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Chapter 176

Chapter 176

The third floor of the dungeon was destroyed, but the overall structure is very strong and does not affect its use.

The serious criminals who were pulled out yesterday for treatment were also sent back to the second floor of the dungeon.

Ye Jingtang came to the black yamen with a knife hanging from his waist, and was about to interrogate the prisoner. When he passed a tea room, he found that it was quite lively inside.

After a turmoil, the masters of the black yamen were more or less slightly injured. The accident just happened yesterday, and the yamen cannot be left alone. Therefore, the slightly injured still went to work as usual and did not rest in the yamen.

The environment in the tea room is very good. Everyone is provided with cushioned reclining chairs, and tea and snacks are served next to them.

After being injured twice by Liu Qiansheng, Jianli sat down with Qiu Tianhe, and told about yesterday's achievements with several chief arresters who were injured:

"Then Liu Qiansheng was also old, so I knocked him down with one shot. To say that he is powerful, he has to be Qiu Daxia, Eunuch Cao's name in the world, but he is ranked first. Qiu Daxia was not killed by a single blow, which is really unexpected." I expected..."

"This old man handles the case for the yamen, but he has reservations about his life. If life and death were to be fought, Cao Qiansui would not be able to walk out of Wangfu Street yesterday..."


Ye Jingtang passed by the window and was about to express his condolences when he suddenly found a large recliner under the window.

A big bird with a scarf spread its wings and lay on it, looking half dead, waiting for a wounded female president to catch and feed snacks.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was speechless. He let Niao Niao play by himself, but he didn't expect Niao Niao to be so self-conscious that he would not let go of the yamen's work-related injury benefits, so he raised his hand and knocked on the window sill.


Niao Niao raised his head, then jumped up and landed on the armrest, politely gestured Ye Jingtang to sit down with his wings.

After a pause in the tea room, Qiu Tianhe raised his eyes, put down his teacup, got up and walked out the door:
"You kid is really handsome in this outfit, but if you wear it out, the heroines in the world will have to go around, it's not very flattering."

Qiu Tianhe regained his strength. Although his appearance didn't change much, he looked like two people in spirit and spirit. He had a big frame, and he still had a Tianhe knife hanging on his waist. When he stood at the door, he stepped out of the black house sweeping monk. a feeling of.

"Just wear it for formal occasions." Ye Jingtang walked up to him and asked, "How is Hero Qiu injured?"

"It's just a little internal injury. After a few injections from Doctor Wang, it's basically fine."

"That's good. Is Qiu Daxia familiar with Liu Qiansheng?"

Qiu Tianhe smiled: "Liu Qiansheng was the eighth leader 30 years ago. At that time, I was still a knight-errant who was about your age. I couldn't meet each other, but I heard about each other."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang raised his hand and said with a smile: "Let's go, I'll take Hero Qiu to see the elders in Jianghu. Hero Qiu has a high status in Jianghu. Liu Qiansheng doesn't give face to the court, but he probably will. Hero Qiu can see if he can be a lobbyist and help Let him confess."

Qiu Tianhe didn't say much at the moment, and entered the dungeon together with Ye Jingtang.

There is no difference in the first floor of the dungeon, but the second floor has changed a lot.

Yesterday more than 20 gangsters were arrested, many of them were well-known in the rivers and lakes, and they committed major rebellion cases. They were all locked up on the second floor. Everyone was in a single room. Ask questions back and forth.

Ye Jingtang walked through the aisle on the second floor, and came to Room No. [-] of Dizi, looking for the most famous Li Laoquankui in the dungeon.

As a result, I looked down from the mouth of the well, and saw two half-dead men lying on the ground, lifeless and pale.


Ye Jingtang was taken aback for a moment, looked carefully, and said inexplicably:

"Why do they live here?"

Qiu Tianhe looked down and was also very surprised:

"It's not dead, the brothers' lives are indeed hard enough."

When Wang Er saw the two faces appearing above, his eyes suddenly showed ecstasy, and he turned his head up:

"Master Ye, you're here. My brother and I are not guilty of death, and we should be sentenced to ten or eight years... Eh? Master Ye..."

Ye Jingtang didn't stay on the unrelated people, went out to inquire, and found the cell where Liu Qiansheng was being held.

The specifications of the dungeon are the same as other cells, a large single room with a square shape.

Although Liu Qiansheng was in prison, the old Bakui's airs were still there, his hands and feet were chained, and he was sitting cross-legged with his back against the wall, looking a bit fairy-like.

Ye Jingtang opened the iron fence and jumped directly into it together with Qiu Tianhe.

As a member of the Jianghu, Qiu Tianhe bowed his hands and performed a Jianghu salute out of respect for the elders:

"Senior Liu, I have admired your name for a long time."

Liu Qiansheng raised his eyes to see Ye Jingtang, and he was definitely not very happy. After seeing the imposing Qiu Tianhe next to him, he frowned slightly:
"Who is your Excellency?"

"Chou Tianhe, I wonder if Mr. Liu has ever heard of it?"

Liu Qiansheng was obviously stunned, and as the saying goes, "The waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead", Qiu Tianhe is a top-ranking master of the contemporary era, one step away from the Eight Great Leaders, and in terms of influence on the current world, he is much higher than his old generation who has sunk in the west.

When Qiu Tianhe was in Pingyang, he still respectfully called Liu Lao, and Liu Qiansheng obviously enjoyed it, so he held the iron chain and handed over:

"It turned out to be Qiu Shaoxia. The Tianhe sword is famous all over the world, and the old man is like a thunderbolt. Today, seeing him is really extraordinary. Back then, Qiu Shaoxia robbed the emperor's wedding envoy team. He committed a serious crime of punishing the nine clans. I heard that he was captured by the court last year. Now it's..."

Qiu Tianhe sat on the ground in front, and said with a smile:
"I used to live here, but I have made some contributions recently. I have cleared my past crimes and regained my freedom."

Liu Qiansheng's eyes showed strange color: "If you committed the case, can the court pardon you?"

Ye Jingtang raised his official robe and sat down beside him:
"Qiu Daxia taught King Jing the sword technique. As long as King Jing is happy, no matter how serious the crime is, it will be nothing more than a few words."

Liu Qiansheng is an old Jianghu, so he understood the meaning of these words:
"The imperial court wants the old man's kung fu, to give the old man a chance to survive? The old man is over eighty years old, and he can't live for a few years. If he goes out, he will have to bear a bad name. There is no need to go through such trouble."

Qiu Tianhe said to this: "I have squatted here for a year, and I know what it is like. I can't see the sun day and night, just waiting for the day to be executed. I don't live as comfortably as a wild dog outside.

"It's not easy for people in the Jianghu to live to the age of Liu Lao. Liu Lao has experienced decades of glory that Jianghu people have never experienced; Liu Lao has also suffered for decades. He got down on the old Bakui, and he also taught the new Bakui when he was old.

"Now there are still a few years left to live. If he can have a three-room house, two acres of fertile land, and find a closed-door apprentice to teach him with his heart, Mr. Liu's life will be considered complete. The eight leaders of all dynasties, There are not many people who can end better than you. To be honest, I really can’t figure it out as a younger generation who still can’t let go of his achievements in his 80s.”

Qiu Tianhe's words were very contagious. After all, Qiu Tianhe also had ups and downs in his life, and he understood what a top martial artist would most yearn for in the world.

And Liu Qiansheng was indeed only one step away from consummation.

Liu Qiansheng's eyes moved deeply, and after a moment of silence, he responded:

"The old man was beaten by his apprentice at your age, and lost half his life's accumulation. If you are like this, will you be convinced?"

Qiu Tianhe is over 50 years old, younger than Song Chi, and considered to be in his prime.He was captured by the imperial court last year and put in a dungeon. There is no hope of escape in this life, and he is really unwilling in his heart.

Qiu Tianhe thought about it for a while, and then asked:
"There are a lot of rumors about Mr. Liu and Jiang Zhahu. What happened back then?"

Liu Qiansheng was also frank: "Walking in Liangzhou back then, we met people and got into a conflict, and was beaten to death a few times. Not long after that, the young Jiang Zhahu came to the Hongshan Gang to learn from him.

"The old man saw that he was very talented at a young age, so he accepted him as a direct apprentice, regarded him as his own, and vigorously cultivated him. Later, he became a young gang leader, only to find out that he was the heir of the enemy. The old man thought that he had not killed him because of his love for many years. , just abolished martial arts and expelled from the school.

"Then you will know that when Jiang Zhahu came back a few years later, he beat the old man into a homeless dog in the First World War. He took over the Hongshan Gang, took over the old man's family business, and has been chasing and killing the old man ever since."

Ye Jingtang pondered for a while: "It's only natural for a son to avenge his father... It sounds like neither side makes much sense."

Qiu Tianhe commented: "This is an ordinary vendetta, there is no such thing as right or wrong."

Ye Jingtang was not very interested in who was right and who was wrong, and instead asked:
"When you were at your peak, you once fought with Jiang Zhahu. There are rumors in the world that he has a map of golden scales in his hand. Is it true or not?"

Liu Qiansheng sneered at this and said: "At the age of 25, he defeated the top eight leaders who were in their 50s. Lord Ye thinks it can be done with just a golden scale map?"

Ye Jingtang thought for a while: "So, Jiang Zahu's talent is quite powerful, and he has the talent to be among the top eight at the age of 30?"

Qiu Tianhe said to this: "Originally, the champion of boxing was always at the bottom of the eight chiefs; after Jiang Zhahu inherited the title, he insisted on raising the champion of boxing to the sixth place among the eight chiefs, and ranked below the chief of swords, because the Dragon Slaying Order of the Xuanyuan Dynasty could break the Jiang Zahu's undefeated golden body.

"But Jiang Zahu is the same age as me, at the peak; Xuanyuan Chao is seventy-five years old, and he is only a few years younger than Liu Lao; when it comes to fighting, I think it is not difficult for Jiang Zahu to beat Xuanyuan Chao to death."

Liu Qiansheng hated Jiang Zhahu deeply, but it didn't affect his affirmation of his strength, and said:

"Jiang Zahu beat Xuanyuan Chao with his bare hands. It's hard to say whether he will win or lose, but Jiang Zahu's goal since he was a child was to be 'No.

Ye Jingtang nodded thoughtfully: "Has Jiang Zhahu ever practiced the Golden Lintu?"

Liu Qiansheng thought for a while: "Fighting masters, it's easy to shatter the bones and heart, but it's very difficult to break the skin. I guess I've practiced it before, it's a bit outrageous, but even if Jiang Zhahu doesn't have Jin Lintu, the old man will lose in that battle." The old man hit three punches in total, without hurting the vitals; he was punched from the beginning to the end, directly shattering the old man's spine, that feeling... I will never forget it."

There was a little silence in the cell.

Qiu Tianhe pondered for a while, and said again:

"Old Liu seems to understand that even if he heals his dark wounds and restores his prosperity, he may not be Jiang Zahu's opponent. At any rate, the world knows that you taught Jiang Zahu. After living comfortably and comfortably for the last few years and becoming famous, it is better than being unable to let go of hatred for the rest of your life. And finally."

Liu Qiansheng rubbed his fingers lightly, thinking for a long time.

After all, once you let go of the past and vent your anger, this life will be completely over.

Even if by chance in the future, the injury was healed, at his age, he would never recover.

After Liu Qiansheng pondered for a long time, he looked at Ye Jingtang:

"For Qiu Shaoxia's sake, let the old man confess...it's okay, and hand over what he has learned all his life, but there are two conditions, the court must satisfy the old man."

Ye Jingtang secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "But it's okay, if it's reasonable, the imperial court will consider it."

Liu Qiansheng said: "The old man can live for two or three years at most. As Qiu Shaoxia said, no matter how hard you toss an old bone, it won't make any waves. In the future, the old man will commit crimes and meritorious deeds, and teach boxers to the court incognito. The court will let the old man die. A proper burial afterwards."

Ye Jingtang nodded: "This shouldn't be a big problem."

Liu Qiansheng continued: "The old man's boxing skills are not taught to the mediocre, but only passed on to the imperial masters; the imperial court must also arrest Jiang Zhahu. He smuggled salt and iron at the border. He should be punished for his crime."


Ye Jingtang sat up straight for a few minutes, he didn't expect Liu Qiansheng to use the imperial sword to avenge his revenge, he said
"If there is a chance, you don't need to say, the court will also destroy Jiang Zhahu; but it is too easy for Liangzhou to leave the customs, Jiang Zhahu is not so easy to catch, the court can only do its best."

Liu Qiansheng said: "Master Ye is as good at predicting things as a god, and his eyes and ears are so good. It is not difficult to find Jiang Zhahu; in terms of talent, Mr. Ye is not necessarily weaker than Jiang Zhahu. As long as Mr. Ye is faithful and willing to investigate Jiang Zhahu, this matter It's really not difficult."

Ye Jingtang thought about it carefully: "I will do my best. You first explain the case of King Wu, and you can save the time to hand it over to the court later."

Now that Liu Qiansheng has reached an agreement, he no longer repeats:

"I don't know much about King Wu's affairs. The reason why I can help King Wu is because there is a pharmacist under King Wu's command who escaped from Beiliang. The apprentice of Beiliang Medical Sage, named Zhang Jinglin, may be cured. Old man's old injury."

Ye Jingtang greeted the mouth of the well, and asked the police above to drop a notebook with a black cover, took out a small pen from the side, and carefully recorded:

"Is this Zhang Jinglin better than Miracle Doctor Wang?"

Liu Qiansheng shook his head: "There is no injury in the world that Miracle Doctor Wang can't heal. Some of them are due to the lack of medicinal materials, not that they can't be cured. The old man came to the capital secretly before, and Miracle Doctor Wang asked the old man to find Xuehuhua. He can treat it, but there is no wound." I found it. Zhang Jinglin doesn't look like a doctor, but he used a strange secret method. Although he didn't heal the old man's wounds, the old man saw with his own eyes that he used the secret medicine to greatly increase the skill of the death row prisoner with mediocre martial arts, almost doubled .”

Ye Jingtang paused; "Is there still this medicine?"

Qiu Tianhe said: "Maybe it's a drug that goes on an evil path. It overdraws the body in a short time, hurts the enemy eight hundred and self-damages one thousand."

Liu Qiansheng nodded: "Indeed, he died within two quarters of an hour after taking it. However, this is the first time in my life that this old man has seen such a powerful evil secret medicine. It expands the energy channels of the whole body in a short period of time. I am afraid that I will dare to touch the mountain after taking it. Three Immortals. Because the effect of the medicine is similar to Xuehu Flower, this old man is used by King Wu, waiting for Zhang Jinglin to prepare the medicine that can heal the old man's injuries."

"How much is this medicine?"

"I don't know. The old man was still studying when he saw it, and he was not stable. King Wu didn't have many soldiers and horses, and he was in the third war. I guess King Wu wanted to rely on secret medicine to get hundreds of thousands of masters in a short time. Form an elite army, and go straight to the capital. At present, it seems that there is definitely no chance..."

Ye Jingtang listened carefully and took a pen to record the statement.

Liu Qiansheng knew that Ye Jingtang's talent should be very high, and after roughly speaking the information he knew, he stood up dragging the chain:
"These news are actually irrelevant to the imperial court. The most valuable thing about this old man is kung fu. This old man is old, and he may not feel much when he fights with Mr. Ye. In order to prevent Mr. Ye from getting a confession, he will let go of the torture." To kill the donkey, the old man must first submit a nomination certificate, so that Lord Ye can see the accumulation of the old man's eighty years of experience."

Night Terror Hall was very interested in this, put away the pamphlet and stood up:
"I heard that Senior Liu's 'Tingfeng Palm' is the best in the world, can you show Ye some experience?"

The direction of Qiu Tianhe's Tianhe Sword is similar to that of Liu Qiansheng's Tingfeng Palm. Maybe learning this hand will become the last piece of the puzzle for him to be the best swordsman.

For this reason, Qiu Tianhe also stood up and pretended to listen respectfully. Although it felt a bit inappropriate, he had been a lobbyist for so long, and it seemed that a little remuneration would not be too much.

It was an honor for Liu Qiansheng to be able to teach the two eighth-ranked candidates, so he didn't hold back any more. He raised his hands and began to practice on the spot:

"Old man Tianhe Dao has heard that the saber skill can be called exquisite, but it can only deal with the masters under the eight chiefs. The warriors who can defeat the eight chiefs have all reached the realm of the unity of man and nature, and the perception of the six senses is no better than yours. How much difference, so you can only wait for Xuanyuan Chao to die of old age, it is very difficult to defeat Xuanyuan Chao with this hand."

Qiu Tianhe's eyes were serious: "It's true, I have fought against old man Xuanyuan a few times, I can't hit him with a backhand, and I have to run away with a backhand, I can't beat him at all."

"Warrior fights, no matter how high the martial arts are, the key point is to compare the kung fu of 'seeing the tricks'. If you make a move from seven or eight feet away, a fool will be able to break the tricks, which is not very powerful; it is considered good if you can change the tricks in the slightest." The kung fu is well practiced. Ting Feng Zhang is not a move used to explore the way as it is said in the Jianghu, this move detects the whole body of the opponent."

After Liu Qiansheng practiced a set of moves, he stood with his hands behind his back:

"Both of you are the top eight figures. Go out if you can't remember after reading it once. Although the old man is in prison, he doesn't have the patience to teach a stupid apprentice."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang pushed his palms slowly and steadily on the spot, studying the veins of luck.

Qiu Tian merged and didn't follow suit, but stood with his hands behind his back and practiced in his head - he did this because firstly, he was full of arrogance as an expert; secondly, he made up his mind, and it was normal for him to deduce slower than Ye Jingtang's actual exercises, later on It's not ashamed if the slow night takes half a step.

Liu Qiansheng's Tingfeng Palm is an inner move, not as comprehensive as Tianhe Dao, it focuses on touch, and the luck method is simpler, but it is still quite subtle.

Ye Jingtang rehearsed back and forth four or five times. After finding out the way of luck, his hands became soft, as if weightless, coming and going silently, and even his fingers had a unique rhythm.

After all, Liu Qiansheng taught Jiang Zhahu, and he is also the old eight leader. His reaction was not as big as that of Qiu Tianhe, but he was surprised and nodded slightly:
"Good savvy."

Ye Jingtang practiced for a while, but Benben was not there, no one pressed his chest to test, he could only feel the change of air flow between his fingers, and praised softly:
"This skill is really exquisite."

As he spoke, he looked at Qiu Tianhe.


Chou Tianhe knew that this kid was totally unreasonable and would not save face for his elders.

However, Qiu Tianhe's comprehension is not bad, and with decades of experience in the world, he will not be left too far behind.

Qiu Tianhe nodded thoughtfully, his eyes were deep, he seemed to be studying some subtlety, but he was actually stalling for time, and after deducing the hidden luck method in his mind, he turned around and put one hand in front of him:
"This move is quite subtle, and it deserves the title of Eight Leaders."

Ye Jingtang stood in front of him, with his right hand leaning on the back of Qiu Tianhe's hand, through the touch of the back of his hand, he could vaguely feel the details of the flow of energy in Qiu Tianhe's palm and even his arm.

Liu Qiansheng stood with his hands behind his back and explained:

"A martial artist must raise his energy first. Tianhe Dao can only respond when the opponent's muscles move abnormally; the old man's move is faster, and he can figure out the opponent's moves without moving his fists or feet. Therefore, Master Ye and the old man fight. Fighting skills are always half a step slower than the old man, winning depends purely on physical strength.

"The disadvantage of this move is that it is close to the body, and so is the advantage. When the two fists meet, there is not much space left for changing moves. I know in advance when the opponent changes moves, and I still know in advance when the opponent changes moves. Capital together."

Ye Jingtang nodded thoughtfully, carefully felt the touch on the back of his hand, and moved first, only to find that Qiu Tianhe's palm was as light as gauze, completely unreal.

But Qiu Tianhe immediately fought back, and Ye Jingtang did the same.

There was a slight breeze in the cell, Ye Jingtang and Qiu Tianhe stood facing each other, their right hands leaning together and pushing back and forth.

Because if you change your moves, I have to change my moves, and if I change you, you have to change. The result of pushing hands back and forth is that the speed is getting faster and faster, depending on who reacts first and can't keep up.

Qiu Tianhe's talent is not bad, and he has extraordinary experience. How to deal with moves has been trained to a muscular instinct, and the feedback speed must not be slow.

Although Ye Jingtang relied purely on reactions, he raised his Qi as fast as his guts. Just as Qiu Tianhe felt his Qi veins fluctuate, his strength was already pressing up, so he basically didn't give him a chance to react.

There was pressure in the hearts of both of them. In order to prevent their family's face from being hurt, the two stopped fighting tacitly before they could tell the difference.

Ye Jingtang cupped his hands and praised: "This move is highly accomplished, the best Ye has ever seen in his life, and he has been taught."

Qiu Tianhe also cupped his hands: "Old Liu has a well-deserved reputation, just the hidden heat of this move is enough for Qiu to ponder for several years."

Liu Qiansheng is indeed old, but his kung fu is genuine. With a look of arrogance in his eyes, he sat down again:

"This is a move that this old man contemplated decades ago. This old man has been in the rivers and lakes for [-] years, and he has accumulated more than this. But after the old man teaches, it will be of no value to the court, so you have to teach it slowly, and you will only teach it before you die. Master Wang Ye, don't mind the ability to suppress the bottom of the box."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't say much, and flew up together with Qiu Tianhe, and left the dungeon...


[-] words today, count as one chapter~

(End of this chapter)

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