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Chapter 183

Chapter 183: A Pack of Wolves (Two in One)

Ye Jingtang came out of Wanshui Town, called down the birds hovering in the sky, and walked back to the river with a quick step. When he looked up, he could see Ning'er and Sanniang, standing side by side on the top of the boat building, looking at the mountains behind the town.

Ye Jingtang jumped up and landed on the boat, and looked back at Wanshui Town:
"what happened?"

With a telescope in his hand, Pei Xiangjun searched among the misty mountains:

"When you were doing errands just now, I seemed to see a white shadow, which went out of the town and disappeared in a flash..."

Ye Jingtang fell behind the two fiancées, and looked up at Sanniang's cheek, and Sanniang put the binoculars in front of her eyes:

"White Shadow...where?"

Luo Ning found that Ye Jingtang's hand was on her lower back, and she pushed it away calmly:

"I was looking at the street just now, but I didn't see any white shadows. I guess it's because she has been looking at the picture of the dragon and the elephant for a few days."

Pei Xiangjun helped Ye Jingtang hold up the binoculars, and said displeasedly: "How could I be blind, it's obviously because of your poor eyesight."

While talking, Pei Xiangjun also noticed that there was an extra hand in her lower back. She glanced at Jingtang who was engrossed in it, and pursed her lips as if she hadn't noticed anything.

Ye Jingtang glanced at the boundless mountains and plains through the binoculars, and found that there was nothing strange about it, so he asked Niao Niao:

"Did you see the white shadow?"


Niao Niao stood on the top of the mast, shaking her head like a rattle, indicating that it was paying attention to the houses around the Hall of Nightmare just now, and didn't pay attention to the outside of the town.

Pei Xiangjun searched for a while, but found nothing, so he put down the telescope:
"Forget it, it's none of your business, let's go to Xuanwu Hall to inquire about the situation in Wuzhou."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang withdrew his gaze, hugged the two of them and jumped off the boat building, then stepped forward to pull up the sail, and sailed the boat away from the river bank.


Honghualou has sub-helms in the twelve prefectures of the Great Wei Dynasty. At that time, the major ship gangs formed an alliance to establish Honghualou. The Guan family near Jianyang in Wuzhou was the elder, belonging to the Xuanwu Hall at the entrance of the four halls.

In the heyday of Honghualou, Xuanwutang had a master of martial arts sitting in the town, and was backed by a top-ranking wealthy family. It had a high status among the twelve gates of Wuzhou.

But now the fortune is not good, Xuanwu Hall is the first to fall behind in the entrance of the four halls, and it has spent a lot of money to raise a grandmaster who can support the appearance; after the old gun leader passed away, the main rudder of Honghualou also collapsed, and he can't control Wuzhou's affairs at all Son.

Xuanwu Hall had no backers and no successors, but it declined rapidly in just over ten years. Now there are only about [-] people left in the hall, relying on three piers to survive, if not for Honghualou His fame in previous years did not qualify him to be ranked among the top [-] schools in Wuzhou.

Jianyang City has been in chaos for the past two days. When we get near Jianyang City, it is very difficult to see pedestrians. The Guanjia Wharf near the river has been shut down. , only a few disciples of the Guan family patrolled the surrounding area.

Ye Jingtang docked the boat on the river bank, and immediately someone from Xuanwutang came to inquire.

As the landlord, Pei Xiangjun, as long as he appears on the stage, the young master of Yejingtang can only stand behind and act as a vase; in order to let Yejingtang take over as soon as possible, she naturally hides behind the scenes on this occasion and lets Yejingtang negotiate by himself.

Luo Ning didn't have this concern, so she followed behind wearing a veiled hat, pretending to be the sword-holding maid of Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang brought Luo Ning to the outside of Guanjiazhuang, and saw a large group of people running out of Guanjiazhuang, headed by Xuanwutang master Guan Shengxing, followed by Xuanwutang's Xiangzhu and Guan's children.

Last time at the Honghualou annual meeting, Ye Jingtang met Guan Shengxing once. He was in his fifties with a handsome face and a business mind, but his martial arts were basically not ranked high, and they didn't say a few words to each other.

At this time, Guan Shengxing, dressed as Yuanwailang, came out, with a look of joy on his face, he ran up to him and bowed his hands:
"The young master came to Wuzhou, why didn't he send a message in advance, Guan is far away, please don't blame the young master... What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and salute..."

Many of the disciples behind were seeing Ye Jingtang for the first time, and they hurriedly cupped their hands when they heard the words:

"Meet the young master."

The masters of the four main halls are the elders of Honghualou, and Ye Jingtang has to be called uncle. Guan Shengxing's ceremony is obviously extravagant.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand to support Guan Shengxing: "Uncle Guan is too polite. I heard something happened in Wu Zhou, so I stopped by to have a look, let's go in and talk."

The situation in Wuzhou has been messed up in recent days. Guan Shengxing was very grateful to see the young master of the chief rudder coming to support the scene. He hurriedly brought Ye Jingtang to the incense hall of the Guan family. , sit down in the teahouse.

Guan Shengxing personally carried the teapot and poured tea. When Ye Jingtang asked about the situation of Jianyang City, he shook his head and sighed:

"Two days ago, there was news that King Wu's son conspired against the capital, and something happened in Jianyang City that night. King Wu seemed to want to mobilize private soldiers to rebel, but the 20 private soldiers raised by King Wu also It can scare people in the rivers and lakes, without the courage to rebel; I heard that the imperial court mobilized [-] frontier troops to counter the rebellion, and the vanguard army arrived at Jianyang City in three days, and ran away, leaving only a few hundred guards in Wu Wangfu; Wu Wang was isolated Without help, I dare not stay in the city, and I ran away with my own soldiers the day before yesterday..."

Ye Jingtang took the teacup and asked:

"Where did you go?"

Guan Shengxing shook his head: "Wuzhou is surrounded by Yanzhou, Yazhou, and Jiangzhou. King Wu can't get out at all. He probably fled into Wushan. The young master is in the capital. Do you know what's going on in the capital? 20 troops coming?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "The imperial court sent an imperial envoy to take over the feudal state with six courtiers before a single soldier came out. It is estimated that they will arrive in a few days."

Guan Shengxing was not surprised by this at all, shook his head and sighed:
"I don't know what King Wu thinks. A good prince must seek rebellion. As for the private soldiers under King Wu, even King Yan's Huotou army may not be able to fight. I can't figure out why he dares to rebel... ..."

"It may have been instigated by someone with a heart to take advantage of it. It is a good thing that King Wu did not cause a military disaster."

Guan Shengxing shook his head: "This matter has little impact on the imperial court, but the world will change. Now Tiehe Villa, which is the leader of the twelve gates, is very close to King Wu; once King Wu fell, imperial envoys from the capital came to liquidate the rebels. It is inevitable to check Tiehe Villa.

"The day before yesterday, Tiehe Villa sent someone to send a post, asking the head of the Twelve Gates to go to the Tiehe Villa to discuss countermeasures. It is estimated that they want the Twelve Gates to shoulder this matter together, so that the court will not blame everyone..."

Ye Jingtang is a serious 'imperial envoy', and Zhengchou didn't know who to check, so he became interested when he heard this:

"Iron River Villa is posting a hero post at this time, does anyone dare to come?"

Guan Shengxing shook his head and sighed: "The official Yujia of Tiehe Villa, the gangster's 'Xiaoquan Kui', has beaten all the invincible hands in the twelve gates of Wuzhou. The imperial envoy of the imperial court came over and killed him. If he is not killed, let him He took things through, and I’m not there for today’s post, so I’m sure I can’t do anything good. I’ve been worrying about how to respond these days..."

Ye Jingtang smiled and said, "Don't worry about this matter, Uncle Guan, just let me handle it."

Guan Shengxing's eyes brightened, but he still hesitated:
"Official Yujia is not simple, and the imperial court is even more difficult. The imperial court will definitely take this opportunity to beat Wuzhou's Jianghu sects. If one is not handled well, it will arouse the suspicion of the imperial envoys, and the imperial court may kill chickens and monkeys..."

Ye Jingtang wanted to make an example to others, but it was impossible for him to kill himself. After a few random words, he turned to ask:
"Uncle Guan is opening a dock near Jianyang City, so the news should be well-informed. Has King Wu's Mansion purchased a large amount of medicinal materials in recent years?"

"A large amount of medicinal materials..."

Guan Shengxing recalled for a moment: "Wu Wang's Mansion did not collect a large amount of medicinal materials with a clear eye, but it is possible in private. I was running a boat in Wuzhou, and I have been paying attention to the situation of the twelve gates.

"Since the year before last, the number of medicinal materials handled by the Yueyue Building has not changed, but the number of medicinal materials that have gone out is obviously less than in previous years, so that the cooperative drug dealers can only go to other places to receive the goods. The small part is likely to be Be eaten by an unknown wealthy businessman..."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, most of his heart understood.

Wu Wang wants to imitate medicines like Xuehuhua, and also wants to use banned medicines to create a large number of one-time masters as elite soldiers. He must hoard a large amount of medicinal materials for experimentation and medicine.

Medicinal materials are important materials for marching and fighting, and the hoarding of a large number of vassal kings will definitely arouse the vigilance of the court.

For this reason, Wu Wang will not go through the normal channels, and let the forces of the rivers and lakes play the role of white gloves, which is undoubtedly the best way. This role is most likely the Yueyuelou.

Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang didn't stay any longer, put down his teacup and said:

"I'll go outside to see the situation. Uncle Guan has sent people to pay more attention to the movements in the rivers and lakes these days. Any troubles in the wind and grass will be recorded."

"For such a small matter, the young master can rest assured..."

After a while, outside Guanjiazhuang.

After Ye Jingtang said goodbye, he left Guan's house with Luo Ning, thinking about the clues he had just learned along the way.

Luo Ning had been listening in just now, and now she walked in front of her and helped analyze:
"There is a high probability that Xianyuelou is secretly helping King Wu to hoard medicinal materials, and has a close relationship with King Wu. However, King Wu has already escaped now, and the Yueyuelou is a gangster sect, so it is very unlikely to know the specific movements..."

The purpose of Ye Jingtang's trip here is not to catch Wu Wang, but to find a formula for Xuehu flower substitute for Miss Yuhu to cure her illness.

Even if Zhang Jinglin is not caught, if he knows that Wu Wang is mainly buying those medicinal materials, Wang Taiyi may be able to come up with the prescription instead, and the Yueyue Tower must go to investigate.

However, as one of the four major sects in Wuzhou, it may be a bit difficult to go directly to the door to torture and extract a confession.

After thinking for a while, Ye Jingtang asked:
"Ning'er, how much do you know about the Moon Tower?"

Luo Ning thought about it for a while: "Huang Yulong, the head of the Yueyue Tower, has a high status in the Jianghu. An old man from the Jianghu in Tiannan passed away the year before last. I was there on behalf of Pingtianjiao, and I even met Huang Yulong face to face. Judging from my speech and behavior ,good at socializing……"

Ye Jingtang was slightly taken aback: "You know the head of Xianyue Tower."

"I always cover my face when I go out, and I basically don't speak when I participate in Jianghu occasions, so I can't even talk about knowing each other."

Luo Ning looked at Ye Jingtang and asked:
"You want to pretend to be a member of the Pingtian Sect, and use the old tricks in the past?"

Ye Jingtang smiled, raised his hand and squeezed it on Ninger's big moon:

"What's impersonation? I'm a serious protector of the Pingtian Sect, and I'm just talking about cooperation with King Wu on behalf of the Pingtian Sect."

Luo Ning's face was slightly cold, and she gently pushed Ye Jingtang with her elbow:
"The following crime of insulting the leader's wife, do you still have the nerve to call yourself a guardian? If you let the leader know, do you know what will happen?"

The way I treat you, the leader of Pingtian will treat me...

Ye Jingtang felt that the joke was a little too big, and could easily be beaten to death by the Pingtian leader, so he didn't say it clearly, and lowered his head to poke on the red lips again.

Luo Ning's eyes were annoyed, but she had nothing to do with this increasingly unscrupulous thief, so she could only bury her head and quickly ran back to the river...
into the night.

In the depths of Wushan Mountains, Fulong Cave.

Fulong Cave is a naturally formed karst cave. The entrance is more than ten feet high and the interior is twenty miles deep. It walks like a dragon, and was named Fulong by King Wu.

Fulong Cave was secretly developed by Wu Wang in recent years. It is surrounded by dense forests that are inaccessible for dozens of miles. Tigers and leopards are rampant in this area. Even the farmers who go to the mountains to collect herbs are rarely able to set foot in this place.

In the middle of the night, the outside of Fulong Cave was as dark and silent as before, but half a mile into the depths of the cave, you can see a city wall made of rocks, and there are nearly a hundred elite soldiers of the palace in excellent armor, leaning against the wall Rest in silence.

After passing the rocky wall, fires began to appear inside the cave, and attendants ran on the winding road from time to time.

In an open cave in the depths, countless torches are stuck on the walls.

More than a hundred large iron cages were placed at the corners of the cave, and in each cage were three or two lifeless men; some soldiers held rice buckets, knocked on the iron bars, and fed them into the troughs.

In a small karst cave not far away, it is much cleaner and tidy, and there is a walking chariot inside which can be used for reclining.

Wearing a silver python robe, King Wu Dongfangheng sat on a luxurious walking chariot. Although he was over sixty years old, he was pampered and pampered all the year round. His appearance still looked young and rich, and he was only in his early fifties.

But suddenly something bad happened, all the soldiers and horses under his command were scattered, enemy on three sides, even escape was an extravagant hope, King Wu's mood obviously couldn't get better, he just sat alone on the walking chariot, staring at the cave where his bones might be buried in a daze .

After a long silence in the cave, a footstep came from outside.

Wu Wang looked up, but saw that the person who came in was Bai Siming, one of his aides, and immediately got up and said:

"Si Ming, what's the situation outside?"

Bai Siming is the chief staff member under Wu Wang's command, and also the number one master, belonging to the top wave of warriors under the eight leaders.

King Wu's plan to support the abolition of the emperor was revealed ahead of time, resulting in the dispersal of soldiers and horses, isolation and helplessness, basically no possibility of further success.

However, Wu Wang has been working in Wuzhou for many years, and his background has not been lost in just a few days.

King Wu planned to rescue the deposed emperor, fearing that Wuzhou warriors would arouse the court's suspicion, so he used bribed warriors from other places.

However, the Jianghu forces and peak warriors secretly cultivated in Wuzhou have not been used. This is one of the only forces left in Wu Wang's hands.

Although the forces in Jianghu couldn't make Wu Wang rebel, but if he used it well, it would not be difficult for him to break out of the encirclement and escape to the outside of the pass.

Bai Siming was in his early forties, dressed in a literary robe, holding a closed folding fan and tapping it lightly in his palm, followed by a man wearing a bamboo hat.

When Bai Siming came close, he calmly said:
"Your Majesty, you don't need to worry, but you lost [-] unusable miscellaneous soldiers. All other plans are fine, and the situation is still under control."

When King Wu saw that he was desperate, Bai Siming said this calmly, so he knew that he was speaking for outsiders.

King Wu looked at the man in the bamboo hat behind him, and asked:
"Who is this?"

The man in the bamboo hat took a step forward and bowed his hands:

"Jieyun Palace Lu Fang, pay my respects to the prince."

King Wu's eyelids twitched when he heard the word "Jieyun Palace"—Jieyun Palace is a top wealthy family in Jianghu, and Emperor Shan Gao is far from being controlled by the court.

However, Jieyun Palace is a power in Yanzhou. He can secretly let Tiehe Villa, Xianyue Tower and other rivers and lakes forces run errands under inconvenient circumstances. come forward.

Now the whole world has the strength to save King Wu's life, only his half-brother King Yan.

When King Wu saw someone coming from Yanzhou, he knew that it was King Yan who was snooping, and he didn't even care about the prince's demeanor, so he stepped forward and raised his hand:

"Mr. Lu doesn't need to be too polite. The situation in Wuzhou is not stable recently. This king is here to rest and recuperate temporarily. It is inconvenient to receive. If the hospitality is not good, I hope Mr. Lu will not mind."

Lu Fang took a lot of risks when he came here, and without being too wordy, he cut to the point and said:

"My brother used to work in Wuzhou and was treated favorably by the prince. The day before yesterday, he learned that the prince was in trouble, so he sent me to see if he could help him. However, the rumors outside were too tight, and the main roads to and from Wuzhou were blocked by the imperial court. Arriving one after another, it is very difficult for the prince to move to Yanzhou..."

Wu Wang understood that this was asking for a bargaining chip, and said:

"This king has worked in Wuzhou for decades, and his contacts are all over Wuzhou. As long as he can settle down in Yanzhou, these things will come in handy one day."

What King Wu meant was that he had great influence in Wuzhou. If King Yan wanted to rebel one day, he could rely on the military, political and business connections accumulated in Wuzhou for many years to support him.

But it's a pity that King Yan didn't care about King Wu's useless connections at all. Lu Fang came here just to squeeze out the little remaining value that King Wu had.

"These brothers all know about it. My brother heard that the lord has a pharmacist with superb skills, and he is researching a secret medicine that can greatly increase people's skills. I wonder if this is true?"

King Wu blinked his eyes: "Sect Leader Lu is quite well-informed... It is true, Mr. Lu, please come here."

Wu Wang turned around and walked towards the side of the cave, and after passing through the mountain of medicinal materials, he came to the dark river deep in the cave.

On the bank of the dark river is a man-made stone platform, winding for half a mile, with nearly a hundred medicine stoves lined up on it, and more than a dozen pharmacists running back and forth to check the heat.

And on the stone wall of the cave, a room was dug out, and there were several rows of bookshelves inside, all of which were medical books.

On the desk in the middle sat an old man with a goatee, disheveled hair and dirty body, and was drawing on a book with a brush.

King Wu led Lu Fang to the outside of the room, and said:

"This is Mr. Zhang Jinglin, the direct disciple of Beiliang Medical Sage, but Mr. Zhang focuses on medicine and doesn't like socializing. Si Ming, please introduce it for me."

Bai Siming, who was following behind, took a step forward when he heard the words, went to the wall and took out a medicine box, and opened it in front of Lu Fang.

Lu Fang looked down, but saw that the medicine box was full of silver powder, with a strong medicinal fragrance.

"What is this thing?"

"Snow Lake Scattered."

Bai Siming took out some silver powder with a small golden spoon, and then asked his subordinates to bring over a dying prisoner for drug testing, and directly fed the powder into the prisoner's mouth.

Lu Fang squatted down next to the wounded prisoner, pressed his hand to check his pulse - the prisoner's pulse was interrupted, he had an incurable disease, and his time was numbered.

But after taking the medicine, after waiting for less than a quarter of an hour, the qi channels in the body, which were riddled with holes, obviously began to gradually recover...

Seeing this scene, Lu Fang looked surprised:
"Is this the powder of Snow Lake Flower?"

Bai Siming put down the box, shook his head and said:

"It's the secret medicine formulated by Mr. Zhang. Although the efficacy of the medicine is far from that of Xuehu flowers, the strength is that the medicinal materials needed are all common things in the world. One tael of Xuehu powder can be prepared with dozens of taels of silver. Here Brother Lu wants to know the value of things."

As a native of Jianghu, Lu Fang naturally knew the value of this unique magic medicine that can protect the meridians and renew the veins, and the cost is even cheaper than 'Yulong Paste'.

Let's not talk about making money, as long as the resources are sufficient, relying on this thing alone, you can recruit countless warriors in the Jianghu who are suffering from incurable diseases.

A strange color flashed in Lu Fang's eyes, and he asked:
"As long as the amount is large enough, can it have the same effect as Xuehu flower?"

Before Bai Siming responded, Zhang Jinglin, the pharmacist sitting behind, spoke slowly:
"Medicine is not food, and its effect cannot be compensated by quantity. However, as long as there are no new injuries, taking this medicine for years can slowly restore the damaged Qimai."

Lu Fang's eyes were slightly disappointed, but he looked at Zhang Jinglin with a little more respect, and asked:
"Is this medicine already formulated, or can it be refined to continue to improve its efficacy?"

Zhang Jinglin stood up and scratched his messy hair:
"Daxia Lu suffered a secret injury and is in urgent need of this medicine?"

Lu Fang noticed that he had accidentally revealed his eagerness, and quickly responded with a smile:
"A nephew in the family has gone wrong in his practice and needs Xuehuhua to heal his injuries; if it takes too long and the best age for martial arts is passed, it will be useless. It is really in urgent need."

Zhang Jinglin walked out of the room, led the three of them to walk among the medicine stoves, and said slowly:
"Xuehusan is just an imitation drug that this old man produced indirectly. It is of great value to the world, but it is nothing compared to what this old man really researches."

Lu Fang was half a head taller than Zhang Jinglin, but he followed behind with a bow and asked:
"What kind of fetish is Mr. Zhang studying?"

"Sky Pearl."

"Oh? This thing is..."

Zhang Jinglin walked forward with his hands behind his back, and introduced seriously:

"Tianlangzhu is a secret medicine recorded in the Beiliang court, and it was developed by wizards from various tribes in the West Sea. It is said that persuading it can strengthen the meridians, expand the spine, straighten the bones, and stimulate people's talents. The most important thing for people who practice martial arts is Roots and savvy, these two are innate talents, which cannot be changed the day after tomorrow.

"However, Tianlangzhu can straighten the bones of a person, expand the energy channels of a person, until the bones are straightened and tendons are soft and flawless. Like Lu Daxia, as long as you use this medicine, you can directly rank as the leader of the Great Wei Wukui, and you have a sword Refers to the capital of the three immortals on the mountain..."

Hearing this, Lu Fang frowned slightly:
"Wu Kui is one in a million heroes, and the three immortals on the mountain are even more beautiful. I think that I am very different from my brother, and it is impossible to reach that step in this life. Mr. Wang said that blindly The medicine can make me cross the sky and point my sword at the three immortals on the mountain, Lu really can't agree."

Zhang Jinglin walked to a medicine shelf and took out a medicine box:
"I didn't believe it when I first heard it, but there was indeed one in Beiliang before, but it was lost. I saw a remnant recipe in the Beiliang Palace and studied it for nearly ten years. Finally, with the financial support of King Wu, I spent several A hundred lives were copied."

When Lu Fang saw the white pills in the medicine box, his eyes were slightly startled:

"Is this the Tianlang Pearl?"

Zhang Jinglin sighed: "Using the imitation product made by Xuehu powder, the medicine is not as effective as it should be. I think this medicine is not wrong, and it can indeed expand the energy channels in a short period of time, but the disadvantage is that people can't bear the power of the medicine at all. Hundreds of people tried it The old man rescued the medicine regardless of the cost, but [-]% of them still died, and the remaining [-]% were carried over by force, but he lost his mind and became a martial lunatic."

? ?
Lu Fang stood up straight, thought for a while and commented:
"Such a strong poison is rare in the world..."

Bai Siming has been following behind, and at this moment he opened his mouth and said:

"It should be a person who is testing the medicine. His body and mind are too weak to withstand the force of the medicine; a top expert may be able to pass it. In the past few days, I will try to find a master among the twelve sects. If it is feasible , I, brother Lu, and Guan Yujia can take a big step forward in a short time. In addition to the head of the house, the eight chiefs occupy four seats, so why don't you worry about it?"

Lu Fang felt that this statement was pure nonsense. If peak warriors could be mass-produced with medicine, Beiliang would have wiped out the Great Wei long ago, so how can we wait until King Wu finds out?
Beiliang didn't do this before, which only shows that there is a big problem with this medicine, either it can't be used at all, or resources are limited, and even if there are prescriptions, the medicine can't be dispensed.

However, Lu Fang did not express his thoughts, and said to King Wu:
"If this medicine is successful, the lord will be crowned a great treasure just around the corner. I hope the lord can give Lu a certain one at that time. I wonder if the lord can give me a copy of the Xuehusan prescription? I will send it back to Yanzhou, and my brother will definitely open up the way as soon as possible." , to escort the prince to Yanzhou..."

King Wu smiled and said: "If Mr. Lu is interested in this item, I will give it to Jieyun Palace when I arrive in Yanzhou."

Lu Fangwei said, "I'm just running errands. If the prince has no sincerity, it may be very difficult for my brother to take the prince and move to Yanzhou at the risk of being confiscated by the court."

King Wu frowned, obviously irritated by this remark, but he had to lower his head under the eaves, and could only look at Bai Siming, asking if he wanted to cut some meat first.

Bai Siming was afraid that Jieyun Palace was under the banner of King Yan, and came here to cheat others, and he would definitely not let go if he didn't see the way, so he hesitated for a while.

When the two sides were at a stalemate, a soldier ran quickly outside the cave with a flying pigeon in his hand.

Seeing this, Bai Siming quickly came to the front, caught the pigeon for inspection, his eyes showed surprise.

When Lu Fang came from Yanzhou, he already knew that King Wu was desperate, so he could only grab the life-saving straw of King Yan, spit out the last bit of chips left in his hand, and then died.

But the surprise that flashed across Bai Siming's face clearly showed that he had found a way out.

Lu Fang hesitated for a while and asked, "But there is good news from outside?"

Bai Siming thought about it, and didn't hide it, and handed the note to Lu Fang generously:

"Just now people from Tiannan's Pingtian Sect came. Knowing that King Wu is in trouble, they want to secretly take King Wu to take refuge in Nanxiao Mountain; the condition is that King Wu can help Pingtian Sect restore the country with financial resources and connections."

When Wu Wang heard this, he immediately showed joy, but he was a little annoyed after thinking about it:

"In the past, I went to ask Pingtian to teach, but they refused. What's the use of coming now?"

Bai Siming thought for a while: "In the past, the Pingtian Sect probably didn't want to give the prince a saddle. Now that things have come to this, the prince can condescend to go to Nanxiao Mountain, which is a great help for the Pingtian Sect...

"Speaking of which, going to Pingtian Sect is safer than going to Yanzhou. The leader of Pingtian Sect is the Marquis of Zhennan of Dayan. It is absolutely impossible to sell the prince to the court. As for Yanzhou..."

When Wu Wang was desperate, suddenly two forces threw out olive branches, his heart was ecstatic, and he had already started to think about whether to go to Yanzhou to live in the future, or to go to Pingtianjiao to settle down.

But this kind of thought cannot be shown, Wu Wang has a choice, and he has a bargaining chip, knowing that Bai Siming is reminding Lu Fang that he is not without a way out.Now start playing with:

"Presumptuous! This king is the clan prince of the Great Wei Dynasty. How can he take refuge in the remnants of the previous dynasty and dedicate all the accumulation he has accumulated over the years to the enemy?"

Then he looked at Lu Fang: "Mr. Lu, please go back and report quickly. If there is no way in Yanzhou, this king can't just sit and wait for death. These snow lake powder, Tianlangzhu, and even the countless family fortunes accumulated by this king, It can only be handed over to outsiders, and another Gou Quan will be in the world."

Lu Fang really did not expect that the Pingtian Sect would intervene in the matter of eating the steamed buns made of King Wu's blood.

Although King Wu is useless to King Yan, the formula of 'Xuehu San' is indeed a rare treasure, and Lu Fang still needs it urgently. If Ping Tianjiao eats it, he will have no chance to get it again.

Seeing King Wu's tone hardened, Lu Fang could only agree to arrange a way out first.

And Wu Wang obviously didn't know that the two roads before him were all dead ends, and his life was not even as valuable as a prescription in his hand. After Lu Fang left, he hurriedly said to Bai Si Ming:
"Hurry up and meet the nobles of the Pingtian Sect. This king is of little use to the King of Yan. Even if the King of Yan takes the risk of giving this king a place to live, he must have other plans. The Pingtian Sect is weak and needs my money, secret medicine and contacts. , and they are at odds with the imperial court, they are more credible, they can negotiate any conditions, don't drive people away."

"Yes, I'm going to meet..."


(End of this chapter)

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