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Chapter 121 Elbow, Zhang Family!

Chapter 121 Elbow, go home!


The two faced each other with cold eyes, and the man with the straight knife on his back also came to the distance, and stood on the street holding the knife, his eyes were cautious, even a little frightened.

The man's name was Cao Aning, and he was originally an eunuch in the palace city of the Great Wei Dynasty and the little commander of the secret guards.

However, after Eunuch Cao, the 'Great Inner Gate God', lost power along with the deposed emperor, he, a master of the inner sect who never saw his head or tail, became an exiled ronin.

Cao Aning killed the small official from the Ministry of Industry in Zhuji Street last night. He thought the traces were seamless, but he never wanted to report to the hidden piles in the government, saying that a "night terror" suddenly appeared in the black office. It was a straight knife, and he even noticed that there was a problem with his palm technique.

Cao Aning's 'Swimming Palm' was taught by Eunuch Cao, and he thought there was nothing wrong with it, but just to be on the safe side, he still went to the morgue at night to destroy the corpse.

But what I didn't expect was that Ye Jingtang was so thoughtful and thoughtful to the point of an 'unpredictable prophet' that he actually lay in ambush in the morgue, waiting for him to throw himself into the trap, and directly beat him to serious injuries.

If that was the case, Cao Aning wouldn't be frightened, he just thought he was too careless and fell into the scheme of an expert.

But what Cao Aning couldn't figure out was that Ye Jingtang obviously didn't hunt him down, and he also confirmed that there was no tail behind him. After he fled to the hiding place, he was still caught by a large number of black Yamen arresters.

After being surrounded, Cao Aning immediately understood that Ye Jingtang let him go cleanly, knowing that he couldn't run away, and just regarded him as a prey after being injured and panicked, watching his every move in secret, waiting for him to return to his lair!

After this battle, Ye Jingtang's image from Cao A'ning's perspective can be imagined - a black man living in the underworld who knows everything, knows everything well, can't beat him in martial arts, and can't escape even if he wants to. No matter what you do, where you go No matter where you go or how deep you hide, you can never escape those eyes that see everything!

At this moment, being 'ambushed' by Ye Jingtang again, Cao Aning didn't even have the slightest surprise in his heart, and urgently reminded:

"This son is cunning and scheming, the city is extremely deep, don't be provoked by him, go!"

Xu Bailin was considered a hero in the Jianghu, but she was seriously injured by a sneak attack, and she was furious.

But the heroes of the black yamen immediately chased after him. This kid is indeed not simple, and it is not so easy to settle, so he can only say angrily:
"This sword, the old man has memorized it!"

Then he jumped over the house with one leg and fled towards the east wall.

Yejingtang wants to catch the thieves for Benben, so naturally they can't let these thieves escape, so they point the knife at Xu Bailin:
"A real man doesn't leave an overnight grudge, but with this courage, he has the face to fight for the top eight?"


As soon as the words fell, Xu Bailin, who jumped out with one leg, stepped on the wall of a high-rise building and turned back, holding a green steel mace in one hand, her eyes wide open like angry eyes:
"Death to the old man!"

Ye Jingtang returned to Mang, but he still couldn't do the stupid thing of connecting a heavy mace with a sword head-on, so he immediately retracted the sword, grabbed the long stick in Luo Ning's hand, and dodged under the eaves.

boom -

The green steel mace fell on the stone lion outside the door of the restaurant. The head of the stone lion exploded and shattered immediately, and the gravel flew.

Ye Jingtang seized on the opponent's weakness of moving with one leg, stuck on the main pillar, and swiped violently with sticks in both hands!


A bang!
The tip of the stick brushed against Xu Bailin's left leg.

As soon as Xu Bailin landed, she was thrown into a sideways roll, but before she fell, her left hand slapped the ground and bounced up, and the long mace in her hand was drawn towards Ye Jingtang again.


Ye Jingtang was stuck on the waist-thick red-painted corridor pillar and raised his stick to block it, but even so, under the heavy mace, the wooden stick in his hand was broken in an instant, the pillar shattered, and even the beams of the house swayed a few times.


Xu Bailin seemed to have been hit with real fire, she smashed her weapon with one mace, raised her hand and stabbed directly at the pillar.


The waist-thick colonnade was pierced directly by this mace, and the sharp point of the mace pierced Ye Jingtang's head.

But Ye Jingtang didn't use the pillars as a shield, he had already turned his head to dodge, seeing the iron mace piercing through the log, he immediately grabbed the Baling iron mace with his hand, and slammed it with all his strength.


The iron mace was poured into the post until it caught the gauntlet.

The iron mace should not be used by someone with great strength. Xu Bailin didn't take it seriously at first, but when she pulled it hard, she realized something was wrong. The iron mace seemed to be welded to death in Ye Jingtang's hands. It was so powerful that it couldn't be pulled at all. .


Seeing that the situation was wrong, Xu Bailin held the iron mace with both hands and pressed hard to the side, half of the pillar was instantly torn apart.


The iron mace was removed, but it was still held by Ye Jingtang with both hands.

At this moment, Luo Ning, who seized the opportunity, raised her sword and stabbed Xu Bailin in the back of the head.


Xu Bailin sensed that something was wrong, her robe suddenly bulged and tore the seams, and burst out with all her strength, wanting to draw a mace and sweep at Luo Ning.

But the young man in black in front of him was unbelievably strong. He pulled out his hand with all his strength and pulled Ye Jingtang forward, but he insisted on not pulling back the mace.

Shock flashed in Xu Bailin's eyes, she had to guard against the sword's edge, so she let go of the iron mace, turned around and clamped the blade with the fingers of her left hand, and punched Luo Ning directly in the face with her right hand.

Fist wind suddenly rises!

But Luo Ning was not stupid, guarding against the other party's 'returning mace', she drew back when she saw the other party's strength, and yanked the blade sharply, drawing a bloody gash between Xu Bailin's fingers.

Ye Jingtang snatched the mace, turned it over immediately, and smashed it forward; Luo Ning raised his sword to intercept and lock Xu Bailin's body.

Xu Bailin was empty-handed, and could only fly back in the face of the combined attack of the two, but at this moment, there was an angry shout from behind:


From the corner of the eye, I can see that the strong man in the distance has already rushed towards Luo Ning and Ye Jingtang with a simple knife, he raised his knife and slashed wildly, and shouted at the same time:


Ye Jingtang swung his mace on the Pudao, and drew out the saber with his left hand at the same time, and opened a bloody gash in the strong man's chest.

Xu Bailin knew she was careless, but she had no choice but to hurt her right leg. Under the cover of a strong man desperately jumping wildly on the street with one leg, she caught the saber thrown by Cao Aning in the air, and then grabbed Cao Aning, who was powerless, with one hand. , Fleeing towards the city wall.

clang clang-

The noise on the street continued, but Pu Dao was much weaker than Xu Bailin.

Ye Jingtang flipped the long saber with his left hand and turned it into an upright grip, while holding an iron mace in his right hand, he slashed fiercely one after another, but broke the simple saber in just a few strokes.

Pudao had several stab wounds on his body, his eyes were like copper bells, he threw away the wooden handle, hugged Ye Jingtang's right arm, and pushed forward like a bull:

Ye Jingtang raised the knife in his left hand, and it only took one stroke to cut off the man's spine, but in order to confess, he finally hit the man on the back of the neck with his elbow.


A muffled sound.

The man Pu Dao immediately fell to his knees and lay on the street, and the movement stopped abruptly.


Ye Jingtang held two weapons and chased Xu Bailin a few steps, Luo Ning reminded:

"Be careful when Xu Bailin comes back to silence you."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang stopped and stood in front of the prisoner, panting like a cow, and could hear a strong heartbeat after a few steps.

Luo Ning was terrified, her forehead was covered with fine sweat, leaning against the back of Ye Jingtang, carefully watching the surrounding eaves.

Ye Jingtang waited for a while, but when Xu Bailin came back to silence him, he threw away the mace, put the knife back into its sheath:

"This Xu Bailin, there is indeed something, one leg is so fierce, three legs can't take off yet."


Luo Ning blinked her eyes, feeling that Ye Jingtang's medicine hadn't passed, and looked back at Qingzi's arms:

"Be more serious! If you hit something wrong, retreat quickly, and even chase after him to chop..."

"Didn't I beat him away? I also caught a criminal partner. It's a great achievement, let alone being worshiped by Benben for a long time."


Luo Ning didn't know who Benben was, she just talked nonsense at night and said angrily:

"You hit the earth from the beginning to the end, and in the end, all the weapons were chopped off, and the only one hit by the sword was me..."

"Yes yes yes, Lady Luo is the most powerful... Huh..."

Ye Jingtang broke out with all his strength and consumed a lot. After saying a few words, he sat on the steps and wiped the sweat off his face.

Luo Ning squatted in front of her, and raised her hand to check her arms. Because she had done strenuous exercise just now, her cheeks were flushed, her forehead was covered with sweat, her breath was blue, and the small watermelon in front of her clothes was also fluctuating...

Ye Jingtang blinked, and couldn't help but moved towards Luo Ning's red lips.

? !
Luo Ning's red lips were poked, and she froze on the spot, but this time she didn't raise her sword to strike Ye Jingtang, but leaned back a little, and said coldly:

"You little thief, you are heartless, right? I'm checking your injuries!"

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly: "This medicine is so strong, I didn't suppress it after a fight, and it's getting stronger and stronger. I feel like I can break the bed apart..."

Luo Ning was really annoyed by this foul language:
"You said you were joking with me just now, and your brain is fine..."

"I put business first, and I want to say that I have a problem with my brain. Can you let me come over and block people?"

Luo Ning frowned, her eyes became serious, angry and anxious:
"A master fights, the difference between life and death is the difference between life and death. You know that your health is not right, but you come here to fight and kill? What if something happens to you?"

"That's how it is in Jianghu. Things don't come when you're fully prepared. I'm doing this for more meritorious deeds, so that Qiu Tianhe can be free sooner."

Luo Ning said angrily: "I think you are trying so hard to claim credit from the queen!"

"Two shots with one cannon... Bah... Kill two birds with one stone. I can't keep a distance from the queen and catch people at the same time..."

While talking, the sky came:

Birds flew over the street like white cannonballs, then turned back.

And Wuliudao's figures following behind also landed on the street, led by She Long and Shang Jianli.

She Long saw the ruins of the street and the strong man lying on the ground, his eyes were a little shocked, he turned around and saw Ye Jingtang, and hurried to him:
"Ye Gongzi, you are too fierce... are you alright?"

Ye Jingtang waved his hand slightly: "It's Xu Bailin, she's going to the east city wall, there are accomplices on the ground, hurry up and chase after her."

Shang Jianli and the others were on business, so they cupped their hands in a salute to thank them, one of them took away the felled strong man, and the others chased towards the city wall.

Before She Long left, she reminded again:
"Prince Jing is right behind. Seeing how brave Master Ye is, he will definitely give him a big compliment."

While speaking, he jumped onto the house and disappeared above the cornice.

Ye Jingtang looked back at the street:
"Prince Jing is here too, isn't this just a good time to touch... Bah..."

Seeing Ye Jingtang gradually turning into a hungry ghost, Luo Ning secretly thought something was wrong:
Once the Queen comes, she will definitely drag Ye Jingtang away, she still dare not say anything...

Her Majesty the Queen found out that Ye Jingtang had been drugged, so she was hungry and thirsty, so naturally...

Even if the little thief doesn't have traditional Chinese medicine, he will definitely go along with the flow...

She probably has to wait outside the door...


Luo Ning's eyes moved slightly, and after a little deliberation, she took Ye Jingtang's left arm and put it on her shoulder, lifted Ye Jingtang up, and walked towards Ranfang Street:
"Little thief, you don't want to use traditional Chinese medicine to take advantage of the queen. I will take the medicine and show you later. I don't believe that the medicine can't be suppressed. If I find out that you are using it to play... your hands!"

Ye Jingtang leaned on Luo Nvxia, and his whole body wanted to lean down. Hearing this, he realized that there was a small watermelon in his hand. He quickly let go, stroked the skirt of his shirt lightly, and said apologetically:
"Sorry, I'm full of brains now... bah... brain..."


Luo Ning stared at Ye Jingtang as if she hadn't heard the dirty words...

(End of this chapter)

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