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Chapter 177 Li Ren's Talent

Chapter 177 Li Ren's Talent

Two figures rushed out of the well and landed in the basement.

Ye Jingtang closed the iron fence, walked out of the cell door, still rubbed his fingers lightly, feeling the delicate silky touch.

Qiu Tianhe walked side by side with his arms behind his back, and looked back at the dark dungeon: "I used to think this place was unlucky, and I didn't want to come here again in this life, but now I find that this place is still a place of geomantic omen, who has the ability to learn all the skills of the second floor, It’s the head of the Rong family..."

"Qiu Daxia wants to stay here for further studies?"

"That's enough. No matter how good your kung fu is, it's a skill you can use to make a living. It's not as important as being free and unrestrained..."

"Ha ha……"

After Ye Jingtang walked out of the dungeon, he thought for a while:
"Hero Qiu has a reputation as a hero, so it shouldn't be a big problem to return Hero Qiu to be free. But Hero Qiu is pardoned by the court after all. If he returns to Tiannan, the rumors will spread to the Jianghu, and the court will lose face."

Qiu Tianhe 'knows' that Ye Jingtang is an undercover agent of the Pingtian Sect, and he pretends to know it, and laughs:
"The old man knows how to avoid suspicion. From now on, draw a clear line between Heping Tianjiao and travel to other places, so as not to affect your kid's future."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't give any further advice, after saying goodbye, he handed over the confession to Baifadi to listen, and returned to Mingyu Tower again.

It took less than half an hour to go out to do business.

In the hall of Mingyu Building, Dongfang Liren was holding a Black Lin Spear, and was still rehearsing his moves seriously. Although he hadn't figured it out yet, he already had a bit of charm. The big chopping spear made a piercing sound in mid-air:



Ye Jingtang came to the edge of the Martial arts arena, and after carefully looking at it, his eyes approved:
"Your Highness's understanding is really good."

Dongfang Liren felt that this compliment was not pleasant at all, so he raised his gun again and asked:

"Is there any problem with my king's posture?"

Ye Jingtang came to the back of the tall and tall Benben, took a small look, put his hands on his waist, and swayed back and forth, but as a result, Benben's branches trembled wildly, he frowned and said:
"Your Highness, this is a flower shelf, it will fall down when the wind blows."

Dongfang Liren took a deep breath, planted his feet firmly on the ground, tightened his legs, and noticed that Ye Jingtang's hand was sliding up his flat abdomen, as if he was about to touch Longlong again, his eyes moved, and he tried his best to act calmly. look like.

But this time, Ye Jingtang's hand slipped to his ribs, so he stopped offending and started to feel carefully.

Seeing Ye Jingtang go out, Dongfang Liren suddenly behaved again and reminded:

"Don't think too much when you teach Kung Fu."


Ye Jingtang stood at the back, with his palm sticking under the fat-headed dragon, using the method of 'listening to the wind' to carefully perceive the details.

Although it is separated by two layers of fabric, you can still clearly feel the subtle texture of the skin; the faint fluctuations caused by breathing and breathing, and the flow of blood are all presented in the palm of your hand. If you feel it carefully, you can even create a breath in your mind. Blood meridian drawing.

Ye Jingtang closed his eyes, like an old Chinese doctor who was engrossed in his pulse. After feeling it for a while, he didn't correct it, but said:
"I just learned Liu Qiansheng's palm of listening to the wind. After practicing the Qi meridian of the human body, it will lead to nowhere to hide. Your Highness should learn this first, and it should be easier and more intuitive to study moves in the future."

Just now... Dongfang Liren was not surprised by this, seeing Ye Jingtang start to practice the moves, he didn't ask questions, just learned the moves without saying a word.

Because Yejingtang can perceive the Qi pulse of Dongfang Liren, it is much easier to teach than before. He carefully pointed out where he went wrong, fine-tuned and corrected it, and took two quarters of an hour to figure it out with stupidity. Listen to the veins of Fengzhang's luck.

It was the first time for Dongfang Liren to experience the learning speed of the proud son of heaven, concentrating on rehearsing, and after he roughly mastered it, he tried to use the method of listening to the wind, and pressed his hand on Ye Jingtang's chest.

Ye Jingtang stood still and asked:


Dongfang Liren closed his eyes and inspected carefully. He felt that the veins in Ye Jingtang's chest were like countless rivers. Although they were flowing, they were so smooth that there were no waves. what.

Ye Jingtang saw the bewildered look on Benben's brows, lightly turned his wrists and clenched his fists, gathering energy into his palms.

Dongfang Liren reacted immediately, with a look of surprise on his brows. Although the palm was covered by the fabric, he could feel a surge of energy, like a rushing river, and rushed past the palm covering in an instant.

Ye Jingtang laughed and asked, "Isn't it amazing?"

Dongfang Liren closed his eyes and nodded earnestly: "It's really well-deserved, it's much better than Meng Jiao's skill... You can react a little more, it's as quiet as a corpse, what can this king touch."

"Peak fighters are in the state of combat readiness. They are as quiet as corpses. As long as they don't move, they can't even catch their breath, so as not to be caught by the opponent..."

"This king knows, this is not a fight."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang no longer refused, and breathed out, so that Benben could study seriously.

Dongfang was standing very close to the person, with bright cheeks and red lips so close, he couldn't feel clearly with one hand, and he put both hands on his chest.

Ye Jingtang looked down at Benben who was engrossed in it, and the faint fragrance of orchids entered his nose, which inevitably caused waves in his heart, and the blood in his body surged.

Dongfang Liren frowned and felt carefully, and found that the Qi and blood in Ye Jingtang's body began to accelerate, his heartbeat also became faster, and there were abnormal movements in many parts of his body...

She tried to touch the place where the qi and blood were more active, but found that the more she touched the qi and blood, the more restless she became. After trying for a while, she found that Ye Jingtang's body seemed to be under her control. She knew what Ye Jingtang wanted, so she moved her hand Where to go will be happier, where to go will be disappointed...

? ?
Ye Jingtang was engrossed in teaching the moves, but slowly he noticed something was wrong—the hand that was placed on the chest stupidly moved with the fluctuation of his breath, and slowly slid across the chest, with just the right strength and meticulous techniques, designed for him to feel Pleasant place to go.

He wanted to suppress the gradually agitated Qi and blood, but found that Benben's understanding was very high, he even knew how to draw inferences from one instance, and found places to provoke, such as touching the chest muscles with his hands, and tried it out as if he had realized something...

I go……

How did Ye Jingtang withstand this kind of tacit provocation, and said:

"Your Highness, you did not practice correctly, you went in the wrong direction."

Dongfang Liren didn't think the direction was wrong. Being able to control Ye Jingtang's body was already very powerful for her. She carefully studied it with great interest, and said coldly:
"You don't even have this bit of concentration. When you meet a female master in the future, and the other party uses beauty tricks, why don't you die on the spot? Stand up!"

Ye Jingtang understands this truth, but the seduction of the evil female devil is completely different from the stupid provocation.In desperation, he could only close his eyes and calm down.

Dongfang Liren found that Ye Jingtang's restless energy and blood began to subside, and he was not happy. According to the feedback from the palm, he began to look for the "cover door" on Ye Jingtang, who looked like a bad sister who molested a good son.

Dongfang Liren's talent is really good...

"Your Highness!"

Ye Jingtang took a step back and held Dongfang Liren's wrist:
"This kung fu is used for fighting. Practicing it like this is going astray. The key to this move is 'quick'. The moment your palm touches the opponent, you can feel the opponent's pulse and counter it. If you touch it slowly, you will be killed by the opponent long ago." Dozens of times."

In fact, Dongfang Liren didn't dare to touch the man's place, and realized that the dignified lord was helpless, his eyes were quite complacent, and he waved his hands and said:

"This move is really good. I can get it from Liu Qiansheng, and I will credit you once. You go back, and I will practice it again."

Ye Jingtang reckoned that Benben would never practice Tingfeng Palm in the correct direction of "figuring out the opponent's moves within a minute", and continued to study, 100% research into how to touch can shake his mind and make him unable to bear it.

But as a subordinate, Ye Jingtang couldn't control his stupidity, so he could only bow his hand and retreat helplessly...
The last few chapters are really hard to write, and I can’t skip them. Aguan writes more than 1 words a day, and half of them need to be deleted. I need some time to change the next chapter. I’m really sorry or2.

(End of this chapter)

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