this because she is afraid that you won't be able to let go... ..."

Luo Ning struggled, her eyes gradually changed from shame and indignation to helplessness, her peach blossoms were misty:
"Ye Jingtang, don't make excuses to deceive yourself! Mrs. Wang said that it won't affect your mind, but it's obviously your own evil intentions. If you really care about my opinion, you can't help it?"

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang relaxed a little, and looked directly into Luo Ning's eyes:

"This is the medicine for tigers and wolves. How can you let me bear it? My mind is tough. Will I not die if I take poison?"

Luo Ning stared at her eyes: "As long as you have a strong mind and don't think about those things, you will definitely be able to sit still!"

Ye Jingtang thought for a while, took out the medicine box from his arms, and took out a pill:
"Open your mouth!"

? ?
Luo Ning was at a loss: "What do you want to do?"

Ye Jingtang fed the pill into Luo Ning's mouth:
"You say you can bear it, then try it yourself. Let's eat both, and then stand here, whoever moves is a puppy, how about it?"

Luo Ning thought that this method sounded fair, but after thinking about it, it was full of pitfalls.He quickly covered his mouth, his eyes guarded:
"I didn't give you the medicine that Pei Sanniang gave you, so why should I try it with you?"

Ye Jingtang felt the same, and nodded slightly:

"I really can't blame Miss Luo for this matter, and Sanniang didn't know about it, I...I'll go find Prince Jing...the matter must be resolved..."

When Luo Ning heard that she was going to find the Queen, she instinctively raised her hand and grabbed Ye Jingtang's sleeve.

Ye Jingtang's footsteps paused, and seeing Luo Nuxia hesitate to speak, he changed his words:

"Then I go to Longyin Tower to sit?"

Luo Ning stopped Ye Jingtang who was already in a daze, and said seriously:

"Women in that place are not clean, you...you have to keep yourself clean."

Ye Jingtang was quite helpless: "Nvxia Luo pulled me away from Sanniang, and didn't let me go to see the queen, and didn't let me go to the brothel. I knew I couldn't help but dare not take medicine, but let me stand here Resist, isn't this going to kill me?"

Luo Ning stood by the wall, looking at the burning man in front of her, unable to reply, gritted her teeth, and snatched the medicine box away, her voice resolute:

"Okay, I'll eat. If I can't help it, I don't blame you for what you do to me; if I want to hold it back, I will eunuch you..."

As he said that, he took out the medicine and threw it in his mouth.

Ye Jingtang hurriedly raised his hand and held it down: "Okay, don't make trouble, you can't help it."

? !
Luo Ning still didn't believe in evil, she tried hard to swallow the medicine with her wrist, but she endured it for Ye Jingtang to see.

Ye Jingtang felt helpless when he saw this stubborn look who had never suffered a disadvantage:
"You eat here, if you can't help it, can we two perform live erotic palaces on the street?"


Luo Ning thought about it too, holding the pill and thinking for a while:
"Yunli is at home, let's go to the inn to open a room..."

Ye Jingtang spread his hands slightly: "You can't bear it, what are you afraid of? Yunli? Knowing that you can't bear it, don't take medicine indiscriminately, lest you wake up tomorrow and go back on your word, accusing me of playing tricks or something."

Luo Ning was silent for a while, then turned around and walked in the direction of Ranfang Street:

"Do you think I have the same evil intentions as you? I'll go back and take it for you to see. Even if it's really an aphrodisiac, as long as you have no evil thoughts in your heart, you can suppress it..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and sighed, and stopped trying to persuade him, and followed the angry sister Xigua home:

"Okay, let's talk about it in advance, something really happened, Luo Nuxia don't blame me tomorrow."


Tianshui Bridge is about four or five miles away from Ranfang Street, which is not too far away.

The time may have reached midnight, and the afterglow of the sea of ​​lights can still be seen in the center of the city, but the current block has become an empty city. Except for the quiet moonlight, there are only watchmen left, who occasionally carry lanterns back and forth.

The two walked side by side, and Ye Jingtang's pace naturally became faster and faster under the drive of the medicine of tiger and wolf.

Luo Ning, on the other hand, was a little guilty, and her steps became slower and slower. From walking in front at first, she became following behind, with pursed lips, and a bit hesitant to speak on her icy cheeks. She seemed to want to repent, but she didn't want to. Good to speak.

The two of them walked the distance in silence. Before they reached Yanfang Street, a cry of eagles suddenly sounded in the distant night sky:

The sound frightened the sky and suppressed the clouds, it was under the clouds and it was late at night, I'm afraid it could be heard in less than half of the capital.

Luo Ning was walking wildly, when the little thief in front stopped her footsteps, causing her to almost hit her back, she couldn't help but wonder:

"What are you doing again?"

"It's a bird."

Ye Jingtang looked at the night sky, his eyes regained his focus, judging from years of experience in getting along, the cry should be expressing——You idiots, you are so mad, here, here, here...

Ye Jingtang frowned, turned around and said, "It's Niao Niao, I'm in a hurry, I'll go over and have a look."

Luo Ning blinked her eyes, and suddenly remembered Mrs. Wang's exhortation, feeling a little anxious, followed her side and said in a deep voice:
"You've taken Chinese medicine, you..."

The face of the hungry ghost in the night terror regained its composure:

"I'm just joking with you, I'm really fine, but I'm so irritable and I can't run out of energy, I just want to find someone to vent my anger, whether it's a man or a woman, it's the same..."

? !
Luo Ning was quite annoyed when she heard such outrageous words, and grabbed Ye Jingtang's wrist:
"What nonsense are you talking about? Come back with me...I...I'll find a way for you, okay? I'll help you suppress the medicine first. If you're like this now, what if something happens..."

Before he finished speaking, another voice came from the sky:

The sound is closer this time...

(End of this chapter)

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