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Chapter 139 Golden Scale Lost Track

Chapter 139 Golden Scale Lost Track
The stone room was completely silent.

Cheng Shilu's whole body was soaked in the pool water and remained motionless. Wisps of mist could be seen floating on the surface of the water, and his bronze-colored skin also showed a flush like soaking in boiling water.

dong dong dong...

Footsteps and knocks sounded from outside:

"Master? Master? Not good..."


An angry look appeared on Cheng Shilu's face, he turned his head up, quickly put on his robe, came to the study outside the stone room, and cursed angrily;
"Why are you howling at night? Your father is dead?"

"Master, the people from Honghualou are here, Ye Silang."

? !
Cheng Shilu grimaced, and touched his bald head:
"Why did he come to Tiefuling? Baoyuanmen is in Guangji, is he going to take Lao Tzu's knife?"

"I don't know, Ye Silang is waiting in the lobby, master hurry up..."

Honghualou is a wealthy family, much larger than Tiefuling, and Tiefuling can at most be compared with a single hall.

But Honghualou is too scattered, and Cheng Shilu's back to the imperial court has a very strong relationship. Under the feet of the emperor in Yunzhou, he is not very afraid of Honghualou.

Cheng Shilu couldn't figure out the purpose of the other party's visit, so after thinking about it, he picked up a long-handled copper hammer, went out and handed it to the housekeeper, and then walked to the main hall of the villa.

The silver moon is like frost, sprinkled in the elegant scenery of the villa.

Outside the big main hall, there were more than ten disciples of Tiefuling standing, holding torches, their faces were slightly nervous, and they did not dare to move rashly, silently waiting for the arrival of the master.

There are no lights in the large main hall, eight chairs are placed on the left and right sides, a picture of seven steeds is hung on the wall of the middle hall, and there are two big chairs on the left and right of the square table.

A long gun wrapped in black cloth leaned against the back of the big chair.

Wearing a black robe, the bamboo hat guest was sitting upright on the main seat, unable to see his face clearly, with a white porcelain teacup in his hand, and lightly tapped the mahogany square table with his fingers.

After waiting for a while, footsteps came from outside the main hall, and a loud voice rang out:
"Young master Ye came to the door in person, and Cheng was far away to welcome him, so he also invited Haihan."

Cheng Shilu, dressed in a brocade robe, strode into the door and saw Ye Silang sitting in the host's place, he paused, his eyes were rather dissatisfied:

"The visitor is a guest, but it's wrong to take the lead away from the guest, young master Ye, don't sit in the wrong place."

The master position is the same as the 'top seat', only the person with the highest status in the world can do it. Cheng Shilu's words obviously feel that he is in the same position as the master and young master of Honghualou, and he should sit on the seat in his house.

For Ye Jingtang's trip, finding clues to Minglongtu is still a secondary task. The main task is to let the Jianghu people in Yunzhou understand the importance of the word "Honghualou".

Hearing this, Ye Jingtang raised his bamboo hat slightly, and said in a low voice:
"I'm in the chair, does Master Cheng have any objections?"

"The Red God of Wealth is here, so I don't say anything when I take the main seat; Young Master Ye just came out of the rivers and lakes, so he doesn't have enough weight. The ranks of the rivers and lakes are determined by the seniority, not given by the elders."

The lobby fell silent.

Ye Jingtang didn't even get up, he hooked his hands.

Cheng Shilu has a big temper, so he didn't talk too much at this time, and raised his hand.


Seeing this, the steward outside the door quickly threw the long-handled copper hammer into the house.

Cheng Shilu's upper body was muscular, his weapon was still halfway forward, he grabbed the long-handled copper hammer in the air, and wanted to throw it at Ye Jingtang.

But at the moment when the long-handled copper hammer was in the hands, there was a loud bang in the lobby.


Ye Jingtang, who was sitting on the big chair, didn't see how to use any strength, his figure had already exploded, his left hand supported the spear point, and a fierce side kick with his right foot landed on Cheng Shilu's generous chest.

This move is not an earthly fist, but the "Fierce Horse Collapsing the Hoof" in the Eight Extremes of Thunder, one kick hits the chest, pierces the chest and back with force, and the robe on the back goes "Boom! 'It exploded with a bang, revealing a muscular and muscular back.

As soon as Cheng Shilu grasped the weapon, his figure was kicked back three steps by the extremely fierce kick, knocking the grand master's chair away.


Ye Jingtang kicked out, and slashed forward with the gun in both hands. The black cloth wrapped around the gun was instantly torn apart by the energy, revealing the black spear point.

A flash of horror flashed in Cheng Shilu's eyes. He realized that this Ye Silang was even stronger than the Ye Jingtang he met two days ago. How dare he be careless, he immediately retreated with all his strength and raised the long-handled copper hammer.

Cheng Shilu is very powerful, and the copper hammer in his hand is an iron rod, but he understands the effect of the famous gun "Black Lin" paired with Huanglong Wodao, and he dares not block the front of the gun, but holds the gun.

boom -

There was a loud explosion in the hall, and the doors and windows were pressed against the wall in an instant.

Cheng Shilu's body was unusually tall, half a head taller than Ye Jingtang, but he still couldn't stop when he was hit by a shot. He slid backwards, crushed the ground with both feet, and pulled out two half-foot-long pieces on the ground. The grooves, tables and chairs shattered along the way.

Ye Jingtang fired a single shot, and without giving the slightest chance, the shot was a "green dragon presenting its claws", which pierced Cheng Shilu's shoulder.


Cheng Shilu didn't stand firm at all, so how could he defend against this lightning-fast shot, half of the spear's edge instantly penetrated into the flesh and stuck on the shoulder bone.

Cheng Shilu's eyes were wide open and full of rage, and he didn't even think about defending against the shot. The moment the spear hit the flesh, his muscles tensed, he turned his body to catch the spear with his body, and raised his hand to grab the bar.

Ye Jingtang turned the barrel of the gun, twisting the barrel a little under the tremendous force, but the point of the spear pierced in the flesh and blood insisted on not moving.


Cheng Shilu grabbed the barrel of the gun with his left hand, pounded it with a long handle in one hand, and smashed it down angrily at Ye Jingtang, trying to force Ye Jingtang to abandon the gun and jump away.

But what Cheng Shilu didn't expect was that Ye Silang from Honghualou didn't even dodge, but directly raised the gun to prepare for a hard hit.

boom -

Slamming down with a hammer with all its strength, the floor tiles under Ye Jingtang's feet were instantly shattered, and two dents appeared.

Ye Jingtang was knocked an inch shorter, but his figure was as firm as a pine tree and did not shake a bit.

? !
There was a flash of astonishment in Cheng Shilu's eyes, he never expected that the opponent's "thin" body could catch his hammer, and he wanted to do it again.

But Ye Jingtang didn't give him a chance, he stabbed forward with his right hand holding the gun under his armpit, while his left hand grabbed the long hammer and yanked it hard.


The spearhead penetrated into the flesh again.

Cheng Shilu pulled hard to prevent Ye Jingtang from letting go, and he didn't dare to let go of the Black Lin Spear, so he rushed forward with two weapons on his head like a bull:

There was a huge weight gap between them, and Ye Jingtang's feet on the ground could withstand the brute force of the pressure from above, but it was difficult to stand up to the frontal thrust.


Ye Jingtang's body remained motionless, but his feet quickly slid backwards on the smooth floor tiles. The tables and chairs under the middle hall were smashed into pieces, and a hole was knocked out of the wooden boards, and he was pushed out of the hallway in an instant.


Cheng Shilu pushed forward with all his strength, trying to push Ye Jingtang to the ground when he descended the steps.

But the moment Ye Jingtang slid down the steps with his right foot, he grabbed the spear and lifted it up with his right hand, like a king's spear:


Cheng Shilu reacted very quickly, and wanted to forcefully weld himself to the ground by using the method of falling a thousand catties.

But Cheng Shilu is also great because he is invulnerable to swords and guns and has infinite power, so when it comes to martial arts attainments, he is really not very high.

Ye Jingtang raised the gun with one hand, and the spear jumped into a half-arc in an instant, abruptly lifting the huge Cheng Shilu's feet off the ground, and then slammed into the rear.

boom -

Holding the spear, Cheng Shilu drew a half-arc in the air, smashing the Baishi ground to pieces.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Jingtang held the spear with both hands, raised it from the ground, and bent the barrel again:

bang bang bang-

Cheng Shilu was lifted on top of the gun head, with great inertia and lost his balance. He couldn't swing the hammer at all. In an instant, he was smashed three times in a row, smashing the stepped flower bed in the courtyard.

When Ye Jingtang picked up the spear again, Cheng Shilu finally let go of his left hand, and the point of the spear stuck on his shoulder was also pulled out from the flesh and blood.

boom -

Cheng Shilu's muscular figure spun around in mid-air, and smashed across the wall on the side of the yard. Before he landed, a little cold light came in front of him.

Ye Jingtang's memory improved this time, and he didn't think about doing a miracle to pierce through. Instead, he used his spear like a dragon to stab Cheng Shilu's chest.

Cha Cha Cha Cha...

Cheng Shilu was lying on the ground, parrying with a copper hammer, kicking the ground with both feet and flying back, but in an instant, twelve bloody holes were poked out of his chest, the flesh was very shallow, but all the blood was seen.

During Ye Jingtang's continuous stabbing, and then the bright moonlight, he finally saw clearly that every time the spear pierced the skin, Cheng Shilu, like Cheng Erye, would appear near the wound where the porcelain was pierced by a sharp weapon, although it was fleeting. , but definitely not dazzled.

clap clap-

A dozen or so shots in a flash forced Cheng Shilu to the courtyard wall, unable to retreat, unable to get up at all, and hurriedly shouted:

"Admit defeat! Admit defeat! Hold back!"

Ye Jingtang paused, pointed the gun at Cheng Shilu with his right hand, and stood upright under the moon with his left hand behind him:

"I'm sitting in the main seat now, is the weight enough?"

Although Ye Jingtang was stabbed many times, they were all flesh wounds, and he didn't look at the gate of life, otherwise Cheng Shilu would have died immediately with the first stab in the throat.

Cheng Shilu was out of breath, his muscles tensed to stop the bleeding wound, and he dropped his weapon:

"That's enough. Young Master Ye please forgive me for the offense just now."

Ye Jingtang didn't put away his spear, but looked at Cheng Shilu's wound:

"Your body is unusually hard."

Cheng Shilu frowned when he heard the words, and stopped when he was about to get up:

"Young Master Ye suspects that I am hiding the Dragon Calling Picture?"

Ye Jingtang retracted his spear and stood with his hands behind his back:

"Just curious."

Cheng Shilu supported the wall and stood up:

"My father practiced Minglongtu. My father was originally a member of the Beiliang Army. He stole Minglongtu decades ago and fled to Dawei. Because he was too strong, he was suspected and came to him and killed him. I don't know the murderer. Who is it, but Jiang Zhahu won the rank of Badakui only after my father died."

Cheng Shilu confessed so happily, obviously it was not the first time that people from the Jianghu came to his door, anyway, if he didn't, he confessed directly to avoid being tortured to extract a confession.

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, and felt that Jiang Zhahu's unbreakable golden body was more in line with the description of the golden scale map, so he thought about it and asked:

"Have you ever practiced Dragon Crying Picture before?"

Cheng Shilu shook his head: "My father didn't even dare to tell our brothers about this, and I only found out about it after I died; I became famous 20 years ago, and the golden scale map can't hide it. Lintu is not worthy of this reputation.

"I practice kung fu alone, and I can practice it to this extent because I am born with rough skin and thick flesh, and my brother is also the same; I guess it has something to do with my father's practice of Minglongtu. Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix. .If I have the Dragon Crying Picture, even if I show it to my brother, it is impossible to show it to my disciples. There are more than 300 people at the foot of the mountain. They all practice the same kung fu, but they are not as good as me."

Ye Jingtang looked at the wound on Cheng Shilu's body:
"Practice kung fu horizontally. If you practice it well, you can indeed be as powerful as you, but flesh is flesh and it cannot be broken. When a wound appears on your body, the skin is broken. What's going on?"


Cheng Shilu was silent for a while when he heard this, his eyes changed.After a while, he sighed softly, nodded in approval and said:
"Young Master Ye's eyesight is vicious, and you are the first one to see it. Since Young Master Ye saw it, Cheng is not hiding the truth. My father was originally a guard of Beiliang and stole Minglong At the same time as the picture, I also took away a precious orb. The orb is a kind of strange thing refined by the masters of Beiliang. It is like jade. It can be carried all year round to strengthen the body, but the effect is much stronger. I often take this thing in the bath , so I got a hard skin."

Ye Jingtang was a little surprised: "Master Cheng is so honest, isn't he afraid that I will kill people and seize treasures?"

Cheng Shilu is not afraid, because it is not certain who kills and who seizes the treasure!
Cheng Shilu looks reckless with a big head and a thick neck, but in fact he has deep thoughts.

Ye Silang suddenly appeared in the Honghualou. There was no rumor before, and the probability is that his martial arts have improved by leaps and bounds in a short period of time.

Now Ye Silang asked about the whereabouts of the 'Singing Dragon Figure', obviously looking for the Dragon Singing Figure, which inevitably reminds people of whether he has practiced calling the Dragon Figure.

He had guessed just now, but this doubt would not make him take the risk, and Ye Silang saw the tell of his wound, and touched the door of his life.

Cheng Shilu has no cover all over his body, the only cover is the celestial pearl hidden in the secret room.

For him, this bead is far less useful than the government's contacts, but this bead is related to a secret matter many years ago, and the leak of the news may lead to the extinction of the family.

In the past, there were also two people with extremely sharp eyesight, and when they noticed the abnormality of his wound, he silenced them all.

And it must be the same today, it is possible to get a 'Song of the Dragon Picture', which is quite a windfall.

Faced with Ye Jingtang's question of "not afraid of killing people and silence", Cheng Shilu turned and walked back with a flat expression:
"After using it for more than 20 years, Young Master Ye still made a dozen or so holes on my body casually. If Cheng sold it to Young Master Ye, Young Master Ye might not even look down on it. Cheng was not stingy, and gave Young Master Ye the palm of his hand, lest you get suspicious one day and come to teach a certain rule."

Ye Jingtang felt that Cheng Shilu was a bit too frank, thought for a while, and winked at Niao Niao, who was on guard in the dark, and walked behind with a gun in hand, and soon arrived at the bottom of the cliff behind...


py recommends a copy of "Into the Unscientific", a masterwork, if you are interested, you can read it~
(End of this chapter)

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