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Chapter 141 2 The trend of bread sandwiches!

Chapter 141 Two Breads Are Caught Between Two Breads!


While screaming, Cheng Shilu ran towards the edge of the cliff.

Ye Jingtang wanted to stop Cheng Shilu, but just a few steps away, his footsteps stopped suddenly.


Luo Ning originally wanted to kick the crazy Cheng Shilu away, but when she saw this scene, she screamed in fright, threw herself in front of her, raised her hand to seal Ye Jingtang's acupoints, and at the same time wrapped her legs with ropes, pulled hard, and directly He fell to the ground, rode on his legs and began to bind people:
"Little thief! Don't go crazy, keep calm..."

"I...I feel a little wrong, but..."

Ye Jingtang felt the strength of the medicine being transmitted to every inch of flesh and blood in his body, and the feeling of the duality of ice and fire disappeared, replaced by scorching heat from the inside out. The girl's essential oils are generally open...


Pei Xiangjun kept a long distance and waited on the top of the mountain, and found that Luo Ning was rushing over. He was standing still, but Ye Jingtang suddenly shook a few times, which made her realize that something was wrong, and flew directly from above the mountain.

When Luo Ning heard the voice of the hostess, she was not surprised when she was in a hurry, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, she said anxiously:
"Hold him down quickly, don't let him commit suicide."

Pei Xiangjun watched helplessly as Xue Shilu jumped down the Baizhang cliff with a wail, and smashed his head down into the pile of rocks below. His face turned pale with fright. After falling into the courtyard, he rushed over and rode directly on Ye Jingtang's chest, holding his hands tightly .

"What poison has he been poisoned with?"

"Burning bones."


Pei Xiangjun had heard of this rare strong medicine that is a specialty of Beiliang, so he clamped Ye Jingtang's arms with all his strength with his thighs, hugged them together, and tied them with hemp rope.

And Nightmare...

Ye Jingtang's mind is very clear, although the energy in his body is gradually violent, and his muscles and bones are trembling, but it doesn't hurt, so he feels a little... a little bit of that.

After all, now that he was lying on the ground, Nuxia Luo was riding on his calves, and his legs were tied with ropes, and the touch of the moon was quite clear.

And Sanniang went too far. In order to hold him down, she sat on her chest with her back facing her, and clamped her upper body in a 'duck sitting' manner.

Ye Jingtang's chin was pressed against the big moon, slightly sinking in, and he could obviously feel the heavy warmth on his neck.

Ye Jingtang was shocked by Cheng Shilu who committed suicide to seek relief. He shouldn't have paid attention to this, but because his mind was clear, he was forced to learn a knowledge point:

Sanniang, like Heroine Luo, is a steamed bun...

Ye Jingtang quickly brushed away distracting thoughts, fearing that he would really lose control, and honestly being held down by the two big sisters, he said:

"I'm so crazy, you can't hold it down, go, find a place without a cliff and tie me to a tree."

Pei Xiangjun knew that when Ye Jingtang went crazy, the iron locks might break, and the hemp rope could only serve as a temporary restraint.

After she tied her hands with a rope, she wanted to lock Ye Jingtang into the stone room inside the house, but the disciples of Tiefuling who dared not come in outside the villa found the sound of swords and soldiers unsheathing after the master jumped off the cliff.

"Bird, go and open the way."


After Pei Xiangjun ordered Niao Niao, he turned over and used the barrels of his double guns to pass through the rope on Ye Jingtang's back, using it as a stretcher.

Luo Ning grabbed the other end of the gun, trying to lift Ye Jingtang who was bound into a 'tortoise shell', but immediately said:
"Gag him so he won't bite his tongue."

Ye Jingtang hastily said: "Hey, this is unnecessary... woooo—"

Pei Xiangjun was quite agile in his work, he took off the face scarf around his neck and stuffed it in Ye Jingtang's mouth, and then jumped out of the side wall.

Ye Jingtang's cheeks were flushed, and there were streaks of sweat on his forehead, but his eyes were quite clear. He was lying on a stretcher and tied up, only his head could move. It felt weird, but his mouth was blocked and he couldn't speak. Just like that, he was carried towards Tefaling...
clang clang-

The sound of the gong resounded through the blazing canyon. Countless peasants were running around inside and outside the mine, and even a few small officials from the town ran into the mine. They could vaguely hear shouts:
"Cheng Yuanwai fell to his death..."

"Father! Who is it? Who killed it?..."

"The people from Honghualou came just now..."


On the official road outside Tiefuling, there was a carriage parked. The carriage was covered with a rainproof tarpaulin, and the goods were tightly covered.

Cao Aning was dressed as a Jianghu bodyguard, and rode on a horse to watch the movement on Tiefuling.

Qinggang mace Xu Bailin leaned on the carriage, wiping her oily right hand.

"Why did Honghualou come here to kill people?"

"Cheng Shilu is not very capable and has a violent temper. He often loses face because he has connections in the court. It may be that Ye Silang passed by here to sit and quarrel."

"This Ye Silang also has a big temper. He kills people if he disagrees with him. He messes around in the Yunzhou territory. Maybe he can divert the attention of Ye Jingtang..."

"It would be best if so. Let's go."

Cao Aning turned his horse's head and led the carriage towards Yun'an...
Ten miles away from Tiefuling, in an old abandoned temple.

There is no light in the mountains, and the moonlight shines on the old temple overgrown with weeds. The gate has long been damaged, and there are only stone Buddha statues hanging up and down, standing alone in the treasure hall.

In the dead of night, there is no human interaction in the surrounding mountains and fields, only the chirping of birds and insects can be heard:


In the backyard of the temple, Niao Niao stood on the roof to watch. In the room where the host originally lived, the doors and windows were sealed, and lights could be seen faintly in the gaps.
"Ning'er, hug him, don't let him move..."

"Do you still have the rope? I took off my pants..."

"What's the use of taking off his belt and taking off your own pants..."


The man grunted as his mouth was gagged.

The movement in the room sounded like two mountain foxes who had kidnapped the scholar and were brutally squeezing the yang energy.

But the actual situation is more or less the same.

In the old room, there is some thatch on the floor, and a flaming torch is placed on the window sill.

There was no furniture in the room except an old bed frame.

Ye Jingtang was tied into a caterpillar by all kinds of ropes that could be found to carry things. Not only the ropes, belts, but even two pieces of clothes were twisted into one rope, tightly bound his hands and feet.

Luo Ning was wearing white thin trousers, and her upper body was a bellyband with empty mountains and full moons. She had a panoramic view of the side scenery. She was leaning on the inside, hugging Ye Jingtang's upper body.

Pei Xiangjun is a little better, because he has a heavy burden, and he is wrapped up when he goes out. At this time, he is wearing black tight-fitting thin trousers, with a black chest wrapped around his chest, which is tightly wrapped; but his white shoulders and collarbone, as well as his small waist and belly button Still clearly presented in the candlelight.

Pei Xiangjun leaned on the outside, hugged Ye Jingtang's waist tightly, and locked Ye Jingtang's legs with his legs.

Ye Jingtang was hugged by two people, and there was no joy or excitement on his face. His mouth was stuffed with black silk, his eyes were closed and his brows were tightly furrowed, his cheeks were flushed like drunkenness, and the mist visible to the naked eye came out of his bun. Come out, move your body from time to time.

Ye Jingtang didn't feel the pain of being burned by fire, but the energy in his body was surging, and the muscles and bones of his whole body were twitching, just like being massaged and pressed by his teacher. It should be sour and cool like a cold breath.

He was hugged from left to right, and wanted to explain, but his mouth was blocked, and he struggled to no avail, so he gave up resistance.

Luo Ning didn't know how painful the little thief was, her eyes were full of tears, in order to make him feel better, she pressed her face to her face, using her forehead and cheeks to cool the hot little thief.

Pei Xiangjun clasped his left hand with his right hand, hugged Ye Jingtang's waist, raised his eyes to look at Ye Jingtang's face, slightly anxious:
"How long does the burning bone anesthetic last?"

Luo Ning also only heard about this thing from Xue Baijin's dictation, so she couldn't remember it clearly. She frowned and thought about it for a long time before responding:

"It seems that the pain gradually subsided after an hour. It's only been half an hour, and it's not yet the most painful time...Little thief, try to stay awake, don't lose your mind..."


Ye Jingtang responded twice, but didn't know what it meant.

Pei Xiangjun knew that there was no specific drug to suppress the burning bone numb, and he could only rely on willpower to resist it, but he couldn't hold it at all, and thought anxiously:

"Is it useful to knock Jing Tang out?"

"It's useless, the pain will wake up immediately; the energy in his body is too strong, and the acupuncture points can't be suppressed at all."

"Can you distract him?"


Luo Ning blinked her peach-blossom eyes—she knew that being attracted by other things could slightly reduce or even forget the pain.

But that is an ordinary pain, and the burning bone numb is something that can cause a person's mental breakdown. It is said that it is similar to burning the whole body with a soldering iron. What can distract attention?
Luo Ning's mind turned sharply, thinking about the hobbies of the little thief...


Suo Suo~~
Luo Ning saw that Ye Jingtang's physical resistance was not strong, so she hugged it with one hand, and pulled the empty mountain and full moon away with her right hand:

"Little thief, look."

Pei Xiangjun only felt that the man he was holding was agitated and his body suddenly became quiet, and his closed eyes opened a little bit, aiming at the teacher's wife...

? !
Pei Xiangjun blushed uncontrollably from anxiety, and wanted to look away, but he was afraid of accidents, so he could only carefully observe Ye Jingtang's reaction.

Jingtang's eyes widened a bit, apparently being held by the teacher's wife to attract attention...

Luo Ning found that this method was useful, so she hurried forward and rubbed watermelon cream on Ye Jingtang's face.

! !
Pei Xiangjun's almond eyes widened a little, and he reminded:

"Be careful he bites you."

Luo Ning and Hei Bao seemed to be hugging Ye Jingtang, their faces were a little red, but they were not restrained:
"The mouth is blocked. If he wants to bite me in pain, I will admit it."

Pei Xiangjun noticed that Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, obviously a little touched, and closed his eyes again.


After a while, the sound of the rope snapping sounded again.

Pei Xiangjun noticed that Ye Jingtang was moving again, and his face was slightly flustered:

"It won't work like this. Jingtang can't hold on anymore, is there anything else you can do?"

Luo Ning didn't know what to do, her mind turned sharply:

"Would you like to try it?"

The room suddenly fell silent.

Ye Jingtang's furrowed brows relaxed, and he opened his eyes to look at Sanniang, then realized something was wrong, and quickly closed them again.

? !
The two women in the room fell silent, probably thinking in their minds—Jing Tang (little thief) is really powerful, suffering from the fire, he never forgets the frivolous women...

Pei Xiangjun's face turned red, but his movements were not slow, and he instructed Luo Ning to control his legs, and she climbed up.


Although Ye Jingtang wasn't pretending, it was far from being in such pain.Leaving aside the question of whether it is suitable or not, he could hardly hold back when Lady Luo came here; if Sanniang came together, he would have to suffocate to death here without Chinese medicine.

Ye Jingtang hastily shook his head, indicating no need.

Pei Xiangjun said seriously: "Don't be brave, it's not like I haven't been touched by you before."


Ye Jingtang tried his best to soften his eyes, shook his head to indicate that it was okay, then closed his eyes and lay down.

Seeing this, Pei Xiangjun didn't move any more, he hugged Ye Jingtang and cheered softly:
"Hold on, hold on, it will be over in a few quarters of an hour..."

Luo Ning was still rubbing watermelon frost on Ye Jingtang to cool down, pinching the time in her heart.

But after the two of them had been living like a year for about an hour, they found that Ye Jingtang's body was still hot, the only change was that the surge of skeletal muscles gradually decreased, his breathing was a little hot, and the whole person calmed down, as if he had fallen asleep.

Pei Xiangjun was full of doubts, and asked:
"Have you survived the shock?"

Luo Ning was also unclear, so she checked her pulse:
"The pulse condition has been stable all the time, and she seems to be asleep. What should I do now?"

Pei Xiangjun didn't know, he was afraid that Ye Jingtang would move again, so he pressed Ye Jingtang together with Luo Ning, carefully observing the changes in his body...

(End of this chapter)

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