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Chapter 175 Teaching Stupid Marksmanship

Chapter 175 Teaching Stupid Marksmanship

The next day, a round of scorching sun rose from the sky, and Yun'an City, which was sunny after the rain, returned to its former tranquility.

Inside the Pei family's mansion, the maids performed their respective duties. Zhe Yunli, who got up early, stood by the lotus pond, and together with his mistress, slowly played body-building fists; Sanniang took the maids and ran to the vicinity of Pei's house early in the morning Busy about buying a new house.

At the intersection of Tianshui Bridge, a black horse ran out of the busy streets and galloped towards Mingyu Tower in the east of the city.

Ye Jingtang was riding on a horse, wearing an exquisite black official robe, a belt inlaid with white jade around his waist, a silver crown on his head and long boots on his feet, he was meticulously groomed from head to toe.

The big white bird was pulled up early in the morning, still not waking up, squatting on his shoulders to doze off, what is different from the past is that there is a small black scarf around his neck, which is embroidered with patterns, shining brightly, with To highlight the special status of 'official bird'.

The robe was sent by Clumsy early in the morning. It is the official robe of the deputy commander of the Hei Ya, but the Hei Ya is not included in the framework of the six departments. public level.

Because Niao Niao has also made great contributions, Dongfang Liren specially cut a small piece of clothing for Niao Niao, which looks like a scarf, but when it is tied on Niao Niao's body, it looks like a small black bellyband.

Although Dongfang Li is very caring, Niao Niao doesn't appreciate it very much. He sleepily squats on his shoulders and keeps "cuckling and chirping" along the way, which probably means——in such a hot day, Niao Niao wraps a piece of cloth, Ready to make lotus leaf chicken?

Ye Jingtang understood Niao Niao's meaning, but thought it was very beautiful, so he didn't take it off for Niao Niao, and galloped all the way to the outside of Hei Ya.

The sun was shining brightly, the sky was blue, and the streets outside Hei Ya were full of craftsmen, beating and repairing yesterday's battle damage.

Ye Jingtang got off his horse in front of the door, and many yamen chief arresters came over to congratulate him, each mouthful of 'Master Ye', and even a familiar chief arrester jokingly called 'Master Bird'.

Ye Jingtang was only in his twenties, and he was directly parachuted into the second in command. Anyone else would definitely be regarded as the little boy raised by Prince Jing.

Although the reality is similar, except for the first four of the six evil spirits in the entire black yamen, the others are not his generals, and the respect of many chief arresters is not fake.

After Ye Jingtang had finished socializing with great difficulty, he came to the Mingyu Tower behind Heiya.

Dongfang Liren knew that Yejingtang would come this morning, so he made a special trip to wait in the hall of Mingyulou.

Ye Jingtang brought Niao Niao into it, and saw the tall Queen wearing a slim python robe, holding his Black Lin spear in his hand, practicing marksmanship in the martial arts arena.

Judging from the moves, Dongfang Liren practiced the marksmanship of Yazhou. Because his height is not inferior to that of a man, his limbs are slender and well-proportioned, he doesn't look awkward in holding a spear, and even adds a little bit of heroism.

Looking at the strength of the moves, Dongfang Liren's spear is indistinguishable from Pei Sanniang, the contemporary heir of the Overlord Spear, at least not to mention it.

Ye Jingtang stood at the door, watching Benben concentrating on playing with a big gun, his eyes were indescribable, and he felt that Benben still stood on the tower yesterday and hummed a ditty.


Niao Niao was forced by the fat-headed dragon with fierce marksmanship to dare not approach, so he stood on the threshold to say hello.

Dongfang Liren paused at the point of his spear, and looked back. He retracted his gun and stood up straight, full of mastery:
"Wearing this robe, it looks much more pleasing to the eye. Come in and practice marksmanship with me."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang naturally didn't refuse, and let Niao Niao go for a walk in the garden by himself, then entered the hall of Mingyu Building, and picked up the black jade-like dragon-singing gun from the display rack by the wall.

After a little weighing, I found that the quality of the Longming Spear was surprisingly good. The length of the gun was about the same as Sanniang's Overlord Spear, but the weight was only eight catties. A slight shake of the gun showed that the barrel of the gun was extremely tough.
Dongfang Liren walked up to him holding the Black Lin Spear, his eyes were quite proud:

"This gun was made by several famous masters with great painstaking efforts by the king. It took four years to make the gun shaft. It was glued with silver silk obtained from Beiliang. It was finally made into a gun shaft. Just for making this gun, I have been chased and scolded by the officials for several years, saying that I am extravagant and waste people and money..."

Ye Jingtang could see how outrageous the workmanship of this gun was. The only shortcoming was that it was expensive, and the cost was absolutely astronomical. He said with a smile:

"This gun, I feel that the material is too solid. I feel that I will lose money if I hit anyone. It is more suitable as a weapon of honor..."

Dongfang Liren stood with a gun in his hand, and said proudly: "A weapon is a weapon. Since this king borrows it from you, you can use it without worry. If you really leave a few openings on it, and put it here in the future, this king can also introduce it to others. It is better to say that it was left behind by the Xuanyuan Dynasty and Duanshengji than to say nothing at all."

Ye Jingtang was no longer polite at the moment, and came to the center of the hall with the priceless Dragon Shot Spear, and stretched his feet apart, putting on a stand like a collapsing gun resting on a tripod:
"How does Your Highness want to practice guns?"

Dongfang Liren held his guns in both hands and held them horizontally by his side, his airs were as solid as a rock:

"This king uses the Yazhou Youlong Spear. This spear was created by Chu Hao, the king of Beiya Spear. After the death of the old spear leader and before Duan Shengji took over, Chu Hao once fought with the successor of the Overlord Spear. It is said that his marksmanship is very good. Lose the Overlord Spear. Well... we can avoid the one-on-one duel, you should show the Overlord Spear first and let me have a look."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, shaking his gun with both hands:


The body of the gun vibrated violently and made a loud bang.

Ye Jingtang's robes swelled, and the hall suddenly picked up a cross wind, which instantly moved Dongfang Liren's robes.

Call ~
Ye Jingtang's eyes were fixed slightly, and he walked around behind the gun with one hand, until his right hand held the tail of the gun, and the point of the gun hit the ground, making a soft 'ding~' sound.

The next moment, Yejingtang uttered a loud shout:

The sound was like thunder, and my whole body tensed up suddenly.

The Huanglong lying on the road, shaking the mountain and destroying the city, was about to rush out in front of him and strike Dongfang Liren, who was three feet away.

Dongfang Liren was concentrating on looking at it with a gun, and found that the momentum of Mount Tai was coming, as if he was about to tear down the Mingyu Building with a single shot, so he dared to stand in front of him, jumped back with a swish, and landed directly on the edge of the hall on the stairs.

Ye Jingtang's ready-to-go movements paused, and looked at the counselor who had jumped all the way:
"Your Highness?"

Dongfang Liren still maintained the aura of a master after holding it with one hand, and said displeasedly:
"Let me demonstrate, why are you shouting so loudly? Forget it, you just teach me the moves, and I will figure it out by myself."

Ye Jingtang didn't make any jokes, and began to practice slowly with a gun, teaching the Bawang Gun's moves.

Dongfang Liren's talent in martial arts is actually not bad, but there is a gap between him and the top talents in the world. Standing by the side to observe, he memorized the moves just once.

After Ye Jingtang finished teaching, he stood by and watched like a teacher.

Dongfang Liren didn't think much of it at first, but after half a quarter of an hour of practice, he hadn't figured out the way of luck. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the stern young man next to him, with one hand behind his back, complex eyes, and imperceptibly shaking his head.

Seeing her looking over, Ye Jingtang hastily smiled and approved.

? !
Dongfang Liren felt insulted, and if she couldn't beat him, she had to raise her gun and shoot Ye Jingtang a few times, her face darkened slightly:

"You're fine, just go to the dungeon to interrogate the criminals, I can practice by myself."

Yejingtang didn't mean to discriminate against Benben, but just thought it was a bit hot-eyed.

Since the teaching of marksmanship must be taught properly, Ye Jingtang thought about it a little, and came to the back of Dongfang Liren who was wearing a silver python skirt, held her hands, hooked Dongfang Liren's ankles with her feet, and slid slowly to the side open:

"The overlord gun is opened and closed, the airs should be bigger, and the chest should be raised."


Dongfang Liren was almost leaning against Ye Jingtang's arms. The man's breath came from his ears, and his cheeks turned red, but he still obeyed his master's instruction, straightened his fat-headed dragon, and stood firm with his horizontal spear.

Ye Jingtang touched his shoulder with his right hand all the way, feeling the strength of the muscles, from under the ribs to the side of the waist, until it stuck to the flat abdomen:
"Squeeze your waist and tighten it."

Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, tightened his waist and abdomen, maintained the dignified posture of a queen, and said solemnly:
"Yejingtang, you...you pay attention."

Ye Jingtang looked serious, and squeezed his hand along the clumsy arm, correcting the wrong part of the force:

"Practicing martial arts is not a child's play. Although Your Highness doesn't need it, you can't let it go carelessly. When I was practicing martial arts, my adoptive father held a stick and hit me directly if I stood in the wrong position. Only when the stick comes down and the legs and feet do not shake, is it considered qualified.

"I have such a good talent. I have practiced for 15 years since I was three years old. I have accumulated a lot of money. Your Highness, you can't practice real kung fu..."

The man's soft voice brushed against his ears, and he squeezed his hands on his body. Dongfang Liren knew that he was correcting his posture, but Ye Jingtang came to correct it...

It seems that there is nothing to contradict...

After getting used to it for a while, Dongfang Liren slowly suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind, and stared ahead with sharp eyes:
"My lord understands the truth. Since you are teaching kung fu, you can relax a bit and correct it if you need to. You don't have to be restrained because of my status."

Ye Jingtang looked at Dongfang Liren's profile:

"Your Highness, are you sure?"

"As long as you behave reasonably, when will this king feel sorry for you?"

Dongfang Liren worked hard to put on a good posture:

"If you want to teach, teach well."

Ye Jingtang was indeed a little hesitant, and reminded:
"Strength starts from the ground, first to the legs, then to the waist and hips, then to the chest and abdomen, and then to the arms. It must form a line. Your Highness is not doing the right thing. If I want to find out the situation, I guess I have to pinch it all the way..."


Dongfang Liren understood Ye Jingtang's meaning, thought it over a little bit, and put on a calm look eager to learn:

"You... As long as you don't have bad intentions and teach me the marksmanship seriously, how can I blame you, just pinch it."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang passed his right hand under his ribs, put his hand under the fat-headed dragon on the right, and carefully felt the strength of the chest muscles.


Dongfang Liren felt that he was being held back. He said he was close to touching it, but he didn't touch it. He said he didn't touch it but he did touch it. He could sense Ye Jingtang's restraint and tried not to embarrass her.She pursed her lips and made a serious look:
"You didn't put your hands on the place where you were exerting force, so you can touch something?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, seeing what Benben said, he stopped restraining his hands and feet, and rubbed the fat-headed dragon up a little, carefully sensing the strength of the muscles.

Dongfang Liren's eyelashes trembled, and he quickly stood up again, his face flushed, without saying a word.

"Hold your chest up, don't shrink back, Your Highness is not standing as well as before." Ye Jingtang calmly reminded.

Dongfang Liren secretly gritted his teeth, put out the gun frame, and tried to adjust the way of exerting force. The tip of the Black Lin spear in his hand trembled slightly in the air, and he held it firmly again.

After persisting for a long time, realizing that Ye Jingtang was holding back, Dongfang Liren frowned and asked:
"Why do you keep pressing here? Just pinch other places."

Ye Jingtang didn't mean to take advantage of it, and explained softly: "The fat layer is a bit thick, and the muscle strength is not obvious."

Dongfang Liren knew that his fat-headed dragon was a bit thick, thought about it, and gritted his teeth:

"You just have to press hard."

No matter how hard Ye Jingtang tried, it would hurt, so he didn't do so, but frowned and carefully perceived the details under the fat layer.

The two practiced marksmanship seriously, Ye Jingtang hadn't figured out the situation of his strength, but a breeze came in from the door.

Call ~
The old woman with long hair reaching the ground silently landed in front of the two of them. Just as she was about to speak, she found that Ye Jingtang was holding Prince Jing's lapel, and stopped speaking again.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang let go of his right hand, stood up straight, and bowed:
"Master Meng."

Dongfang Liren was secretly startled, but he didn't put away his gun, but explained seriously:

"He's teaching me the marksmanship, don't get me wrong..."

Speaking of which, Dongfang Liren's eyes suddenly sank again, and he asked:
"Meng Jiao, is he teaching me the marksmanship?"

The white-haired old woman's eyes were a bit weird, but that was all. Hearing Prince Jing's question, she came to the front slowly:
"Ye Gongzi is indeed teaching how to use a gun. This method feels the most intuitive. It is much more accurate than the eyes. It is mostly used among close people."

Is that so... Dongfang Liren secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and the blush on his face dissipated a bit.

"However, Mr. Ye's technique is too rough. An ordinary woman can feel it clearly. Your Highness is too strong, so it is difficult to feel it with bare hands."

The white-haired old woman stretched out her sleeves and looked at Ye Jingtang:

"Tianhe Knife is an inner martial art, which can enhance the six senses of a person. Its advantage is comprehensive. It can be seen in a radius of tens of feet, but it is not precise enough. The most sensitive part of a person is the fingertips. Liu Qiansheng His 'Tingfeng Palm' is this kind of skill. When he was at his peak in the past, he could feel the movement of footsteps several miles away with his palm, which was the best in the world. I have learned similar methods before, but it is far behind, but it is barely usable. "

Ye Jingtang listened carefully, but saw the white-haired old woman moving her hands, obviously she was practicing moves, and signaled after the practice:

"Ye Gongzi try?"

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang imitated the movements of the white-haired old woman, rehearsed several moves, and after figuring out the hidden luck, he placed his palm lightly towards the clumsy fat-headed dragon.

? ?
Dongfang Liren's eyes showed a bit of annoyance, Meng Jiao was in front of her, how could she continue to let Ye Jingtang touch the dragon, she hurriedly pushed away a step:
"The Nightmare Hall!"

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang changed direction, pressed on Dongfang Liren's shoulder, and detected the subtle vibrations caused by heartbeat and blood circulation through the feeling of his fingertips...

The white-haired old woman's eyes praised: "Master Ye's understanding is really impressive."

Dongfang Liren tidied up the messed up skirts, and restored the appearance of the cruel queen:

"But something to report?"

The white-haired old woman nodded: "Nangong Shaofeng refuses to confess, but Liu Qiansheng intends to talk to the court."

Ye Jingtang let go of his hand and asked:

"He's in his 80s, what do you want? A full burial for him?"

The white-haired old woman said: "Liu Qiansheng is the master of the inner family. He was beaten secretly and became what he is now. Otherwise, he will live another 20 years without any problem. He wants Beiliang Xuehuhua to renew his meridians and be recruited by the court to give him an official title."

Ye Jingtang had heard the name 'Snow Lake Flower' and asked:

"Does the imperial court have such a thing?"

Dongfang Liren thought for a while: "Snow Lake flowers grow in Tianlang Lake. It is said that once they bloom in 60 years, ten thousand gold is hard to find. There is a little in the palace, which is left over from the founding of the country. It is only enough to make a medicine, and it will be reserved for you. It is impossible for the Son of Heaven to give it to him in case of a rainy day.”

Ye Jingtang nodded, and looked at the white-haired old woman:

"Why did Liu Qiansheng open this mouth?"

The white-haired old woman explained: "Only these things can allow him to continue to gain a foothold in the world, otherwise it is no different from death."

Ye Jingtang suddenly realized, thought for a while and said:

"Shall I go talk?"

Dongfang Liren actually wanted Ye Jingtang to continue teaching marksmanship, but he still nodded his head because of the priority of business:
"It doesn't matter whether he confesses or not. If he can teach all his martial arts, he can live out his last few years in the capital, and nothing else will be discussed."

Ye Jingtang nodded as a signal, put down the Dragon Singing Spear, turned around and left the Mingyu Tower...


This chapter was originally [-] words, but it was too long-winded, and the waste manuscript was put in the back...

(End of this chapter)

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