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Chapter 133 Miss Luo Can't Sleep?

Chapter 133 Miss Luo Can't Sleep?

The sun sinks into the horizon.

The small courtyard on Shuanggui Lane was lit up.

The wooden bed in the main room has been removed and replaced with a mahogany canopy bed, leaning against the inner corner, with a light blue mosquito net hanging; there is also a dressing table with a vertical bronze mirror in the window.

The west wing room has also changed. All the old furniture was thrown away and replaced with brand new desks, big beds, and chairs.

After Ye Jingtang was busy tidying up the room, he sat down at the desk facing the window, looked at the moon outside the window, and still hadn't recovered from the afternoon's "gangster excitement fist".

After learning a set of boxing techniques, I basically found out the size of Sanniang, and I didn't know whether I was learning boxing techniques or 'learning a foreign language'.

But boxing is just like this, physical contact is inevitable, it is not appropriate to say that Sanniang did it on purpose, after thinking about it, I can only say that Sanniang did not treat him as an outsider.

The courtyard is very quiet, Niao Niao is very interested in the new bed, rolls back and forth on it, grabs the soft blanket by herself, makes a small nest next to the pillow, and lies in it with her claws facing the sky.

After sitting alone for a long time, a voice finally came from the alley:

"Master, why are you walking so slowly?"

"Oh. Thinking about something, your cousin is back..."


Ye Jingtang withdrew his thoughts, looked up, and Xiao Yunli, who was wearing a bamboo hat, ran in first, and after glancing at the main room, he quickly ran in, eyes full of surprise:

"Cousin Jing, why did you buy such a big bed for us? There is also a dressing table..."

Luo Ning stepped into the door one step later, seeing him at the window, her face turned cold, she turned and walked into the kitchen.

Ye Jingtang came to the yard and looked at Yun Li who was looking at the canopy bed curiously:
"Like it?"

"Not bad, not bad, I think it's no problem to sleep three people."

Zheyunli looked at it for a moment with satisfaction, then looked at the picture scroll hanging in front of the canopy bed:

"Is this painting included with the purchase of the bed? It's really dishonest..."

"Don't take it! This is a calligraphy gift from the imperial court."


Zhe Yunli took another careful look, then nodded thoughtfully:
"I was mistaken just now, this fine brushwork is really good..."


Ye Jingtang felt that Xiao Yunli was also a sycophant, so he came to the kitchen, looked at Luo Xia who was not happy, and asked:
"Is something wrong?"

Luo Ning must have something to do, and it's a big deal!

She sneaked to Wende Bridge today, found Mrs. Wang, and asked how often she should take care of her body.

Mrs. Wang's answer was quite straightforward - she would take care of it when she had time, and let him hold it back if she couldn't stand it.

What does this mean?
She was paralyzed twice yesterday, meaning she was paralyzed once a day?

Can't make it through this day?
Luo Ning bit her lower lip lightly, not daring to tell the little thief the 'bad news', but just looked at the pile of black ash behind the stove.

Ye Jingtang followed suit and looked at it. He didn't pay attention to it at first, but when he looked closely, he felt something was wrong—this black ash, why does it look like burnt paper...

burning paper...

? !

A flash of thunder flashed through Ye Jingtang's mind, and his whole body collapsed instantly. He walked slowly to the back of the stove and squatted down, raised his hand, and looked at Luo Xia innocently:

"You won't burn the book, will you?"

Luo Ning was not that bad, after midnight Jingtang left, she was reading a book alone in the room.

As a result, the villain in the book belittled the chivalrous woman, and after the chivalrous woman woke up, she didn't deal with the villain!

This is completely unreasonable.

Luo Ning felt that something was wrong, and scanned the back with the quantum reading method, only to find that it was all unsightly erotic pictures!She didn't dare to read it carefully, and immediately wanted to throw the book away.

But the little thief said it was very serious, and it was not good to damage the books, so she could only find an idle book and burn it, and hid "The Tears of a Heroine Girl".

Seeing Ye Jingtang's eyes full of heartache, Luo Ning snorted softly:
"So what if you burn it? You shouldn't read books that don't make it to the table."

Ye Jingtang rummaged through the ashes with a wooden stick, but couldn't find even a small piece of paper. He opened his mouth, feeling very helpless.


Luo Ning was stunned when she saw this scene, and thought to herself: Even if I really burned it, I would also burn the erotic book. How can you be more despondent than "Song of the Dragon" being burned?
"The Nightmare Hall?"

"Oh... I'm fine. Books can't come back to life after they die, so burn them if you burn them. I don't blame Xia Luo."


Luo Ning didn't know what to say, hesitated for a while, turned around and opened the cupboard, took out the books wrapped in black cloth, and threw them directly to Ye Jingtang, her eyes were slightly cold:
"Since this book is so important to you, you go to bed with it."

He walked out of the room without looking back.

? !
Ye Jingtang realized that something was wrong, and persuaded:
"That's not what I mean. This book is an isolated copy from the previous dynasty..."

"what book?!"

Hearing the movement, Zheyunli walked out of the main room, but Luo Ning, who was afraid of her daughter's imitation, directly pulled her arm into the room, and the door closed with a 'bang-'.

Ye Jingtang's words also stopped abruptly, looking at the silhouette on the window paper, he spread his hands slightly, and returned to the house...
Inside the imperial city.

On the branches of the moon, the gate of the palace has long been closed, and the Chen'an Hall is also quiet.

From the window, one can see the beautiful and beautiful Empress Dowager, standing in front of the painting table with a paintbrush, carefully sketching the picture scroll.

Hongyu was wearing a man's black robe, with a knife hanging from his waist, and a small parrot raised in the palace stood on his shoulder, standing in front of the screen as a model, with innocent eyes.

Although parrots and snow eagles look very different, to the freehand style empress dowager, the difference is not that big.

Dongfang Liren was like a highly respected teacher. After observing behind the empress dowager for a while, he felt that there was nothing to see, but he didn't dare to say anything. He came to the window and stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the water pavilion in the distance.

Outside the window, the Milky Way and the moon fell into the Minglong Pool, and there were no lights in the water pavilion.

From the window, one can vaguely see a woman in red, sitting alone in the water pavilion, with an aloof aura as if she is in the world.

When Dongfang Liren saw his sister practicing martial arts, there was a hint of envy in his eyes, just like watching Ye Jing practicing martial arts.

Her elder sister is the complete opposite of her. Her piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are so-so, but her talent in martial arts is outrageous. Because the martial arts of the Great Wei Dynasty was at its peak, her father, mother and concubine loved her a little more since she was a child.

She thinks her talent is not bad, so she must be a little jealous, but compared with a proud sister like her sister, it's like the empress dowager's talent in painting is compared with her. Even if she has worked hard to practice martial arts since she was a child, she is still getting farther and farther away from her sister.

She thought that she was only under her elder sister in this life, but she never expected that a night terror would appear in the capital, and in just a few months, she would be crushed on her again in the form of a heavenly man, without the slightest understanding of the world. But try to taunt her...

As for who is stronger between her elder sister and Ye Jingtang, she is not sure. At present, she thinks that her elder sister is stronger. After all, her elder sister has sat on the throne that only a man can sit on since ancient times as a woman.

Since ancient times, there have been countless monarchs who destroyed their country due to loss of morality, but few monarchs were forced to step down.

Because in order to protect themselves, the monarchs of all dynasties would choose a good seedling with extraordinary talents, and raise them by their side to teach them since they were young, and let them practice the collected dragon pictures.

There was also such a person in Wei Dynasty, because the "Dragon Singing Picture" was lost because of the destruction of the kingdom of Yan. This person was a young eunuch in the former imperial palace. He had practiced four Singing Dragon pictures. He was only twelve years old. He guarded the palace alone to cover Emperor Yan Gong's escape. .

After her grandfather captured the little eunuch, he didn't kill him, but moved him with emotion and reason, and asked him to be loyal to Wei on the condition that he treated the Yan royal family well.

The little eunuch agreed, and became the "Guardian God Cao Gonggong" of the Great Wei Gongcheng. When the grandfather passed away, he would protect the father, and when the father passed away, he would protect the eldest son of the emperor.

Eunuch Cao is the pinnacle of Dinghai beside the monarch of Wei, and if his sister wants to usurp the throne, Eunuch Cao will naturally become a natural moat that cannot be crossed. The eldest son is still able to advance and retreat freely, and if he can't defend the palace, he will flee to the realm of the kings.

At that time, she was about to be married off to the enemy country Beiliang, and she was already desperate. She was ready to abscond incognito. How could she think that when she woke up one morning, she would become the side-by-side king of the Great Wei, and she no longer had to worry about being controlled by others.

These things only happened on that night ten years ago. Outsiders only know that the courtier impeached the eldest son of the emperor and made him abdicate on his own initiative. They don't know what happened in the palace that night and how many people died; even she didn't know what happened to her sister. do this.

But she knew that her elder sister was stronger than she imagined. Her appearance was flamboyant, but inside her body was a majestic mountain, no matter how big the storm was, she would never frown...

When Dongfang Liren really worshiped his sister secretly, he suddenly found her sister in the water pavilion, her crescent eyebrows were lightly frowned, and she held her forehead with her hands, showing the frailty of a drunken imperial concubine.

? ?
Dongfang Liren was taken aback for a moment, then rushed out of the window, tapped the blue waves with his toes, and came to the water pavilion in the middle of the lake, and supported the frowning and closed Empress Wei:

"elder sister?"

The Great Wei Empress raised her hand slightly, then lightly hooked her long hair with her fingertips to block the inconspicuous white strand in her black hair, and said casually:
"It's okay, it's okay, you can continue to work."


Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, carefully scrutinized his sister's complexion, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual, he nodded slightly...
The night was silent.

The lights in Shuanggui Lane have been turned off.

In the main room, the blue curtain was put down, and Zheyunli was wearing a bird's bellyband, with a thin quilt covering her stomach, and she was sleeping on the inside in a large font shape, sleeping very sweetly.

Luo Ning lay sideways on the outside of the bed, with a thin quilt around her waist, her snow-white shoulders exposed, rubbing the emerald green jade pendant in her hand, and wanted to fall asleep right away, but the turmoil in her heart made it difficult to sleep peacefully.

Excessive yang energy, easy to be irritable if not adjusted...

Masters fight life and death, the difference between life and death is the difference between life and death...

Miss Ning'er needs to let go, this kind of thing is normal between husband and wife, it's also for the sake of her husband, don't have a psychological burden...


Luo Ning listened attentively, and there was no movement in the west wing not far away, probably falling asleep.

He himself doesn't care about his body, I'm so stupid to worry about...

But the little thief fights all day long, the Zhou family and Xu Bailin all hate him, one careless will...

People in the arena should not be impulsive. From a rational point of view, I have already helped to rectify it once. If I give up halfway and cause an accident to the thief, wouldn’t it be that I will lose my wife and lose my army...

In the future, I still count on the little thief to clean up Shenchen's old bald donkey...

Luo Ning was confused for a long time, but in the end reason prevailed, she gritted her teeth secretly, and sat up silently...
In the west wing room, the curtains of the canopy bed were lowered, and the robes were hung outside the bed.

Ye Jingtang was lying on the pillow, covered with a thin moon-white quilt, holding a book in his arms, and fell asleep soundly with his eyes closed.

Call ~
I don't know how many days later, a gust of night wind blew into the house silently, causing ripples like water waves on the tent.

Ye Jingtang woke up with a start, opened his eyes slightly to look around, there was no light in the room, and he could only hear the sound coming from outside the tent:
rustle rustle~~~
The sound of skirts being taken off.

? !
Ye Jingtang was really surprised and flattered.

Soon, the curtain was opened a little, and then the thin quilt was lifted, soft and soft, and rolled in silently, with its back facing him.

Ye Jingtang closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

After waiting for a while, the people around him looked back and prepared to get up and leave again.

Ye Jingtang woke up quickly, leaned into his ear and whispered:

"Luo Xia, can't you sleep at night?"

The familiar Qingling Yujie's voice sounded coldly from her ears:
"Little thief, don't be sentimental. Mrs. Wang said that I will treat you today, otherwise you may be unstable and have accidents when fighting people; you think I want to come over?"

Ye Jingtang was very moved, thought for a while and asked:

"What about tomorrow?"


Luo Ning hesitated for a while, and said coldly, "I'll ask tomorrow."

Ye Jingtang smiled and didn't talk too much. He raised his hand to touch it, and found that it was smooth and full of delicate hands. As soon as he touched the big moon, he was grasped by the wrist.


Luo Ning said in a low voice: "I came here to recuperate my body, not to make out with you. You are too slow, I... I am in a hurry to go back to sleep."


Ye Jingtang was a little innocent, and thought to himself: I can't make it any faster...

There was a noise around him, he turned around, and the warmth was pressed against his body, as if he wanted to get on the horse right away!

Ye Jingtang couldn't see Luo Ning's cheek, but he knew it must be - biting his lower lip, eyes full of helplessness, forced to be humiliated - small appearance.

Naturally, Ye Jingtang would not stop it, and waited eagerly.

Ye Jingtang wanted to raise his hand, but Luo Nvxia held him down, so he could only say softly:

"How can you do this?"


Luo Nvxia said stubbornly like a mosquito.

Ye Jingtang held the back of his head with his hands and didn't move, just asked:

"Keeping Yun Li dizzy all the time, it's not good..."

"It's not a way to stun or help sleep. She didn't sleep honestly when she was a child. Her master often did this."

"How about we buy a new house?"

"This is your home, you make up your own mind...keep this yard..."

"it is good."

There was silence in the canopy bed, only slight ripples appeared in the curtains.

After an unknown period of silence, Ye Jingtang's voice sounded again:
"Didn't Xia Luo read a book today?"

"How could I look at that unclean thing...Little thief, don't talk, or I'll go back to sleep."


(End of this chapter)

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