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Chapter 125 A New Day

Chapter 125 A New Day

dong dong dong~~
I don't know how long it took, the window was lit up, and the sound of knocking on wood came from a distance, mixed with the chirping of cicadas in the summer morning:
"I see—I see—"

Luo Ning woke up slowly, her mind was still blank, she opened her eyes and looked at the window, only to see the morning sun shining on the window paper, making the room much brighter.

Why did I faint, what did I do last night...

Luo Ning's clear eyes showed a bit of confusion, and when he was wondering, there was a conversation outside:

"Cousin Jing, why did your bed collapse?"

"Yesterday, I was lying down and practicing the jackhammer, and I accidentally broke the bed board..."


? !
Hearing Xiao Yunli's voice, Luo Ning woke up suddenly, turned her head up, her eyes were full of fear, she looked down...

The cyan dress fit her body perfectly, and she slept on the big bed in the main house. Everything in the house was safe, as if nothing had happened.

Couldn't dream yesterday?

Luo Ning was very confused. She wanted to get up, but when she moved her legs, she realized something was wrong...


very sour……

Luo Ning quickly covered her mouth, and countless pictures flooded into her mind.

Head flooded and ran to Pei's house to catch the thief...

Being provoked by the little thief, competing with the little thief...

Knock Yun Li unconscious, take the initiative to hold down the little thief...

The thief is so skilled...

I found that the strength of the medicine didn't disappear, so I didn't go away...

Then I was stunned, dizzy and full of memory fragments, and when I woke up again, the bed board was broken...

She was paralyzed and gasping for breath, watching the little thief help her dress...

Carefully carried to the main room, put on the pillow...


What did I do!

This little thief is really good at tricks, why am I so stupid...

Luo Ning covered her cheeks with her hands, and the blush instantly spread to the base of her ears and neck.

After sitting on the bed for an unknown amount of time, he suppressed the feeling of embarrassment in his heart, and then there was boundless shame and anger in his heart, and he really wanted to draw his sword and rush out to chop the little thief into pieces.

As for the reason for the dismantling, it doesn't matter!
Luo Ning took a deep breath, recovered her cold appearance, and wanted to turn over and get off the ground.

But when she moved, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and she almost snorted, but finally she resigned herself to falling on the pillow, continued to pretend to be asleep, and recuperated her body that was about to fall apart...
The summer morning light shines on the courtyard, and a new day begins.

The breakfast was already prepared in the kitchen, because Luo Ning didn't like meat, so she boiled vegetable porridge and warmed it by the stove.

The green seedlings and bonsai under the melon racks show lush colors in the sun; the bedding and sheets have been washed and set up on the melon racks to dry.

Zhe Yunli was dressed as the little girl next door, with the magpie hairpin that Ye Jingtang gave her on her head yesterday, the knife hanging on her waist, lying on the window of the west wing, twirling the little turtle ornament with her green fingers, and looking around the room .

The west wing was clean and tidy, and there was no trace of water left by Sister Xiaoxigua.

Ye Jingtang squatted on the ground holding a small hammer, a handful of nails in hand, and a broken bed board in front of him.

As the saying goes, 'Virtuality cannot be supplemented'.

The old wooden bed, which was already in the past years, has completely passed away after Ye Jingtang's ruthless destruction. Even with Ye Jingtang's exquisite workmanship, it is difficult to mend the broken old bed, knock it for a long time, and break it There are more and more places.

Zheyunli held his chin with one hand, and praised:

"Brother Jing's heavy pendant is really good at practicing, I'd better buy another one, even if it's repaired, I probably won't be able to sleep for a few days."

Ye Jingtang thought it was the same, gathered up the rotten wood bed boards, and walked out the door with his arms in his arms:
"I have to go to Hei Ya immediately. I will ask Zhe Nuxia to help you buy a firmer bed later. Your mistress woke up and brought the porridge in. I beat Xu Bailin yesterday. Your mistress is the main force, and the consumption is really high."

Zhe Yunli stretched out her small hand: "No problem, as long as you have enough money for running errands."

Ye Jingtang threw the wood into the corner of the yard as firewood, took out a bank note and handed it to Zhe Yunli, thought for a while and said:
"Hero Qiu has already come out. I'm going to inquire about his whereabouts today. If I have a chance, I'll take you there to meet him."

When Zhe Yunli heard this, she immediately put away her sloppy quackery, and pushed back the bank note in a gentle manner:
"I'm just kidding, Cousin Jing still needs to make connections and spend money everywhere, how can I take your money. It's just a bed, I asked my wife for money."


Ye Jingtang felt that it was a bit inappropriate for Luo Nvxia to buy a bed with her own money, but it was not easy to say too much, so she put away the bank notes, packed her clothes and prepared to go out.

As soon as he hung the saber on his waist, a voice came from the door of the main room:

Looking at it in a blink of an eye, I saw a cold young woman in green clothes appearing at the door. Her hair was neatly arranged in a bun, and a green hairpin he gave was inserted obliquely. There is a little more indescribable charm in the past.

Luo Ning kept her usual repulsive appearance, as if she didn't remember anything, walked briskly towards the kitchen:

"Yunli, come and eat."


Zhe Yunli hurriedly ran into the kitchen and started serving porridge.

Ye Jingtang looked at Luo Nvxia, only to find that Luo Ning's eyes turned cold, and she touched the sword at her waist, looking for an opportunity to cut him, feeling quite helpless, and said:

"I'm leaving."

"Cousin Jing, go slowly."

Luo Ning raised her eyelids in front of the kitchen window. Although she didn't want to talk to the thief, she hesitated a bit and said:
"Your arm is injured, you are not allowed to fight."

"it is good."

Ye Jingtang smiled, turned and walked out of the yard.

Dyefang Street is being rebuilt. After dawn, there are not a few craftsmen who are busy taking advantage of the cool weather, and there are knocking sounds everywhere.

Ye Jingtang walked out of Shuanggui Lane, and was about to walk to Hei Ya, but saw a carriage parked at the street corner. He had fattened up a few rounds of the big black horse, and it stopped by the side of the road. When he saw him, he shook his head Looking away, it seems that he is eating and drinking at Pei's house, and he doesn't want to go back with his master who lives and sleeps all year round.

The curtain of the carriage was closed, but Xiuhe was standing at the street corner, chatting with several foremen.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang also recalled the crazy scene yesterday, one hand with one hand, one shot with two shots, and so on, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart.

"Master Ye~"

"Heh~ Take an umbrella, be careful not to get sunburned."

"Thank you, young master, for your concern~"

Ye Jingtang came to the carriage, greeted Xiuhe, and jumped into the carriage.

The carriage is quite spacious. Sanniang, who is wearing a light yellow summer dress, is wearing rose red lip balm, and her hair is also arranged in a glamorous style. She holds a landscape fan and sits sideways by the window, looking at the working conditions on the street. , in a daze.

On the table in front of him, apart from the tea set, there were also two red envelopes with the word "囍", which should be sealed with bank notes.

Ye Jingtang entered the carriage, and seeing Sanniang's slightly complicated expression, he knew he was still thinking about what happened last night, so he sat down on the opposite side of the carriage:


Pei Xiangjun turned his eyes away, sat up a little bit, raised his hand to pour tea for Ye Jingtang, his red lips moved slightly, but he didn't say anything.

"Yesterday I really took the wrong medicine, and it was fed by Sanniang, and my words and deeds are too much..."


Pei Xiangjun pushed the teacup in front of Ye Jingtang, sighed softly:
"You didn't do it on purpose, and I don't blame you."

Ye Jingtang smiled and said: "Yesterday was a misunderstanding, Ning'er's box of medicine was prescribed by Mrs. Wang, she didn't want to give me medicine..."

Ye Jingtang talked about the excessive yang energy and the need to recuperate.

After listening to the explanation quietly, Pei Xiangjun blinked his eyes, and his face obviously felt much better:
"Let me just say, why is she so tyrannical, stealing from my son, and even daring to come to my door to trouble me... In the end, did she help you recuperate your body?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, but it was not easy to respond directly to these words.

Pei Xiangjun made a faint 'huh~', with a bit of weirdness in his eyes, and pushed the red envelope on the table to him:
"You are newlywed Yaner, Miss Ning'er didn't come to offer tea, I can't just lose my temper and forget the rules. Take it, give it to Miss Ning'er for me, and say that I don't care about her."

Ye Jingtang felt helpless, but still took the red envelope, took out two jewelry boxes from his sleeve, and handed them to Sanniang:

"This is the hairpin I bought yesterday. I don't have a chance to give it to Sanniang. See if you like it."

Pei Xiangjun took the hairpin box and looked at it, a little surprised: "You bought it for me?"

"That's natural. I bought jewelry for the birds. How could I forget Sanniang? Xiuhe also bought one for her. Sanniang will give it to her later. She will be happy for several days."

Pei Xiangjun put down the fan, opened the box and took a look - the flower and bird hairpin in the shape of apricot blossoms, the workmanship is very beautiful, and it also fits her temperament. It was carefully selected at first glance...

Pei Xiangjun closed the hairpin box, thought for a while and said, "You really know how to serve water...I'm not someone like you, so you can't give away hairpins indiscriminately."

Ye Jingtang said seriously: "San Niang is my aunt, a master who has no real name, what's wrong with my filial piety to the master? Who dares to gossip and I will cut him off."

Pei Xiangjun blinked, hesitated for a while, and said in a joking tone: "Who is your master? I can't teach you as an apprentice. I really have to admit it. You were abducted that day, and I have to die of chills."

After all, I still put away the hairpin box: "Okay, you can go and do your work, I will go back too, remember to come to learn boxing at night. Also, after finishing the business in the capital, you have to consider Baoyuan It's about the door, otherwise Huang Zhu will have to run over to trouble you again, and I'll see if I'm free, so I'll walk with you."

"I'll keep this in mind, and I'll go there when I find time."


Ye Jingtang smiled lightly, got up and left the carriage, watched the carriage go away, and then galloped to Heiya...
On the other side, a private estate hidden somewhere in the middle of the mountain on the outskirts of the city.

There are countless guards patrolling with knives outside the manor, but there are few people inside.

Standing in the window of a high-rise building with a knife in hand, Cao Aning looked at the majestic imperial city where he grew up when he was young, and his face was quite heavy.

The room behind her was filled with the smell of medicine, Xu Bailin sat on the floor, the sword wound on her leg had been stitched and bandaged, and there was a brand new iron mace in hand.

But losing the green steel mace that has accompanied him for many years is no less than Ye Jingtang losing the first sword of Chilonghuan. No matter how good the new weapon is, it can't suppress the haze of resentment in Xu Bailin's eyes like "hate for taking his wife".

After the two were silent for a long time, Xu Bailin spoke first:

"The higher-ups have been planning for many years, and when we just started to settle, I made such a big mistake, how can I explain it?"

Cao Aning turned around, sat down opposite, and wiped the straight knife in his hand:

"Fan Yu doesn't know the inside story, and Hei Ya can't find anything by torture. You were accidentally recruited yesterday, so you should leave."

Xu Bailin knew that yesterday he wanted to fight back on impulse, which caused his companion to forcibly break the siege and fell into the hands of the government. She was silent for a while, and grabbed the iron mace:
"I'm going to save people."

Cao Aning raised his hand to stop:
"Chaotang is not a river and lake. You can't use loyalty. If you die, you will die. When things are done, you will not forget his achievements. You and I are the same."

Xu Bailin held the iron mace: "What should I do next?"

"Ye Jingtang and I have clashed, and we can't see through the city's background at all. If we don't solve it, we don't dare to act rashly."

"Kill Night Jingtang first?"

"I wait for the big things to be the most important. Killing Ye Jingtang will waste too much manpower and energy, and it will be easy to expose...you can kill people with a knife."

Xu Bailin thought for a while: "Whose knife do you want to borrow?"

Cao Aning seriously recalled: "According to Mr. Cao, 30 years ago, the successor of the Eight-Step Crazy Sword had a life-and-death feud with Jun Shantai. This Ye Jingtang will know the Eight-Step Crazy Sword. If Jun Shantai knew about it, he would definitely not be able to sit still. "

Xu Bailin frowned and said, "Xuanyuan Chao is the 'Marquis of Junshan', so he dare not attack Prince Jing's people."

"If they don't act first, they will die in the future. I just need to send the news, and Junshantai will find a way to solve the future troubles. How to solve it, I don't need to worry about it. Even if the Xuanyuan family can't solve the Yejingtang , at least it can cause trouble and let Ye Jingtang divert his attention, it's better than him biting me and waiting."

Xu Bailin thought about it for a while, and felt that this method was feasible, so she didn't say any more...
Thank you [This book is really good QAQ] the leader of the boss for the reward!

Thank you [Hunting Love Swamp] boss for your rewards!

The words added after this line do not count as chapter words or2!

(End of this chapter)

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