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Chapter 161

Chapter 161 Gossip
The surrounding area of ​​Parade Street fell into dead silence, and several unattended gambling stalls ignited raging flames.

On the old street full of broken walls and ruins, Xu Bailin leaned her head against the wall, blood slowly dripping down the steps.

After Ye Jingtang was sure he was dead, he turned and walked towards the end of the street. On the way, he picked up the chilong ring head knife stuck in the ground and put it in his waist.

The turmoil didn't last long, and countless police officers rushed from the house at this time.

San Niang was afraid that her identity would be exposed, so she returned to the carriage early.Luo Ning covered her face with a veil, and stood beside the two of them with the three-foot Qingfeng holding her hand at a slant.

Wang Er lay on the ground without making a sound; Wang Chengjing was seriously injured, and received the most care. His mouth and nose were bleeding, and his body was bloodstained.

Seeing Ye Jingtang approaching, Luo Ning raised his sword and said:

"It's the second king of Yanzhou, how should we deal with it?"

When Ye Jingtang saw these two stupid killers killing 'Ye Silang' and 'Ye Jingtang' in a row, he knew that the Zhou family was behind them. Junshantai would not think about getting rid of his two identities at the same time, but according to Xu Bailin's confession , this matter has nothing to do with Junshantai.

"Secretly buying a murder officer is tantamount to rebellion. These two are witnesses, and they will be handed over to Hei Ya for trial first to see if we can dig up something. Are you and Sanniang not injured?"

"These two people have already been injured by you, I didn't do anything, Sanniang put them down by herself."

Luo Ning put away her sword and looked at Ye Jingtang in a blink of an eye. Seeing that he was covered in sweat, she took out a handkerchief and wiped his cheeks.

Being cared by his daughter-in-law, Ye Jingtang's heart naturally warmed up. He looked up and saw that countless officials hadn't come yet, so he quickly lifted Luo Ning's blue veil, bowed his head and kissed his red lips, his hand was still on the big moon Squeeze it, and all five fingers sink into the softness.

? !
Luo Ning was caught off guard by being poked hard, her eyes widened slightly, she bit Ye Jingtang's lips angrily, and then stepped back: "You little thief is really..." She raised her hand and wiped the corner of her lips, Turn around and run back to the carriage quickly.

After Ye Jingtang watched his daughter-in-law leave shyly, he took out the black Yamen badge, went to the intersection to negotiate with the police, and began to clean up the mess.

Sanniang and Ning'er were afraid that something would happen to him, so they rushed over to help him. The other thieves who fled in all directions would definitely not be able to chase him, only Niao Niao followed, it was hard to say whether they could find a hiding place.

Although no one was left behind, some clues were found in the house - a few changed clothes, and oil-stained bath water. Not surprisingly, molten oil had already been spilled, and accidents would definitely happen today and tomorrow.

Ye Jingtang was sure that the other party's target was the Deposed Emperor, so he had to inform Benben of this news as soon as possible. He learned from the black yamen chief that King Jing was on his way, so he came to the carriage first.

After the turmoil, there was no movement in the neighborhood where there were ambiguous noises, and there were no pedestrians on the street. The Pei family's carriage was parked alone by the side of the road.

Ye Jingtang came to the carriage and heard a voice from inside the carriage:

"Your hand is so heavy, can you lighten it up? It doesn't hurt at all~"

"He's groping you. I'm just doing massage. Can it be the same? Just now, I was like a crazy Wu. I didn't dare to get close with a big gun. Now I'm Miss Jiaojiao?"

"It's a fight. You think everyone is the same as you. You can't do it horizontally in the nest. You can only jump left and right in a fight. I don't know what you are doing..."



Ye Jingtang raised the door curtain, and when he looked up, he saw candles burning in the spacious carriage.

Luo Ning was sitting on the edge of the soft couch, holding Yulong ointment in her left hand, and was applying medicine to Sanniang.

Sanniang was lying on the soft couch with a soft pillow, and her close-fitting military uniform had been untied, revealing a smooth back and waistline, a line of red marks along the spine, and two crushed lumps on the side... …

Ye Jingtang's eyes widened a little, and he quickly closed the curtain:

"Healing... How is the injury?"

When Pei Xiangjun heard the movement, he was about to quickly pull up his clothes, but found that Jingtang had withdrawn in a very gentlemanly manner, so he didn't move, and said softly:
"It's okay, just a small injury."

"It's okay, what did you complain about just now?"

Luo Ning was annoyed by Sanniang who had some combat skills and was standing in front of her. When she saw Ye Jingtang coming, she put down the jade dragon ointment:
"You come to give her medicine, I'm too lazy to serve her."

Pei Xiangjun was taken aback, his face turned red and he turned around: "What nonsense are you talking about? You don't have traditional Chinese medicine, and I'm a woman..."

Luo Ning raised her hand and took a picture like tidying up Yunli, causing ripples on the big moon:
"Then don't say that my hands are heavy, just hold back the pain."

Pei Xiangjun turned his head and said angrily: "Is there something wrong with you? You can't do it, but it's quite cruel to beat your own family..."

"Lie down!"


Ye Jingtang was amused sitting outside the carriage, and didn't try to run in to smooth things over, but just leaned outside the carriage, listening to the two women arguing.

After sitting on the street for a while, there was the sound of cars and horses on the main street.

A luxurious chariot driven by four horses came galloping, and the Heiya policeman quickly cleared the way ahead, and Dongfang Liren, who was dressed in a silver python suit, stood directly outside the carriage and looked into the distance.

Luo Ning raised the curtain of the car, saw the heroic Queen, felt strange, and asked:

"I'll take Sanniang back first, will you come back tonight?"

Ye Jingtang naturally wanted to go home to accompany his wife at night, but the actual situation might not allow it, so he jumped out of the carriage:

"The thief poured the molten oil, and there is no telling what happened. It will be difficult to go home today and tomorrow. Why don't you stay at Sanniang's house? I'm a thorn in the thief's side now, and it's not certain that I will be found in Shuanggui Lane. "

Pei Xiangjun sat up slightly, and opened the car window a crack:

"Be careful, let the bird call you if you have something to do, I'm fine."

Luo Ningqing was a little worried, hesitated a little, and said again:
"If you have time, come back for a while, and I will recuperate your body."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang agreed with a smile, patted the horses, and let the Pei family's carriage go home by itself, then turned around and walked quickly to the intersection.


The luxury car stopped at the intersection of the street, and Dongfang Liren jumped out of the car and landed on the side of the street, looking at the two tied up alive and Xu Bailin's body.

Seeing Ye Jingtang walking quickly, Dongfang Liren's eyes were quite surprised. Before he came to him, he checked whether Ye Jingtang was injured, and asked:

"How did you find Xu Bailin?"

Ye Jingtang raised his hand to signal Wang Dawang Er who was lying on the ground:

"In order to kill someone with a borrowed knife, Xu Bailin sent Jun Shantai the news that I know how to kill someone with a sword. Jun Shantai probably wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife, so he sent the news to the Zhou family. Xu Bailin, wanted to use Xu Bailin as a swordsman, and then they were all caught."


Dongfang Liren frowned lightly, after a little aftertaste, he figured out the context, half-believing and half-doubting:
"Really... how did you beat these three people down by yourself?"

"I killed Xu Bailin, and the people from Honghualou helped capture these two."

After Ye Jingtang explained, he raised his hand to support Clumsy's back, and pushed her onto the carriage:

"I have something to report to Your Highness, let's talk in the carriage."

Dongfangli felt that this gesture was quite offensive, but Mr. Tangtang is so powerful, she was too embarrassed to be fierce, so she didn't care about it. She jumped on her toes, entered the carriage, sat down on the couch, and poured tea for Ye Jingtang herself. .

Ye Jingtang sat down by the window, and after deliberating his words, said:

"The thieves fled in all directions, but no one was caught. But I can confirm that King Wu's target is the eldest son of the emperor in Yunninghou's mansion, and the molten oil has already been spilled. Your Highness must be on guard, and don't be caught by the thieves."

Dongfang Liren picked up the tea and handed it to Ye Jingtang, slightly surprised:

"Xu Bailin's throat was blocked with a gun, how did you find out the news?"

It's not easy for Ye Jingtang to talk about the 'infighting against the bandits', so he just said vaguely:

"I stabbed my waist with a gun and asked for information. Xu Bailin tried to win me over, saying that in the next two days, he could get the emperor out of the capital and help King Wu raise his troops. After that, he would make me a Marquis. As soon as I was distracted, he would get up. With a murderous intention, I wanted to fight back desperately, and then I passed by with a single shot. Hmm...it really should be kept alive."

Looking at the messy battle scars on the street, Dongfangli knew how fierce the battle was. It is normal to overreact when the heartstrings are tense. He said very understandingly:
"Information comes second, and personal safety is the most important thing. This news is definitely true, isn't Xu Bailin just making it up?"

"I can see that what I said is absolutely true, but I couldn't ask about the specific plan."

Dongfang Liren nodded thoughtfully, and ordered the black yamen outside the carriage to go directly to the west of the city, and then looked at Mr. Tangtang:

"From the murder case on Zhuji Street, I have single-handedly investigated all the way here. It can be said that I have made great achievements many times. When this case is settled, I will personally write a letter to the emperor to reward you. What reward do you want? Make you a Marquis of the Cloud?"

Marquis of Yunzhong is the vain title of the Great Wei Dynasty. He only has honor, no salary, food, and no way of hereditary inheritance. It is a different concept from the "Marquis of Junshan", the founding marquis.But being able to boast that you are Lord Marquis when you are away from home is still a coveted honor for ordinary people.

Yejingtang is still renting a house and has no land. In theory, it belongs to the 'hooligan' class among the common people. This reward is undoubtedly great.

But Ye Jingtang was born in Jianghu, and he yearned for honors like 'Wu Kui', so he shook his head and smiled:
"You don't need to be a knight. I'm also paying your highness's debt, and I deserve it. Your highness really wants to reward me..."

When Ye Jingtang said this, he suddenly remembered something, and leaned closer:

"Is there really nothing to discuss about the palace maid Yuhu?"

? !
Dongfang Liren's approving gaze turned cold, and he took a breath, the fat-headed dragon swollen visible to the naked eye.

Ye Jingtang slightly raised his hand: "I'll just say it casually, but of course I can't force it. Hmm... What about Qiu Tianhe? I learned Tianhe Dao and found that this saber technique is really exquisite. I don't have a sword in my hand and I have a sword in my heart. It's amazing. It's a bit inappropriate to leave the master alone after learning the sword technique."

Dongfang Liren saw Ye Jingtang and knew each other, and the queen's aura was restrained:

"What Qiu Tianhe robbed was the late emperor's wedding envoy team. It is no different from a rebellion. It is an extrajudicial favor to allow him to spend his life in the capital. If he is allowed to leave the capital safely, or even come back out of the Jianghu, the Jianghu thieves will not be able to follow suit? "

Ye Jingtang knew that this matter was not easy to handle, so he nodded and said no more.

Dongfang Liren felt that he refused everything, which made Mr. Tangtang feel a bit chilled, and said again:
"Don't worry, this king will consider for you. Qiu Tianhe has no enmity with this king, and even has a little kindness. If there is a suitable reason, I will make it easier for you."

"Thank you, Your Highness."



After the two of them chatted for a while, nothing happened in the carriage, and Ye Jingtang retrieved the seized murder weapons to look at them.

Dongfang Liren is very interested in martial arts, just like the empress likes to collect paintings and calligraphy, her hobby is collecting martial arts secret books and weapons.

The greater the origin of the weapon, the higher the value of the collection. Currently, the most proud collection is Qiu Tianhe's saber 'Tianhe'; although the Minglong Spear is surprisingly well-crafted, as an imitation, it has not been opened by a master. The collection value is actually average.

Xu Bailin's green steel mace and Wang Chengjing's collapsing gun are considered famous weapons in the Jianghu. After they were captured, they would naturally be put on display in the hall of Mingyu Tower.

Xu Bailin's authentic green steel mace was seized last time, but this time it was a new mace.

Dongfang Liren picked up the iron mace and found that there were several gaps cut by knives on it, and the marks were much deeper than the previous scratches, so he pulled out the first Chilong ring knife from Ye Jingtang's waist and, by candlelight, Check - although the long knife is densely covered with scratches that have been weathered for a long time, it has not collapsed.

Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes: "Your knife is unusually strong, it's okay to cut it so heavily."

Ye Jingtang didn't know the details of his foster father's knife before, he just thought it was good, but after entering Beijing, he learned a lot of old things in the world, and gradually realized that this knife is a weapon handed down from the former king of the sword, Kuang Yazi, and its name is 'Chilong' was forged in Xiaoshan Fort, Jiangzhou during the previous dynasty, and all the Chilong knives on the rivers and lakes were modeled after this knife.

Kuang Yazi's knife skills are notoriously fierce and violent, and he has been struggling for half his life without cutting it. With the opponents Ye Jingtang has met so far, it is really not easy to break this knife.

Ye Jingtang saw the stupid and shining eyes:

"Your Highness doesn't even want to keep my knife?"

"There are many good sword kings, so it's not rare."

Dongfang Liren inserted the knife back, thought for a while, his heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Ye Jingtang:
"By the way, I heard that Honghualou has the 'Overlord Gun' and 'Black Lin Gun' in its collection. You..."

? !
Seeing that Benben was thinking about his and Sanniang's weapons, Ye Jingtang hurriedly said:
"This is a family heirloom of Honghualou. It is not appropriate to ask for it. I will bring back the dead gun and give it to His Highness in the future."

Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes and said: "If you want to teach me the Overlord Spear, I must have the Overlord Spear. You can think of a way. You can borrow it to play for a year or so, and I can make a fake one. , return it to Honghualou."

Ye Jingtang felt that the noble queen in front of him seemed to be coquettishly asking for a gift with his girlfriend, but he really couldn't give Sanniang's weapon. After thinking about it, he could only say:

"I borrowed the Black Lin Spear for His Highness to practice. How about I take out the Dragon Singing Spear and gild it for His Highness?"

Dongfangli felt that this was a good idea, so he nodded...



I got up late, I haven't finished writing yet, and there is another chapter that is estimated to be a few hours late.

It's the 1st, ask for a monthly ticket or2!

(End of this chapter)

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