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Chapter 144 Desperately 3 Mothers

Chapter 144
The silver moon is like a hook.

In the tidy poplar forest outside Baoyuan Gate, there was no sound.

Luo Ning leaned against a poplar tree and hid in a dark place, paying attention to the movement around Baishi Avenue.

Cheng Shilu was killed in Tiefuling yesterday, and 'Ye Silang' will most likely arrive at Baoyuan Gate in the next two days, which has become a well-known news.

It is a big taboo in the world to expose the whereabouts in advance and give the enemy a chance to ambush.

Although they were not sure if anyone was coming to ambush them, the three of them were very careful when they came over. They first found ways to escape and hide in the surrounding area, and then they entered the Baoyuan Gate and followed the normal process to settle the matter. ; San Niang, who has a strong attack power, bypasses the vicinity of the house from a dark place, and at the same time beware of the inside and outside.

And Luo Ning is a master of the inner sect, her movement skills are much better than Sanniang's, she comes and goes silently and is good at hiding, and together with Niao Niao, she is responsible for finding the enemies who are moved by the wind after Ye Jingtang appears.

Luo Ning couldn't see much in the poplar forest where the canopy covered the sky and the sun, but the birds were not affected.

Birds have big eyes and amazing night vision. They can search for rat snakes in the grass on the ground at high altitudes. People hide in the woods, unless they are buried underground, it is impossible not to be discovered.

Even if it is found, an owl is like a bird, haunting the woods, it is difficult to arouse people's vigilance.

Such caution has clearly paid off.

After Luo Ning waited quietly for a while, she heard a voice from afar:

Having been with Ye Jingtang for so long, Luo Ning was able to understand part of the signal through the 'tone' of the call, and learned it specially when she came here, and understood the meaning - two people, Zhengdong.

Luo Ning poked out her cheeks slightly to look around, and she could see that the birds were singing to the east, which was a small hill outside the poplar forest. It seemed that the enemy was hiding there, and if they could be spotted by the birds, there was a high probability that they saw Ye Jingtang coming. touch nearby.

After scanning the surrounding environment, Luo Ning took a step ahead, leaped up to the canopy of the tree silently, and hid on the route leading to Baishi Avenue.

Cha Cha-

But in a short while, two figures appeared in the woods below.

Both of them were wearing night clothes. The one in front was short and stocky, holding a heavy square shield in his left hand, a single sword in his right hand, and a throwing knife and a cable net hanging from his waist.

The person in the back is taller and imposing, with a strong bow in his left hand and a soft whip hanging around his waist, the length of the soft whip may be two feet long.

When Luo Ning saw this combination of weapons, she knew that it was specially designed to deal with Ye Jingtang—the heavy shield covered her whole body, withstood the frontal attack of the Overlord Spear, disrupted the formation with throwing knives, cable nets, and strong bows, and controlled the weapons with long whips. The swordsman entered the gun and beheaded.

If Ye Jingtang met alone, his scalp would be numb from being beaten by such a duo who didn't talk about martial arts.

Luo Ning didn't act rashly, and hid in the canopy like a Chinese ghost story, paying attention to the movements of the two, waiting for Ye Jingtang to finish his work, and then came to find a chance to kill them with Pei Xiangjun.

But at this moment, there was a loud bang from Baoyuan Gate.

boom -

The sound is like thunder in the night!
The sound of tiles cracking and walls collapsing followed, earth-shattering, as if a meteor had hit Baoyuan Gate.

Luo Ning looked around from the corner of her eye, but saw that half of the roof of the tallest building in the center of Baoyuanmen was smashed, and it was impossible to see who was standing on it, but the thief seemed not to have such destructive power.

And the two killers below were also startled by the movement, and immediately prostrated themselves on the ground, and there were subtle words:

"Damn it, scare me... what's going on?!"

"It seems that Ye Silang and Li Hunyuan are fighting, this movement... something is wrong."

"There's something wrong with this motherfucker, I thought Jiang Zhahu was here...Is it Li Hunyuan or Ye Silang?"

"Ye Silang used the gun, it sounded like a punch. This Li Hunyuan is hiding something, Ye Silang's one hit, he will either die or be disabled..."


Luo Ning also felt that Ye Jingtang did not have such a terrifying power, her heart tightened, and she silently wanted to stay away from the canopy and go to help Ye Jingtang.

But the person below is obviously not an ordinary warrior. As soon as Luo Ning moved, she heard:
The strong bowstring rang, and then the sharp arrow pierced through the air!
Luo Ning's face changed suddenly, and the soft sword at her waist was unsheathed in an instant, as if opening a fan in front of her body, instantly guarding the entire side.

Ding Ding Ding ~
The soft sound echoed in the canopy.

Ordinary bows and arrows are useless against top experts.

What Chengjing, Wang Chengjing of the Collapsing Mountain Tiger fired from his strong bow was a specially made feathered arrow. The moment it came off the string, it shattered into hundreds of flying needles, almost instantly submerged the tree crown, and shot the poplar leaves riddled with holes.

Seeing the full moon-like sword light in the sky, Wang Chengjing's eyes were fixed:
"It's the screen-opening sword. There are experts in ambush, withdraw!"

Wang Er quickly raised his big shield, trying to cover his elder brother Feidun.

But almost at the same moment when the sword light sounded, a black shadow rushed through the woods with the momentum of thunder, and galloped behind the two of them, holding a nine-foot gun to block the retreat.

Wang Er secretly thought something was wrong, immediately turned over the big shield and put it behind, while Wang Chengjing opened his bow like a full moon.

call out--

rub rub...

Numerous fine needles pierced the trunk, forcing the gunman to hide behind the trunk.

Luo Ning landed on the ground, holding a three-foot green blade and using the trunk as a cover, asked from a distance:

"How is the thief?"

Holding a big gun, Pei Xiangjun used the big tree as a cover, and said loudly:

"Beat Li Hunyuan to death. It's enough to delay, these two are dead."

? !
As soon as this remark came out, the three people behind were shocked.

When Wang Chengjing heard the movement just now, it was typed out by the 'target customer'. The original tactical shift directly turned into a desperate flight, holding a strong bow and shooting left and right:



In the woods, the flying needles were as dense as rain, nailing the trunk where the two of them were almost instantly.

The big spear in Pei Xiangjun's hand is called 'Overlord', and it ranks among the top three among the top ten guns. It is two feet longer than Ye Jingtang's Black Lin Spear.

But when encountering such a ghost who doesn't talk about martial arts, he still can't show his face without a shield, so he asked in a cold voice:

"How many arrows are there?"

"Four left! There are still nine throwing knives and two nets."

There was a sudden sound of bow opening.


With a low snort, Pei Xiangjun exploded like a cheetah, dragging his gun and rushing out from behind the tree trunk.

Luo Ning's figure was like a ghost, running silently left and right in the woods, but in an instant, she had already touched the vicinity of the two.

Wang Er didn't dare to show his back when he was hunted down, so he could only retreat quickly with his big shield.

Wang Chengjing brought a pot of feather arrows specially made, and the target customers hadn't come out yet, so he didn't dare to shoot indiscriminately. He just pointed his bow back and forth in the direction of the two of them, forcing them to find a place to hide.

stomping on...

The sound of footsteps in the woods was as dense as rain.

After chasing him five feet away, Pei Xiangjun didn't choose to hide anymore. He rushed directly to the open area among the two rows of poplar trees. He stepped forward with his right foot, his eyes were bloodshot, his cheeks under the scarf turned red, and his hands bulged with veins. .


The strong wind wrinkled in the woods, blowing away the fallen leaves around Pei Xiangjun.

Pei Xiangjun pierced the ground with the tip of his spear, and countless gravels and mud popped out, and then his body smashed through the night, almost blinking to the front with the flying gravel, raised the nine-foot gun in his hand, and thrust forward with both hands.


The spear pierced the air and let out a shrill scream.

The speed of this shot was so fast that Luo Ning's eyes flashed with astonishment, and she recognized that it was the unique skill of the Red God of Wealth, 'Fengchi Reverse Blood', and it was also the capital of the Overlord Spear's aspiration for the top gun.

Wang Chengjing shot an arrow out of his hand, and seeing the terrifying gun, his hair stood on end, he kicked on the heavy shield from behind, and pulled away his younger brother who was still buried in the shield with all his strength.


The spear's point came in a flash, and the strong wind stirred up the burst flying needle, and the two-foot spear's point, which was densely covered with battle scars, directly pierced the heavy shield specially prepared for the Black Lin Spear.


The one-inch-thick black iron heavy shield burst out with lightning-like flames from the front and back, and was pierced in an instant, stabbing into the shoulder of Wang Er who had just escaped from the shield.

Amidst the explosion, the Wang family brothers and their shields slid back half a foot almost instantly, leaving a groove on the ground.

The strength of this blow was terrifying, but the Wang family brothers were not ordinary people. The moment the gun was unloaded, Wang Er pushed forward regardless of the pain, making it difficult for the opponent to draw the gun.

Wang Chengjing swept out the two-foot long whip in his hand, but because the distance between the poplar trees was less than two feet apart, he had to draw it headfirst, and chopped at Pei Xiangjun from above the shield.

Whiplashes were heard in the woods.

Luo Ning followed closely behind, and flew up upon seeing the situation, and the soft sword in her hand accurately blocked the powerful soft whip.


Seeing the shield coming, Pei Xiangjun slid out his right foot with a coquettish sound, trying to sweep away the shield with his right hand.

As a result, the moment the shield was removed, Wang Er dropped his hand and sprinkled a handful of white ash forward.

Pei Xiangjun's eyes were slightly startled——Hu Meizi intercepted the long whip in the air, and she couldn't use her strength to move. If she retreated from Hu Meizi, she would fall directly in front of the two of them—to prevent Hu Meizi from being tricked, she didn't hesitate to drop her gun and jump back. At the same time, he grabbed the hind leg of Luo Ning who was in the air.

As the white and gray scattered, the two retreated a few feet at the same time.

Seeing the ambushes retreating, Wang Er immediately raised his knife and was about to run away, but Wang Chengjing's ears twitched, and his face changed slightly:

"Up the shield."

At the same time, he opened his bow and set up an arrow, shooting towards the crown of the tree in the distance.

call out--


The canopy at the top of the tree was hit by something, and the tops of several trees exploded, and the broken branches flew across, showing a black shadow with a gun.


The black shadow fell straight from the Nine Heavens, found hundreds of flying needles, kicked halfway on the tree trunk, and moved horizontally at high altitude, interspersing back and forth between the tree trunks like black lightning.

dong dong dong-

Seen from the sky, under the moonlight in the poplar forest, a row of tree crowns shook violently, as if they had fallen into a dragon python and ran wildly in the forest.

Wang Chengjing shot three arrows in an instant, but he couldn't touch the corner of the black shadow's clothes.

Seeing this scene, Wang Er flew back quickly, biting the single saber in his mouth, holding a cloth bag in his right hand and slamming it into the air.

White dust and mist flew up, filling the forest in an instant.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang immediately landed on the ground, holding the gun with one hand and striding forward, he raised himself from the ground:

"Death to me!"

With a burst of shouting, the muscles of the whole body tensed instantly.

call out--

The sharp sound of breaking wind resounded through the woods.

The Black Lin Spear turned into a javelin and shot out from his hand with a sharp howl, instantly tearing apart the white dust in front of him, and piercing through a swirling hole.

Wang Er's eyes were horrified, knowing that the heavy shield could not stop him, he still bravely pushed up the big shield without fear of death.


The seven-foot long spear pierced through the iron shield, and with no loss of strength, it shot through the shoulder of the strong Wang Er, and the man and the shield slammed into the back, piercing Wang Chengjing's rib.

The frightening energy contained in the spear point, like piercing candied haws, knocked the two brothers out and fell into the woods.

Wang Chengjing had an iron plate and Wang Er as a meat shield, but it was only a skin trauma. The moment he fell to the ground, he pushed Wang Er away, drew out the point of the meat spear, and then kicked on the shield, pulling out the black spear from Wang Er's shoulder.


A scream.

Wang Chengjing grabbed his brother with one hand, turned around and ran wildly.

Wang Er was put on the ground to endure the severe pain, but still did not forget to splash white dust, making it difficult for the opponent to pursue.

After Ye Jingtang fired a shot, he didn't take the risk of rushing into the dust and fog, and asked the bird on standby at high altitude to chase in the direction where the two were fleeing, while he flew up to the two women.

Looking carefully, it can be seen that Luo Nuxia is carrying the sword intact, and there is a little white dust on the robe; Sanniang pulled off the face scarf, her face flushed, she threw a few pills into her mouth, and said angrily when she saw him:

"It's Snow Moth Lin, these two Xiaoxiao really don't care about martial arts, quickly find a safe place to hide."

Ye Jingtang noticed that Sanniang's complexion was not right, whistled, and the horse galloped from outside Baoyuan Gate.

Ye Jingtang raised his arms and hugged Sanniang, and jumped onto the horse.Luo Ning fell behind Ye Jingtang and looked at the warriors who were watching from behind the stone lions:
"It's Snow Mothscale. Whoever retrieves the gun will be rewarded."


Several martial artists who were named for eating melons turned pale when they heard the sound, but no one moved, maybe it was a toast and a fine wine.

One of the warriors hesitated for a while, but gritted his teeth and ran over, rushed into the white dust, picked up two famous guns from the ground, ran back and threw them on the horse.

Pei Xiangjun took out a handful of banknotes from his pocket, threw them into the martial artist's hand, and did not forget to warn:
"Whoever dares to snatch it will be killed by Honghualou. Let's go."


Da Ma Yang kicked, and then galloped towards the official road.

Hoof, hoof...

Inside the Baoyuan Gate, the lights were brightly lit, and more than a hundred warriors silently watched the fierce horse go away.

It wasn't until the sound of horseshoes disappeared for a long time that the sound of "唰唰唰唰" sounded, and many warriors in the rivers and lakes scattered and fled.

In the meantime, there are also messy words:

"Hero Ye's martial art is a bit too domineering..."

"This is no nonsense, the young master of a wealthy family, you should be a small role in the world. The head of Li is also the top iron, Cheng Shilu is dead, and he dares to put on a ring..."

"Sect Leader Li hasn't been beaten to death, so it's a well-deserved reputation..."

"Picking up two guns and giving so much money is worthy of Honghualou..."

"Fool, this is the settlement fee, hurry up and have a good meal..."

"The future head of Honghualou, how could he harm innocent people and ruin his family's reputation... Oh, no, no, give me a hand..."


(End of this chapter)

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