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Chapter 160 Jianghu!

Chapter 160 Jianghu!

Sunset on the west mountain, and the city is full of lights.

Near Youji Street in Dongshi, the people who live there are low-level peddlers. The streets are relatively old. There are street stalls along the streets, and gambling stalls and dark kilns in the alleys.

Although the price of Goulan is cheap, the grade is too low in the capital. Even at the best time of night business, there are not many people on the old street, and only a little noise can be heard from the gambling stalls in Goulan.

The gates of the houses at the back of a gambling alley are closed, and there is a little dirt on the doorway stones. At night, almost no one enters from here.

The interior of the house is very quiet. During the day, the men who were responsible for digging the tunnels used hot water to clean the oil stains from the spilled molten oil in the room.

The door of the main room was closed, Xu Bailin sat on the chair, tapped the armrest with her fingers, her expression was not very good-looking.

Cao Aning paced back and forth in front of him.

Cao Aning grew up in the palace and was taught by Eunuch Cao. He used to behave calmly and calmly.

But after experiencing a series of incomprehensible strange things, Cao Aning's long-term tense mood was hard to support, showing a hysterical side, and kept whispering:

"When I bumped into him in the morgue, I thought he knew things like a god; when he escaped and was ambushed, I thought he ran so fast with his eyeliner. Without evidence, how did he find out about Prince Wu's Mansion?
"Even if he finds the Prince Wu's Mansion without any clues, how did he find the tunnel? It's just that he found the tunnel. How can he compete with the old boxer? He has this ability, why did he let me escape for the first time?  … ..."

It was also today that Xu Bailin confirmed from the mouth of the white-robed old man that the person who sneaked into Wu Wang's mansion yesterday and defeated Nangong Shaofeng with one move was really the lingering King of Hades.

The movements of Yejingtang these days can be said to be so bizarre that it cannot be explained. Not only Cao A'ning is confused, but Xu Bailin feels like he has seen a ghost.

They thought they didn't leak any news. After the morgue incident, they didn't dare to act in the capital to prevent accidents. They just sneaked to Guangji.

The result was good, after not seeing each other for a few days, Ye Jingtang went directly to the employer behind them, and almost got all the stolen goods in the tunnel.

That's all, at first Ye Jingtang and Cao Aning had the upper hand, and they were obviously weak against him; after seeing each other for a few days, they hit Meng Nangong Shaofeng with one palm; Isn't it outrageous?
Xu Bailin thought about it for a while: "Ye Jingtang can kill Zhou Huaili, the martial arts must be good, and he may be hiding his clumsiness on weekdays. As for the predictability... Could it be that there is a traitor on our side and we are tipping off the news?"

Cao Aning shook his head: "The people below are all hard at work. Those who know the overall plan are just us and His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness can't blow himself up. The old boxer just went to the tunnel today, and he didn't know the exact location beforehand..."

When Cao Aning said this, he stopped talking and looked at Xu Bailin who was sitting in the room——Xu Bailin participated in it from the beginning to the end. It was the first time he encountered Ye Jingtang, and was provoked by Ye Jingtang, which led to the government arresting him alive ...

? !
Xu Bailin's expression froze slightly, and then she showed anger, and slapped the armrest:
"You suspect that I tipped off the government? It wasn't because I was so skilled last time that I was already hacked to death by Ye Jingtang in the street. Could that battle be fake?"

"Today, Ye Jingtang's skills are superior to yours. The last time I fought against you, I obviously had some reservations..."

"If you hadn't been blocked by Ye Jingtang in the morgue, causing him to follow after biting his tail, would I have been able to fight Ye Jingtang? Please explain first, how you escaped from the morgue!"


Cao Aning thinks about it, he knows more than Xu Bailin, if there is a hidden stake on Wu Wang's side, then this person is most likely to be him...

Xu Bailin herself was made suspicious by Ye Jingtang, and she didn't care about Cao Aning's suspicion, so she said:

"If you and I were the hidden stake, Ye Jingtang would not be able to come from the other end of the tunnel today to startle the snake. Now that the molten oil has been spilled, it must be hidden today and tomorrow. If something goes wrong again and the result falls short, then everything will be lost. "

Cao Aning couldn't figure out how Ye Jingtang tracked him down. He felt that if he stayed here, he might be found again, so he said:

"You and I hide separately and meet up tomorrow night. If there is a situation where you escape alone, don't rush back to the station, lest you be caught by Ye Jingtang."

Xu Bailin nodded, thought for a while, then remembered something, and said angrily:

"Yejingtang was able to single-handedly fight the old boxer. Is Junshantai dead? I have sent them all the news. There has been no movement for so long..."

Cao Aning thought for a while: "The last time I wanted to borrow a knife to kill people, I didn't say that martial arts are so high. Junshantai may not feel the pressure, and is trying to find a way to operate secretly..."

"No matter how secretly we operate, there will be some splashes. Junshantai will be late when Ye Jingtang solves us. This is not a waste of news for Junshantai..."

"It's too late to say these things now, let's get down to business first."

Xu Bailin felt that Junshantai couldn't even understand the seriousness of "tiger breeding", and I was really sorry for the name of the top giants, but Junshantai didn't respond, and they had no choice. Iron Mace, left the house.

Cao Aning paced around the room with his hands behind his back, looking at the loyal subordinates outside the door, for some reason, everyone looked like a ghost.

But at the time of employing people, it is not easy to check one by one, so the hearts of the subordinates are cold, and after thinking about it, they are ready to let the four or five subordinates in the yard disperse and hide on the spot, and meet again tomorrow.

But as soon as Cao Aning walked out of the gate, he heard the sound of houses collapsing and the sound of metal and iron clashing among the buildings outside.


ding ding ding-

Cao A'Ning's face changed suddenly, knowing that the lingering black yamen murderer had found him again, and he couldn't even think about going to rescue him, so he fled to the depths of the building complex...
As the sun set on the city wall, the streets and alleys darkened. There were dots of lights on the side of the street, but the alleys were dark and dark. Occasionally, a few gamblers and whores walked by in a hurry.

Ye Jingtang was dressed in a black robe, dressed like an ordinary warrior, walking slowly in the alley, paying attention to the traces on the ground and the pedestrians passing by.

This place is a slum area, and the three people from the rivers and lakes are very eye-catching when walking together. Therefore, Luo Ning and Pei Xiangjun just waited in the carriage at the entrance of the alley, so that they could rush to help at any time.

The alleys in this block are full of gambling shops, wine shops and dark kilns. The houses are old and not soundproof. Some Goulan barks are quite loud in order to hook up with perverts. Luo Ning and Pei Xiangjun are both skilled in martial arts, and they can clearly hear the alley. From the depths:

"Yeah...that's amazing..."

"Is it big……"

Pei Xiangjun covered his face with a black scarf, so he couldn't see his expression, but there was something obviously strange in his eyes.

Luo Ning's eyes were cold, and she tried her best not to recall the scene when the thief raped her.

Maybe it was a bit boring, Pei Xiangjun asked in a low voice:

"Ning'er, has Jingtang ever said these nasty things to you?"

? !
Luo Ning frowned slightly, turned her head to ignore it, and said in her heart: The little thief ruins people, and he never has a free mouth. He either kisses or eats watermelon. How can he have time to talk about this...

The two women were quite embarrassed, and Ye Jingtang was actually similar.

As a gentleman, Ye Jingtang walked into Hualiu Lane at night and looked around. Anyone with a bit of experience knew what he was planning to do.

The kiln sisters who are soliciting customers at the threshold of Goulan, hook their hands to solicit from time to time.Ye Jingtang also reacted like a normal person, quickly looked away, and continued walking as if he hadn't seen anything.

The tip I received said that it was a suspicious sighting that appeared in a private house behind the laneway.

Although the distance is still quite far, Yejingtang walked very carefully to prevent being ambushed by someone with "please enter the urn" and let the birds detect suspicious movements at high altitude. Place near the handle of the knife.

Just walking to the middle of the alleyway, I didn't find anything unusual.

Ye Jingtang looked at the path between the two houses not far away, thinking about turning in from there, and arrived near the residential house where the informant had reported, and saw a figure, who turned out of it generously, towards him come.

The figure is dressed in khaki cloth, dressed like a commoner, holding a long strip wrapped in cloth in his hand, and looks like a gambler here for entertainment, a bit familiar...

Xu Bailin came out of the narrow passageway that was wide enough for one person. She was still checking the surroundings, but just turned around and took two steps, she found a tall man in a black robe stopped [-] steps ahead of the dark alleyway.

Although the light is dim and the face cannot be seen clearly, but the pine-like standing posture, and the long black strip hanging obliquely behind the left waist...

? !
There was constant noise in the dim old alley, but the atmosphere fell into dead silence at this moment, as if there were only two people standing opposite each other in the whole world.

Xu Bailin didn't see who was in front of her, but she had run into ghosts many times, knowing that Ye Jingtang, the king of hell, was everywhere, so she guessed the identity of the other party right the first time.

But Ye Jingtang was a little hesitant. After all, the light was too dark and the other party was disguised. He felt familiar but it was difficult to confirm his identity.

Moreover, after receiving a tip inexplicably, and then actually bumping into the real master head-on, if the other party hadn't deliberately led the snake out of the cave to ambush, it would be too bizarre.

The two were separated by half an old alley, and faced each other for a moment.

After all, Xu Bailin is a hero in the Jianghu, with excellent psychological quality, without showing any abnormalities, she naturally walked to the gambling stall next to her.

"Your Excellency, wait!"

Ye Jingtang yelled to stop, but the figure in front of him didn't stop, but erupted instantly and crashed into the curtain of the gambling stall.


Ye Jingtang set off almost at the same time, stomping on the dirt alleyway and galloping out, kicking halfway through the stone wall outside the house.


The middle of the stone wall exploded, and several bricks flew out, smashing against the curtain of the gambling stall with a terrifying sound of breaking wind.

One of the bricks directly tore the wooden wall of the gambling stall horizontally, exposing several tables of gamblers who hadn't responded yet.


Seeing this, Xu Bailin's expression changed suddenly, and she flipped her wrist lightly, the green steel mace had already fallen into her hand, and swept across the air to tear the wrapped cloth and smashed the flying bricks.


The alleyway was filled with dust all of a sudden.

Ye Jingtang identified the suspect, and without stopping, he pulled out his foot and unsheathed the knife from his waist.


A cold light flashed in the alley!
Almost at the same time as the brick burst, the extremely swift and violent blade light had come to Xu Bailin.

Xu Bailin originally heard that Ye Jingtang had a back and forth fight with the old boxer today, but he thought that the old boxer was too old to die.

Seeing this terrifying blade that was completely different from the previous days, he realized that Ye Jingtang's skills had indeed increased by a large amount.

Fortunately, he had the experience of fighting Yejingtang before. In order to pursue the ultimate speed, the eight-step mad knife has little room for changing his moves.

Xu Bailin sensed that something was wrong, and had already stepped forward and put the iron mace in front of her.


The blade tore through the night and flashed through the dark alley.

From the perspective of outsiders, it looked like a lightning-like white awn, which suddenly shot from the spot and hit Xu Bailin's chest directly.

And Xu Bailin didn't even stand still for a moment, she was blasted out at the same speed, and in the air, she raised her iron mace, ready to receive the second knife that was interlocking with each other.

But Ye Jingtang made a single strike with a sword, and didn't make consecutive moves. Instead, he quickly closed it like a dragonfly on water, leaped onto the roof, and scanned the surroundings to avoid being ambushed by hidden people.


In an instant, pieces of wood flew across the alley, and countless men and women screamed.

Xu Bailin landed on the ground with both feet, still maintaining a blocking posture, seeing that Ye Jingtang didn't make up the knife, she turned around and ran away without hesitation.

Ye Jingtang found that no one was ambushing around, and there was the sound of breaking wind from Yuandun in the distance, so he knew that he had really dug into the hiding place of Xu Bailin and others, and immediately shouted:
"Keep an eye on those who are fleeing, and don't take the enemy lightly!"

Luo Ning and Pei Xiangjun, who rushed out of the carriage, quickly jumped up to the house when they saw this.

At the same time as Ye Jingtang was speaking, he was flying across the roof with his knife in his hand, chasing after Xu Bailin who was trying to escape.

Xu Bailin didn't have much desire to fight. Seeing that there were black Yamen masters behind, she directly gave up the idea of ​​joining Cao Aning, and flew towards the city wall, kicking bricks and tiles with her right foot along the way, and smashing them at civilians running in the alley.


Several civilians who were running were immediately smashed and fell to the ground with blood on their heads.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was furious, and it was impossible to ignore it, his figure exploded like a black lightning bolt, wandering left and right in the alleyway, blocking the tiles with blades and gravel.

Bricks and stones flew across the old block, and screams rose to the sky, like boiling water in a frying pan suddenly.

Xu Bailin escaped by creating chaos. Although there is no morality at all, this method is really effective against the court's arrest.

The bricks and stones were smashed into the distance, even if Ye Jingtang's body skills were superb and he jumped left and right, he would definitely be pulled away quickly.

Ye Jingtang knew to continue chasing, Xu Bailin would just jump over the wall and kill people indiscriminately, so she wanted to stop and turn around to chase the thief on the other side.

But what Ye Jingtang and Xu Bailin didn't expect was that as soon as the two separated a little distance, a cloud piercing sharp arrow shot out from the dark place, aiming at Xu Bailin's next step!
call out--

Xu Bailin was caught off guard, retracted her legs in the air, and smashed the hidden arrows aimed at her legs with a mace, and her running body stopped slightly because of this, and fell towards Qingshi Old Street.

Although Xu Bailin bounced up after landing, Ye Jingtang's reaction was not slow. When the arrow hit from behind, he knew that Xu Bailin would hide. She had already rushed to the old street, ready to go with a knife.

Although Xu Bailin is not afraid of hidden arrows shot from a distance, blocking arrows will definitely interfere with her body skills. In the case of being chased by Ye Jingtang, this is almost a fatal thing. The pillars of the restaurant, stuck in the sight of the archer, faced the Ye Jing Hall as if facing the enemy.

Ye Jingtang thought it was the black yamen's arrester who shot arrows secretly to intercept him, and wanted to attack again, but when he moved his footsteps, he felt something was wrong.

stomping on...

Two hurried footsteps came from the side of the street, judging from the direction, they were walking behind him.

? ?
Ye Jingtang sensed that something was wrong, immediately erected his knife in front of him, locked Xu Bailin outside the restaurant and the alley behind him from the corner of his eye.

Xu Bailin was also a little confused. She wanted to run away when she saw that the other party was not blocking her back, but she was afraid of another ambush, so she could only carefully perceive the surrounding situation.


But in an instant, a short and strong man rolled out of the alley, holding an iron shield and a single knife, squatting halfway on the old street, locking the Ye Jingtang in front of him.

Another taller man landed on the roof, holding a strong bow in his left hand and a seven-foot spear in his right hand. When he appeared, he leaned the spear against his leg and put the arrow on the strong bow. .


The old street under the moon fell into dead silence.

Ye Jingtang is not blind. From the shape and matching of these two people, he recognized these two guys. They were the professional killers who assassinated him at Baoyuan Gate a few days ago. Discovered by these two?
Xu Bailin was quite confused, looked at the man in black with a strong bow above him, recalled a little, and asked in astonishment:
"Bengshanhu? You became a lackey of the imperial court?!"

Brother Wang Chengjing is a Ranger of Yandi, and Xu Bailin is a Ranger of Tiannan. Although Xu Bailin is more famous, the Wang brothers have always been two against one, and their overall strength is very high. strangeness.

Wang Chengjing recognized Xu Bailin just now, so he blocked the way with an arrow, and responded to this:
"No. I took a job and took this son's head."

? !
When Xu Bailin heard this, her face turned blue:

"You came to kill him, why shoot Lao Tzu? Didn't you see Lao Tzu being hunted down by him?"

Wang Er held his shield and looked cautiously: "This son's martial arts does not seem to be low, and he has murderous intentions towards you. My two brothers will help you kill this son."

"I'll be your mother!"

How could Xu Bailin not understand what these two people meant by letting him be cannon fodder in the front row, so she turned around and wanted to leave immediately.

call out--

As soon as he took a step, Wang Chengjing on the house directly opened his bow and set up an arrow, shooting towards Xu Bailin's way, and the arrow exploded in mid-air, turning into thousands of poisonous needles.


Xu Bailin's complexion changed suddenly, and she flew back to hide behind the pillars, glaring and said:
"Wang Dawang Er, are you motherfuckers out of your mind?"

Ye Jingtang was also a little confused, while being cautious, he frowned and asked:

"The informant Xu Bailin hid here was provided by you two?"

Wang Chengjing was quite frank: "At first I didn't know it was Xu Bailin, otherwise I would have discussed it with him in advance."

"What kind of old man are you?!"

When Xu Bailin heard this, the blood vessels in his head almost exploded.

Wang Chengjing said flatly: "So what? If you don't help, my two brothers can beat you first and run away. Ye Jingtang will definitely chase you, and won't come after my two brothers."


Xu Bailin was so angry that her head was full of veins, she turned her head and said:
"Yejingtang, these two are killers invited by Junshantai to take your head. I just want to get away, and I dare not fight with you. You'd better guard against them."

Wang Er was a little puzzled when he heard the words, and asked:

"How did you know that we were invited by Junshantai?"

Xu Bailin scolded angrily: "I sent the news about Yejingtang to Junshantai. If you two idiots can do it, do it. If you don't do it, get out!"

"I only recognize the employer, not you."

Wang Chengjing opened his bow again, pointing to the pillars of the restaurant:

"If you wait for a while, all the black government arresters will come. If you don't help my brothers deal with this son, you can help my brothers to be the rear. You choose."


Xu Bailin knew that these two idiots could advance and retreat freely, and wanted him to be cannon fodder to take the lead, but he couldn't afford it and had no choice.

With the combined efforts of the three of them, they were sure to kill Ye Jingtang. Xu Bailin gritted her teeth and yelled angrily, and rushed out from behind the pillar, looking like a forest tiger.

Wang Chenghu immediately turned the arrow and pointed at Ye Jingtang.

call out--

The feather arrow exploded in the air, turning into thousands of flying needles.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang reacted extremely quickly, his figure flashed, almost moving sideways on the old street, and the moment he avoided the flying needle, he kicked sideways with his right foot.


Wang Er held the single-knife top shield and pressed forward to prevent Ye Jingtang from escaping. The opponent rushed over, which really shocked him. As soon as he lifted the knife in his hand, a terrifying force came from the round shield in his left hand.

boom -

With one blow, the short and sturdy Wang Er immediately fell back with his shield and fell to the street, sliding several feet away.

Ye Jingtang borrowed strength from the shield, turned back like lightning, almost brushed the ends of countless flying needles, and slashed forward with both hands holding the saber.

Xu Bailin was holding a heavy mace, she was very powerful, but her speed couldn't keep up with Ye Jingtang who was using a light knife. Facing the surprise attack, she quickly stomped her feet and swept forward with both maces.


Sparks flew across the street, interspersed with thunderous bangs.

The moment the two blades met, the knife in Ye Jingtang's hand deflected at an angle, and brushed against the iron mace.

If it were the last time, the heavy mace in Xu Bailin's hand was difficult to shake, but this time it was not the case. Xu Bailin only felt that the mace hit the indestructible slope, and failed to shake the long knife. Instead, it drifted upwards under the effect of inertia. , swept across the top of the Hall of Frightened Night.

It was at this moment that he miscalculated, and the blade was already in his arms.

Ye Jingtang stabbed forward with the knife, and directly took Xu Bailin's throat. Although Xu Bailin reacted quickly and sideways, there was still a bloodstain on his chest.

Blood splash!
Xu Bailin was terrified, knowing that Ye Jingtang and the last time were not alone, she immediately wanted to fly back and retreat, but as soon as she took a step back, the knife light came again.

clang, clang, clang-

The moment Wang Er turned over and bounced up, the three consecutive sabers had already fallen.

Xu Bailin retreated step by step, the second knife could no longer stand, and was staggered, and the third knife was slashed backwards under the swift and violent momentum of the knife.

Xu Bailin knew what it would be like to fight with the Eight-Step Crazy Saber, before falling to the ground, the iron mace was already blocking the top, and at the same time cursed:

"You fucking watch it!"

Wang Chengjing's original plan was to be a fisherman and take advantage of the loopholes to give Ye Jingtang a chance.

But I didn't expect Xu Bailin to be so useless, she was crushed to death by the eight-step mad knife in just one encounter.

Seeing Ye Jingtang chasing after him, Wang Chengjing opened his bow and set an arrow to shoot at Xu Bailin's landing point, and at the same time kicked out the seven-foot spear from his side, and rushed out following the tail of the spear.


Ye Jingtang kept watching his back, and when he heard the noise, he drew his knife and flashed back.

Wang Chengjing grabbed the butt of the gun in mid-air, and seeing Ye Jingtang attacking from the front, he shook his hand violently, and the barrel of the gun made a loud bang. Chest and belly.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to rely on his frightening speed to approach the gun single-handedly, but when he took the shot, he realized that the killer who used the long whip last time was also an expert at playing with guns, so the risk was a bit high, so he directly stepped on the ground.


The old street bricks exploded, Wang Chengjing shot, and there was no one in front of him.

Ye Jingtang's movement was like a ghost, avoiding the point of the gun, dodging to Wang Er who had just got up, parrying Wang Er's slash with a single knife, and his shoulder hit the round shield with the momentum of the forward rush.

Wang Er's martial arts skills are not as good as his elder brother's, so he subconsciously pushed the shield against him, and the avalanche-like strength came from the shield, and he immediately regretted it.

boom -

Several feet of sand and dust on the old street were blown away by energy, and Wang Er, who was short and stout, flew backward like a cannonball after being hit.

The moment Ye Jingtang crashed, he clasped the edge of the iron shield with his hands, causing the shield wall to stop in place. Wang Er, who flew out, immediately heard a crisp sound of 'click—' from his left arm, and his sleeve robe was torn to pieces. , The bandaged shoulder wound was also torn, and blood spurted out immediately.

Ye Jingtang's movements were smooth and smooth, and at the same time he hit Wang Er, he turned around and threw the round shield backward.


The iron round shield, like a flying millstone, made a dull roar in midair.

Wang Chengjing came after him with a gun, and when he saw the gun with both hands, it collapsed upwards, and the tip of the gun hit the round shield, and the round shield collapsed into a concave surface, and it bounced high into the sky.

But at this very moment, Ye Jingtang, who was walking with the shield, held the barrel of the spear with the blade, got into the gap of the spear, and when Wang Chengjing retreated in a hurry, he grabbed the barrel of the spear with his left hand, and threw the first knife of Chilonghuan directly. , and smashed towards Wang Chengjing's face.


Wang Chengjing's face changed suddenly, and he leaned back to dodge, and a bloody gash was cut on his shoulder by the still spinning blade.

Xu Bailin stood up, wanted to strangle together, but just took two steps, Wang Chengjing in front of him moved sideways, and a long spinning knife directly slashed at the door in front of him.


This sudden blow made Xu Bailin's hair stand on end in shock, and she directly swept it away with a mace.

While Ye Jingtang was grabbing the barrel of the gun, his right leg had already been raised, and an extremely fierce side kick landed on Wang Chengjing's waist, instantly turning Wang Chengjing into a bowed shrimp.


Before Wang Erfei went out and landed, Wang Chengjing flew to the other side, dropped his spear, and hit Xu Bailin directly on the back.

Xu Bailin reacted very quickly, and hit Wang Chengjing's waist with an elbow, knocking him away.

But the moment Wang Chengjing's figure moved away, Xu Bailin's pupils shrank suddenly, and saw a figure in black robes, striding forward, holding guns in both hands and circling behind him. It's been half a month!
boom -

In the old street under the moon, there was a muffled thunder, and then dust was everywhere!
Ye Jingtang shot out, and a long groove was blasted out of the old bricks in front of him.

Xu Bailin is also well-deserved of her reputation. In a hurry, she still put the iron mace on the end of the gun head, and her head was not smashed by a single shot.

But the body couldn't stand still at all, the strong force contained in the spear point was like a strong dragon hitting the chest and abdomen, smashing half of Xu Bailin's leg into the street, and then the whole person plowed the ground, shoveling over several feet of the old street, and smashing his clothes , Halfway through the mouth and nose coughed up blood.

bang bang bang-

There were three muffled beeps in a row.

In just a split second, the three surrounded by them flew out in three directions.

Xu Bailin landed first; Wang Chenghu crashed into the wall of the restaurant on the side; and Wang Er, because of his special eating moves, was hit into the air before falling, and finally fell to the street and rolled out a few times.

dang dang-

The round shield that was smashed into the air bounced back after falling to the ground.

After Ye Jingtang erupted instantly, he was a little dizzy with blood boiling all over his body, and it was difficult for the enemy to find the main attack direction on three sides, so he touched his face with a long gun, walked back and forth two steps on the spot, and said angrily:
"Come on! There is a way to continue!"

Wang Erfei was the farthest, but apart from a torn arm wound, he didn't suffer any injuries. When he turned over and got up, he saw that his elder brother was gone. Xu Bailin fell to the ground and froze on the spot.

After Xu Bailin slid far away from the ground and stopped, she quickly stood up holding the iron mace, her eyes were incredulous.

But Wang Chengjing got a side kick in the middle of his chest and abdomen, and was the most injured. His lumbar spine was not broken, and he was already physically strong and different from ordinary people. After piercing through the restaurant wall, he fell to the ground and couldn't get up immediately. Unbelievable said:
"You are Ye Shiro?!"

Ye Jingtang's heart was beating like a bull's, and his muscles were shaking. He scanned around and found that Sanniang had rushed for help when he heard the movement, so he raised his gun and strode towards Xu Bailin.

Xu Bailin suffered internal injuries from the shock, saw Ye Jingtang going around and was still about to hit him, her face turned pale, and she cursed angrily:
"Wang Chengjing, I'll fuck your mother!"

Turn around and run wildly while speaking.

Ye Jingtang was not injured, and his movement skills were not affected in the slightest.Fighting each other, the people on the old street should have avoided it long ago.

Xu Bailin couldn't create chaos and obstacles, and suffered internal injuries, she couldn't run, she couldn't escape dozens of steps, and then there was a shrill and piercing sound of wind.


Xu Bailin was terrified, and flew sideways, sweeping the spear with a mace.


Ye Jingtang single-handedly shot straight in, and the instant he pierced through the air, he swept across and hit Xu Bailin's waist.

boom -

Xu Bailin blocked the sweep with an iron mace, immediately drew a right angle on the street, flew out and smashed through the houses on the street, and used the "hand mace" in mid-air, and threw it at the door of Yejingtang.

This is a move of using a mace master to fight for one's life. Once the weapon is dropped, it can be slaughtered by others. It is quite powerful.

But Ye Jingtang has already hit this point, how could he not guard against the opponent's attack, and when he sensed that Xu Bailin's breath was not right, he flew to the side, and the next moment the strong wind whizzed past in front of him, scratching his cheeks with pain.

rub rub-

The heavy mace pierced into the house, bringing out a series of explosions among the buildings, and I don't know how far it went out.

Ye Jingtang turned around in an instant, seeing Xu Bailin wanting to jump onto the house to escape, he raised his hand violently and shot him, stabbing Xu Bailin in the back.


The gun shot through the body!

Xu Bailin, who had just jumped up, hit the wall and was nailed to the middle of the house directly facing the wall.

"and many more!"

There was a short rush mixed with a muffled groan!

Ye Jingtang could crush Xu Bailin's waist and stomach just by turning the point of the spear, but he did not make a move, but drew out the point of the spear.


Xu Bailin immediately fell down and fell to the ground, with blood gushing from the wound in her abdomen, and her eyes were still fierce.

Ye Jingtang raised his gun and pointed at Xu Bailin:

"Tell me the facts of the case honestly, and let you die happily."

Xu Bailin knew what he was doing, and being caught was nothing more than the difference between dying on the spot and Ling Chi. He didn't mean to beg for mercy at all. He looked at Ye Jingtang and gritted his teeth with severe pain:
"Wandering in the rivers and lakes, I hung my head on my trouser belt and died at your hands. I am not as skilled as others, but you at least let me be a ghost! How did you find out here?"

Seeing that Xu Bailin was about to die, Ye Jingtang asked this, so he knew that the other party had reported his will to die, and would not beg for mercy and use information in exchange for his life.

Ye Jingtang thought for a while, and saw that Sanniang and Luo Nvxia were beating professional killers. Before the men from the black yamen arrived, they put away their guns and wiped their faces:

"'Youshen Zhang' was created by Eunuch Cao and Nanshan Tiegua Zhang Henggu together. Your friend can swim the body palm, but he is not Zhang Henggu's apprentice, so it can only be related to Eunuch Cao. It happened that King Wu contacted Pingtian Sect last year and said It is not difficult for me to suspect that it would not be difficult for King Wu to conspire for a great cause."

After hearing this, Xu Bailin understood what the problem was, but immediately said in puzzlement:
"Why do you know that Youshen Palm was created by Eunuch Cao and Zhang Henggu together? And King Wu secretly contacted the leader of Pingtian, where did you know?"

Ye Jingtang stuck his gun in the ground and sighed:

"The soul of the swallow is immortal, and the will of the strong will level the sky."

? !
When Xu Bailin heard this, his eyes were astonished. As a Tiannan Ranger, he naturally knew this rebellious slogan:
"Are you from Pingtian Sect?!"

Ye Jingtang nodded: "I am the protector of the Pingtian Sect. I have come to the capital to serve as a hidden stake. I need to accumulate merit and gain the trust of Prince Jing and the Empress, so as to prepare for the restoration of the Sect Leader to Dayan."

you motherfucker!
Xu Bailin was shocked when she heard the news.

But if you think about it carefully, only this situation can explain why Ye Jingtang knows so many secrets that only the Pingtian leader knows, and why his martial arts are so outrageous...

For a long time, the leader of Pingtian is behind the scenes...

Thinking of this, Xu Bailin immediately collapsed!
The hiding place was spotted by the knife I borrowed, and the borrowed knife was used as a knife envoy.

After fighting openly and secretly for so many days, in the end, the court did nothing but another wave of rebels chasing them...

Doesn't this make him die with regret? !
After Xu Bailin thought about the whole story, she was furious:

"You Pingtian Sect is a traitor, and Lao Tzu is also a conspiracy. King Wu came to invite someone, and you don't want to help, but you also help the court to get us. Your brains are also flooded like those two idiots?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "King Wu is in the third war, and there is no way to accomplish anything. It is impossible for my Pingtian Sect to put the treasure on you."

"Then you can't add insult to injury! They are all rebels! We are fighting in the nest, isn't it just letting the court take advantage of the fisherman?!"

"It's impossible for King Wu to succeed. I need credit to gain a foothold in the court. You are a great achievement. If you don't hit you, who will you hit? I have already explained it to you. In the next life..."

"and many more!"

Xu Bailin found out that Ye Jingtang was from the same group, and her desire to survive immediately arose, and said in a low voice:

"Trust me once. We can get things done in a few days. As long as the abolished emperor is brought to Wuzhou, King Wu can take advantage of the situation to raise troops; no matter whether King Wu can succeed or not, it will be a disaster for Wei, yes There is no harm in your plan to restore the country from Ping Tianjiao. You are at this juncture and you have made great contributions to us, and you will only be appreciated by King Jing. How can the benefits be as great as provoking chaos among the kings?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "The deposed emperor is very well protected, it is impossible for you to take him away. If I take precautions before they happen, wouldn't I be more credited than if something goes wrong?"

Xu Bailin took a breath, and wanted to explain to Ye Jingtang how they planned to operate and get the deposed emperor out of the Yunning Hou Mansion.

But when the words came to her lips, Xu Bailin felt something was wrong again, and cautiously looked at Ye Jingtang:
"Give me two days, and we will be able to pick up the deposed emperor."

Ye Jingtang raised his spear and shook his head:

"I know you don't believe me, and you won't tell the truth; I can't let you leave alive in order to prevent your identities from being exposed without being sure that you can get things done."

Xu Bailin gritted her teeth, although she felt that the relationship between Yejingtang and Hetianjiao was true, and she wanted to tell the whole plan to win her over, but reason finally suppressed the desire to survive, and said:

"Wu Wang saved my life back then, I can't believe you..."


The point of the gun pierced through the throat.

Xu Bailin's eyes widened, she grabbed the end of the gun with her hands, and stared at Ye Jingtang, her shoes rubbed against the ground and struggled.

Ye Jingtang's eyes were flat: "I am indeed a member of the Pingtian Sect, so I must silence you. But you deserve to die, remember to be a good person in your next life, and don't kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Xu Bailin stared at Ye Jingtang firmly, her eyes still showed unwillingness before she lost her consciousness.

After all, being beaten to death by the imperial court deserved what he deserved, but being given a certificate of honor by his peers from the Pingtian Sect is really hard for people to rest in peace...


The following words are added later, not counting coins or2!

2 words, count as two chapters or[-]!

You may not believe me. The community has been closed for the past few days, and Ah Guan made fried rice by himself, but the fried rice was too hard, and the back molars were broken in one bite. Fortunately, a few days ago, he prescribed pain relief tablets for a cold. Ugh……
Recommend a new book for newcomers "The Unscientific Game of Two Moons", recommended words:
Something is wrong with this game!
(End of this chapter)

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