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Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Northwest of Yunzhou, Sanhe Town.

The silver moon is like a curved hook, and the cold moonlight shines on the sparsely lit town, and the yellow flags of the inn sway silently beside the lanterns.

Jingle... Jingle...

Amidst the soft sound of horse bells, a horse entered from the entrance of the town and stopped in front of the inn. It was a man and a woman immediately.

After a long journey, people were sleepy and birds were exhausted, Luo Ning jumped off the horse and went directly into the inn without saying a word.

Ye Jingtang got off his horse, took off the black spear from the side of the horse, handed the reins to the waiter, and rubbed his waist in front of the horse.

Rubbing his waist was not because he was tired from riding a horse, but because he was pinched.

The two prefectures of Yunze are both the Great Plains, and beyond the capital, there are endless fields. The scenery is there, but they are exactly the same, so it is really not worth seeing.

Ye Jingtang rode a horse and looked at the road, but he was not sleepy, but Luo Nuxia sat in the back and had nothing to do. She dozed off a little while running. She leaned on his back halfway, and wrapped her arms around him so as not to fall off. his waist.

Ye Jingtang thought for a while, didn't this 'po' come, and when he was idle and bored, he touched the co-pilot.Then she woke up Nuxia Luo, and twisted her waist and eyes fiercely, ignoring him all the way.

Ye Jingtang entered the inn with a spear in hand, it can be seen that Lady Luo has already gone upstairs.

Sanhe Town is the main passage for Liangzhou to enter Beijing and Yunzhou to go north. Yejingtang came to Beijing once in April and lived in this old inn.

At night, there were not many people in the inn, and the old shopkeeper was doing his calculations at the counter.

Because the last time Ye Jingtang came here, he brought dozens of people with him, and the impact on others must be deep. When the old shopkeeper saw it, he said hello:

"Looking at the guest officer's attire, a trip to the capital is a sign of his fortune. I said that the guest officer is a good-looking talent, not something in the pool."

Before Ye Jingtang came to the counter, he took out his identity certificate from his arms:
"The shopkeeper has a good memory. I found some work in the capital, and it's not bad."

After talking nonsense, after paying the deposit, Ye Jingtang went to the backyard to get hot water, and came to the room on the second floor.

The room in the inn was quite spacious, with all kinds of furniture, but obviously there was only one bed.

Luo Ning has rich experience in traveling the rivers and lakes, checked the tables, chairs, doors and windows, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual, she took out the clean sheets she carried and spread them on the bed in the inn.

Ye Jingtang opened the door with a hot water bottle, just in time to see the slim female heroine Luo, arranging the pillows on the bed in front of the bed, leaning over, causing her green skirt to tighten behind her waist... What a round moon!

Luo Ning noticed something, straightened up suddenly, turned her head, her eyes were slightly cold.

Ye Jingtang looked as usual, carried hot water into the room, and poured it into the bathtub behind the screen:
"It's too hot and sweaty, take a bath before going to sleep."

Luo Ning knew what Ye Jingtang was looking at just now, and wanted to say a few words about Ye Jingtang, but in the end, she forgot it, and came to mention the bucket:
"You wash first, I will fetch water by myself later."

"For those who are away from home, I am a man. If I ask the female relatives to fetch water, I will not be laughed at by the shopkeeper. You wash it, do you want me to go out?"

Seeing that the little thief is so knowledgeable about current affairs, Luo Ning thought about it:
"Just don't look around, if I find out..."

"Know it."

Ye Jingtang asked Niao Niao to stand guard on the roof of the inn for the first half of the night, and then took out the map to check the route to Baoyuanmen and Tiefuling.

Luo Ning stood in the screen with a cool demeanor, stood on tiptoe to look around, and after confirming that Ye Jingtang was following the rules, she felt relieved, untied her belt, put a green dress on the screen, took off her white trousers bellyband, and sat down. In the tub.

Ye Jingtang's ears twitched, and his heart was a little unsteady, but this "living like a year" of waiting did not last long.

When Ye Jingtang was looking at the map and thinking wildly, there was a slight sound of horseshoes on the street outside the window.

hooves, hoofs...

Then came the sound of "Goo...coo? Chichi..." from the roof.

Ye Jingtang's eyes were fixed, and he felt something was wrong in his heart.

From the bird's call, three kinds of information can be distinguished:
Be careful, there are suspicious people approaching.


It's okay, it's nothing, the bird's eyes are blurred...

This kind of situation has never happened to Niao Niao before; before, even if there was a misjudgment, the guard would be canceled directly, and there would be no surprises in the middle.

This gave him the feeling that Niao Niao discovered the danger, and then the enemy took out delicious food, Niao Niao was bribed...

Ye Jingtang doesn't think that Niao Niao, who is more reliable than himself, will be bought by strangers in a flash. The people who come must know him, and he is very close and can completely trust him, and he can overwrite his command.

There are only four such people, Benben, Luo Nvxia, Sanniang, and Xiaoyunli.

Ben Ben's first task is to stay in the capital, not to give the enemy any chance, and he will bring dozens of bodyguards when he comes, and he will not come secretly.

Needless to say, Xiao Yunli, her mother is not at home, so she can have a good time, if she follows her secretly, she might feel her ass itch.

That leaves only...


Ye Jingtang sat up straight for a few minutes, got up and came to the window, slightly pushed his head away and looked down, he could see a man wearing a black gauze hat, carrying a long soldier, entered the inn gate...

? !
Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, a little confused.

At the same time, Luo Nvxia, who was taking a bath behind the screen, also heard the bird's cry, stopped her movements, and asked in a low voice:

"Is there something different?"

Ye Jingtang didn't expect Sanniang to follow him secretly, but he felt relieved when he thought of how much Sanniang cared for him.

When Luo Nuxia asked, Ye Jingtang didn't know how to answer, he hesitated for a while, and just said:
"It's nothing, it's just a quack living in a hotel, you can continue to wash."

Seeing this, Luo Ning breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to splash the water on her neck.

After washing for nothing, Luo Ning got up from the bathtub and changed into a clean little dress. She wanted to put on her skirt too, but she went to bed right away, which was obviously unnecessary. After thinking about it, she hugged her chest and said coldly:
"Little thief, don't turn your head."

Ye Jingtang's mind was a little confused, and he faced the wall at the window:

"it is good."

tread, tread...

Luo Ning hugged the little watermelon in her belly pocket, walked quickly to the bed, lay down on the inside, covered her body with a thin quilt, and then breathed a sigh of relief:
"It's inconvenient to go out. You and I take turns keeping vigil. You keep watch in the first half of the night and wake me up in the second half of the night."

Ye Jingtang nodded seriously:

"it is good."

Luo Ning was a little surprised, she pursed her lips, and her tone softened a bit:
"You help me change the water and wash it too."

"Need not."

Ye Jingtang walked directly behind the screen and began to take off his clothes.


Luo Ning was taken aback, and wanted to say that a thief is shameless, but her bath water is very clean, so it's not impossible to make do with it, so she didn't say anything.

The sound of splashes rose and fell in the room.

Luo Ning bit her lower lip lightly, with complicated emotions in her eyes, she probably guessed in her heart that when the thief came out later, he must be walking naked to the bed.

She said shamelessly, "Little thief! You want to piss me off, don't you?"

The little thief didn't care about it at all, and came over to coax and deceive: "Didn't Xia Luo say that she would recuperate my body?" No?"

Then use the slope to condense.

Even if she is full of shame and anger, she may encounter accidents at any time when she is away from home, so she still has to pay attention to the overall situation and let the little thief recuperate her body...

Thinking of this, Luo Ning's clear and beautiful eyes were foggy, feeling very wronged, she turned her head and looked inward, like a sad chivalrous woman waiting to be humiliated but helpless.


There was the sound of water coming out, and soon there were footsteps.

Luo Ning tightened her body, closed her eyes, didn't look out, just held the saber beside her, and if the thief dared to pounce on her, she would be fierce and show her attitude first.


dong dong dong...

Footsteps came to the window.

Luo Ning was a little puzzled, and slightly opened her eyes to look at it——Ye Jingtang's clothes were neat and her hair was meticulous. Pour the pines!

Luo Ning lay on the pillow in a daze for a while before asking:

"Little thief, haven't you taken a shower?"

Ye Jingtang turned around and looked at the white hands:

"Wash it."

"Why are you dressed...so neatly? It looks like you're about to go out..."

"Going out, things may go wrong at any time, tidy up, and avoid embarrassing things."

Ye Jingtang stood with his hands behind his back, continuing to face the wall.

Luo Ning was dazed, and thought to herself: Why is the little thief so serious all of a sudden, has his personality changed?

Although she knew that the little thief must be pretending, but this posture of "sit still" really made her quite comfortable. After thinking about it, she tilted her head and gestured to the pillow next to her:
"The windows are closed, what can you see? Come and lie down, we will take turns to keep watch."


Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, came to the front and lay down, raised his hand to lift up the thin quilt.

He originally thought that Miss Luo was very guarded and slept in pajamas, but this time...

The upper body is a light blue apron, which cannot completely cover the small watermelon, and a snow-white arc can be seen on the edge...

Below are white thin pants, because lying flat and close to the body, you can vaguely see...

Perfect fit...

? !
The quilt on Luo Ning's body was lifted, her face changed slightly, she quickly grabbed the thin quilt, and wanted to reprimand her in a cold voice.

As a result, the little thief in front of her reacted even more than she did, and turned around in a swish, raising his hand slightly with a look of "Xiaosheng is abrupt, girl don't blame":
"Excuse me, um...why does Miss Luo sleep without clothes on?"

Luo Ning's expression was stunned, confused by Ye Jingtang's appearance, she seemed to be the seductive sister who seduced the young man, she said coldly:

"What clothes should I wear to sleep? I told you to lie down and didn't let you lift the quilt."

Ye Jingtang nodded, and lay down straight beside him, with his saber leaning against the head of the bed, and closed his eyes.

Luo Ning felt that the little thief was "playing hard to get", she wanted to be frivolous but she didn't want to take the initiative, so she naturally ignored her immediately, closed her eyes and went to sleep, waiting for the little thief to be unable to pretend, but...

This wait is half an hour!
The inside and outside of the inn were completely quiet, there was no sound, only the moonlight was shining on the floor.

Luo Ning quietly opened her eyes, and glanced at the little thief—with an upright face, even with her eyes closed, she could feel the cautiousness of observing the surrounding movement, it seemed that she was really on vigil, guarding against accidents...

The thief is bewitched?
Luo Ning was at a loss, and was still a little unaccustomed to such a gentleman's little thief.

Although this feels good, the serious and serious side face is very comfortable to look at...

But in the first half of the night, there were birds on guard. What's the use of you staring at them so earnestly in the house?

Moreover, the two of them go out to run errands, and they may encounter accidents at any time, and their physical condition is not well adjusted. In case something happens to a thief...

I've already made plans when I come out, if the little thief behaves properly, I'll just grit my teeth and endure the humiliation, and let the little thief recuperate...

But you're too polite, aren't you?
Luo Ning was a little confused, but didn't know how to deal with this situation.

The little thief is so serious about doing business, if she takes the initiative to recuperate her body and mind, wouldn't it be like dissatisfaction with desire...

But if you don't take the initiative, the little thief really doesn't move. If you don't adjust your state well, what should you do if something happens...

It seems that we have to find a way to make the little thief take the initiative...


Ye Jingtang closed his eyes and concentrated, relying on Tianhe Knife's special method of perceiving the details of the environment, he could roughly judge that there were three people living on the second floor.

Sanniang should be located in the second room on the left. Although she couldn't hear the sound, she could feel the slight footsteps, and she seemed to be sticking to the wall and listening...

When Ye Jingtang was concentrating on investigating the situation, he suddenly noticed a sound coming from his ear.

Opening her eyes to look around, she saw that Luo Xia was asleep, maybe she was a little hot, and she pulled the quilt away, revealing the empty mountain and full moon bellyband...

Ye Jingtang's pupils narrowed slightly, he quickly looked up, and quietly said to himself—Stick to your heart, don't think about it, Sanniang is next door, and you will be heard whatever you do.

To wake up Luo Xia, she must be angry and twitch, saying that he is perverted and not recuperating his body...

If Xia Luo didn't recuperate his body, Sanniang might kill him.

If the situation is well controlled, it may not be a double hit, but if it is not well controlled, it must be a mixed doubles match, and you may be able to sleep in the stables...

But I don't know if Luo Nuxia was not used to sleeping in the inn, so she turned over and faced him, her arm moved, causing the blue cloth to slide a little...

At that time, Ye Jingtang's eyes were only two feet away from the little watermelon, and he could...



Ye Jingtang's eyes widened a bit, and he wanted to turn his head away, but this time his neck was a little out of control.

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, feeling that he had been subjected to the most severe test in his life. In order not to let the situation get out of control, he gritted his teeth, looked upwards, and secretly said:

How could a handsome seven-foot man be fooled by beauty... Hiss...

Luo Nuxia tossed and turned, turned over again, and pressed her shoulders, her cheeks were only a few feet away from her neck, and she breathed like blue and teased her neck.

Ye Jingtang gritted his teeth, looked like Tang Monk who was being favored by Fahai and the king of Daughter Kingdom, who was hooked up by Xiaoqing, gently helped Nuxia Luo to lie down, covered her with a thin quilt under her neck, and continued to move as still as a mountain.


Luo Ning was stunned. Every day before, she hoped that the little thief would pay more respect to her, but unexpectedly, her dream came true.

But you are serious in the capital, and you have to go out to do something urgently...

If it's delayed until midnight, it's time to switch shifts with Niao Niao...

After Luo Ning fell asleep for a while, she gritted her teeth secretly, opened her eyes, and looked at Ye Jingtang:

"Little thief, are you feeling bad?"

"I don't feel bad at all, Lady Luo continues to sleep."

Luo Ning's face was frosty, very serious, she propped up her body slightly:

"Is it difficult for you, I don't know? See for yourself!"

Ye Jingtang lowered his head and glanced: "This is a normal reaction, I'm really fine..."

"You still said it's okay! You just want me to take the initiative to recuperate your body, right? You...why are you so shameless? Woo—"

Ye Jingtang covered Nuxia Luo's mouth to interrupt the spellcasting, and said softly:
"Okay, okay, that's what I mean. It's inconvenient in the inn, so don't make a sound."

Luo Ning originally wanted to struggle, but she was afraid that the little thief would fall ill again, so she turned her head away, bit her lower lip lightly, and stopped talking...

In another room.

The black valance was on the table, the spear was leaning against the head of the bed, and a pair of boots were on the ground.

Pei Xiangjun lay on the pillow in his clothes, closed his eyes, and secretly analyzed various situations that he might encounter after heading to Baoyuan Gate.

Jingtang said that he would go to Tiefuling for a stroll, and he might go to beat Cheng Shilu again. This is really a bit tempered...

However, he is still very stable when he is out of the house, sleeping with the leader's wife, he can sit still...


Just as he was thinking wildly, an ambiguous and unspeakable soft sound came to his ears.

Pei Xiangjun's familiar cheeks froze slightly, and he listened carefully, and found that the teacher's wife was humming not far away, sometimes absent, shy and flattering.

! !
Pei Xiangjun opened his eyes, his cheeks turned red visibly to the naked eye, and after holding back for a long time, a trace of anger flashed between his brows.

This vixen...

The leader's wife is digging the wall and causing disasters, and she is standing by the side as a bodyguard. Isn't this a bitter master...

How can Pei Xiangjun, a daughter who has not left the court, bear this grievance and want to get up and return to the capital.

But she came out to avoid Jingtang being plotted against by someone with a heart, not to be jealous.

Hu Meizi is helping Jingtang to recuperate physically and mentally, is it normal to do this kind of thing at night...

Do things in a hurry, don't get angry, don't get angry...

Pei Xiangjun took a deep breath, but he didn't leave after all, but he couldn't bear the movement of scratching his heart and lungs, so he thought for a while, lifted himself up and hammered on the wall twice.

dong dong——

The movement not far away stopped abruptly.

After a long time, the whisper of the leader's wife came:

"Someone lives in the inn~...Little thief, are you alright?"


Hearing the nervous and distressed voice of the leader's wife, Pei Xiangjun felt much more comfortable, turned over, and closed his eyes.

After a while, I buried my cheeks with a thin quilt...
This is 2 words, four in two, count it as a chapter or[-]

(End of this chapter)

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