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Chapter 124

Chapter 124

When the spring breeze is rising in Ranfang Street, the deep alleys of Tianshui Bridge have entered autumn in advance.

The lights in the courtyard of the deep house had already been turned off, and only one light was still on in the back house. The words of the two women came from the window:

"You, you! Usually, I think you are quite powerful, and you look good as the head of the sect. Why are you so unbelievable today? Everyone has come to the gate, and you only need to cut your hands. How can you really beat Jingtang? Let go..."

"I've been drugged..."

"What's wrong with the medicine? Isn't it just right to cook the raw rice and wake up tomorrow, so I can't give up on you?"

"Oh, it's all gone..."

"That pungent girl is probably in love with Jingtang. After some sweet talk, Jingtang might spoil her more..."

"Got it, I'm going back to my room..."



The door opens and closes again.

Pei Xiangjun held the door with both hands, pondered for a long time, then turned around and walked out of the eaves, looking at the silver moon in the sky that was covered by residual clouds:

I have lived in this house for many years, since my elder brother passed away, there is only a heavy burden on my shoulders, which makes me breathless.

Concentrate on practicing martial arts, hoping that God will open his eyes and give him a chance to prop up the crumbling Pei family and Honghualou again, but as a daughter's family, no matter how high the martial arts are, and how tough the wrist is, I was still confident at first It was full, but in the end, I just watched this deep house wither away day by day.

On that day at the beginning of April, a group of bodyguards who came from afar entered the Tianshui Bridge, and the black-robed young man at the head also came into view that day.

From that day on, the burden on the shoulders seemed to be gone, and the sun shone through the clouds again, and the sun shone on the dull courtyard again. Every flower was full of vitality, exuding a different beauty from the past.

Honghualou and the Pei family need Jingtang, Pei Xiangjun has always thought so in his heart, and his kindness to Jingtang seems to be due to the situation and interests.

But today, after being beaten up by the leader's wife, Jing Tang left again. Guessing what the two of them are doing now, why is my heart so sour...

If Jingtang hadn't been allowed to leave just now, she would feel much better now, and the one who is sad alone should be the leader's wife...

Jing Tang didn't enter the door because he didn't want to offend her, he could see it, how could he run away...

Looking at the moonlight in the sky, Pei Xiangjun stood alone for a long time, wanted to get up and go to Yanfang Street, but finally returned to his courtyard, sat alone in front of the beautiful bed, looked at the empty room, and sighed faintly... …

On the other side, Dongzheng Street.

The disaster-stricken cloth shop was lit up, and some store workers were cleaning up the broken wood and rubble on the street.

At the intersection of the street, a luxurious chariot driven by four horses is parked.

The fluffy big bird, spread its wings and claws to the sky, paralyzed in the carriage, looking like it was going to die. The maid brought the freshly cut meat strips to his mouth, and didn't want to move.

More than a dozen black yamen general arresters stood in front of the carriage, with ashamed expressions, and stood quietly with their heads bowed.

Dongfang Benben, who is indifferent to the world, is standing outside the carriage in a silver python robe, holding a long black iron mace in his hand, with a dignified expression, and is summarizing today's work:

"Yejingtang found the murderer, and lent you the bird, and found the murderer's hiding place. The result is good, the king personally leads the team, and you have more than 20 people to catch three, and there is no sign of anyone from the beginning to the end." I found it, and in the end it was Ye Jingtang who had recuperated from his injuries, and stopped him halfway home, tell me, how will I go to see Ye Jingtang tomorrow? You bumped into each other in the yamen, are you embarrassed to talk to him?"

She Long knew that Prince Jing, who was personally conquered by the imperial driver but failed to accomplish anything, would be furious, and said in shame:

"Young Master Ye's methods are really domineering. I also suffer from not being able to understand Xue Ying's signal..."

"Without the eagle leading the way, you wouldn't chase people? You say Xu Bailin is amazing, what is this?"

Dongfangli raised up the seized green steel mace:

"Green steel mace, Xu Bailin has carried weapons with her for decades, and has interrupted the weapons of many officials and arresters. Now I hold it in the hands of the king. Could it be that Xu Bailin and Ye Jingtang met each other and speculated on each other, and gave it to Ye Jingtang? of?"


Many black yamen general arresters were speechless, bowed their heads in silence.

Dongfang Liren swore to Ye Jingtang that the matter of the murderer would be handed over to her, but as a result, he had so many experts with amazing annual salaries, went out and took her around the city twice, and finally Ye Jingtang took care of it. Very angry.

In the eyes of Mr. Tangtang, isn't she a fool prince, an embroidered pillow?

After complaining outside the carriage for a while, Dongfang Licai slowly suppressed his emotions, let the chief arrester continue to search, and looked at She Long:

"You said Ye Jingtang was injured?"

She Long responded respectfully: "The sleeves are torn, and both arms are bruised. They should have been injured when using a knife. Hmm... was taken home by Mrs. Ye's wife for healing."

Dongfang Liren took a look at the sky, and it seemed wrong to bother him after midnight.

However, when confronted head-on with Xu Bailin, the battle scars on the street were so exaggerated, if he suffered two maces, there would definitely be a lot of minor injuries.

And the bird is still here...

Dongfang Liren hesitated for a moment, and let the carriage arrive at the intersection of Ranfang Street, then picked up the exhausted Niao Niao and got out of the carriage.

Yanfang Street was under construction, no horse-drawn carriage could get in at all, the night was getting dark, and Dongfang Liren was afraid of disturbing Ye Jingtang, who was already resting, so he only brought his guard Meng Jiao with him.

Dongfang Liren walked carefully through the potholed streets, still comforting the drowsy bird on his shoulder:

"Today's performance is good. Tell me, what style of big birdcage do you want, and I will send craftsmen to customize it tomorrow."


Niao Niao turned her head and looked at the side of the street, ignoring the heartless fat-headed snake.

Dongfang Liren raised his hand and rubbed Niao Niao, and just turned into the entrance of Shuanggui Lane, the white-haired old woman behind her raised her hand to block her way:
"Uh...Your Highness, let's go back, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for Mr. Ye."

Dongfang Liren was stunned for a moment, and when he was wondering, he suddenly heard a woman's cry faintly from the depths of the dark alley:


Niao Niao also raised her head at this time, tilted her head in a daze, and then hurriedly wanted to run back to see if sister Xiao Xigua had been beaten.

Dongfang Liren held Niao Niao down, and his heart was full of doubts:
Yejingtang lived in this place, how could there be a woman crying...

Could it be that Ye Jingtang was beating a woman?Impossible...

Or is Nightmare already dead...

Dongfang Liren's face changed slightly when he thought of this.

The white-haired old woman saw that Prince Jing was thinking wrong, and explained euphemistically:

"Your Highness, work at sunrise and rest at sunset, this point is the time for husband and wife to enhance their relationship..."

While speaking, a clearer voice came from the depths of the silent alleyway

The voice was sobbing and complaining, it sounded like he was being punished, but he was wronged and afraid, but he had no resentment, and he looked very shy...

! !
Dongfang Liren's footsteps stopped suddenly, his dignified and majestic cheeks instantly turned into red apples, he held the curious bird down, and turned around:

"This color embryo..."

The white-haired old woman had no choice but to persuade: "Your Highness, please calm down. It is human nature to be at home again at this point. It is inappropriate to scold Mr. Ye."

Dongfang Liren blinked her eyes, she thought it was right, she sneaked to Yejingtang's house in the middle of the night to listen to the wall, she was the one who offended.

Dongfangli rubbed Niao Niao, wanting to run quickly, but suddenly remembered Mrs. Wang's words - ordinary women can't stand it, this girl can't do it at first glance...

She won't be killed, will she? !

Dongfang Liren was afraid that something might happen to Ye Jingtang, who didn't know the severity, so he stood there and listened carefully.

? ?
The white-haired old woman secretly knew that Prince Jing hadn't left the cabinet, so she was curious about such things and stood there with helpless eyes.

There was only one family in the entire block, and it was late at night, so even the slightest movement could be heard far away in the night.

Dongfang Liren covered Niao Niao's head, while he pricked up his ears, using the method of "Tian He Dao", to sense the wind and grass in the alley.

Not to mention, I can vaguely hear intermittent words:
"Sit up and move your waist..."

"I...I won't..."

"It's very simple, put your hands on my chest..."


Seeing Ye Jingtang's gentle voice, Dongfang Liren secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

At the same time, I also recalled a painting in "Tears of a Chivalrous Woman", probably a woman riding a horse...

This girl is so stupid, she still teaches for a long time...

The commotion inside made people blush, Dongfangli didn't dare to stay for long, suppressed his confused mind, and walked out of Ranfang Street lightly...
The torch was lit, and the red candles were lit, and the dim light illuminated the corners of the room again, making the room a little more charming than before.

The cyan skirt and tattered black robe fell to the ground, and the thoughtful little padded jacket given by Benben was placed at the end of the bed, and a small coat embroidered with the empty mountain and the full moon was draped over it.

The thin moon-white quilt was unfolded and covered the bed. Because it was a single bed, it was not wide, so the two of them could only stick tightly together.

Ye Jingtang leaned on the pillow, the bruises on his arms faded a lot, his sword eyebrows and stars were quite bright under the candle light, reflecting the woman's snowy back and hair as white as suet.

Luo Ning's cheeks were as cold as dust, with a bit of blush, holding the thin quilt with one hand, and after lighting the candlestick, she leaned back to the side of the bed, resting on Ye Jingtang's shoulder, and put a plum blossom print on her face. Folding the white handkerchief, clutching it in the palm of his hand, he stared at the roof tiles in silence.

Ye Jingtang put his hands on his waist and turned Luo Ning over to face him:

"What do you think?"

Luo Ning's lips moved, trying to express the grief and indignation of an 'indulged chivalrous woman', but she was a little powerless, so she looked away and said:
"You forget what happened today, or Xue Baijin knows I'm outside..."


Ye Jingtang laughed and said, "How can you say that I look like stealing someone's wife?"

"It was originally..."

Luo Ning wanted to get up and draw a clear line with the little thief, but hesitated for a while, and didn't move. Instead, she used the hand under the thin quilt to search Ye Jingtang's body. When she touched something, she shrank back like an electric shock. went back.

Ye Jingtang's eyes showed a bit of strangeness, and his hand slid down the back of his waist to the big moon:
"Touch it if you want, and I don't mind."

Luo Ning's eyes were complicated, and she said in a low voice:

"Don't talk nonsense. This...how can this medicine not be cured?"

Ye Jingtang heard this and turned sideways:

"Nvxia Luo also feels this way?"


Luo Ning was fine just now, but after resting for half a quarter of an hour, she found that her cheeks were getting hot again, she frowned and said:

"It doesn't make sense, I... I just..."

All cried.

Ye Jingtang pondered for a while, and explained:
"Well... this should be something to add to the fun, so what... we both still have energy, so naturally we will get excited..."

Luo Ning frowned, and glanced at Ye Jingtang:
"You mean, you have to toss until you get bored?"

Ye Jingtang knew that Lady Luo had worked very hard, so she thought about it:

"I can bear it, and I can rest now, but I don't know if Xia Luo will not be able to get up or down."

Luo Ning's eyes flickered: "Little thief, I could suppress the strength of the medicine, um... Since I have already helped you, I have to help you to the end. If you feel uncomfortable..."

Ye Jingtang understood the meaning, and nodded lightly: "It's okay if Lady Luo doesn't say it, but I feel a little uncomfortable when I say it."

Luo Ning bit her lower lip lightly, seeing Ye Jingtang leaning over, tried her best to look like being forced to be humiliated, and slowly let go of the thin quilt...

(End of this chapter)

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