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Chapter 145 Sour, right?

Chapter 145 Sour, right?
The moonlight was like frost, and two fast horses galloped across the field and came to a small town.

Because they expected to encounter an accident at Baoyuanmen, when the three of them came here in the afternoon, they made preparations in advance and found a safe house near a small town a few miles away from Baoyuanmen, so that they could hide in case of distress.

Ye Jingtang rode in a hurry on horseback. After confirming that there were no pursuers behind, he hid the two horses in the forest, entered the town under the cover of night, touched a private house, and at the same time paid attention to the situation in his arms.

Sanniang and Luo Nvxia, because they were at a disadvantage during the fight, inevitably had some snow moth scales on their bodies.

The snow moth scale is something that blocks the pursuers. Although the effect of the medicine is slow, it will definitely come. Both sides are hit. If you have time to escape, the opponent will definitely not dare to pursue deeply.

At this time, Snow Mothscale had already exerted its medicinal strength, her Qi veins were blocked, her hands and feet were soft, just like the murderer last time, she could only be carried on her back.

At this time, Sanniang was hugged in her arms, her face was flushed, and she frowned; while Luo Xia was a little better, lying on her back, with her arms around Ye Jingtang's neck, looking back to see what was going on.

Ye Jingtang walked through the alleyway silently, jumped over the courtyard wall, came to the courtyard of the private house, and opened the door.

Ye Jingtang took out the fire pocket from Sanniang's belt, opened it with his fingers, and a dim yellow light lit up in the room where he couldn't see his fingers.

The private house is uninhabited, and there are no neighbors around, but the house is complete, with a few pieces of furniture inside.

In the bedroom, the windows have been covered with black cloth in advance, candles, dry food, water, first aid kit, etc. are placed on the old wooden table.

The canopy bed against the wall originally only had thatch, but it was covered with white sheets during preparation in the afternoon.

After Ye Jingtang lit the candlestick on the table, he placed the limp Sanniang on the outside of the canopy bed, and then carried Nuxia Luo off with his backhand, and put him on the inside.

When she came to a safe place, Luo Ning secretly breathed a sigh of relief, lying on the bed weakly, looking at Pei Xiangjun's profile sideways:

"I'm fine, just wait for the strength of the medicine to wear off. She used Fengchi Nixue just now, which hurt her meridians; she shot an arrow at Lihua head-on, and probably hit the needle."

Pei Xiangjun closed his eyes to adjust his internal breath, and said:
"I've already pulled out the needle. It's the poison of the golden-leaf wisteria, which has sealed the air pocket. The White Emperor Pill I took can hold it back. It doesn't matter if I take it when I go back."

Luo Ning frowned: "The poison is sealed, just force it out, and wait to go back? Go back for a day or two, who knows what will happen."

Pei Xiangjun moved his lips and stopped talking.

Ye Jingtang put down the weapon, listened by the window first, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual, he took the small medicine box, sat down by the bed, and asked:
"Where did you get the needle?"

Pei Xiangjun opened his almond eyes, staring at Ye Jingtang, hesitant to speak.

Seeing this, Luo Ning was a little annoyed: "Come forward, it must be on the chest, you untie her clothes and look for it. What time is it, and she is still twitching..."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang raised his hand and untied the belt of the black military uniform without any scruples.

Pei Xiangjun looked at the stern face close at hand, and moved his fingers, but in the end he didn't say anything, but turned his eyes away, looking at the teacher's wife who taught her fiercely:

"You are quite fierce at this time. When you were fighting just now, you didn't know what you were doing, so you just shot once, and I have to pull you back..."


Luo Ning's face turned cold: "I'm holding a sword, how can I charge upwards? We agreed to delay, why are you rushing?"

"I'm a shooter, and the way to procrastinate is to press and beat. I hide behind a tree like you, can people take care of you?"

Luo Ning opened her mouth, wanting to refute a few words, but in terms of frontal penetration ability, she is indeed incomparable with the Overlord Spear, so she didn't say anything, just looked at Ye Jingtang.

Pei Xiangjun, on the other hand, stared at Luo Ning intently, trying to pose as the headmistress to ease the complex emotions in his heart, but his cheeks became more and more red.

Ye Jingtang unbuttoned his belt, carefully opened the black collar, but did not see any pinholes in the fabric.

Under the placket is a tightly wrapped black cloth, and the shoulders and waist are white and clean.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang raised his hand to grab the edge of the black chest wrap, lifted it slightly, and pulled it down.

Ripple bursts.

The dim light in the room seemed to be a little brighter.

"Oh!" Pei Xiangjun closed his eyes, frowned, and bit his red lips tightly.

It's so big... Luo Ning blinked her peach-blossom eyes, looked at the trembling semicircle, her eyes were strange, she thought for a while and said in a low voice:

"With this body, you also come to practice martial arts, you are suitable to be a nanny, don't come out to wander around in the future..."

? !
Pei Xiangjun was already ashamed, but when he heard this, he cheered up again, opened his eyes and replied:

"Sour, right? My martial art is higher than yours, and my figure is better than yours."


Luo Ning took a breath, causing her skirts to bulge. It seemed that she despised San Niang, who was a tiger-headed tiger-headed woman, but she obviously wanted to prove herself.

Ye Jingtang didn't interfere with their quarrel, after all if they didn't let them quarrel, it would only be more embarrassing.

With a stern and focused expression, he rubbed the lump on the left side upwards, and pressed the thumb-sized black marks on the skin with his fingers.

Pei Xiangjun arched his feet, bit his lower lip tightly, looked directly at Luo Ning, and tried his best to make provocative eyes.

Luo Ning was thin-skinned, and originally wanted to turn her eyes away from the scene that was a bit embarrassing, but when she found that the hostess was still provoking her, she looked at her without showing any weakness.

Ye Jingtang checked carefully, only one trace was found, and looked around the room in a blink of an eye:

"I don't have a cupping jar, I'll go find a bamboo tube."

When Luo Ning heard this, she remembered the time when she was forced to be humiliated, and it was a bit unbalanced—I asked you to find a bamboo tube, but you didn't care about it; when you met a female boss, you just considered her feelings?
I'm a bully, right?

Seeing that Ye Jingtang was about to get up, Luo Ning said:

"Where are there bamboos around? Little thief, don't you know how to detoxify with bare hands?"

Pei Xiangjun's eyes were slightly ferocious, and he wanted to say, "You've fallen into trouble, haven't you?", but after thinking about it, he stopped talking, gritted his teeth secretly, and assumed the air that a female head should have:
"Follow the power in a hurry, don't worry about the details."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't say much, fetched a water glass, leaned over to bring his mouth to the southern hemisphere...

Pei Xiangjun's heart trembled violently, and his whole body tensed a little, but he did not show any abnormality. He looked at the first beauty next to him with almond eyes, whose face was sometimes red and sometimes white, and raised his eyebrows too much.


Luo Ning raised her eyebrows, she really wanted to beat Sanniang, but she couldn't do it, she clenched her silver teeth, thought for a while and said:
"Little thief, flick her."

Ye Jingtang was so busy that his mouth was numb, and he said helplessly:

"At times like this, don't be joking."

joke?Seeing that Ye Jingtang treated them differently, Luo Ning wanted to argue a few words, but felt that she didn't understand the general idea, so she let it go.

After the treatment of Ye Jingtang, he checked around by candlelight, and after confirming that there were no other wounds, he asked:

"Just one shot?"

Pei Xiangjun looked at Luo Ning all the time, to get rid of the embarrassment in his heart, and he didn't dare to look directly when he heard this, but just nodded slightly.

Ye Jingtang heaved a sigh of relief, and looked inside:

"Ning'er, are you sure you're not injured?"

Luo Ning shook her head: "I was stained with snow moth scales, forced the poison on my own, and should be able to recover soon. She hurt her meridian, you massage her, it seems to hurt the governor meridian, behind her."

Ye Jingtang took the jade dragon ointment to treat internal injuries, turned Sanniang who was pretending to be an ostrich with her eyes closed, and lay on her side. It can be seen that there is a line of red marks on the skin along the ridge line, starting from the Fengfu point on the back of the head and extending down to the Yangguan point...

"What caused the injury?"

Pei Xiangjun said softly: "It's Fengchi Nixue in the last two moves of the Overlord Spear. There are rules at home, and you can only teach you when you become the landlord of my Honghualou."

Ye Jingtang saw Sanniang piercing the shield with a spear, felt that this move was really a big move, so he didn't say much at the moment, poured the Yulong ointment on his hand, and gently rubbed it along the spine.

Luo Ning couldn't bear to stare at Da Tuantuan, so she asked:

"Little thief, what happened to you just now?"

Ye Jingtang massaged his lower back with his hands, slowly slid down, and frowned slightly:

"I don't know. When I'm lucky, I feel the energy of the horse galloping, from the soles of the feet directly to the fists, without any... um... resistance. The bones are also flexible, as if they have been lubricated, and the body movements Flowing clouds and flowing water, my thoughts go out as soon as I move my fist, and I can still hold it..."

Luo Ning looked focused and thought for a while:

"I haven't heard Xue Baijin talk about this kind of change... By the way, the snow lake flowers in Tianlang Lake seem to have the miraculous effect of continuing menstruation and tempering bones, but they only bloom once in a few decades, and they are still guarded by the Beiliang army. You can't get it at all... You probably took medicine containing Xuehu flowers."

Ye Jingtang did see yesterday that there was a pair of armor in Cheng Shilu's room, which didn't look like the style of the Wei army, so he nodded slightly:

"It's probably a medicine stolen from Beiliang... What exactly is it? I'll find a way to get some more."

Pei Xiangjun felt that the thin trousers were pulled away, his face flushed, and he said in a voice like a mosquito:
"It's probably a magical medicine like Xumaidan. Your adoptive father was beaten to cut off his meridians back then, and went to live in seclusion in Honghe Town. He probably wanted to find Xuehuhua to renew his meridians."

Honghe Town is at the border gate, and after leaving the gate, walk a few hundred miles to the northeast, and you will arrive at Tianlang Lake in Beiliang. Ye Jingtang has also heard of it, and now regrets:

"There is such a medicine in the world, my adoptive father should have told me earlier."

"I told you earlier, you ran to Beiliang... Jingtang!"

Pei Xiangjun was speaking in a low voice, when he suddenly felt a chill in his tailbone, his weak body suddenly turned over, and pressed Ye Jingtang's hand, his eyes were full of shame, resentment and embarrassment:
"From Fengfu point to Yangguan point, where are you going to touch?"


Ye Jingtang was slightly puzzled: "Isn't it the Governor's Vessel? I remember that the Governor's Vessel is from..."

Pei Xiangjun's face turned red, and he wanted to speak, but he had no strength left.

Luo Ning's thoughtful expression turned into a strange one, and said in a low voice:
"Just go to the Yangguan point on the back of the waist, little thief, you won't touch it..."

Ye Jingtang looked as usual, and pulled out the hand that was pressed by the moon:
"You don't tell me, just talk about the Du meridian, I will naturally rub the medicine along the Du meridian."

Pei Xiangjun's face was as red as blood, with tears in his eyes, he closed his eyes and did not speak.

Luo Ning looked at the embarrassment and indignation of the hostess, her heart became more balanced, and she praised softly:

"You're right, it's her who is cowardly and doesn't even understand the principle of 'sickness should never be cured'."

Ye Jingtang blinked, and thought to himself: Are you still ashamed to say it?I treated your wounds, but you almost scratched me to death by crying and fussing...

After taking the medicine, Ye Jingtang couldn't have any distracting thoughts because he was not out of danger, so he just wrapped Sanniang up again with a black cloth belt.

While busy, there was a sound outside the window:


Ye Jingtang got up and came to the outer room, opened the door, and the bird fell from the eaves, raised its wings and pointed to the distance:


Ye Jingtang knew that Niao Niao had found the murderer's hiding place, but the strength of the snow moth scale medicine would not retreat for a while, he could not hug the two to fight, let alone leave alone, so he immediately took a small bag from his waist Dried meat, pass it to Niao Niao:

"Stare at the surroundings, and call me when you fall asleep."


Niao Niao found the prey and refused to catch it. He was obviously a little unhappy, but he still grabbed the dried meat with his claws and flew to the surrounding big trees...
On the other side, on the riverside in the outskirts of Guangji, on a small cargo ship.

The cargo ship could not see the slightest movement from the outside, but the cabin below the deck was lit with lights.

Wang Chengjing took off his outer robe, and the flesh wound under his ribs was wrapped up with a white cloth around his waist, blood oozing from the cloth.With a needle and thread in his hand, he was sewing on Wang Er's shoulder.

Wang Er was shot twice in the shoulder, the first shot was still piercing, leaning against the wall with anger in his eyes:
"This Zhou Ying, he's really not a fucking thing. He said that he fought against Ye Silang, and the eldest brother killed him alone... Who the hell killed who? Ye Silang is also, not at all superior, martial arts are so damn good , and arranged a bunch of bright and dark whistles to hide behind the buttocks, so that no one would run away..."

Wang Chengjing also had lingering fears, but his expression was much calmer:

"If you take the money, you have to judge the situation yourself. If the employer knows the opponent clearly, why bother to pay for the murder. This Ye Shiro is really unexpected. If we meet alone, neither of us may succeed. Immediately Leave and change your target."

Wang Er frowned and said, "Still killing?! Because Ye Jingtang's martial arts is not clear, and he is a member of the government, it is not easy to kill, so we give priority to Ye Silang, who is weak. We can't even do Ye Silang, in case Ye Jingtang What kind of freak is Tang... why don't you go straight away."

Wang Chengjing shook his head at this, knowing in his heart that this job is not easy to do, but how many people are easy to do in the business of killing people?

The two brothers have already offended Jieyun Palace, and they can still play as rangers, but if they want to take root and establish a sect, they will have to be found in a short time.

Wang Chengjing is good at martial arts, and he doesn't want to be a ranger who licks blood for the rest of his life. He has to be a big ticket, get enough money, go to Beiliang Jianghu to start from scratch, and develop his own territorial power.

The Zhou family has a lot of money, but the deposit is only 3000 taels of silver. He can live comfortably, but it is not enough to build a decent boat escort agency. He can't live a miserable life in the entire escort agency in the border town.

"Ye Silang is one of the arrogances in the Jianghu. He has too much luck. Whoever blocks the way will die. It is unlikely that there will be two in a generation. According to the information, Ye Jingtang is only about 20 years old, no matter how talented he is. Not as outrageous as Ye Silang. As long as the opportunity is found well, it is not difficult to kill."

Wang Er actually had doubts, but he listened to his elder brother since he was a child, so he didn't say much, and instead said:

"After this errand is finished, the Zhou family has to ask for more money. The intelligence can have such a big error, it is completely a joke with the lives of my two brothers."

"Let's finish the matter first. Ye Jingtang is a famous person, and Zhou Ying is avenging his father's death. It should be no problem to give information..."


(End of this chapter)

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