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Chapter 122 Luo Xia, are you serious?

Chapter 122 Luo Xia, are you serious?

The moonlight spreads on the potholed road surface of Ranfang Street. There are no lights or fires around. You can hear the chirping of summer insects in the deep alley:

The men and women who came back late at night walked along the path by the side of the street together.

The woman was dressed in Tsing Yi, her black hair was tied back, and she was wearing a beautiful bun. She had a dignified and glamorous demeanor, just like a celestial maiden walking under the moon.

The man's arm was on the woman's shoulder, the sleeves were torn, he moved his hands and feet from time to time while walking, his eyes were wandering, and he wanted to lean towards the woman's cheek.

"Little thief, don't use the medicine as an excuse. If you move around a bit, don't blame me..."

"Luo Xia, I really can't help it, I'm already very disciplined...or I'd better go see Prince Jing, I'll die..."

Luo Ning's face turned red, she carried Ye Jingtang hard, and walked towards Shuanggui Lane. Seeing that there was no one around, she took out the medicine box, picked up a pill, and threw it into her mouth.

As a result, just as he raised his hand, Ye Jingtang held it down.

Luo Ning frowned slightly, and said coldly: "What? Afraid of revealing your secrets, you dare not let me eat it?"

Ye Jingtang held Nuxia Luo's hand, looked at the glamorous face close at hand, and said seriously:
"You really can't bear the strength of the medicine. If you take the medicine, it's like giving it for nothing. You don't have to believe me, but I have to tell you clearly. If you don't want to take the medicine in a grudge, I won't stop you. It's not true. A shameless little thief who is greedy for you?"

Luo Ning looked at Ye Jingtang's eyes that suddenly had no distracting thoughts, and the lapel of his clothes fluctuated a few times, slowly pulled out his hand, gritted his teeth and said:

"Do you think I'm as weak-hearted as you? If I can't handle it, it means you really can't do anything about it. It's a matter of urgency for me to find a way to suppress the medicine for you. I don't blame you for what... You are. But if I resist, I find that you are lying to me! I..."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly: "I won't lie to you, Lady Luo is so reasonable, what else can I say, eat it if you dare."


Luo Ning held the small pill and opened her red lips, but when it was brought to her mouth, she stopped again. After hesitating for a long time, she felt sad, opened her red lips and threw the pill into her mouth.

His throat moved slightly and he swallowed.

? !
Ye Jingtang blinked: "Nvxia Luo, are you serious?"

Luo Ning's eyes were firm: "I, Luo Ning, have always said what I said, and I really can't help it. It's my own fault."

Ye Jingtang sighed secretly, and also understood Luo Nuxia's intentions, and walked out with her arms around:
"Let's go, let's find an inn."

Luo Ning dragged Ye Jingtang back and walked towards Shuanggui Lane:
"You are plotting something wrong. I can keep my mind steady. Why don't you dare to go home?"

Ye Jingtang behaved a lot better, and persuaded softly:
"You are Master Yunli, Yunli is only fifteen, it's best if you can suppress the medicine, if you can't, Yunli sees me holding you while walking..."

"Don't talk nonsense, I will stabilize my mind, if you dare to mess around again, I will never hold back."

Ye Jingtang let go of Luo Ning's shoulders, and stood upright, with a stern face and no evil thoughts in his eyes:

"Okay. I'll take the initiative to touch you again tonight. I'm a puppy. But to be on the safe side, let's open a room and compare our strengths slowly. You have to stay behind in everything, right?"

Luo Ning pursed her lips, did not speak, and dragged Ye Jingtang back to the small courtyard where they met for the first time.

The horse was still in Sanniang's house, and the yard was clean and tidy except for flowers and plants, dried fish and garlic hanging in the kitchen window.

Luo Ning entered the yard silently, looked around a little, and saw that the lights in the main room had been turned off, and there was a slight breathing sound.

Luo Ning's eyes signaled Ye Jingtang to wait in his own room, and then entered the main room to search for bruises.

jingle bells—

On the bed in the main room, Zheyunli was sleeping with a knife in his arms and closed his clothes. Hearing the movement, he opened his eyes and found that his wife was carefully looking for something beside the cabinet, and propped up her upper body:

"Master, are you back? I just heard movement on Dongzheng Street..."

Luo Ning's eyes flickered, she acted like a dignified mother, and sat by the bed:
"It was your Jing cousin who was catching the thief, um... your Jing cousin beat him too hard and injured his arm. I will give him some medicine."

Zhe Yunli blinked and sat up:
"Why don't Master take a break, I'll go."

Luo Ning's face darkened, and she quickly pressed Zheyunli who was going to give it away for free:

"Sleep honestly!"

Seeing this, Zhe Yunli had to give up, and was about to lie down, when suddenly she looked at Luo Ning's cheek in doubt:
"Master, why are you blushing?"

Luo Ning felt a little hot on her cheeks, and there was a hot feeling in her chest and abdomen, probably because the strength of the medicine really came up...

Luo Ning's eyes panicked, and she remembered the words "everything has to be done later", and said softly:
"I was fighting with Xu Bailin just now, and I got angry, um... Yunli, can't you sleep?"

Seeing that his wife was not injured, Zhe Yunli didn't think too much:
"I can't sleep, or..."

dong dong~
A soft sound.

Zhe Yunli was tapped twice on the back, immediately wobbled and fell backwards:

"Master...it's not necessary...I just want to go out for a walk...for a walk..."

Before he finished speaking, he fell on the pillow in all directions, breathing steadily, and there was no more movement.

Luo Ning put Yun Li on her back, pulled up the thin quilt to cover Yun Li, then walked out of the main room with the medicine box.

Ye Jingtang lived in the west wing, the side room was already lit with candle lights, the silhouette of a man could be seen on the window paper, going back and forth, it looked like he was making a bed...

? !
Luo Ning's eyes were slightly cold, she walked down the steps slowly, and came to the door of the West Wing:
"Yun Li just fell asleep, you'd better behave yourself."

Yejingtang’s room is not big, with a wooden bed by the window, and a cabinet by the wall. There are no tables and chairs in the room, only two books, a small wood donkey, and a turtle bought for the bird are placed on the window sill. Ornaments, tidy and clean.

The candle lamp was placed on the cabinet, emitting a dim yellow light, illuminating every corner.

Jingtang's face was stern and peaceful, after smoothing the sheets, he sat down beside the bed, turned his eyes to the door, and was slightly taken aback.

Luo Ning stood in front of the door, with an exquisite and graceful tall figure, coupled with a glamorous and unparalleled face, against the dim yellow lights, she was graceful and soft.

Those soul-stirring eyes reflected the light in the room, her cheeks were three-point pink, her hands were folded on her waist, and she was carrying a small medicine box.

This scene is beautiful and beautiful, but it looks like Lai Shangzhong...

Ye Jingtang felt quite strange in his heart, and said casually:

"Don't be nervous, it's my first time too... Bah..."


Confused, Luo Ning entered the room, turned around and closed the door, then walked gracefully to the front, stroked the hem of her skirt lightly and sat on her side, with her buttocks resting on the edge of the bed, drawing a perfect arc:

"Stretch out your hand, and I'll heal your wound."

Ye Jingtang was sitting upright, with his right arm outstretched, and his left hand took out an idle book, and looked at it by the light, his posture was like Guan Gong scratching the bone to read the Spring and Autumn Annals.

Luo Ning was very clear-headed, but the breath in her body was unstable, and her eyes flickered. She didn't dare to look at Ye Jingtang's body. She just took out the Yulong ointment, poured it into the palm of her hand, and then gently applied it on her bruised arm. let go:
"You come by yourself, do you really think you are the young master?"

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang handed the book to Luo Ning, took the Yulong ointment and applied it on himself, and said casually:

"Nvxia Luo has an enemy, monk Shenchen, right?"

Luo Ning felt that her body was uncomfortable, a little hot, and a certain place was still sore, and she really wanted to rub her legs twice.She gritted her teeth and remained calm:

"What do you ask for?"

Ye Jingtang smiled and said: "Give me a few years, and I will definitely help you beat that pious old bald donkey down."

Luo Ning did have this little thought in her heart, but her mouth was very serious:

"Why do you want to help me? You saved Qiu Tianhe, and we will settle the matter."

Ye Jingtang smeared his arms: "We have fought several bloody battles together, how can we count them as life-and-death friends? I killed Zhou Huaili, you can give me the cards to save my life; you have a grudge, so should I also be obliged?"

Luo Ning looked down at the book and snorted lightly:
"Wait until you have that strength before you say such big words. Xue Baijin can't do anything about Monk Shenchen, you... If you really avenge me, you will be very kind to me..."

Luo Ning felt a little uncomfortable when she said this, she raised her beautiful eyes and looked at the little thief who looked normal:

"Are you having a hard time?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes were clear, and he slightly raised his hand:

"I'm not uncomfortable at all, and my mind is very clear."


Luo Ning blinked her eyes, feeling that something was wrong, she wanted to say something, but she held back her words, lowered her head and continued to read:
"It's good that you can hold back the medicine, um... I was a little bit wrong about you just now..."

Ye Jingtang said solemnly: "That's right! Nuxia Luo set an example, and I have an epiphany. As long as the mind is firm, this medicine can completely suppress it. Look at me, as long as you don't think about it, nothing will happen now."


Luo Ning's cheeks turned pink in February, and her breathing also fluctuated. She pursed her lips, followed the instructions, and read a book quietly without thinking wildly.

But the miscellaneous books that Ye Jingtang usually reads are all...

No, no, damn, hate~

Men are not bad, women do not love...

? !
Luo Ning's face turned cold, she closed the book that disturbed people's mind, and sat up straight:
"Do you usually watch these things?"

Ye Jingtang nodded: "It's just miscellaneous books. I don't read these. Could it be that I read military books and strategies and the way of governing the country?"

Luo Ning also wouldn't look at Ye Jingtang, her peach blossom eyes looked left and right, and aimed at the knife leaning on the bedside, looking for something to say:
"This knife of yours seems to be of good quality. Your adoptive father gave it to you?"

"That's right. This knife is the dearest thing in my adoptive father's heart. It stands to reason that it should be buried with my adoptive father and left to me. It should be because my wish has not been fulfilled."

"This little wood donkey has something to say?"

"No way, it's purely because it's cheap."

"What about this little turtle..."

"That's a bit of a theory. The bird is a descendant of Suzaku, and the tortoise is a descendant of Xuanwu. Buy this for Bird..."

blah blah...

Luo Ning listened quietly to Ye Jingtang, who was like a gentleman, telling allusions, her eyes wandered, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The last time she left the capital, she found that she only had this old courtyard in Shuanggui Lane left in her heart, and every day when she dreamed back at midnight, she would always see the face in front of her, every time they touched each other.

That feeling goes deep into the bone marrow and is unforgettable, like the strongest wine and poison, making it hard to hold back.

At this time, these memories flooded into my mind.

Luo Ning knew that it must be caused by the strength of the medicine and the environment, so she aroused her emotions, and tried her best to restrain herself and suppress her mind.

But how can she restrain the force of the medicine, and how can she forget the bits and pieces of each other's experiences...

The thief really didn't lie...

No wonder when he was found, he was sitting at the door with Pei Sanniang and did not enter the house...

Probably because he was afraid of entering the house, he would not be able to restrain himself from offending Pei Sanniang...

How did he resist until now...

(End of this chapter)

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