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Chapter 142 What are you looking at?

Chapter 142 What are you looking at?

In the early morning, the sky was very bright.

The fire has been extinguished, and the room has long been quiet, with only three steady breaths remaining one after another.


The cry of birds and beasts came from far away, and Ye Jingtang's eyelashes moved, and then he opened his eyes silently, a look of bewilderment flashed in his eyes.

How did you fall asleep...

Perceive the physical condition - all hands and feet are present, not amputated; breath is smooth, energetic, no internal injuries; there is a 'morning rise', sexual function is not affected... then it's no big deal...

After confirming that there was nothing unusual about his body, Ye Jingtang heaved a sigh of relief and began to pay attention to his surroundings.

There is no light in the room, hands and feet are still tied, unable to move, the right side is warm and soft, leaning against his face, hugging his shoulders, although there is no strength to hoop him in, his hands are still clasped beside his left shoulder to prevent He breaks free.Judging from the size of the small watermelon touched by her arm, it was Luo Nvxia.

On the left is another warm and soft ball, which is lower, with arms wrapped around his waist, face pressed against his ribs, and his legs locked.

The two women can be easily distinguished. Sanniang practiced Kungfu from outsiders, and her weak body hides a strong explosive power, which is firm and elastic to the touch; while Luo Xia is "practicing one breath inside", her body is soft and soft. Boneless...

Yesterday he kept moving, Luo Nuxia and Sanniang hugged him with all their strength, and it lasted for about two hours; according to human beings, it was hard work, and they must be tired in the end. After he calmed down, they didn't dare to let go. Just such a small break,
Ye Jingtang wanted to get out of the flanking situation, but as soon as he moved, the two women must have woken up, he hesitated for a while, but he still didn't move at all, and asked the two women who were worried about him to sleep for a while.

The room was dark and there was nothing to do.

Ye Jingtang's cheek was pressed against Miss Luo's forehead, and her shoulders fell into Miss Luo's arms, because they had wiped the watermelon cream on him, and there was only a layer of cloth on his shoulders between them.

Sanniang was better, separated by two floors, but he was sandwiched, and after concentrating, the touch on the side of his legs was very clear, and he could feel the outline of the camel toe through the fabric...


Ye Jingtang wanted to calm down and suppress his thoughts, but after holding back for a while, he realized that he had overestimated his concentration, so he moved anyway.


The two women woke up at the same time.

Before Luo Ning opened her eyes, she tightly tightened her arms and hugged Ye Jingtang to death.

Pei Xiangjun did the same, locking Ye Jingtang's legs.

The two of them exerted their strength at the same time, and if it was replaced by the weak scholar Lang, it is estimated that they could be broken into bones directly.

Ye Jingtang felt that he had fallen from Rourou Township into the meat grinder in an instant, was almost strangled, and reminded twice, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-"

"What's up with him?"

There was no light in the room, and Luo Ning didn't dare to let go, but only felt the breath of Ye Jingtang.

Pei Xiangjun stopped Ye Jingtang and waited for a while before responding:
"It seems that the medicine has passed and returned to normal."

Ye Jingtang nodded, but when he moved, he was hugged to death immediately, so he had to stay still so as not to scare the two women.

After Luo Ning made sure that Ye Jingtang hadn't moved, she felt the pulse on her wrist:
"The pulse condition is normal, but a little... a little dry."

Pei Xiangjun didn't need to be reminded by Luo Ning, but he also felt that the hall was very dry. After all, she hugged her waist, and her elbow obviously touched something very embarrassing.

Fortunately, he couldn't see his fingers, so Pei Xiangjun was not embarrassed, he just asked:
"What should I do?"


Luo Ning's voice was slightly hesitant, obviously considering whether to give the little thief some treatment.

Ye Jingtang was really boring, but the reason was tested by the two of them, and if he got even more serious in recuperating in front of San Niang, and let San Niang wait on him, his image would collapse, and he said:


Luo Ning could understand the meaning - Xia Luo, let go of my mouth.

Feeling that the little thief was conscious, Luo Ning felt relieved, she didn't let go, but poked her head, bit the gag's black scarf, and pulled it out.

"Ahem... I'll go, then what..."

"Jingtang, how do you feel?" Pei Xiangjun asked quickly.

Ye Jingtang did not dare to move, and calmly said in a very gentle tone:

"I feel everything is normal, um... I feel refreshed, full of energy, and my breathing is very smooth. I can breathe to the soles of my feet in one breath, and I am in better condition than before."

Luo Ning blinked her eyes, because she couldn't see anything, she could only say:
"Sanniang, light the fire."

"Jingtang, don't move."

Pei Xiangjun let go of his hand carefully, and after making sure that Yejingtang didn't pop up suddenly, he quickly sat up, searched and found another fire folder from the belongings beside the bed, and lit it with a fire.

da da~

Call ~
The dim light illuminates the old room.

Ye Jingtang looked into the light, and saw Sanniang's back, kneeling on her legs, her long hair tied up, her round shoulders showing the afterglow of the lights, her white back with a black belt in the middle, and her flawless lower back , with rounded black thin trousers, although covered by the fabric, the shape of the moon can still be clearly seen.

As Sanniang got up slightly, she put the torch on the window sill, and the big moon resting on her calf slowly rose...

"What are you looking at?"

Luo Ning was holding Ye Jingtang right in front of her. She checked Ye Jingtang's complexion with concern, but found that the thief's eyes were chasing the light, and then fell to the side, looking where he shouldn't be looking.

Seeing that these were unavoidable, Ye Jingtang quickly turned his eyes to Luo Nvxia when he heard the cold voice next to his ears:
"Is my complexion alright?"

Luo Ning was much more embarrassed than Sanniang, the fabric of the empty mountain and full moon was almost torn, and everything that should be seen and should not be seen was close at hand.

Finding that the little thief's complexion and aura were the same, even ruddy and shiny, Luo Ning let go of most of her hanging heart, but the original worry expression turned into a cold one, and she let go of her hands and quickly pulled the blue little clothes back up, embracing the little watermelon:


Pei Xiangjun put the fire bag away, turned around, although he was dressed very coolly, but the chest wrap was tighter than the apron after all, so he missed his shoulders and waist, came to him, and held Ye Jingtang's wrist to check.

Ye Jingtang lay in the middle, being checked by two sister nurses, he couldn't stand it, so he closed his eyes:
"I'm really fine, Sanniang, put on your clothes."

With Pei Xiangjun's current appearance, he didn't even know what to say, so he raised his hand and untied the black skirt tied around Ye Jingtang's wrist.

Luo Ning's thoughts gradually calmed down, and doubts appeared in her heart, looking at the charming and hot female boss opposite:

"San Niang, why are you here?"

Pei Xiangjun unbuttoned his clothes, and handed the green skirt to Luo Ning:

"I was afraid that something might happen to Jingtang, so I followed secretly... I am the incense master of Qinglongtang, Miss Ning'er, please put on your clothes."

Luo Ning was dubious, and didn't ask any more questions, took the clothes and put them on her body.

Ye Jingtang lay down and saw the two girls wearing skirts, feeling quite weird, and said:

"I'll get up by myself, don't be nervous."

As he spoke, his legs were lifted up, and then pressed down, his back suddenly bounced up.

The two women were dressing with their own thoughts, when they suddenly noticed that Ye Jingtang, who was tied up like a caterpillar, was bouncing vigorously. It seemed that the movement was trying to flip over Sanniang and landed on the ground, but there was an obvious mistake in exerting force. In the middle, there was a "whoosh~" and it flew into the air, hitting the old beam.



The beam of the house trembled from being hit by the head, startling the birds on the roof.

? !
The two women stared in astonishment.

Ye Jingtang also panicked, fell headfirst, tried to stabilize his body halfway, broke the rope on his body, spun in the air and fell back to the bed.

Pei Xiangjun was shocked, and quickly raised his hand to pick it up, but was directly overwhelmed by the tall and powerful Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang fell onto the bed and slapped his face on the airbag, but it didn't hurt, so he quickly got up and got off the ground, took two steps back, and said embarrassingly:

"Cough... I feel that my breath is a little unstable, and my performance is abnormal. I'm fine, I'm fine..."

Pei Xiangjun collapsed on the bed frame, staring at Ye Jingtang with wide eyes, covering his chest with his hands, looking suspiciously at Ye Jingtang's intention.

Luo Ning had complicated eyes, and said coldly:
"The fall is so accurate, I think your performance is quite normal."

Ye Jingtang's old face couldn't hold back, he tore off the messy ropes on his body, and turned around:

"What a mistake. Put on your clothes, I'll go out and check the situation."

As he spoke, he opened the wooden door, went out and closed it again.

The house was quiet.

Luo Ning kept a glamorous look and buttoned her collar. She was already very thin-skinned, but now she remembered the incident of applying watermelon cream in front of Sanniang last night, and her eyes were a little embarrassed.

Although Pei Xiangjun didn't do anything too extreme, he watched the leader's wife feed the baby for a long time, his face was hot, he lowered his head and put on his belt, and then he spoke softly after a while:
"I was in a hurry last night, Miss Ning'er, don't worry about it."

"Yes. Thank you Sanniang. There was a misunderstanding last time. I hope Sanniang doesn't mind my poor words."

"Miss Ning'er was joking, knowing it was a misunderstanding, how could I take it to heart?"

Luo Ning nodded softly, remembering that she asked Sanniang to apply watermelon cream yesterday, Sanniang didn't hesitate at all, she felt weird, and whispered:

"Sanniang also likes Jingtang, right?"

? !
Pei Xiangjun raised his eyes and looked at the leader's wife:

"Miss Ning'er's question is special. Jing Tang belongs to my Pei family, so I should care about him..."

This can be regarded as taking care of him.

Luo Ning fastened her collar and spoke calmly:

"Just chatting in private. If you really like it, as long as I don't say anything, Jingtang should not say anything..."


Hearing these words, Pei Xiangjun's originally calm face became a little more complicated than can be described.

She understands the meaning of these words - as long as I nod, Jingtang will welcome you in.

The words were indeed for her sake, but it sounded weird... It was like the eldest lady picking up her aunt...

Leaving aside that Jing Tang is the young master of the Pei family, even if I really have something on my mind, I should be the master of this matter...

Pei Xiangjun pondered for a while: "Let's talk about these things later. Speaking of which, Jingtang was with the girl. I was awkward and refused to agree at first, but Jingtang talked nice things in front of me for a long time before I agreed to it. Fortunately, I agreed at the time, otherwise Jingtang would have missed a good girl like you."


Luo Ning's peach-blossom eyes moved, and she also understood the meaning. She put aside her original tolerance and acceptance, and asked
"And this thing?"


Suddenly there was a muffled cough from outside the room, it seemed that Ye Jingtang suddenly fell ill.

The expressions of the two women, who were about to be at war with each other, changed, and they quickly got up and ran out.
The sky is slightly cooler, and the east is pale with fish belly.

The old temple is located among the mountains, and there used to be villages nearby, but they have long been abandoned, and there are no people in the area for several miles.

Ye Jingtang walked out of the old room and came to the weedy backyard of the temple. The bird that had been squatting on a high place all night flew over quickly, landed on his shoulder, and rubbed his face with his wings:

Apparently, besides the two women, there were also Niao Niao who depended on each other for their lives last night.

Ye Jingtang held Niao Niao down, scratched the white fluff on his belly with his fingers, faced the endless eastern sky, and took a deep breath.


Yesterday, I thought I had a burning bone numb, but now that I wake up, I feel much refreshed.

It’s hard to describe the specific feeling. It’s as if I went to health care last night. Cupping and scraping, back opening with essential oils, massage and bone setting all came together. Every pore is breathing, ears are clear and full of energy. Are sure to do ten.

Ye Jingtang discovered that bead yesterday, it should be a very effective medicine, and now he is more sure of this in his heart.

But Cheng Shilu soon experienced severe pain until he had a mental breakdown and jumped off the cliff, obviously not pretending.

And although his limbs were a little out of control, and his body looked like it was burning red, it was really not difficult, it felt more like a sauna.

He took more of the same medicine. If there is such a difference, the problem may only be due to his constitution; it is similar to some people who can't take spicy food, and some people who can eat devil peppers. He may have a higher resistance to poison... …

Standing in the deserted courtyard and breathing for a moment, Ye Jingtang hadn't figured out what to do when he suddenly heard the indistinct words in the room:
"As long as I don't say anything, Jingtang should not say anything..."

"Jing Tang is with the girl, I didn't agree to come at first..."


Ye Jingtang's face changed slightly, and he knew without any deduction that the two of them would definitely drag him into a confrontation if they kept talking like this.

Then it's either Nuxia Luo beating him, or Sanniang leaving in a fit of anger, or even worse, mixed doubles, pulling each other's hair after beating him...

Ye Jingtang pressed his chest:


Niao Niao was startled immediately, and hurriedly rubbed his head against Ye Jing Tang, probably saying——Tang Tang, don't die, what should Niao Niao do if you die...


The door and window were knocked open, and two wrinkled women landed in front of the wall at the same time.

Pei Xiangjun supported Ye Jingtang's shoulder: "What's wrong?"

Luo Ning held Ye Jingtang's wrist and carefully checked the pulse:
"The pulse is not abnormal..."

"I'm a little thirsty. I haven't had a drop of water from the meal I ate yesterday afternoon. Let's go and find a place to eat."

Ye Jingtang rubbed his belly, picked up his gun and went out; Niao Niao heard the meal, regained his energy, and ran out swishingly.

Both Luo Ning and Pei Xiangjun's eyes flashed suspiciously, but they didn't say anything in the end, and walked in front of them and continued to check their bodies...

(End of this chapter)

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