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Chapter 140 Tianlangzhu

Chapter 140 Tianlangzhu

The moonlight is long, the house at the end of the villa is close to the Baizhang cliff, and below is the mine that was dug all night.

The burly Cheng Shilu pulled a towel from under the eaves, wiped the blood on his chest, entered the study room, saw that Ye Jingtang didn't follow, so he didn't close the door, and opened the secret door directly in front of the bookshelf.

Cheng Shilu came to the front of the armor, took the golden bowl, looked at the round beads inside, and a cunning flashed in his eyes.

His horizontal practice kung fu is far superior to ordinary people, and it is indeed thanks to Tianlangzhu, but this is not the effect of Tianlangzhu.

According to the suicide note left by his father before his death, Tianlangzhu was originally a medicine prepared by Beiliang. It is said that it has the effect of 'opening the spine and straightening the bones', but we don't know the specifics.

Tianlangzhu has a special meaning in Beiliang. In order to prevent it from falling into the hands of outsiders, it is formulated with secret methods, and it is useless for others to get it; it also specially added 'burning bone numb', which has the same effect as hemp. The feeling of being burned by fire, lest outsiders try it out knowing that it is useless.

With the death of the people who dispensed the medicine, this Tianlangzhu, which no one can use anymore, has become a waste, and now it only has negative effects.

Cheng Shilu didn't count on Tianlangzhu at first, but later found that Pyrogenum is also a rare medicinal material, which can stimulate the skin and muscles and exercise pain resistance, so it is very suitable for horizontal training.

For this reason, he tried to soak Tianlangzhu in clear water to dilute the medicinal strength of Pyrenguma, soaked in water to stimulate the skin and flesh on the painful part, and gradually practiced it into the current appearance.

The burning bone anesthesia is extremely effective. Cheng Shilu has been soaked for many years and has developed a high resistance to the drug. He still dare not touch it directly with his hands for a long time.

As for other untrained masters, as long as they touch the Tianlangzhu, the bone-burning numbness will stick to the flesh, and people will experience the scorching pain in an instant, ranging from confusion, to falling to the ground and howling to be slaughtered.

This is the reason why Cheng Shilu was able to find a master who came to him.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang didn't enter the house, but was just looking outside, Cheng Shilu held the golden bowl openly, took out the Tianlang beads from inside with his bare hands, shook them in the palm of his hand, and then poured the clear water from the golden bowl onto his shoulder over the wound.

Dare to wash the body wound directly, even if it is poisonous, it will not be a quick-acting poison, and there will be no antidote.

This move is to prove the safety of Tianlangzhu to Ye Jingtang, so that Ye Jingtang will not be wary.

Outside the room, Ye Jingtang took a few glances, but didn't see anything special about the beads, so he turned to look at the armor in the stone room, and asked:
"Is that your father's armor?"

Cheng Shilu put down the golden bowl, wiped his chest with a cloth, pressed hard on the burning pain, walked out holding the white jade beads, and said with a smile:

"That's right, my father escaped from Beiliang, so he brought this set of armor with him, nostalgic. It is a felony to hide the armor privately, young master Ye, don't order Cheng."

"It's not a serious crime to be an old armor, and with Cheng's connections, I'm not afraid of it."

Ye Jingtang looked at the beads in Cheng Shilu's hand:

"Is this the orb that Master Cheng said?"

"That's right, use it to soak in water and then take a bath, the skin will become stronger and stronger over time."

Cheng Shilu walked not far from Yejing Hall, and lightly tossed it.

Call ~
White jade beads draw a half-moon arc under the moonlight.

The beads looked normal. Cheng Shilu picked up the beads with bare hands, poured water on his chest, kept a distance and threw them at will, without putting on any airs of poised to go, so it is impossible to make people wary.

Like ordinary people, Ye Jingtang pointed his right hand towards Yuzhu.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Shilu looked normal, but his heart was filled with cruelty.

The bead has been soaked in water, as long as Ye Jingtang's skin touches the Tianlang bead, even if it is thrown away instantly, it will still be stained with water, and then the medicine will quickly penetrate into the flesh, feeling the pain of burning fire.

Cheng Shilu secretly accumulated energy, ready to fly out to catch the Tianlangzhu after Ye Jingtang realized something was wrong and threw it away.


Ye Jingtang never regarded Cheng Shilu as a trustworthy person, so he stretched out his hand and put it on the leather wristband. His hand sank with the beads, using gentle force to reduce the inertia of the beads, and it stopped firmly on the wristband. superior.

Cheng Shilu, who was ready to go, suppressed his breath when he saw this, and asked quickly:
"Young master Ye is still afraid that Cheng will throw a hidden weapon to deceive you?"

Ordinary people can't see the difference in this reaction, but Ye Jingtang knows "Tianhe Sword", so he looked at Cheng Shilu coldly:

"You tensed your right leg just now and prepared to take a step. What do you mean? Are you afraid that I won't be able to catch the beads and fall to the ground?"

Cheng Shilu didn't expect Ye Jingtang's insight to be so strong. Seeing that he was exposed, he didn't pretend anymore, and suddenly approached him, wanting to snatch it.

Ye Jingtang felt the 'killing intent' just now, but he didn't hold back his hand at this time, he raised his right hand, smashed the unknown hidden weapon against the wall, and at the same time drew out his spear, and swept towards Cheng Shilu's lower body.

Even if the beads are made of jade, they will definitely shatter when smashed against a wall.

Cheng Shilu didn't even think about it, so he rushed out and grabbed the Tianlangzhu.

This scene stunned Ye Jingtang for a moment—it was said that beads were hidden weapons, and Cheng Shilu shouldn't care about them when fighting; but if they were not hidden weapons, what did Cheng Shilu throw them to him?

The spear hit his right leg, Cheng Shilu staggered, but still touched the sky pearl with the tip of his right finger, and shot the pearl flying towards the wall into the sky.


Cheng Shilu hit Ye Jingtang's gun with his backhand with his shoulder, pushing Ye Jingtang away two steps, and raised his hand to catch the falling Tianlangzhu.

Seeing Cheng Shilu desperately grabbing the bead, Ye Jingtang saw that it was definitely not a poison. The moment he stood still, he held a gun in one hand and cut Cheng Shilu's legs horizontally.


Amidst the muffled sound, Cheng Shilu was swept over and fell to the ground with his back. His right hand was only a short distance away from the falling Tianlang bead, and his hand swept across the top, grabbing the bead.


Cheng Shilu's face was furious, he was pointed at the throat by the gun point, and he still didn't stop, fighting to get a bloody cut on his neck, he grabbed the gun point with his bare hands, and grabbed Ye Jingtang's hand.

"court death!"

Ye Jingtang held the bead and took a step back, but Cheng Shilu held the long spear in his left hand fearlessly. At that moment, the lunge robe on the crossbar suddenly tightened, and his right hand came from back to front with a powerful cannon punch, smashing In front of Cheng Shilu.


Under the moon, a storm rises.

In the sound of the explosion, some fallen leaves and dust on the ground were instantly scattered.

Amidst the muffled sound, Cheng Shilu's huge body immediately fell back, his feet lifted off the ground like a heavy artillery shell that flew out three feet, breaking the pillars of the house and the rear wall.



Cheng Shilu fell into the house and immediately bounced up, raised his hands and retreated, trying to block the ensuing Huanglong lying down or Qinglong offering his claws, but when he looked up, he found that the gunman in the bamboo hat in the yard did not follow , look at the palm instead.

The black cloth fell from his hands, revealing several cracked semicircular medicine shells, and some traces of water quickly atomized and disappeared in the air.


Cheng Shilu saw the destruction of the only Tianlangzhu left in the world, and his face was furious, but the anger disappeared immediately.

The Tianlangzhu had a special origin, it was a disaster in the first place, but it was of some use to him, so he was reluctant to destroy it: someone helped him destroy his body and traces, and it was considered to have cut off the root of the disaster for him.

But the Tianlangzhu was broken, but nothing was left behind, it must be the medicine inside, which got all on Ye Silang's hands.

Diluting the Pyrogenum with water through the medicine shell, he could not bear the severe pain, so if he absorbed most of it directly, he would definitely die of pain.

As soon as Ye Silang died, he just couldn't find the famous dragon map, and he could use a black spear.

Thinking of this, Cheng Shilu stood up straight, and said with a sneer:
"Boy, how do you feel?"

Ye Jingtang punched out, paying attention to the ball in his hand, but he felt that it was a very hard jade, but he didn't expect it to be very brittle, and it cracked with a little force.

The cloth couldn't contain the water at all, the transparent liquid covered the palm of the hand, before throwing out the cloth, it had penetrated into the skin, and the strength of the medicine penetrated into the flesh and blood, obviously felt...

Very comfortable.

Ye Jingtang felt his right hand was hot and cool, just like applying medicinal wine and jade dragon ointment, it nourished the skin, muscles and bones, and the pain and soreness from fighting disappeared in a blink of an eye, obviously it was an extremely superior medicine.

How does it feel to hear '? ’, Ye Jingtang noticed something was wrong, but he didn’t know what was wrong, so he raised his eyes and asked:

"How do you feel?"


Cheng Shilu froze with a sneer, and then remembered that he had received a heavy punch on the face just now, and the Tianlangzhu was crushed with his fist, and the liquid must have leaked from his fingers.

The burning pain on his face just now was from a fist, and he didn't care.

Ye Jingtang asked, and Cheng Shilu felt the heat on his face intensify rapidly, his eyes changed suddenly, and he wiped his face vigorously.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang wiped his hands quickly, and the strength of the medicine became stronger and stronger, and half of his body began to feel comfortable, as if being served by a girl under the ice and fire...

Saying that this is poison, a way to kill, no matter how you think about it, you can only kill him...

Ye Jingtang didn't know what it was, so he was ready to grab the antidote.

In the end, Cheng Shilu didn't intend to take the antidote, and the veins on his forehead swelled up, as if someone had broken molten iron. He sat on the ground and gritted his teeth to bear it, staring at Ye Jingtang, with a look of disbelief in his eyes:
"You...why are you okay..."

What should I do?
Ye Jingtang was afraid that Cheng Shilu was pretending to be deceitful, so he raised his gun and looked alertly to see if the other party would take out the antidote.

The burning pain on Cheng Shilu's face intensified rapidly, his flesh twitched, and the disbelief in his eyes quickly turned into panic.

When the burning bone anesthesia touches the flesh, it will feel like a raging fire burning the body, the pain will become more and more intense, and it will last for an hour before slowly subsiding.

Even though he was used to the scorching pain, but this time his face was stained too much, and he would lose his mind under the severe pain within a moment.

Thinking of this, Cheng Shilu scrambled and rushed to the back room.

"Little thief!"


Luo Ning, who was watching from a distance, realized that something was wrong and rushed over.

Luo Ningfei landed in front of her, not knowing exactly what happened, she wanted to grasp the pulse of Ye Jingtang's wrist.

Ye Jingtang was afraid that Luo Ning would also be contaminated with this strange liquid, so he only handed her his left hand:
"What is this?"

Luo Ning quickly grasped Ye Jingtang's wrist, and sounded her pulse carefully: "The pulse condition is strong... nothing unusual, it cannot be poisoned." Turning to Cheng Shilu again:
"What kind of medicine did you take?"

Cheng Shilu held on for a while, his thoughts were already blurred, and he could only hear sharp tinnitus in his ears. He scrambled and fell into the house. He wanted to escape from the secret passage, but when he found the pool of water, he instinctively rushed in to relieve the burning. As a result, there was a scream immediately:

Almost resounded throughout Tefaling.

Luo Ning's face changed suddenly. She looked around and found the medicine shell on the ground. She fanned her hand and sniffed it carefully. As a result, her nose immediately felt hot and uncomfortable, and she quickly stepped back and jumped away:

"It's like Beiliang's burning bone numb, sticking to the skin to the bone, the pain is unbearable."

Ye Jingtang felt that he was not uncomfortable, half-believed, and wanted to go to the medicine shell to smell it, but Luo Nvxia directly pulled him back.

Luo Ning also wondered why Ye Jingtang didn't respond, but didn't dare to delay at this time, rushed to the well, cut off the well rope with a sword, and wanted to tie Ye Jingtang to prevent him from being unable to bear the severe pain commit suicide.

In the room, Cheng Shilu resisted the pain of burning his body, and had completely fallen into madness. He rushed out of the water, fell to the ground halfway, twisted and rolled, and then got up again, hitting the side wall.

boom -

There was a big hole in the high wall and rushed towards the Baizhang stone cliff...

(End of this chapter)

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