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Chapter 136 Your Highness, Do You Know Yu Hu?

Chapter 136 Your Highness, Do You Know Yu Hu?
boom -

There was muffled thunder over the city, the rain suddenly became heavier, and a cross wind blew.

Near the Ranfang Street, Ye Jingtang held an oil-paper umbrella in one hand to block the wind, hugged sister Ning'er in his arms, blocked the raindrops flying sideways with his body, and couldn't help complaining:
"It's raining, it's the same as you the night before... hiss—"

Luo condensed under Ye Jingtang's arm. Originally, the little thief took the initiative to shield her from the wind and rain, and was quite moved in his heart. When he said this, his cold and beautiful face suddenly turned into shame and anger, and he pinched Ye Jingtang's waist fiercely:

"Little thief, do you dare to mention this again? I didn't mean it...I'll pay you for buying new sheets!"

Ye Jingtang apologized with a smile, covered the wind and rain with his sleeves, pretending nothing happened.

Because he was going home soon, Ye Jingtang quickened his pace, trying to rush directly into Ranfang Street.

But Luo Xia in her arms seemed to be irritated by that unrestrained words, and she was about to turn around:

"I'll go to the Wang's Medical Center and make medicine for you later."

"It's raining so hard, let's go tomorrow."

"No! You little thief is getting more and more over the top. I'm not someone like you. You don't know how to repay your kindness, but you still have to make an inch..."

"Hush, there is a carriage ahead."

Ye Jingtang walked forward quickly, because the rain was too heavy, and he heard the snorting of horses when he reached the intersection of Ranfang Street, he raised his umbrella and looked, a luxury chariot was parked on the side of the street to shelter from the rain.

There were guards outside the carriage, the windows were open, and lights were on inside.

The heroic and bright Queen, sitting upright in the carriage, was looking at him from the window, with a strange look in his eyes.

Niao Niao, who huddled on Ye Jingtang's shoulder to hide from the rain, quickly raised its wings to say hello:

When Luo Ning saw the noble woman in the carriage, her complexion changed slightly, she bowed like a shy little daughter-in-law, then took the umbrella and ran quickly into Ranfang Street.

clap la la...

The heavy rain hit the head and covered the face, making the birds shiver.

It was hard to talk in the heavy rain at Yejingtang Station, so I walked quickly to the outside of the carriage:
"Your Highness, why are you here?"

Dongfang Liren looked at the girl Ning'er who ran away with her head down, and said calmly:
"I came to see you just now, Miss Ning'er's little maid said you were out, so she took shelter from the rain here. Come up."

Ye Jingtang jumped onto the chariot, lowered his head and entered the door, the sound of the rain outside became quieter, only the soft crackling of the rain hitting the roof of the car remained.

Dongfang Liren was wearing a fat-headed dragon python suit, sitting on the couch, his eyes were still on the street:
"What did you say to Miss Ning'er just now? She seems to be angry and hit you."

Ye Jingtang sat down by the car window, it was hard to tell the allusion about Luo Nuxia wet the bed sheet, so he just casually said:

"Just a joke."

Dongfang Liren took a white sweat towel from the side of the couch, and handed it to Ye Jingtang, whose face was covered with rain:

"Are you molesting Miss Ning'er with nasty words?"

Ye Jingtang took the towel and wiped his face:
"Just kidding, how can you say molesting."


Dongfang Liren estimated that what Ye Jingtang said was "Ning'er moved by herself", so he didn't delve into it, and said instead:

"Minglongtan is good for your practice. This king wants you to do things and needs you to improve your strength as soon as possible, so I have a few words of kindness with the Holy One. You can go to Minglongtan at any time with the token..."

Ye Jingtang was taken aback for a moment, recalling Miss Yuhu's words yesterday, he was very surprised and asked:

"Cheng'an Hall is the emperor's bedroom, did His Highness speak up about this in person?"

Dongfang Liren originally wanted to nod and ask Ye Jingtang to remember her as an adult, but the reality is that she never thought of letting Ye Jingtang spend the night in Minglongtan. It was when her sister was sleeping last night that she said, "Do you want Ye Jingtang to spend the night in Minglongtan?" When Jingtang comes to Minglongtan to practice martial arts, he doesn't need to sneak around, just give him a signboard that allows him to freely enter and leave the palace."

Dongfang Liren's personality has always been straightforward, and he didn't want to do such a thing of pretending to be a leader, so he responded:

"The Holy Majesty heard that you spared your life to investigate the case, and felt that you are loyal and capable, and worthy of training, so he let you practice martial arts in Minglongtan. But remember, the people who have won this honor in the past are all loyal to the court. Sergeant, when you go there, you have to fulfill this responsibility."

Ye Jingtang asked suspiciously: "Your Highness said that Minglongtan must not be entered by the true emperor, who else has entered?"

"There are quite a few, Eunuch Cao from this dynasty, Eunuch Xue and Eunuch Wei from the previous dynasty..."

Ye Jingtang heard a bunch of father-in-laws, and in a cool place, he secretly said: If you want to practice this skill, you must first leave the palace, so that's what it means...

"Only eunuchs can spend the night there? In fact, I think it's okay to practice slowly outside."

"As long as you know how to measure, and don't listen, look, or talk about the old practice martial arts, I won't cleanse you. Come over tomorrow, and this king will take you into the palace, and I will teach you the rules first."

Ye Jingtang thought for a while: "I'm afraid I won't be able to enter the palace tomorrow."

"Is something wrong?"

"There's something personal these two days. The Baoyuan Gate in Yunzhou ate up part of Honghualou's property, and I have to help Honghualou settle the matter; and Tiefuling wants to beat me up today, so I have to scare it , going out for three to five days."

Dongfang Liren obviously has a little opinion on this sesame matter:
"Why do you need to go to this kind of thing in person, this king ordered, let She Longshang go away gradually..."

"No need. Please Your Highness end this kind of trivial matter. It's a fuss. I learned the martial arts of Honghualou, so I should make a trip there."

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren didn't say much: "Then go and come back quickly, pay attention to safety outside, and remember to teach me the Overlord Spear when you come back. Would you like me to arrange some guards for you?"

"No, I've always acted prudently..."

"You walk all the way and kill all the way, saying that you are stable?!"

Ye Jingtang smiled: "I have my own measure, Your Highness don't have to worry."

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren didn't say much.

Ye Jingtang thought for a while, and then remembered the topic just now - Judging from his stupid tone, it was not stupid attention to let him stay in Minglongtan to practice martial arts. …

Miss Yuhu doesn't look like a lily, but as a palace servant she has no choice but to grind the mirror with the empress, her hair turns gray...

But this is not true.

Ye Jingtang thought for a while and asked:

"Your Highness, are you familiar with court ladies?"

Dongfang Liren was taken aback for a moment, and Ye Jingtang finally got the hang of it, and was about to ask some beautiful court ladies to be maids, and asked:
"The familiar part is more brilliant, but you have a crush on a certain maid or palace maid? This king has an order to send it to you..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "No, it's just that I met a palace lady recently, she doesn't seem to like the life in the palace, worrying all day..."

Dongfang Liren was a little puzzled, and thought to himself: This is a girl who loves the court ladies and is not favored, and wants to be a hero to save the beauty?she asked:
"What is your name?"

Ye Jingtang sat closer and said in a low voice:
"It's called Yuhu, does His Highness recognize him?"


There was crackling outside the carriage, and the interior of the carriage fell into dead silence.

Dongfang Liren's eyes widened a little, the fat-headed dragon was swollen visible to the naked eye, and he didn't know what he was thinking, anyway, his eyes became more and more fierce, and finally he raised his hand and grabbed Ye Jingtang's collar, and pressed him against him. On the backrest, the four eyes met, full of murderous intent:
"What do you mean? I want this king to fulfill you?"

Ye Jingtang expected that he might be misunderstood by Benben when he talked about the court lady with Benben.

But I didn't expect that Benben would suddenly become jealous, and the reaction would be so big!
That's why I'm looking for a maid in the palace...

It really is a test...

Ye Jingtang was pinned on the carriage, but he didn't resist, and explained seriously:
"I have nothing to do with Yuhu, and I don't want her to go back to fill in the house, I'm just curious..."

Dongfang Liren stared carefully at Ye Jingtang's eyes to make sure that Ye Jingtang was not confessing his relationship with his sister, and the unknown fire in his heart subsided a little, but his brows still stood upright:

"Do you know who she is?"

Ye Jingtang looked at the bright cheeks that were close at hand, and said in a low voice: "She herself said that she is the concubine of the Holy Majesty, and she often attends the Majesty's bed, is there such a thing?"

? ?

It's the empress dowager who often sleeps with my sister, okay...

What is this mess?

Dongfang Liren tilted his head slightly, and stroked his head for a while before he understood the meaning - it must be his sister who was talking nonsense again, and deceived the heroic Ye Jingtang...

Dongfang Liren originally wanted to explain that his sister is not good at women, but then he thought about it - it seems that it is not a bad thing for Ye Jingtang to misunderstand that his sister likes women...

Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes: "Yuhu is the Holy One's true love, and he will be lucky every day. You'd better not make any wrong decisions."

Ye Jingtang just asked curiously, and sighed softly when he saw this:
"This kind of thing is actually quite normal, and I don't mean anything... By the way, Your Highness is the Holy One's younger sister..."

? ?
Dongfang Liren took a deep breath and didn't speak.

Ye Jingtang slightly raised his hand: "I was overthinking. Your Highness obviously likes men..."


For this question, Dongfang Liren nodded and shook his head, so he could only press hard, and asked in a deep voice:

"Where did you see that?"

Ye Jingtang thought for a while: "Intuition."


Dongfang Liren felt that this topic was a bit strange, so he loosened his collar and sat upright, the queen was full of air:
"Your talent should be used in investigating cases. What do you think women like? Let's not take this as an example."

Ye Jingtang tidied up his clothes and said with a smile:

"Understood, it's getting late, I'll take His Highness back to the palace."

Dongfangli went back in a carriage, but Ye Jingtang had to send someone to bring her back if he really sent her back, so he waved his hand and said:
"Go back, come back as soon as you finish your work, and pay attention to safety."


A moment later, in the alley.

"Guji Guji Guji..."

The fluffy bird, huddled under Ye Jingtang's creaking nest, kept urging.

Ye Jingtang covered the birds with his sleeve robe, braved the rain and rushed through the dark alleyway, only to heave a sigh of relief when he ran to the porch.

The yard was pitch black, only the windows of the main house were lit, and the singing of warblers and swallows could be heard from the house:
"I went to Minglong Tower today. It seems that Qiu Daxia lives in the small street next to Heiya, and lives with the people of Heiya. I dare not go there."

"Who told you to run in that direction?"

"I'm just wandering around, I've finished copying all the books..."

"I want to go to Baoyuan Gate with your cousin Jing, you just stay at home these few days..."

"Sigh~ Shi Niang used to take me everywhere, but now that she has Brother Jing, she likes the new and dislikes the old...Ah! I was wrong..."


Ye Jingtang did not run into the main room to join in the fun, and began to wash and change into clean clothes.After tidying up, Ye Jingtang stood at the door of the wing room, hesitated for a moment, felt that knocking Xiao Yunli unconscious again was really inappropriate, and if there was something to talk about on the road, he opened his mouth and said:

"I'm going to be on my way tomorrow. Lady Luo should go to bed early, and I'm going to bed too."

"Just sleep, I was already asleep, and I woke people up..."

"Master is obviously not asleep, oh..."

The corner of Ye Jingtang's mouth curled up into a smile, he suppressed some distracting thoughts in his heart, closed the door, sat down on the bed, and began to practice the jade bone dragon image...


Silent all night.

The next day.


The morning bell rang, and the streets and alleys of the capital became completely new after last night's violent wind and torrential rain.

The shop at Tianshui Bridge had just opened, and the bodyguards in the bodyguard agency were sitting at the wonton stall at the door eating breakfast.

Not far away, in the alley of Pei's house, a fat horse was parked. On the side of the horse was a weapon hook, and a long soldier wrapped in a yellow cloth was hung on it.

Among the white walls and green tiles, Ye Jingtang was wearing a black military uniform, with the chilong ring sword wrapped in a black cloth hanging on his waist, standing in front of the window and talking:
"San Niang, for such a small matter, I can go alone, deal with the Baoyuan Sect, and go with the young master of the landlord, so that people in the Jianghu know it will be a joke..."

Inside the window is Sanniang's boudoir, you can hear the rustling of clothes being put on, and a natural feminine voice sounds from inside:

"The Zhou family is very dark-hearted. Mrs. Zhou has long since given up on matters. Who knows if they will come to 'wait for the rabbit' in private. I will go with you, don't worry."

Ye Jingtang didn't mind Sanniang being with him, but Nuxia Luo also followed. The last time the two quarreled, they almost tore him to pieces. If there was another quarrel on the road, he might not be able to make it to Baoyuan Gate alive.

"Ning'er and I..."

"What's the use of her being together? She's just the wife of the leader, in charge of internal affairs, and her biggest reputation in the world is her good looks."

"Ning'er's martial arts are really good..."

"No matter how powerful she is, can she be as good as me? You are the young master of Honghualou, knowing that this trip is risky, I don't care if I put my safety in the hands of Pingtianjiao, what kind of landlord is I?"

While talking, the door opened.

Wearing a dark purple dress, Pei Xiangjun walked out of the house as a shrewd and capable female family member of a merchant family:
"It's fine if you let her go back. This is a matter of Honghualou. If she goes with her, I can't pay her."

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "It's already agreed, everyone is waiting outside, I'll let Ning'er go back, she might have to go back to Nanxiao Mountain directly."


Pei Xiangjun saw Ye Jingtang's embarrassment, and felt very helpless.

It is indeed risky for Jingtang to go out to do business for Honghualou this time. As the headmistress, she can't let her go; if she leaves this to the leader's wife, what else can she do?
Jingtang wants to take the leader's wife with her, and she can't drive him away...

The leader's wife can be regarded as a master at any rate, three people go out together, it is much safer than two people...

But when she walked with the leader's wife, Jingtang took the medicine before he dared to bring them down one by one. If he didn't take the medicine, he might be autistic on the spot...

Pei Xiangjun thought about it for a while, and felt that she was going to guard against an accident in Jingtang, and not to snatch a man, so there was no need to go together in the open, just follow secretly...

Thinking of this, Pei Xiangjun said: "Forget it, I'm just worried about your safety. Since you are sure, go back early and don't let me worry about it."

Ye Jingtang heaved a sigh of relief, and after a few words of comfort to Sanniang, he bid farewell and left the house.

After a while, the horse came to Tianshuiqiao street.

Luo Ning, who was wearing a green robe and a veiled hat, was waiting on the side of the street, while Niao Niao squatted at her feet, staring straight at the breakfast stall in the distance.

Seeing Ye Jingtang come out, Luo Ning came to him:

"we have a deal?"

Ye Jingtang nodded and stretched out his hand:

"Let's go, go and come back quickly."

Luo Ning looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so she jumped lightly and sat behind Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang was afraid that Luo Ning would fall, and wanted to hold her hand on his waist, but he was naturally dodged, so he had no choice but to give up, turned his head and said:
"Let's go."


Cry, cluck...

Soon, a horse carried two people and one bird, and left Tianshui Bridge.

And not long after the two of them left the city gate, a black horse also trotted out from the city gate.

Immediately there was a woman in a black dress, wearing a black veiled hat, and a long soldier wrapped in black cloth hanging on the side of the horse. She looked heroic and chivalrous. The horse chased towards the northwest...
On the other side, at the border of Yunze two prefectures, there is an unnamed small town.

The scorching sun after the rainstorm turned the earth into a steamer, and the blazing heat distorted the light. There was no one on the streets of the old town, only an old dog sticking out its tongue in the shade, looking at the people in the window of the restaurant. Wine and meat.

Inside the window of the restaurant, there is the sound of feasting, mixed with trivial chatter:

"This errand is not easy to do. In my opinion, once you get the deposit, you can go straight away, and go to Beiliang to hang out..."

"People from the rivers and lakes, follow the rules. Once your reputation is bad, you can't find a job even if you go to Beiliang."



The restaurant is small, with a total of four tables. The old shopkeeper works as the cook in the backyard, and there are two people sitting in the restaurant.

The two were one tall and one short, both dressed in off-white robes, their sleeves rolled up and their arms bare in the hot weather, eating wine and meat, with several weapons leaning against the wall next to them.

A slightly taller man, with sword eyebrows and tiger eyes, looks quite old and stable, his name is Wang Chengjing, nicknamed "Bengshan Tiger" by people from the Jianghu, he belongs to Yandi Ranger, and he is well-known in Yanzhou, but because of the Jianghu enmity in the past two years, Offended Jieyun Palace, which made it impossible to gain a foothold in Yanzhou, and has been wandering around the rivers and lakes.

Sitting opposite Wang Chengjing was his younger brother, generally called "Wang Er" by people in Jianghu, who was short in stature but extremely strong, eating and drinking with wine and meat.

The two brothers of the Wang family, in terms of individual martial arts alone, are not top-notch in the arena; but just like the 'six evil spirits', the two join forces to attack, complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, cooperate seamlessly, and have both offensive and defensive capabilities. There is nothing I can do.

Wang Er was eating wine and meat with a big mouthful. Seeing his elder brother hesitated, he said again:
"This is a lot of money, but none of the people who are going to be killed is good. Needless to say, the people in Hei Ya will have to go far to Beiliang if they are killed. Ye Silang is the lifeblood of Honghualou. If the news leaks out, even if there is no one in Honghualou, just relying on financial resources, they can still smash out ten grandmasters to encircle and suppress our two heroes of the Wang family..."

"Death is like a lamp going out. As long as you succeed, Honghualou will only think about how to deal with the current situation, rather than going bankrupt and avenging blood..."

Wang Chengjing picked up the wine bowl, looked around, saw no one was listening, and then continued:
"For example, the son of the Zhou family, the revenge of killing his father is in front of him. After finding me, the first thing he thinks of is to solve the troubles in Honghualou. Zhou Ying can only take revenge for killing Hei Ya's Ye Jingtang. It is of no benefit; but killing Ye Silang and killing Honghualou, Zhou Ying can rely on this merit to get back the position of the young master. In the face of such a big business, what a dead father is..."

Wang Er put down the wine bowl and wiped his mouth: "You can't say that, Zhou Ying can be regarded as a filial son, let us kill whoever has the opportunity, and give double money for all of them. The capital is relatively close, let's try it at night first." Shockingly hard stubble..."

Wang Chengjing shook his head: "The people in the black yamen were killed. Yunzhou must be hunting for the murderer. The risk is too great. First, go to Baoyuan Gate to squat Ye Silang. The Zhou family said that Ye Silang will probably pass by in the near future. It's hard to find."

Wang Er nodded, wiped the sweat off his head, and said thoughtfully:

"With such a good seedling, it is impossible for Honghualou to not be on guard. This matter is also very risky. Can we use the strategy of driving tigers and wolfs away and killing people with knives?"


"That's it, let's send the news that Ye Silang might go to Baoyuan Gate to Ye Jingtang in Heiya, and let the two of them kill each other..."

Wang Chengjing was speechless: "Honghualou is engaged in a serious business of the ship gang, and the black yamen are eager to help settle the matter, so they ask Honghualou for a fee. Do you think that the God of Wealth hides his name because he is afraid of being arrested by the government? He is afraid of being caught by the government. want……"

"Oh, that's right... I have another plan..."

"Eat your meal!"


(End of this chapter)

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