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Chapter 146 Returning to Beijing on a Rainy Night

Chapter 146 Returning to Beijing on a Rainy Night
The east was pale, and the black horse pulled the pony cart, and when the sun was about to rise, it quietly drove away from the nameless town.

Ye Jingtang was dressed in a black robe, with a bamboo hat on his head, and a chilong ring head knife hanging horizontally behind his waist. He was riding slowly on the official road, scanning the endless gray field.

The carriage is small, and there is no furniture inside. A thin blanket is spread in the carriage.

Luo Ning put a quilt on her back, leaned against the carriage, and rested overnight, most of her limbs recovered, and she could move around freely, but she didn't sleep well last night, so she leaned on Sanniang's shoulder and took a nap with her eyes closed.

Bird, who had been on guard all night, was lying in the carriage with its paws facing the sky, rolling back and forth as the carriage shook, but it showed no signs of waking up.

As for Pei Xiangjun, who was leaning against the corner of the carriage, he had not been able to feel sleepy since last night.

After putting on his clothes, Pei Xiangjun leaned his head against the wooden carriage. His familiar cheeks had returned to normal whiteness and tenderness, with a faint blush. He looked out of the carriage from the gap in the swaying curtains of the carriage.

Although he could only see Jing Tang's back, the sense of security exuded from his bones still made people feel anxious and worried at no time, and the comfortable situation inevitably caused countless distracting thoughts in his heart.

The assassination outside the Baoyuan Gate may be arranged by the Zhou family and Junshantai, or it may be the person who is the leader of the spear, these are the risks brought by the Pei family and Honghualou to Jingtang.

Regardless of the enmity of the eldest brother and the second brother, or the foundation of Honghualou, she should have borne it, but now it all falls on the shoulders in front of her, which inevitably makes her feel a little bit of "this love can't be repaid" ' exclamation.

Jingtang treated her wound last night, it was a matter of urgency, his eyes and expressions were very focused, like a doctor who is calm and calm, without any offense; so she also tried her best to treat it as a matter of urgency , Do not think between men and women.

But in the end Jing Tang gave her a massage, and when his fingers slipped into his trouser waist, his movements became less calm. Although there was nothing unusual, the subtle changes in the strength of his fingers did not fool her tense mind.

She knew that there was some turmoil in Jingtang's heart, after all, he was a man, how could he really be as calm as a saint in that situation...

But if you don't have a heart like water, wouldn't it be a secret profiteering...

Pei Xiangjun's mind was spinning a thousand times, and he didn't know what he was thinking. He just secretly looked at the back of the car window in a daze, and suddenly found that his arms were being hugged.

Pei Xiangjun came back to his senses, looked sideways, and saw the glamorous and charming wife of the leader, leaning on her shoulder, her eyelashes moved slightly, as if dreaming, her arms were raised to wrap around hers, her cheeks were slightly flushed .

? !
What are you dreaming about, you fox meizi?Do you take me for a surprise?
Maybe Pei Xiangjun was idle and bored, after thinking for a while, he raised his embraced right hand slightly, and touched the side of the teacher's wife's leg.


Luo Ning, who was sleeping, let out a faint murmur.

Pei Xiangjun's eyes were strange, and he secretly said "Huh~" without waking Luo Ning, and continued to look outside the carriage.


goo goo goo...

The wheels ran over the loess official road and embarked on the journey back to Beijing.

Ye Jingtang rode a fierce horse, and walked forward between the gray sky and the earth. When passing by Tiefuling, he turned his head and took a look.

Discussing with each other yesterday, I felt that the white bead might be some kind of magic medicine that Cheng Shilu stole from Beiliang.

But this is still unresolved. He and Cheng Shilu took medicine together, and Cheng Shilu's mental breakdown made him stronger.

It was a bit far-fetched to explain it in terms of physique and luck. After thinking about it all night, he felt that the medicine might have some kind of connection with him.

In order to solve the doubts in his heart, Ye Jingtang quietly ran up to Tiefuling, intending to go to the stone room and check if there were any other clues left.

Unfortunately, the Cheng family did not keep the crime scene.Possession of armor is a felony. When the Cheng family came to investigate for the defense officials, they could not tell clearly. They had already cleaned up the stone room, leaving only the traces of the day's fight. The reason for this matter may only be the dead Cheng Shilu. Clear.

Temporarily unable to figure out what was going on, Ye Jingtang kept this in mind in advance and rushed back to Beijing with the two girls.

From Guangji back to the capital, it took a day and a half to travel, starting early in the morning and traveling until midnight, and did not meet a suitable village or town, so Yejingtang did not stop.

Traveling day and night, when we returned to the vicinity of Yun'an, it was already around three o'clock in the morning the next day.

After leaving for five days, it was the beginning of June, and a light rain came unexpectedly in the middle of the night.

Ye Jingtang took the coir raincoat and put it on, looking back at the carriage.

There was no light in the carriage, and the medicine on Luo Nvxia's body had already dissipated, she pinched Ziwu Jue with her forehand, and practiced kung fu while sitting cross-legged in the carriage.
The way Sanniang walked to her parents' house was a bit boring, so she fell asleep on the thin blanket, using Luo Nuxia's leg as a pillow.

Niao Niao got used to going to bed in the middle of the night, and at this time she slept soundly under her coir raincoat.

Ye Jingtang did not disturb the two women, and brought the carriage to the towering city wall of Yun'an.

At night, the gate of the city has been closed. According to the rules, one has to wait at the gate until the bell rings before entering the city.

Ye Jingtang didn't want to be exposed to the rain outside the city for a few hours, so he found the city gate guard on duty outside the city gate, and took out the waist card of "cut first, play later, imperial power license" given by Benben.

The chief of the black government arrests all the gangsters who come and go. They are used to going in and out at night. The city gate guards did not stop them. After checking the waist card and the chief officer's report, they opened the city gate and let a car and a horse enter. Yun An.

In the middle of the night, you can still hear Shengge and Qin music in some markets in the capital, but there are basically no people on the road.

Ye Jingtang passed through Dongzheng Street, and it could be seen that the cloth shop that he smashed last time was under construction, but the street had already been repaired.

When the carriage arrived at the alley of Tianshui Bridge, Ye Jingtang slowed down, came outside the carriage, raised his hand and knocked:
dong dong~
Luo Ning woke up when she entered the city. Hearing the sound, she opened her eyes and looked at the plump female boss leaning on her lap.

The strength of the medicine on Pei Xiangjun's body has been exhausted, but 'Fengchi Nixue' is a move that squeezes the body to improve the limit and desperately. It is difficult to heal from the self-injury of the Governor Vessel, and it is still a bit weak.

Hearing the movement, Pei Xiangjun moved his eyelashes, looked at the familiar building outside the window, and sat up leisurely:

"finally arrived at home."

Luo Ning looked at the charming female boss in front of her, and her heart was actually a bit complicated-they were not familiar with each other a few days ago, and they even quarreled.But when I went out this time, the hostess saw her applying watermelon cream, and she saw the little thief sucking big balls. This relationship is obviously a bit weird, um... the friendship of feeding the thief together?
But this hostess is ignorant of current affairs, so she doesn't even want to call her 'Sister Ning'er'.

Luo Ning, as a legitimate leader, can't take the initiative to stick her face to the cold moon. After thinking about it, she didn't say much, she just looked outside:
"Little thief, take her back, I'll wait for you at the door."

Pei Xiangjun bent out of the carriage, held Ye Jingtang's hand and jumped down, because he was a little fluttering after lying down for two days, he even swayed slightly, and raised his hand to straighten his hair:
"Why don't you just rest at home and go back at dawn?"

Ye Jingtang felt that Xia Luo would not live in Pei's house, so he supported Sanniang and said:
"Staying at Pei's house will inevitably wake up the auntie and the others, so let's go back quietly."

Luo Ning jumped out of the carriage and unloaded the horse in the alley:
"I still have something to do when I go back. Miss Pei should go to bed early, and just come to our house and let me know if there is anything to do."

our family...

Pei Xiangjun knew this eager Hu Meizi, and was anxious to go back and be ashamed with Jingtang, but he didn't insist, and walked to the door of Pei's house:
"The doors are closed, I don't want to get angry, Jing Tang, please let me in."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't say anything, hugged Sanniang's legs and hugged her, flew over the high wall, came to Pei's mansion, and walked along the corridor towards the main courtyard.

Ye Jingtang looked down while walking, and found that Sanniang was leaning on his shoulder obediently, raised his eyes to look at him, found that he lowered his head, and turned his eyes away again.

The two came to the main courtyard through the corridor, the courtyard was very quiet, only the slight sound of the drizzle, and there was a sound of breathing in the ear room, it should be Xiu He who had already fallen asleep.

Ye Jingtang put Sanniang down and opened the door:
"Sanniang rest well, I'll go back first."

Pei Xiangjun stood at the door of the boudoir, rubbing his sore shoulders, and wanted to go in, but hesitated a little, then turned around again, and looked up at the tall and handsome young man in front of him.

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, looked at the familiar cheeks that were close at hand, those apricot eyes were obviously different from the previous "pretentious resentment", there was a certain emotion in them, the red lips moved slightly, hesitant to speak .

Ye Jingtang felt that the atmosphere was not right, and smiled:
"San Niang, is there anything else?"


Pei Xiangjun raised his hand and straightened the coir raincoat on Ye Jingtang's chest. He seemed to be thinking about something, but after thinking about it for a long time, he said:
"Jingtang, am I a little fat?"


Ye Jingtang felt that this question was simply unreasonable. With such a rock-solid determination, his mind drifted away. If he could feel that his hips were wider than his shoulders and plump, he was fat, then he probably had a problem with his sexual orientation.

"Sanniang, don't think about it, you don't even need to ask me, just ask any old lady, they will all praise you for having a lot of children and a blessed figure."

Pei Xiangjun nodded thoughtfully, and after tidying up his clothes, he stroked his chest:

"Okay, I'm just asking casually. Go and accompany your girl Ning'er. Next time you go out to do errands, remember to call me. She can't do anything except eat vinegar in the nest. If you stay with you for a while, she will kill you." It’s time to kill and snatch people.”

Ye Jingtang sighed secretly, watched Sanniang enter the boudoir, and helped close the door. Before leaving, he went to the window of the ear room and knocked on it.

dong dong~
"Hmm~ who is it?"

"Xiuhe, it's me."

"Huh?! Master Ye...you..."

"Don't think about it, Sanniang is back, and she was injured a little bit, you go and take care of her."

"Oh... I thought the young master came here in the middle of the night to bully the maid~ It's nothing to be happy..."


Ye Jingtang didn't know what to say, so he jumped onto the corridor without stopping.Falling into the alleyway, I took out Niao Niao who was sleeping like a piglet in the carriage, and got on the horse:
"Let's go."

Without the light bulb in front of her, Luo Ning's expression became much more natural, she stepped out of the eaves, tapped her toes, and wanted to get on the horse.

But Luo Ning was still in the air, and found that the thief on the horse raised his hand to grab her, and dragged her who was about to sit in the back to the front, and sat directly in his arms.

Luo Ning quickly sat up straight, and Liu Mei frowned displeasedly:

"It's started again, isn't it? A gentleman who is upright in front of others can't stand it in front of me? Am I easy to bully?"


Ye Jingtang held Luo Ning in his arms, and drove to Ranfang Street, pulling up his coir raincoat and covering Luo Ning on the way:
"It's raining lightly, and there's no umbrella, so you won't be completely soaked when you sit back and go back."

Luo Ning felt that there was nothing wrong with this statement, but the place where she was sitting was obviously not very flat, and her eyes were slightly cold:

"Do you believe that I will break it for you?"

Ye Jingtang was taken aback for a moment, looked at the cold cheeks, and frowned slightly:
"Why did you go out for a trip and talk so stupidly... Who are you? Bring back my pure and cold Lady Luo."

Luo Ning went out for a few days, experienced ups and downs, and really let go.

Seeing that the little thief dared to tease her, she took a breath, put her hand between the two of them, touched the hilt of the sword, and exerted so much force...

Ye Jingtang hesitated for a second, and hurriedly pressed Luo Nuxia's arm:

"I was wrong. I really shielded you from the wind and rain. You can see that I didn't move around. I promised to hug you every day and don't get angry. Lady Luo can't just keep her word."


Only then was Luo Ning satisfied, put away her cold expression, leaned against Ye Jingtang's arms, and said flatly:
"I know you're feeling uncomfortable, but you did a good job when you went out this time. Pei Sanniang hooked up with you so much, but you were unmoved. I'll take care of your body today, and I'll prescribe medicine for you tomorrow. It's not an example."

"Ha ha……"

(End of this chapter)

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