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Chapter 148 Humiliation?

Chapter 148 Humiliation?

The next day.

The rain is drizzling, the streets are full of pedestrians with umbrellas, and there are occasional shouts from the pavement on the side of the road:

"Authentic kiln roasted chicken, don't miss it when passing by..."

Niao Niao stood on his shoulders, staring straight at the big chicken drumsticks that had been grilled until golden brown, gurgling and chirping, probably saying——Niao Niao has fought a battle for four or five days, shouldn't it be rewarded...

It was raining lightly, and Ye Jingtang didn't ride a horse. He walked along the street with an oiled paper umbrella. Seeing a bird with a greedy mouth, he bought half a roast chicken, sat down by the window of the shop, and continued to think about the next arrangement.

Benben generously gave him the jade bone map and asked him to go to Minglongtan to practice kung fu. This kind of favor is not easy to repay, so I still have to find a way to make meritorious service and help Benben solve potential troubles.

Relying on the 'black silk thigh' yesterday, I got important news about Eunuch Cao and King Wu.

When he washed the watermelons for Luo Nvxia, Luo Nvxia analyzed it and said that the matter may involve the rebellion of the kings. If he can get it right and pull out the hidden dangers in advance, the credit is enough to confer a small title.

According to common sense, such important news should be told directly to Benben, and then checked through the government's intelligence network.

But the source of his information is obviously wrong. Whether it is Eunuch Cao's Youshenzhang or King Wu's conspiracy, it is not the secret that he or even Honghualou can know. He said directly that he "stepped on three boats, criss-crossing black, white and gray." 'The matter is exposed.

For this reason, he has to investigate this matter by himself, and only after he has definite clues can he report it as a coincidence.

But where should I look into this matter...

Ye Jingtang pondered for a moment, but without a clue, he temporarily suppressed his thoughts and recalled what happened last night.

Yesterday Luo Nuxia was obviously very active, rubbing his back like a gentle wife, and he didn't refuse to help wash, even under his soft and hard soak, just like that night, she held watermelon and fed him watermelon.

Seeing that sister Ning'er was so obedient, he took advantage of Ning's stinking problem on the slope to make another mistake. He put his left arm around his left leg, his right hand around his right leg, picked up Nvxia Luo, and carried her to the bronze mirror in the room. .

The result is self-explanatory, Luo Nvxia, who almost fainted from embarrassment, was so embarrassed when she recovered, she went out at dawn, probably to buy him medicine to clear away heat and fire.

Thinking that he could only sleep with Niao Niao for the next few days, Ye Jingtang couldn't help feeling a little sighed. Just as he was thinking wildly, there was some commotion in the street.

Looking out of the window, there is a large cart driven by a family of four horses, passing by the main street, escorted by the imperial guards in the front and rear in the rain, heading towards the direction of the imperial city, and no one in the cart can be seen.

Ye Jingtang felt that the specifications of this frame were a bit similar to Benben, but obviously not, so he asked:
"Treasurer, which prince's guard of honor is this?"

The shopkeeper who sells roast chicken looked at it from a distance:
"It should be the son of King Yan. I heard that today the sage will have a banquet for the officials. I am afraid that he will go to the palace to have a banquet."

Prince Yan's son...

Ye Jingtang was born in Jianghu, and he didn't know much about these characters, so he asked curiously:

"The sons of the kings are all in the capital."

"They're all there. You can meet them occasionally when you go to Wutong Street. This Prince Yan's son has a great reputation in the capital. He is nicknamed 'Cup Opener'. He hasn't met an opponent in the few years since he entered Beijing..."

"The son of King Yan, is he still a master of punching and kicking?"

"The cup of the cup, the ability to shake the dice, in Yun'an is a must."


Ye Jingtang suddenly realized, and said with a smile:

"Is it the same for other princes?"

The shopkeeper nodded: "Our sons of Great Wei all have unique skills. The son of Liang Wang is known as 'Liang Badou', and he drank Badou wine for three consecutive days. There is also the son of King Wu, nicknamed 'Golden Tongue Langjun' No matter how powerful the famous chef in the capital is, he can't hide the tongue of Prince Wu, just like this kiln-roasted chicken, as long as he tastes it, he can tell how many days the chicken has been raised and what kind of food it is usually fed..."

Ye Jingtang's eyes were surprised: "It's really powerful. This 'eat, drink, and gamble' is all there, so in the end, there must be a 'whore heartbroken'?"

The shopkeeper waved his hand lightly: "The ability to seduce women is not easy for outsiders to see, so it's hard to make a conclusion at the moment. I think the young master's appearance is worthy of the words of disastrous to the country and the people. Speaking of it, you can try it. The widowed wealthy wife of Yun'an City is not here. few……"

Ye Jingtang waved his hands with a smile, and after talking nonsense for a while, he saw another chariot driving up the street, heading towards the imperial city.

This time the road was cleared by the imperial army, but behind him was a black Yamen police officer, who was sitting in it was self-evident.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang got up to pay the bill, and carried Niao Niao to the chariot...

The fine raindrops sprinkled on the top of the carriage. Outside the noisy streets and the sound of horseshoes, the interior of the carriage was very quiet.

Dongfang Liren was sitting on the small couch, still wearing a silver python robe, but replaced it with a 'court dress', a wide robe with large sleeves, a belt outlined with python patterns inlaid with pearls and jade, with a majestic and calm demeanor, holding an ancient book in his hand, looking Like a hard-working prince who never puts his hands down.

But the content in the book... I have already seen "Yushu Backyard Flowers with Rain"...

While concentrating on chasing the book, the white-haired old woman entered the carriage silently, and put the various letters from the morning in front of her:
"Your Highness, the people who were sent to Guangji came back yesterday. After examining Cheng Shilu's injuries, he was shot fourteen times, all of which were caused by Heilin guns; judging from the death conditions, it seems that he was also poisoned... Mr. Ye This style of acting is indeed stable, and if you can not leave a living, you will not leave a living."

Dongfang Liren closed the book leisurely and rubbed his forehead:

"He still doesn't believe me when I say that people die wherever he goes. Go out and teach him the rules of the world, and just subdue him. You have to poke people more than a dozen times."

"Cheng Shilu's reputation in the world is mediocre, he's crazy, and he'll be slaughtered sooner or later because of his connections. After all, Cheng Shilu has a relationship with Li Xiang, and he's the in-law of the minister of the Ministry of Industry. He helps the court manage the mines in Tefaling At the scene, Young Master Ye came to kill people without any reason, and if he doesn’t order arrest, it’s not easy to explain to the court.”

Dongfang Liren naturally knew that it was difficult to explain, but her generals couldn't help but think about it:

"Ye Jingtang is a chivalrous person. Since entering Beijing, he has fought several times privately. He has done it properly. If there is no reason, he will not kill innocent people... This king waits for him to come back, ask him, and reply to the Ministry of punishment first. He died of suicide."


The white-haired old woman's eyes were complicated: "Your Highness, he was shot fourteen times and died of suicide. I'm afraid this is a bit blatant..."

"Cheng Shilu died of suicide. Let's say Cheng Shilu used poison to sneak attack. After Ye Silang saw through the lesson, he committed suicide in shame. This king will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly. Although it is also related to Ye Jingtang, at least there is no need to order wanted."

The white-haired old woman nodded and accepted the order, thought for a while and said:

"There is also news from Baoyuan Gate."

Dongfang Liren sat up straight: "He also killed Li Hunyuan?"

"That's not true. Li Hunyuan is smart. He set up a ring and called a group of people from the rivers and lakes to watch. Mr. Ye beat them to death to ruin his reputation. He only beat them half to death and demolished half of Baoyuan Gate."

Dongfang Liren breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, if you beat Li Hunyuan to death again, he won't go out under Ye Silang's name in the future."

The white-haired old woman was a little puzzled: "According to rumors, Li Hunyuan was punched to the ground by Mr. Ye. It is true that Lei Gong Baji is just as strong as Yang, but with Li Hunyuan's ability, he will not be so embarrassed when he loses."

"It may be that Li Hunyuan is too old, and he was taken advantage of, and he is afraid of being young..."

While the two were chatting, there was a noise outside the carriage:
"Master Ye, when did you come back?"

"I just came back in the early morning, so I wonder if Prince Jing is convenient now?"


outside the carriage.

After Ye Jingtang showed the guards the badge, he jumped into the carriage with Niao Niao on his shoulders, bowed to the white-haired old woman who came out, and then lowered his head and entered the carriage.

Because of the rain, the windows of the spacious carriage were closed, and the overbearing Queen sat on the small couch in a calm and majestic posture.


Seeing Sister Pangtoulong, Niaoniao quickly jumped off her shoulders, ran to her, and tilted her head to look at the loose court dress.

Dongfang Liren's expression was quite serious, and after motioning Ye Jingtang to sit down, he said in a deep voice:
"Yejingtang, do you know what to do?"

Ye Jingtang knew it would be like this, and sat down by the window:

"When I went to Tiefuling, I just wanted to beat it, but Cheng Shilu became murderous and numb me with burning bones, and then accidentally fell into the trick, and jumped off the cliff when I couldn't stand it. I wanted to stop it, but I was also hit If you take the medicine, you can only withdraw it first."

Dongfang Liren frowned, and carefully looked at Ye Jingtang:
"Penguma is a strange poison in Beiliang. Although it is not fatal and its effect is short, but those who suffer from it are close to death. How did you survive it?"

"Honghualou followed the staff, tied me up, and resisted. The medicine Cheng Shilu used is quite special, and I don't know what it is. The skill after the work is a little stronger."

"Medicine, if used well, can save lives, but if used poorly, it can kill people. Poison is the same. Pyrogenum itself has the effect of tempering the body, but the medicine is too strong for people to bear it."

Dongfang Liren stood up, sat in front of Ye Jingtang, raised his hand and pressed his wrist:

"Even if you're tied up and don't kill yourself, you still have to resist the burning pain, you..."

Ye Jingtang felt Benben's heartache and said with a smile:
"I may have a relatively high poison resistance, and Ning'er helped me divert my attention, so it wasn't particularly uncomfortable at the time."

Dongfang Liren took his pulse carefully and found that the pulse condition was normal and the qi and blood were strong, so he retracted his fingers into his big sleeve and asked curiously:
"The pain of burning bones and skin, even fainting will wake you up in pain, how does she make you divert your attention?"

Ye Jingtang was not easy to say clearly, so he moved his eyes down, and then quickly pulled them back.

Dongfang Liren lowered his head and glanced, and then a murderous look flashed in his eyes, and he raised his hand to touch Ye Jingtang's chilong ring first knife.

Ye Jingtang quickly held down the knife:

"I'm telling the truth."

"I don't believe it!"

Dongfang Liren felt that Ye Jingtang was just looking for something to take advantage of her, holding the handle of the knife and staring slightly:
"Can't you rely on a frivolous woman to suppress the pain of your skin? This king will try to see if you really have this ability."


Ye Jingtang looked at Benben up and down: "How can your Highness try? Just chop me up and have nothing to distract me. I'm sure I won't be able to carry it."

Dongfang Liren originally wanted Ye Jingtang to see her, but this idea was obviously wrong, so he turned back to the couch, fetched a book, and threw it into Ye Jingtang's arms:
"Look at this, if you dare to frown today, you are bullying me, and you will know the consequences yourself."

Ye Jingtang picked up the book and opened it - the older version of "Xia Nv Tear", the content is the same, but the illustration style is completely different. The first book focuses on expressions and expressions, and this book is realistic...

When Ye Jingtang turned to the first page of the picture, his eyes became serious, and he even wiped his hands before carefully turning over the pages of the old book...

? !
Dongfang Liren didn't expect that Ye Jingtang paid more attention to the book than to her, and she couldn't really try to cut Ye Jingtang. After thinking about it, her slender jade fingers twisted the man's waist and eyes, and exerted a little force...

Ye Jingtang sat up straight for a few minutes, turned the book to the page of "Flying Dragon Riding on the Face", and nodded thoughtfully:
"This painting skills, one word, absolutely."

Dongfang Liren twisted it hard a few times, and found that the perverted young man in front of him really didn't frown. He was shocked. He thought about going over to see what illustrations were so powerful, and found out that it was "a woman who is rebellious and rides on a man." On the head', if an ordinary woman dares to do this, she is afraid that she will be divorced on the spot...

"Ye Jingtang, as a seven-foot man, you can still be attracted to this kind of thing? Don't you feel humiliated when a woman rides on a man's head?"


Ye Jingtang thought about it for a while: "Maybe it's a little bit, but I think it's just a kind of fun between husband and wife."

? !
Dongfang Liren didn't know what to say, so he raised his hand and snatched the book back.

Seeing that Benben was about to lose his temper, Ye Jingtang didn't talk about this topic anymore, and instead said:

"By the way, when I came here just now, I heard passers-by talking about the 'Four Heroes of the Capital'. Is there such a saying?"

Dongfang Liren hid the book well, lest Ye Jingtang walk away again:

"It's just a few dudes in the capital, why do you ask this?"

Ye Jingtang asked this in order to help Benben investigate the case, but he had a special source of information, and he directly reported that Wu Wangshizi was prone to accidents without any evidence, so he said casually:
"Just curious. This 'Liang Badou' is quite normal, but the 'cup opener' is incredible. It sounds like 'absolute touch'. Could it be that the son of Yan Wang is a master who is hidden in the court?"

Prince Yan's son Dongfang Shuoyue, who is considered as Dongfang Liren's cousin, said with disdain:
"It's nothing but good gambling skills, not a master. However, Dongfang Yin, the son of King Wu, is indeed really good. Before, the king didn't believe it, so he called him to the Holy One, prepared a roast suckling pig for him, and asked how many days he was born." For suckling pigs, he determines the male and female with one mouthful, the slaughter time with two mouths, and the age with three mouthfuls, and the civil and military officials of the court are amazed..."

Ye Jingtang's eyes were solemn; "This ability is really powerful. I really want to see it when I have time. Where do Prince Wu usually go?"

"I usually stay in the Shizi Mansion in the eastern suburbs. When the major restaurants in the capital open, I will also go to try something new."

Dongfang Liren said this, with a serious expression on his face, and said:

"Son of the vassal king, try to keep as little contact as possible. Since the founding of my first emperor, there have been disobedient and unfilial descendants of the royal family, but they seldom produce waste. The actual city is probably very deep."

Ye Jingtang didn't know about these things, so he had to search to find out. He turned his head and glanced out the window, and found that he was approaching the palace, and asked:
"Your Highness wants to take me into the palace?"

Dongfang Liren also sat stupidly when he entered the palace for a banquet, and wanted Ye Jingtang to accompany him, but it was obviously impossible, so he thought about it:
"It's the middle of the year. Today, the Holy Majesty is hosting a banquet for all the ministers. Those below the third grade will not be able to enter the banquet. It is not appropriate to bring you in. You should go and do your work first. This king will bring you into the palace at night."

"Then I will continue to investigate the murder case in Zhuji Street and try to solve it as soon as possible."

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren felt a little embarrassed:
"The king has been investigating for a few days, but there is no clue. I'm afraid it will be difficult to investigate. If you really want to do things for the king, just go to the yamen to pick up a few small cases, and you don't have to worry about it."

Ye Jingtang stood up and picked up Niao Niao who was buried in looking for snacks:
"I'm also doing my best. If nothing happens, just don't blame me, Your Highness."


Niao Niao squatted on Ye Jing Tang's shoulder, waving goodbye.

Dongfang Liren waved his hand at Niao Niao, and said "chi~", and found that Ye Jingtang turned his head and smiled, his face was slightly cold, and he put on the air of a cruel queen again...


I caught a cold last night. I fell asleep with dizziness and runny nose. I felt like I was sleepwalking in the code words. I can’t guarantee the update in the past two days. If I ask for leave, I will tell you in advance. I’m really sorry orz.

(End of this chapter)

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