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Chapter 135

Chapter 135
It's getting dark.

In Qinglian Villa near Jiang'an Wharf, the atmosphere is solemn.

Between the white walls and blue tiles, dozens of thugs from the Qinglian Gang stood silently, listening to a sad word inside the wall:
"Heaven and earth conscience, I have nothing to do with Young Master Ye of Tianshuiqiao. He chopped off both arms. Even if Master Cheng beats me to death, he won't come. What kind of thing..."

There was no light in the main hall, making the light slightly dim.

Yang Guan, with his arms hanging around his neck, was sitting on a side chair in an orderly manner. The grievance and anger on his face could probably write several pages.

The middle hall, which was smashed to pieces by Ye Jingtang last month, has just been repaired, relying on a long-handled copper hammer.

The copper hammer was like a gourd, as tall as a person, with a long handle that was pitch black and shiny.

On the mahogany Taishi chair next to him, a sturdy man was sitting in a brocade robe, but he did not appear to be elegant or a merchant's philistine. His majestic shoulders looked like a tiger and bear sitting on the chair.

The man's name is Cheng Shilu, the head of the Tiefuling Kaishan School in Yunzhou. Like his younger brother, he is also bald, but his body is a whole circle bigger. He looks about the same as Tu Jiuji in "Bull Head and Horse Noodles". The one holding the teacup The posture is not holding it, but pinching the teacup with two fingers, blowing slowly:

The sound is like the panting of cows and horses.

Above the rivers and lakes, a big body does not necessarily mean a strong body, but with such a large amount of flesh, you don't need to think about it to know how much hard work is hidden under the tendons.

Yang Guan was sitting not far away. Compared with his relatively strong body, he looked like a malnourished dwarf. He explained innocently:

"Guang Hanlin, the third master of the family teacher, Master Cheng should have heard of it..."

Cheng Shilu raised a pair of tiger eyes, although his tone was flat, he felt like shouting like thunder:
"Your master is from Wuzhou. When you come to Yunzhou, you have to respect me three points."

"That's natural. The head of Cheng and the family teacher are both from the Jianghu, and they follow the rules. If you want to see Young Master Ye, I'll just go and invite him. If you sell the house or land, you can invite Young Master Ye. If you don't come, you will leave me alone." One leg is fine. If I'm not allowed to go out, why did Young Master Ye come?"

Cheng Shilu put down the teacup: "You were there the day my brother and nephew were beaten, and you kept saying good things to Ye Jingtang..."

"Both of my arms have been crippled, how dare I say bad things?"

"Then tell me, why did he give you a good face that day and asked you to wait outside first?"

"Because he beat me, I have a long memory..."

"That is to know that you are convinced and recognize him as the leader."

Cheng Shilu looked directly at Yang Guan: "Even if it's a guard dog, he kicks twice when he comes in and out, and it's not something outsiders can touch casually. This is called the rules of the world. If I want to clean you up today, if he doesn't care about you, what will happen in the future?" Sit firmly in the leading position in the capital?"

Yang Guan's face turned bitter: "Master Cheng, what you said is too flattering to me. If I am Young Master Ye's dog leg, I deserve to be beaten today, but I have nothing to do with Young Master Ye. Young Master Ye is not counted. People from the rivers and lakes, they are merchants..."

Cheng Shilu seems to have a hot temper and a bad temper, but in fact he is not as rough as he looks.

He knew that Yang Guan had been wronged, and the reason why he took Yang Guan's knife was because Prince Jing was behind Ye Jingtang.

Cheng Shilu has Li Xiang's contacts behind him, so he is not too jealous, but the street fight incident really caused trouble in the officialdom, and neither side can get it right.

If you want to find a place for your younger brother and nephew, you can only "the world's affairs, the rivers and lakes" and solve it with the rules of the rivers and lakes.

But Cheng Shilu rushed over today, and after some inquiries, among the people related to Yejingtang, they were either civilians or official servants, only Yang Guan was considered a quack, and he would not make trouble with the government if he beat him.

Moreover, Yang Guan was more afraid of Ye Jingtang than Tiefuling, he didn't understand the rules of the world, if Ye Jingtang really didn't come, then he should teach Yang Guan how to behave.

Seeing that the sky was completely dark, Cheng Shilu didn't say any more, stood up with a strong body, and held the long-handled copper hammer:

"it's dark."

Yang Guan's face turned pale, and he quickly raised his hand: "Master Cheng, it's not like, hey hey..."

Seeing that the copper hammer was raised, Yang Guan did not dare to resist, but closed his eyes with a pale face, and his facial features almost shrank together.

But the feeling of his leg being broken never came. Instead, there was a footstep outside.

Ta... Ta...

Yang Guan opened his eyes a little, and looked at the rain curtain outside the main hall, only to see a black robe appearing unhurriedly at the gate of the courtyard, holding a black umbrella in his hand, a long knife hanging from his waist, and followed behind. A woman in Tsing Yi wearing a veiled hat.


Yang Guan was stunned, he didn't expect Young Master Ye to be so righteous, he treated him like a dog's leg, he quickly got up and bowed:
"Master Ye, you really take care of the little one?! There is no way to repay this kindness..."

Ye Jingtang ignored Yang Guan, handed the umbrella to Nuxia Luo, pressed the knife and walked into the rain:

"Your Excellency is the head of Cheng Shilu Cheng?"

Cheng Shilu's eyes widened, he twisted his neck, walked towards the gate, and put a long-handled hammer on the ground, making a muffled sound of 'boom—':
"A few days ago, your kid hit me..."


The sound of a knife interrupted the speech.

After Ye Jingtang confirmed the victim, he didn't say a word of nonsense, and rushed straight to the door.

Standing at the door, Luo Ning was stunned when she saw this scene, and said to herself: Are you in a hurry to go back and recuperate?Anyway, let me say a few words on the scene...!
Cheng Shilu really didn't expect this stunned-headed young man to have a hotter temper than him. Seeing Ye Jingtang attacking with a knife regardless, his face became angry, and he directly smashed the door with a long-handled copper hammer:



Ye Jingtang drew the saber with his right hand, and the blade's edge swept over the copper hammer. The long saber was instantly pushed away by the huge force, but the back of the saber was pressed against the back of the saber by his right elbow.


A line of sparks exploded from the main hall, frightening Yang Guan to rush to the side.

Ye Jingtang used his elbow as a fulcrum to support the saber, causing the copper hammer to cut to the right.

The moment the body was staggered, the hilt of the knife was sent into the left hand, and the tip of the knife moved forward, which was a swift thrust forward.


Amidst the muffled sound, the tip of the knife directly pierced Cheng Shilu's chest, more than two fingers into the flesh, no matter how hard it was to penetrate.

The blade pierced into the flesh, and the eyes of the four present were all stunned.

When Ye Jingtang came over, he had already discussed with Luo Nvxia how solid Cheng Shilu's skin was, but after being stabbed, he realized that this guy was no different from the one wrapped in iron skin, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a complete She Long.

And Cheng Shilu was stabbed into his arms with a knife, only to realize that this junior in the world is much stronger than what his younger brother said, and it can be seen that he is completely on the same level as him with just this knife that is as fast as lightning. , and may even be stronger than the first line.

After all, Cheng Shilu's strength is that he is invulnerable to swords and guns, and his body is as powerful as a mountain. If he can be as good as the iron-armed impermanent She Long, he should go to wrestle with the "boxing champion" Jiang Zhahu. It's just a little head of Yunzhou.

Sensing that the momentum was wrong, Cheng Shilu's tiger eyes, which he used to frighten the younger generation, immediately turned into caution, his muscles surged, and while he strode back, the copper hammer swept towards Ye Jingtang's waist with all its strength.

boom -

The pumpkin copper hammer hit the tea table, and the tea table was instantly shattered, and the pieces of wood that flew out were directly nailed into the wall.

Ye Jingtang's sword is hard to break through, and he was quite afraid at first, but seeing this fierce but not quick one, he can see that there is a clear difference between this person and She Long, and he is too biased.

Seeing that Cheng Shilu was limited by his lack of flexibility, Ye Jingtang dodged around to the side, and stabbed Cheng Shilu's back from a dead corner, while throwing a fire bag with his left hand.

The Huozhezi bounced off his hand and flew in the air, igniting the flames, knocking down the lampstand in the main hall without any mistakes.


The lamp oil was turned over and lit again, and the flames illuminated the main hall.

Cheng Shilu didn't understand Ye Jingtang's meaning, he noticed that Ye Jingtang's body was too flexible, holding a copper hammer and fighting while retreating, he wanted to lean against the corner to avoid being attacked by his back.

But Ye Jingtang naturally wouldn't give it a chance, the sword was like the wind forcing Cheng Shilu to move to the center of the hall.

clang clang-

The sound of swords and soldiers clashing in the hall became one piece, and the lamp oil that was turned over quickly ignited on the table, ignited the curtains, and turned the hall into crimson red.

Cheng Shilu strode around with copper hammers in both hands, dodging the blade and hitting hard at the same time, but in an instant, several tables and chairs were smashed to pieces.

dong dong——


Ye Jingtang stabbed at his side, inserting needles and knives into the flesh, but in the blink of an eye, four incisions had been left on Cheng Shilu's chest, front and back, and he had been observing the condition of the wound with the help of the firelight.

But the last time he rode Cheng Erye to fight, he didn't move, so he looked very carefully.

Cheng Shilu in front of him was walking around in the dimly lit hall, trying to see the details clearly.

Ye Jingtang had just slashed a few times and hadn't researched the way yet. Cheng Shilu, who was rampaging with a copper hammer, had a strange look in his eyes, took a few big steps back, and raised his hand.

Ye Jingtang's blade stopped suddenly and landed more than ten feet away, his brows were furrowed:
"Just now, I took one bite at a time, and I gave up after only taking a few knives?"

Cheng Shilu sized Ye Jingtang a few times, and then looked at the stab wounds on the front and back of his body:
"Are you looking for my door?"

The cover door is the place where the horizontal kung fu has not been practiced and is not strong enough. The martial artist will never tell outsiders to avoid being targeted.

Ye Jingtang responded: "I chopped off the chest and back."

Cheng Shilu shook his head: "Your skill is too good. If you slash a place five times in a row, I will definitely admit defeat. You slashed here and there, and you are obviously looking for the door. I'm not stupid. Today is considered your strength. The past grievances will be wiped out, and I will leave."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Shilu walked out the door with a copper hammer in hand.

Ye Jingtang didn't slash Cheng Shilu very much. He only made a few small cuts just now. Judging by Cheng Shilu's size, it was equivalent to being scratched by a cat a few times, and it didn't affect his combat power at all; but Cheng Shilu was not flexible enough to touch Seeing him, the odds of continuing to cut down are slim, and he is afraid of being tested out of the place where the door is located, so it is not unreasonable to simply admit defeat.

Of course, it is also possible that Cheng Shilu noticed that he was secretly observing the wound, and was afraid that the fact that he had practiced Minglongtu would reveal his secrets.

Although he had doubts in his heart, he couldn't ask this matter face to face. Cheng Shilu surrendered cleanly when he saw that the situation was not good, and he couldn't pursue him openly.

After a moment of silence, Ye Jingtang did not stop him, but Cheng Shilu strode away.

"This is the end?"

Yang Guan, who was trembling beside him, did not expect that the 'Glorious King Kong', who is known for his violent temper, would run away after being touched a few times like a woman. After reacting, he quickly called his thugs to come in to put out the fire, and said at the same time:
"Young Master Ye, you are so generous, there is no way to repay your kindness today..."

Ye Jingtang didn't even bother to talk nonsense with the unlucky Yang Guan, put away his saber and walked out of the main hall, and came to Luo Nvxia who was also a little dazed:
"Luo Xia, what do you think?"

Luo Ning looked at the direction of Cheng Shilu's departure while holding an umbrella, and said softly:

"It's all about looking for a place. It's wise to admit defeat if the situation is not right. But Cheng Shilu must have had some scruples just now. It's hard to say whether he is afraid of being found out, or something else."

After looking back, Ye Jingtang walked out of Qinglian Villa with Luo Ning, and said in a low voice:
"Did he find out that I was studying the Golden Scale Map?"

Luo Ning was silent for a while: "Not necessarily. Cheng Shilu became famous more than ten years ago, and it seems that his talent is not low. If you have practiced the Golden Scale Picture for more than ten years, you will not be able to break through the defense. But if you don't practice, The body is also strong and not human, and it feels weird."

"Could it be that you have only succeeded in recent years, and you have practiced for a relatively short time?"

"It's hard to say, we have to find a way to check carefully."

"It's not easy to mess around with Mingmian's identity. Go back and discuss first. Tiefuling is not far from Baoyuanmen. I will leave as soon as possible. In the name of Honghualou, I will go to Pingbaoyuanmen. I will go to Tiefuling to see Look."

Luo Ning thought for a moment: "Anyone may have guessed that Honghualou would knock on Baoyuan Gate. It is too risky for you to go alone. I will accompany you."

Ye Jingtang guessed that Sanniang was worried about his safety, and she would have the same idea, so she wanted to go with him, and thought for a while:

"Go back and arrange the itinerary first. I promised to help Prince Jing investigate the case, but I didn't do anything, so I went out to do private work, and I have to talk to Prince Jing."

"The news from Nanxiao Mountain is estimated to take three to five days to be sent back. Let's deal with the matter at hand first. I just came back to check the identity of the murderer..."



Thank you [Little Little Confused] for the rewards!

I recommend a copy of "My Seat Has Never Been Close to Women", anyone who is interested can read it~
(End of this chapter)

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