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Chapter 120 The Wolf of Dongzheng Street

Chapter 120 The Wolf of Dongzheng Street

The radiance of the cold moon sprinkled between the streets and alleys, and the resounding eagle chirping echoed in the night sky.

Ye Jingtang leaped onto the house and looked up from the roof toward the source of the sound—several figures rose and fell over the block at the end of his field of vision, and flew towards the direction of the east city wall. Hei Ya's pursuers were not seen behind him.

Luo Ning landed in front of her, pulling Ye Jingtang's arm:

"You are not allowed to mess around, your brain is not working well...you come home with me! I will find a way to help you first..."

"I'm really fine. The chief black officer couldn't understand Niao Niao's signal, so he must have lost his way, so he ran away without stopping."

Luo Ning looked at Ye Jingtang's focused expression, she really seemed to be calm, her heart was fluctuating, but she couldn't pull hard anymore, she gritted her teeth and followed, and pulled out the sword at her waist.

The three-foot Qingfeng came out of its sheath, with a cold glow in the moonlight.

Ye Jingtang landed on the side of the street. After observing the direction of the people, he picked up a long stick from outside the shop to support the canopy. With silent steps, he cut the way of the people at an oblique angle.

Luo Ning was afraid that something might go wrong in Ye Jingtang, so she raised her sword and ran to the front, crossing a street on the way, she took a cautious look:
There were three people galloping on the house. In front of them was a strong man with a simple knife in his hand and a man on his back.

The man lying on his back held a straight knife in his hand. Although he was masked by a black scarf, judging from his size and weapon, he was the murderer he encountered in the morgue today.

And walking behind was a man in a robe, holding a short soldier wrapped in yellow cloth in his hand, rising and falling silently, stopping from time to time to look back carefully, and then to the sky.

Luo Ning reminded in a low voice: "The person behind is very skilled, don't be careless."

"Then do him first."

Ye Jingtang carried a long stick, and quickly came to Dongzheng Street, stuck to the pavement of the street, and stopped against the wall outside a two-story cloth shop.

Dongzheng Street is the vertical and horizontal backbone of the capital, with a width of 30 meters. Counting the trails on both sides, the distance between the houses on both sides is 40 meters. Normal warriors can't fly there, and people who come here will inevitably land.


Ye Jingtang took a deep breath, suppressed the restless energy and blood in his body, his eyes turned sharp, he held a seven-foot long stick horizontally on the steps of Buzhuang, strided across his crotch, and focused his ears to listen to the movement behind him.

Luo Ning hesitated for a while, but still suppressed her mind, holding a three-foot green spear, her body was like a green snake, and she circled the pillars outside the cloth house, swam up silently, hung on the corner of the eaves, and made no more sound.

tata tao~~
But in a blink of an eye, the sound of footsteps has come to the cloth village.


Under the silver moon, a burly figure with a man on its back rushed out of the cornice first, and smashed into the middle of the street like a bull.


Then rush to the opposite street!
Ye Jingtang held sticks in both hands, motionless like a statue, and when the sound of stepping on the tiles sounded, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his legs trembled violently!
click -

The stone bricks under his feet cracked immediately, and Ye Jingtang leaped more than two feet in an instant like an eagle hitting the sky, and came under the cornice.


The sound of loud shouts tore through the Long Street under the moon!
The seven-foot long stick in Ye Jingtang's hand collapsed into a semicircle outside the window on the second floor of Buzhuang, and swept under the cornice!
boom -

The entire eaves exploded immediately, turned into pieces of wood and rubble and flew into the sky, almost overturning half of the roof of the cloth house.

It's hard to prevent it from being stuck in the field of vision!
But the figure above the cloth village is obviously not mediocre.

The middle-aged man in a robe on the roof just jumped up, and his face changed suddenly when he heard the sound of breaking wind, and the long strip of yellow cloth in his hand was turned over to block his side, and then there was a crisp sound of "Dang--".

The yellow cloth wrapping the weapon exploded, revealing a long black iron mace.

And the middle-aged man in a literary robe in the air, like a baseball being pulled out with all his strength, flew out in the air and crossed the corner of the cloth village eaves!
call out--

At this moment, the shrill sword cry suddenly pierced the night sky!
The green robe hanging on the corner of the eaves burst out with all its strength, and the three-foot sharp blade in his hand stabbed upwards, piercing through the corner of the eaves, and pierced the soles of the feet of the person coming.

boom -

With a flash of sword light, the eaves of the Buzhuang shattered again.

The middle-aged man in Wenpao was extremely skilled. Facing the sudden ambush, Jianfeng still pulled out a bloody gash on his right leg, and he fell down in the air, hitting Huangtu Street.

Ye Jingtang knew that this person was an expert, so he stomped on the pillars of the cloth village while he was still in the air, his body broke through the night, and with a stick in his hand, he hit the middle-aged man in Wenpao with a 'Yellow Dragon Crouching Road'.


It wasn't until this time that the reminder sounded for the murderer lying on his back.

The middle-aged man in Wenpao fell to the ground, his right leg drew a line of blood in the air, seeing Ye Jingtang approaching with terrifying momentum, he quickly raised his mace.


There was a thunderous explosion on the long street!
Ye Jingtang pulled down the stick, and the dust on the street immediately separated from the left to the right, forming a vacuum zone more than ten feet wide.

The dusty loess was engulfed by the air wave again, and turned into a yellow dragon, pressing down on the middle-aged man who had not yet landed like a cloud.

This shot shattered the seven-foot spear Chen Ming.

But the middle-aged man seemed to be far stronger than Chen Ming, with the iron mace supporting his full strength, his arms were barely bent by the huge force.

But no matter who you are, you have no place to stay in the air, how can you counteract the power of the dragon and elephant on the stick?
boom -

When the stick was pulled down, the middle-aged man who had not yet touched the ground turned into a cannonball wrapped in sand and flew straight for more than ten feet.

Ye Jingtang's qi and blood are restless, and his heart is not as calm as water, so there must be disadvantages.

But in the fight, violent, frenzied, excited and bloodthirsty, most of the time it is not a negative state.

After pulling out the stick, Ye Jingtang directly threw the long stick towards Luo Ning with his backhand, while holding the handle of the knife with his left hand.


The cold moon is like frost, and the lights of the long street flash!
Before the middle-aged man in the robe landed on the ground, Ye Jingtang had already drawn his knife and turned into a sea-breaking dragon. He crossed the ten-foot-long street in three strides, and slashed at the middle-aged man's waist and abdomen with one blow.


Sparks are flying in the dust!

The middle-aged man blocked Chilong Huan's first knife with an iron mace, and he flew backwards again.


Ye Jingtang sent the saber in his left hand into his right hand, made a forward cut, and caught up with the middle-aged man with all his strength.


Another knife!

The middle-aged man finally hit the ground. On the long loess street, he wiped out a groove more than a foot deep. Before he could bounce up, Ye Jingtang swung around and came to the top of his head.


boom -

The loess street behind the middle-aged man exploded, and a pit appeared.

Ye Jingtang fell behind with a knife, and with both hands holding the knife over the top of his head, he slashed down brazenly.


Amidst the loud noise of the two blades meeting, the pit on the ground instantly sank.

The middle-aged man didn't move his arms like giant pillars, but he was shocked by the huge force. He gritted his teeth, held the mace in his right hand, and slammed the ground with his left hand, and he turned around.


The roar is like thunder in the night!

Ye Jingtang's blood surged and his muscles bulged, and the fabric of his upper body and legs split instantly, revealing the soft silver armor and the tense muscles on his legs.

Under the burst of drinking, it can be seen that the arm appeared fine and dark red, which obviously strained the muscles, but the knife in his hand was not slow. The moment the middle-aged man turned over, the long knife slanted from bottom to top, and slashed at the middle-aged man. Human waist and abdomen.

boom -

The two blades met, and the dusty street was immediately washed away by the air wave, forming a ring-shaped fog belt.

The middle-aged man who had just landed on one foot blocked the knife with his mace horizontally, but his body could not stand still. Like a fired shell, it flew upwards obliquely, pierced through the wall of the restaurant, and then passed through the roof, flying obliquely. into the air.

boom -

The middle-aged man coughed out a mouthful of blood foam, gritted his teeth and clasped the auspicious beast on the roof with one hand, and pulled his body towards the restaurant next to him. Standing still on one foot, it was as if he was nailed to the top of the restaurant.

clap la la la-

Five knives and two guns, but in an instant.

It wasn't until this time that the sky above the cloth village was full of debris, and it was like raindrops scattered on the street.


Ye Jingtang held the knife and panted like a cow, with a bit of surprise in his eyes, he stared coldly at the figure on the restaurant.

The middle-aged man landed on the roof of the restaurant, his right leg was bleeding profusely, he could only stand on one foot, but his figure was as steady as a pine tree, he held a mace in his right hand, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, his eyes were cold and resentful :
"Have you played enough?!"

Ye Jingtang went down with five knives and two guns, knocking out the middle-aged man more than 100 meters away. Luo Ning tried his best to catch up but failed to catch up.

At this time, Luo Ning rushed to the front, and reminded as if facing an enemy:

"Be careful, it's Xu Bailin, the 'Green Steel Mace'."

Ye Jingtang was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

Although he hasn't been in contact with Jianghu for a long time, he has really heard of the "green steel mace" Xu Bailin.

This person, like Qiu Tianhe, is a top hero in the Jianghu. What he wants in his life is to overthrow Zhou Chiyang and win the No. [-] seat. He once challenged Zhou Chiyang to a one-on-one challenge. Although Zhou Chiyang was able to accept the challenge, it shows that he is a man. The background is definitely not low.

No wonder it's still standing...

Suddenly bumping into such a well-known hero, Ye Jingtang showed no signs of fear, glanced at Xu Bailin's right leg, which had been cut off, and said in an unruly voice:
"Just finished the foreplay... Bah - just finished warming up, how can I play enough and talk, come down and pay me back if I have the guts!"

(End of this chapter)

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