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Chapter 132 Gangster excited fist

Chapter 132 Gangster excited fist

At noon, just after lunch, there were few pedestrians on the streets of Tianshuiqiao.

The second floor of Peijiabuzhuang is the general account room of Tianshuiqiao, which is equivalent to the president's office. It is quite spacious. The outside is a living room for entertaining guests, and the back room is a study.

In the study is a large mahogany desk with pens, inks, papers and inkstones, and a golden toad with a copper coin in its corner.

Behind the Taishi chair is the Duobao Pavilion, with jade cabbage, porcelain and other artworks on the left and right, and a sword used for town houses in the middle.

Pei Xiangjun was wearing a light summer dress, sitting on the grand teacher's chair, wearing the apricot flower hairpin given by Ye Jingtang, holding a pen in his right hand, and propping his face with his left hand, drawing small circles on the white paper absent-mindedly.

Very eye-catching breasts, directly pillowed on the edge of the desk, coupled with dazed eyes, does not look like a female head at all, more like a charming little secretary who is doing foreign work in the afternoon.

Last night, Pei Xiangjun was inexplicably defeated, and Pei Xiangjun still hasn't recovered, his eyes are full of emotions, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

While traveling thousands of miles away, the sound of horseshoes on the street, and the conversation between the two:
"Lao Yang, ask Chen Biao to find a shopkeeper who knows the way, and help him buy some furniture..."

"Okay, what does the Young Master want?"

"Be firm, the old bed at home, it's sleepy, it can't sleep well."



Pei Xiangjun came back to his senses, got up and went to the window facing the street, opened the window to look around, and saw that Ye Jingtang was standing at the door of the escort agency with Niao Niao on his shoulders, talking with the old bodyguard Yang Chao, while Niao Niao bumped Ye Jing Tang with his head s face.

Buying a bed... shaking...

Pei Xiangjun blinked his eyes, and felt that the meaning behind these two words was not small, but he didn't interrupt. When Ye Jingtang passed under the cloth village, he moved his hand slightly and pushed the branch down.

Call ~
Ye Jingtang, who was leading the horse and passed by below, reached out and grabbed the branch without looking up. It seemed that his martial arts had indeed improved a lot compared to when he entered Beijing.

Pei Xiangjun didn't say a word, and returned to the desk, showing the demeanor that a female head should have, and seriously made up his mind.

da da da~~
Soon, the conversation sounded from downstairs:
"Master Ye is here, Sanniang is upstairs, I'll hold you, Niao Niao."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. Pei Xiangjun did not look up, but looked at the account book seriously:

"Jingtang, why are you here so early?"

"I'm done with the things in the palace, come here and ask Yang Chao to help buy some furniture."

Ye Jingtang put the pole back on the window sill, sat down behind the sea of ​​tea, saw Sanniang's shrewd and capable appearance, and asked:

"Is there a lot of things? I have learned to settle accounts in the Escort Bureau, do you want to help?"

Pei Xiangjun closed the account book after drawing talismans on the account book for a while, with a somewhat sad look of "a night of white hair" on his face:

"Yeah, the business of the Zhou family is over for the time being. I still can't make up for the money lost in the past few years. Look outside on the street. There is no customer. Hundreds of shopkeepers are all dozing off. I have to send them Monthly money..."

"It's so hot at noon, and it's just after dinner time, so it's normal for there to be no customers. Besides, isn't there a lady shopping for cloth, and Xiuhe is there, it looks like a big order..."

Pei Xiangjun got up, walked directly to Ye Jingtang's side and sat down, and skillfully began to make tea:
"Oh~ that's a lady from Wende Bridge. She wants to imitate the Marquis Mansion next door and change some good clothes for the maids and servants. She also loves money. From bargaining in the morning to now, her skills are as good as the Dragon Slaying Order. I can't wait to hack me to death..."

The seat behind the sea of ​​tea is quite big, but no matter how big it is, it is still a seat for one person. Pei Xiangjun sat next to each other directly.

Ye Jingtang sensed that something was wrong, moved to the side to find no place, and got up wrong, so he could only look at the tea set without squinting:

"I know a little bit about the doorway of the Escort Bureau, but I really don't know about Bu Xing... By the way, I have something to ask Sanniang."

Pei Xiangjun cut the tea brick with a bamboo leaf-shaped tea knife and asked:

"what's up?"

"Do we also sell women's clothes here?"

Pei Xiangjun blinked his almond eyes, and looked at Ye Jingtang: "How many new clothes are you going to buy for Miss Ning'er?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "Not really. Then what... Wearing a skirt in summer with a pair of pants inside, it's hotter, do you have that kind of..."

Pei Xiangjun understood the meaning, and his eyes were a little strange: "Pants that are more risqué?"


Ye Jingtang hadn't figured out how the court lady Yuhu was dressed, and he had no place to ask. Seeing that Sanniang was in charge of the cloth house, he just asked casually. Sanniang said it so directly, it was a bit difficult to answer. Casually said:
"On the way here just now, I listened to idlers talking nonsense, just curious, just asking casually."

Pei Xiangjun blinked his apricot eyes, but was very frank: "No matter how hot the weather is, it is impossible not to wear under the skirt, it's just the length of the bottom. I heard from Mrs. Wendeqiao that the imperial tailor in the palace has researched a kind of bottom. , very bold, probably..."

Pei Xiangjun put down the tea set, and gestured on the side of his legs with his hands: "Such short pants can be folded up and put into a rouge box. It's as cool as not wearing them."

Ye Jingtang looked at the position of Sanniang's gesticulation, and after thinking about the scene he saw today in the match with Miss Yuhu, he suddenly realized—Hong Pangci...

Women in this world are hotter than expected...

Seeing Ye Jingtang's strange eyes, Pei Xiangjun said softly:

"Ordinary women don't dare to wear it like this. When I wear it, I have to put a pair of pants on it."

? !
Ye Jingtang sat up straight for a few minutes, feeling that something was wrong with Sanniang:

"Sanniang, you don't need to tell me about this."

Pei Xiangjun made tea without changing his face: "Just explain to me, it's not that I don't wear pants. But my clothes are all made by your aunt, and the craftsmanship is definitely not as good as the tailor in the palace. According to the wife of Wendeqiao , the royal tailor in the palace is woven in one go, without seams, and it fits tightly after wearing, very close to the body, but it's a pity that ordinary people can't see it at all..."

Perfect fit...

Ye Jingtang felt that this topic was very wrong, and it was really difficult to continue the conversation, so he said instead:

"Didn't Sanniang say she wanted to teach me boxing? Why don't you practice now?"

Pei Xiangjun made the tea first, and handed the small teacup to Ye Jingtang, then put down the tea set, got up and went to the back room for the lunch break on the side, and changed into a white short jacket.

Ye Jingtang took a sip of tea, took off his saber and put it aside, went to the middle of the room to look carefully, but saw Sanniang standing still in front of him, and made a fist fist in a dignified way:
"Song Chi's 'Lei Gong Ba Ji' is as strong as the sun, with the power to shake mountains, and the moves are fierce..."

He said shaking his shoulders and elbows.


Suddenly there was a loud noise in the room, and the water in the teacup rippled.

This boxing technique is really fierce, and San Niang's master is also full of aura, but with a round figure and such a fierce posture with clenched fists, no matter how you look at it, it has no deterrent effect.

Ye Jingtang's eyes were slightly strange, and he nodded slightly:

"Good punch."

Pei Xiangjun came back from Xiwang Town and has been secretly practicing boxing. He put a lot of thought into being a good master. Seeing that Ye Jingtang was a little careless and dissatisfied, he hooked his hands:
"Fist and kick kung fu is a university question. It's meaningless to practice moves directly. You have to start from the basics. You come and try to hit me."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't say much, and acted honestly as a training partner, with both fists in his hands, he walked slowly, and hit the middle door with an unpretentious straight punch.

The floor on the second floor trembled slightly.

When Pei Xiangjun attacked with a straight fist, he rushed out at the same time, blocked the fist with his left hand, and slammed his right shoulder into Ye Jingtang's arms.


If this attack was real, it would probably seriously injure Ye Jingtang.

But Pei Xiangjun obviously didn't make a cruel move. After hitting him, he resisted his right arm and fell over his shoulder.


The floor shook.

Ye Jingtang was neatly thrown to the floor by the petite Sanniang. He thought it was over, but found that Sanniang locked him right after.

The way of locking is roughly naked twisting, hugging him from behind, and strangling his neck with his left arm.

After Ye Jingtang fell to the ground, he leaned against Sanniang's arms, with two soft balls on his back, as if he was leaning on an air cushion, and he could feel the indescribable silkiness through the fabric...

? !
Ye Jingtang tried to break free, but Sanniang hugged her even tighter, so she could only raise her hands:

Pei Xiangjun's face was slightly fierce, he strangled Ye Jingtang's neck and said in a deep voice:

"I'm teaching you martial arts. You think I'm joking and playing house with you? If you meet an opponent and are restrained inadvertently, do you know what will happen?"

If Ye Jingtang could fight with the enemy to this extent, his neck would definitely be broken, but in a fight above the master, there is no possibility of showing his back in actual combat. He leaned against Sanniang's arms and said hastily:
"I know I was wrong. San Niang, this move is not right..."

"What's wrong?"

Pei Xiangjun's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he taught: "You try to break free?"

Yejingtang was leaning against the 'soft pillow', and didn't know where to put his hands. Seeing that Sanniang didn't let go, he put on a serious look:
"Okay, okay, I was careless, I didn't put my attitude right, I will study hard."


Seeing that Ye Jingtang had put his attitude right, Pei Xiangjun let go of his arms, stood up, and opened his fist again.

Ye Jingtang turned over and stood up, not daring to be careless anymore, staring at Sanniang with all his attention, and began to teach and learn boxing skills...

(End of this chapter)

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