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Chapter 131 How can this person be as virtuous as you?

Chapter 131 How can this person be as virtuous as you?
Kick, kick...

It was noon, and the sound of horseshoes reappeared outside Ranfang Street.

Ye Jingtang led Da Ma slowly along the street, holding a book and scroll wrapped in silk in his hand, secretly pondering the knife skills along the way; Niao Niao was "grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" Pretty.

At noon the sun is too hot, there are no craftsmen on the street, and there are few people in Shuanggui Lane.

As soon as Ye Jingtang led the horse into the alley, he withdrew his thoughts and looked around, but saw that the yard was clean, and the bed sheets and quilt covers that he washed in the morning had been put away.

The doors and windows of the west wing room were open, and there was a small desk inside, but there was no bed.

The kitchen was tidy and tidy, and there was no one in it. The doors and windows of the main room were closed, and there was no movement inside.

Ye Jingtang parked his horse outside the courtyard gate and walked towards the main room:
"Nv Xia Luo?"

Suo Suo~~
There was the sound of taking clothes from the room, followed by the frosty voice of Yu Jie:

"Go and buy a few catties of salt and come back."

Ye Jingtang heard Luo Nvxia wearing a skirt, holding a picture scroll and walking towards the main room:

"I'll come in and put something..."

"Little thief!"

Ye Jingtang stopped under the eaves: "Okay, okay, I'll come in after you get dressed. Does it still hurt?"

There was no response from the house.

Ye Jingtang shook his head helplessly, and said seriously:
"I went to the palace today and learned about the Dragon Slaying Token and the Jade Bone Tutorial. But I can't bring out the Dragon Crying Tutorial, so I can't teach it..."

"I don't care."

"I also went to Minglongtan, where the practice of Minglongtu is very fast..."

"Isn't that the empress' bedroom?"

"The Queen took me there. You said you wanted to enter Cheng'an Hall, but I guess there is no other way."


Yejingtang was posted on the door of the room, mysteriously saying:

"I heard a poor court lady say that when she is an empress, she likes women. I'm safe, it's too dangerous for you to go in."


There was no speech in the room, probably stunned by the news, after a while, he said:

"If it doesn't work, that's all. About the murderer yesterday, I have asked Yunli to inform the Xiangzhu outside the city, and I think I will receive the news in a few days."

"That's good. I'm just worried about how to help the Queen solve the case."


After the two communicated through the door for a while, the door opened from the inside.

Luo Ning showed her figure, with long wet hair, she looked like she had just taken a bath, she was wearing a light blue home summer dress, she was wearing white embroidered shoes, her cheeks were not made up of makeup, her water was puffing like a lotus flower, and she was not in the world. The cold and glamorous temperament makes the hot summer a little bit more cool and refreshing.

The only disharmony was that Luo Ning was holding a sword and her eyes were fierce.

Ye Jingtang got up and walked into the room, put down the book, held the scroll and said:
"This is a calligraphy gift from the empress dowager, and it must be kept at home in the future..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the cold sister Ning'er, blocking the way with a sword, her eyes were like a tragic chivalrous woman whose innocence was ruined by a thief, and she came back to take revenge:
"You settle yesterday's account with me first!"

Ye Jingtang glanced at Jian Feng in front of him: "Nvxia Luo said that if you can't help it, don't blame me..."

"I can't stand it!"

"That's right, Lady Luo helped me because she saw that I couldn't hold back anymore, so she had no choice but to help me. Now you can't chop me up again, can you?"

Luo Ning made a look of anger: "You know I'm helping you, why do you use those methods to abuse women?"


Ye Jingtang did not agree with this statement, and asked, "How did I insult you?"


Luo Ning really couldn't speak, she didn't dare to think about some things, held back for a long time, just said:
"It's not that you haven't been weaned, you..."

Are you not happy?
When I stopped, you still secretly glanced at me, and took the initiative to lean towards my face...

Still want to suffocate me!
Ye Jingtang knew that Lady Luo was thin-skinned, so she comforted her with a pleasant face:

"Okay, I was wrong, next time..."

"no next time!"

Luo Ning's wrist was full of swords, she held the saber upside down behind her back, and turned sideways, her posture was like a glamorous sword fairy:

"Don't think that if I helped you yesterday, you will be able to sing and sing every night in the future. If you dare to remember what happened yesterday..."

Ye Jingtang walked in for a few minutes: "Nvxia Luo said she would help me recuperate my body, has she changed her mind?"

Luo Ning paused and hesitated for a while: "I'll ask Mrs. Wang later to see how often it takes to recuperate."

"Okay, let's follow the doctor's order. The previous bet..."


Luo Ning turned to look at Ye Jingtang with incredible eyes:

"The last time you were on the boat, you said you wanted to eat... what to eat. Did you eat more than one bite yesterday?"

Ye Jingtang said seriously: "Yesterday was another matter. I was just asking. If Lady Luo wants to get away with it, I'll just pretend it didn't matter."


Luo Ning took a deep breath, and the little watermelon was a little swollen, but in the end she still gritted her teeth and turned her head:
"I always keep my promises, how can I prevaricate you..."

Before he finished speaking, the man leaned over.


Luo Ning was so startled that her shoulders trembled, probably because she remembered what happened last night, and a look of fear flashed in her eyes, she raised her sword and wanted to break free.

Ye Jingtang bent down and hooked Luo Nuxia's legs, and hugged her horizontally:
"It's settled, don't get angry, don't hit me. I also don't want Xia Luo to lose her trust."


Luo Ning stared at a pair of beautiful eyes, but there was nothing she could do about the cheeky thief, she could only turn her head and look at the ground, keeping a repulsive look and ignoring her.

Ye Jingtang is used to it, and he quite likes this tone. He sat down in front of the bed and picked up the scroll:

"This is the queen mother's calligraphy. It will be hung up later. Don't break it, or you will lose your head."

Luo Ning was not interested at first, but when the painting scroll was unfolded in front of her, showing "Picture of Hawker Selling Chicken", her eyes moved and she sat up a bit:

"Is this the Queen Mother's own painting?"

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, and observed carefully: "That's right, it's the only one in the world. Can Lady Luo see the way?"

Luo Ning didn't know how to complain, and looked at the scroll:

"Isn't the Empress Dowager Qin born in Jiangzhou? Why are you so good at painting..."

"Jianmen Hunv, it's normal not to know how to draw. By the way, the queen mother is not very old. Have you seen it?"

"Jiangzhou is a granary, and the Qin family controls the Great Wei Navy. The queen mother walked halfway and the emperor died. I still became the queen mother because the abolished emperor wanted to win over the Qin family; the empress of the dynasty could not do without the help of the Qin family. This kind of aristocratic family is completely different from the Jianghu aristocratic family, how could I know it."

Ye Jingtang didn't know much about Chaotang, so he just nodded slightly when he saw this.

Luo Ning was born in Jiangzhou. Although she is from a family of Jianghu, she is also a woman of the family. The level of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting is not low.
"Although the painting is average, this painting method has a bit of the shadow of real Xuanji."

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes: "Where did you see that?"

Luo Ning raised her finger to indicate the clothes of the man in the portrait:
"I lived in Yuxu Mountain for a while before, and Master Xuanji also taught me to draw portraits. First draw the bones and then paint the skin. This technique is exactly the same as when Master Xuanji taught me back then."

Ye Jingtang was slightly surprised: "Nvxia Luo still knows real Xuanji?"

Luo Ning didn't really want to talk about these old things, so she said casually:

"I'm well-known in the world, what's so strange about knowing each other?"

Ye Jingtang thinks so too, the number one beauty in Jianghu...

Now being held in his arms, it sounds like a sense of accomplishment...

As soon as this thought went astray, my heart became chaotic.

Luo Ning's waist curve is perfect, buttocks are plump, and the weight is just right. Through the fabric, you can feel the smoothness of the skin, giving people the feeling that there is a soft jade ball sitting on the lap.

Ye Jingtang hugged his daughter-in-law who had married him, and it seemed that he had no reason to stick to the way of a gentleman...

Luo Ning was looking at the picture scroll, but gradually felt something was wrong, frowned and said:

"Move the knife aside, the handle..."

Luo Ning turned her eyes, but saw Ye Jingtang's knife lying aside...

What is it that hurts me...

? !
Luo Ning's icy cheeks trembled, gradually turning into February peach blossoms, her eyes widened a little, and they were about to turn into embarrassment and anger.

Ye Jingtang said seriously: "Don't be angry, I didn't move around, it was just a normal reaction. If I didn't respond, Luo Nuxia should be angry."

Luo Ning gritted her teeth, moved a little outside, and continued admiring the painting.

But how does this look?

Ye Jingtang looked at Luo Nvxia's shy and angry appearance but unable to explode, although he knew that she was not a gentleman, but she was indeed more energetic.

Sensing the awkward atmosphere, Ye Jingtang brought over the book next to him:

"By the way, I also found a rare copy of the former dynasty today, which is not available in the market at all. Would you like to taste it?"

When Luo Ning saw that the book was mounted with gold thread, she knew that it was a treasure hidden by a famous master. In order to find something to suppress the distracting thoughts in her heart, Luo Ning took the book:

"You're still reading, are you really going to be an official?"

"Reading books is to increase one's own knowledge, which has nothing to do with being an official."

Dongfang Liren was afraid of being found out, so the cover was covered with another layer, so the title of the book could not be seen. After opening it, he could see the famous annotations, and then there was a lifelike "Picture of a Beauty Holding a Sword".

Luo Ning, who was in a state of confusion, saw the picture of a beauty, her eyes lit up, and she suppressed her thoughts and looked carefully:
"This painting... seems to be the handwriting of the former painter, the craftsman of the engraving and printing, and it is definitely everyone..."

Ye Jingtang saw that Nvxia Luo was surprised and smiled, turned around and leaned against the head of the bed, letting Nvxia Luo lean on her shoulder.

Luo Ning had to be hugged anyway, sitting on the bed was better than sitting on the little thief, and she didn't struggle at the moment, Wen Wen quietly leaned in her arms, reading books seriously.

Luo Ning can be regarded as a well-read book, but she has never read this book. Although the book is beautifully made and the rhetoric is quite gorgeous, the content inside is in plain Chinese. Fainted, full of body descriptions, what kind of icy muscles and bones, who are out of the world...

Luo Ning felt a little weird. When she saw the male protagonist in the book, she took the nun back to the house for treatment, and couldn't help but say:
"This person... how can he be as virtuous as you?"

Ye Jingtang said seriously: "It's far away, I didn't touch the girl when she fainted."

You just force it when you are awake, right?
After thinking about it, Luo Ning still didn't quarrel with the little thief, and continued to read the book, because the plot was really fascinating, the more she read it, the more serious she became, and she forgot about the little thief around her.

wow... wow...

The pages of the book are turned, and the room is quiet, except for the chirping of summer insects:
Got it~~
Ye Jingtang was reading a book with his cold and beautiful daughter-in-law in his arms, and he seemed more focused than Luo Ning.

As a result, when she saw the key plot, Luo Ning turned the pages of the book, and a vivid picture appeared in front of her eyes:

The swordsman woman was powerless to resist, her eyes were sad and indignant.

The little thief popped his mouth and fumbled with his hands...

? !
Luo Ning's cheeks flushed, and she quickly closed the book. After thinking about it, she turned her head and glared:

"Little thief, did you learn those methods from this?"

Ye Jingtang felt that Lady Luo's reaction was quite different from that in the book, so he said softly:
"Men can understand these things when they are old, and it has nothing to do with whether they learn or not."

Luo Ning felt the same, because she wanted to see how the heroine dealt with the little thief afterwards, so she continued to turn the page.

Ye Jingtang was looking at the illustrations, and when he saw this, he raised his hand and held it down: "Wait, I haven't finished reading it yet."

? !
Luo Ning's eyes were slightly cold, and she calculated the time a little, and found that it had been more than a quarter of an hour, so she quickly closed the book:

"The time is up. This is Yunli's bed. You go to buy the bed yourself, do you really want me to pay for it for you?"

Ye Jingtang was still full of thoughts, but he didn't say anything, just reminded:
"You can read this book to relieve boredom. Don't damage it. It is an orphan treasured by the imperial court. I will be responsible for any damage."

Luo Ning was puzzled: "How could I break the book?"

Ye Jingtang knew that Nuxia Luo would keep her word, and no matter how embarrassing and angry she would be, she would at most beat him up without burning books, so she stood up immediately, took out a red envelope and put it on the dressing table.

Luo Ning leaned against the bed and read a book, seeing this scene, she was a little puzzled:

"What do you mean?"

"The red envelope given by Sanniang was purely a misunderstanding yesterday. Don't take what happened yesterday to your heart. I'm going out first."

Red envelope?

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Ning felt that something was wrong - did she treat her as a junior, or as a concubine?

Judging from yesterday's situation, the latter is more likely...

Luo Ning took a breath, and wanted to say a few words to Ye Jingtang, but saw that Ye Jingtang had already run away...
just finished writing...

I can't skip it every day, which leads to a stuck rhythm. Let's take a day off today, so I can think about it or2!

(End of this chapter)

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