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Chapter 147

Chapter 147
The reconstruction of Ranfang Street is progressing very fast. In four or five days, almost half of the road surface has been paved with bluestone bricks, but the two sides of the street are still deserted.

Ye Jingtang rode back to Shuanggui Lane, and Luo Ning jumped off first, keeping a distance from Ye Jingtang, lest Xiao Yunli find out that his wife was stealing a man.

Ye Jingtang came to the outside of the small courtyard, looked around in a blink of an eye, and saw that there were still lights in the room, and on the window paper in the main room, there was a silhouette of a girl reflected, with a brush in each hand, writing vigorously...

As someone who has been there, Ye Jingtang naturally understands why this is the case - when Nuxia Luo went out, she arranged homework for Yunli and said she would be back in about five days;

Luo Ning flew over the wall and saw this scene, like all mothers, with a slightly gloomy face:


"Hey? Mistress, why are you back now? I'm studying hard in the cold window..."

Luo Ning turned around and took a small wooden stick from outside the kitchen, and was about to go in to clean up her daughter.

Ye Jingtang sympathized with Xiao Yunli very much, and hurried forward to smooth things over:

"Don't stay up late in the future, your wife will be angry."


The door of the main room opened, and Zhe Yunli dressed as Miss Jiaojiao ran out with a knife hanging from her waist, her face was a little timid, and she was relieved when she saw Ye Jingtang help stop her, and threw Ye Jingtang a " Enough righteousness!" eyes, and then took out a small bamboo tube:

"Master, there was news from Nanxiao Mountain yesterday, please take a look. I'm going to feed the horses."

Luo Ning took over the small bamboo tube used by Feige to send letters, and held Yun Li:

"It's so late, you go to bed first."

"I am not sleepy……"

dong dong~~
Zhe Yunli was talking, when he was tapped twice on the back, a look of helplessness flashed in Shui Lingling's eyes, she spread her hands slightly, and then fell straight down.

Luo Ning supported Zheyunli, picked her up horizontally, and put her back on the beautiful bed in the main room.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang also understood Luo Nvxia's intentions, put Niao Niao to sleep in the main room, then turned around and entered the west wing.

Luo Nvxia covered Yun Li with a quilt, and covered Niao Niao with a handkerchief, closed the main door, came to the west wing, saw Ye Jingtang undressing in the room, and frowned:
"What are you in a hurry?"

Ye Jingtang paused and turned around:

"My robe is wet. It's just a clean one. What's the news?"

Luo Ning closed the door, went to the bed and sat down, opened the bamboo tube, and took out the note inside, it could be seen that there were small prints on it, the first sentence was: Ning'er, how are you lately...

Luo Ning's eyes moved, for some reason, there was a strange sense of immorality...

Ye Jingtang knew that it was a private letter from the Pingtian leader, so he didn't get together to check it, but just waited beside him.

As the saying goes, "the most beautiful thing is the eyes in front of the lamp", Luo Ning was leaning against the edge of the bed holding a note, her beautiful eyes of peach blossoms reflected the light of the candlestick; The fairy has fallen into the mortal world, wearing a green dress, she just wears a fairy air that can only be seen from a distance but not played with.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand to help his daughter-in-law take off her shoes, but looked at the hand that had been holding the rein for a day, and stood up again:
"I'll take a shower first."

Seeing this, Luo Ning moved to the head of the bed, took the candle lamp, and looked at the paper carefully.

The letter was written by the leader of Pingtian himself, and it contains a lot of content. In order to prevent the news from being intercepted, the key content has been encrypted.

What I wrote at the beginning was nothing more than the family's grievances. They talked about the situation in Nanxiao Mountain and asked her to pay attention to safety in the capital and not to make Xiao Yunli mischievous.

The following content is about the ins and outs of 'Youshen Palm':

Zhang Henggu, Iron Hexagram of Nanshan, was originally a Taoist boy of the Great Yanqin Tianjian in the former dynasty. His master was the national teacher of the former dynasty, and he often preached to the last emperor Yan Gongdi.

Emperor Yan Gong, like all the emperors in the previous dynasties, would have a close servant by his side, because the old Duke Wei of the previous dynasty was old, so he chose a young boy to enter the palace and named him 'Cao Qianqiu'.

Cao Qianqiu not only practiced the picture of Minglong that was treasured by the previous dynasty, but also went to the national teacher to learn art, because he was the same age as Zhang Henggu, and they often practiced martial arts together.

Although the two were young, they were both very talented. Zhang Henggu felt that the Baguazhang taught by his master was wrong, and he didn't dare to speak out, so he discussed it with Cao Qianqiu in private. It turned out that Cao Qianqiu also felt the same, and the two secretly studied the Baguazhang The law of luck.

It's a pity that just as the two of them figured out a general idea, the world began to rise, and the flames of war quickly spread to Yun'an.

Zhang Henggu fled with Emperor Yan Gong, and Cao Qianqiu, who was only 12 years old, was raised as a dead man since childhood, so it was meaningless for the country to die, so he chose to guard the imperial city for Emperor Yan Gong.

Afterwards, the two never saw each other again. In the battle of destroying the country, all the dead loyalists of the former dynasty, including Wei Gonggong, were killed. Cao Qianqiu was captured, and was finally recruited by the founding emperor of the Great Wei, and became the "Da Nei Menshen" of the Great Wei. 'Eunuch Cao.

Zhang Henggu, together with others, escorted Emperor Yan Gong to Nanxiao Mountain, where he was defended by the generals of the Xue family to the death, founded the Pingtian Sect, and secretly accumulated forces to try to restore the country.

Zhang Henggu had seven apprentices in his life, three of them had passed away, and the remaining four were all in Nanxiao Mountain; if there is anyone else in the world who can 'walk the palm', it can only be Eunuch Cao.

Seeing this, Luo Ning couldn't help frowning secretly—after the founding of the Great Wei Dynasty, there were many strange people in the world, but none of them could walk to the emperor's palace with a three-foot sword. word weight.

Eunuch Cao never took a step away from the emperor, and no one knew his actual strength, so he was not counted in the Jianghu. However, if a martial artist in the world met Eunuch Cao, no one would dare to treat him as a minor character.

Ten years ago, when the Empress succeeded to the throne, Eunuch Cao disappeared. It is said that he was wiped out by the dead soldiers left behind by the late Emperor, but no one knows whether he is dead or alive.

Eunuch Cao is the one who has confirmed that he has practiced Dragon Crying Tu, and there are more than one, and he is very talented in his 70s, and he has practiced it all his life.

The murderer she met last time, if it was Eunuch Cao, it must not be a thief threatening people with his voice, but Eunuch Cao suddenly said in front of him: "You two little friends hid in the morgue in the middle of the night, what do you want?"

The letter speculates that since she can still write letters, the person she meets must be Eunuch Cao's apprentice who is not very up-to-date.

Moreover, the leader of Pingtian also revealed a piece of news - last year, some powerful people visited the door, wanting to "conspire with the great cause" of the leader of Pingtian, and promised to make the leader of Pingtian the "King of Zhennan" afterwards.

Master Pingtian is the biggest anti-thief leader on the face of Wei, and the other side doesn't think that the leader of Pingtian will inform the court, and the court will not believe the rebels' words of "stowing dissension", so the identity is not very strict. The Lord of Heaven can probably guess that it is the person of 'Wu Wang'.

Among the princes of Wei, the strongest are Liang Wang and Yan Wang who guard the gate of the country. They have military power in their hands. If these two want to rebel, the leader of Pingtian probably has to think about it.

And Wu Wang obviously thought too much, being surrounded by the three main forces of the Yazhou infantry, Yanzhou iron cavalry, and Jiangzhou navy, the rebellion can be successful unless he researches the "air force" and finds another way to attack Yun'an.

So the leader of Pingtian didn't respond, and directly kicked him out.

After Ping Tian's analysis, he told her that if he wanted to investigate this matter, he could start with King Wu.

But this is a hidden danger of the Great Wei court, let her bear in mind her identity as the 'Mrs. Nanhou of Dayan Township', and don't rush to help the Empress demining.

After Luo Ning read the letter, she put down the note and fell into deep thought.

This matter is definitely involved. If the little thief is settled, the Queen will probably regard the little thief as a god...

What Xue Baijin said is right, she is a member of Pingtian Sect, and she went to help the court punish rape and eradicate evil, did she turn her elbows a little bit?

The little thief wants to make meritorious service and win the favor of the queen, what does it have to do with me?Didn't I lose my husband and lose my army...

Oh, by the way, if you want to help Yunli save Qiu Tianhe, you almost forgot about it...

After thinking about it for a moment, Luo Ning suppressed her distracting thoughts, raised her eyes to look outside the door, but heard something coming from outside:

The thief is taking a bath.

Luo Ning blinked her eyes, and looked at the clothes on her body - it was inconvenient to go out for a few days, and she didn't have a chance to take a bath; the thief would definitely kiss randomly later, so she had to wash it...

Luo Ning hesitated for a while, got up and walked out of the west wing.

It was raining continuously outside, and it was early morning again, the yard could not be seen, only the corner of the main house and the west wing was slightly bright.

There is a small well in the corner of the yard, and under the wall of the west wing is the laundry pool. In order to take care of the woman, Ye Jingtang also set up a cloth curtain under the eaves, and the inside is kept clean and tidy.

At this moment, Ye Jingtang was standing inside the curtain, with a bucket in front of him, he was using a ladle to hold clean water, and poured it on his head.

Although the environment is simple, the thief uses extravagance. He directly takes a piece of "Osmanthus Soap" that costs a penny and a silver to take a bath, making bubbles all over his body.

Luo Ning stood in the corner, opened the curtain with her fingers, looked inside, from head to toe:

"You haven't washed it yet?"

Ye Jingtang washed his face and responded:
"Don't worry, it will be fine soon."

"Who's in a hurry? It's almost dawn, and I've been washing for so long... Should I wash it?"

Ye Jingtang paused, turned around, and tentatively said:

"If you can't rub your back, then what...how about together?"

Luo Ning's eyes turned cold, but after a moment of silence, she walked into the curtain and untied her belt:

"Don't look back."

"it is good."

rustle rustle~

Luo Ning hung her clothes on the wall, walked behind Ye Jingtang, took the sweet-scented osmanthus soap, and rubbed it on her generous back:
"Stand still."

Ye Jingtang stood upright and asked:
"What did the letter say?"

"That murderer has something to do with Eunuch Cao..."

Luo Ning recounted the news in the letter, helped Ye Jingtang rub his back, then poured clean water on her body.

With the mentality of taking care of his daughter-in-law, Ye Jingtang came to the back, rubbed the soap with scented flowers, and then slid up from the side of his waist:
"Nv Xia Luo carefully analyzed, I can do this kind of work."

Luo Ning's face turned red quickly, she held Ye Jingtang's hand, and said in a low voice:
"I'll do it myself~"

"You're welcome, let's help each other."

"Hey... and King Wu, there is also a problem..."

Ye Jingtang's movements were very nimble, he filled the front with soap, and the little watermelon became slippery.

After Luo Ning finished speaking, her breathing was already unsteady. In order to prevent the thief from seeing something, she tilted her head and made a small appearance of 'I was forced':
"I think you are suitable to be a father-in-law in the palace. You are talented in martial arts, and you also like to serve the concubine in the bath."

"Concubines in the palace can't enjoy this kind of service."

"You have never seen the world. I heard from the old maid of Pingtian Sect that this is how concubines in the palace take a bath... woo~ I will do it myself."

Ye Jingtang smiled, hooked her feet around Nuxia Luo's ankles, and parted them sideways...

Luo Ning held Ye Jingtang's very attentive hand, but couldn't stop her, so she also gave up struggling...


Transitional two chapters...

(End of this chapter)

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