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Chapter 184

Chapter 184
As the setting sun slanted to the west, three fast horses galloped across the official road and came to the outside of Baisu Town.

Ye Jingtang took the lead, with a long gun wrapped in black cloth hanging on the side of the horse, and Niao Niao squatted on the saddle standing in front of him.Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning followed behind wearing curtain hats.

Baisu Town is located in the east of Jianyang City, more than eighty miles away. The town is quite large, and the Wuzhou Dapai Xianyue Tower is here.

There are all kinds of names for Jianghu sects, but the choice of names is still a bit particular.

Most of the sects ending with words such as building, square, and pavilion are inside the city, and their main business is to open shops in the city.

Honghualou is in the wharf business. Strictly speaking, it should be called the "Honghua Gang", but it sounds a bit like a fish in the rivers and lakes. Back then, when the major ship gangs formed an alliance, they decided on the name Honghualou. It means a businessman.

Lianyuelou is essentially a Jianghu businessman, but its organizational structure is more concentrated than that of Honghualou. The entire sect is staffed by Wu Xiyi. Its main business is to deal in medicinal materials and fur. It's okay for others to say that the entire Baisu Town is the territory of Xianyuelou.

After King Wu's accident, Jianyang City was in a mess inside and outside, Baisu Town was quite far away, the situation in the town was normal, but there were not many merchants coming and going on the street.

After Ye Jingtang entered the town, he first found a small inn in the town, and after confirming that it was not the property of the Yueyue Tower, he entered it and opened a room, and then the three of them began to dress up.

In the inn facing the street, Niao Niao stood on the roof and kept watch, paying attention to the movement around him.

In the not-so-large room, Luo Ning took off the veil and hat, got into the bed unnecessarily, put down the curtain, and changed clothes while avoiding Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang was more generous, standing by the table and took off his black robe, revealing his silver gleaming close-fitting soft armor.

Seeing that Luo Ning had hid in the bed, Pei Xiangjun was naturally embarrassed to take off his clothes in front of Ye Jingtang, and also got into the tent, unbuttoning his black military uniform, revealing his plump white figure, frowning Meier said:
"Whether Xianyuelou is King Wu's cronies is still uncertain. At this critical moment, you come to the door under the identity of Pingtian Sect. What if Huang Yulong is afraid of being liquidated by the court, committing crimes and meritorious deeds, and wants to take you down directly? Get out of town?"

Standing on the bed, Luo Ning unbuttoned her green skirt, revealing her bellyband, her beautiful peach blossom eyes were full of arrogance:

"Do you think that Pingtian Sect is the same as our Honghualou, with a few hundred people sparsely, adding up to one Night Terror Hall can support the facade? Let's not talk about the leader of Pingtian Sect, any one of the four guardians will be able to pinch it." If Huang Yulong dies, give him ten guts, and he won't dare to touch people from the Pingtian Sect."

Pei Xiangjun knew it was the truth, but he didn't like it, so he said displeasedly:
"The Pingtian sect is powerful, what does it have to do with you? You are the daughter-in-law of Jingtang. Besides, when I ruled Honghualou back then, seven masters and one martial arts leader were rich in the world, no more than you who graze in southern Xinjiang Pingtian Sect has more scenery..."

Luo Ning said flatly: "A good man doesn't mention his bravery in the past, is it useful to say these sour words?"

Pei Xiangjun is not a mud bodhisattva either. Seeing that Hu Meizi started to lie down again, he raised his hand and touched his buttocks.

When the elastic sound came out, the curtain was lifted, and Ye Jingtang appeared in front of the two of them, speaking to persuade them to fight:
"Why are you still moving your hands..."

The curtains fell silent.

Ye Jingtang looked at the endless spring scenery between the curtains, although he was mentally prepared, he was stunned for a moment.

Although it was dusk, the light in the room was not dark. The two women stood between the curtains because they were changing clothes.

Ning'er's dress was completely faded and she was only wearing a thin light blue apron, with a white half-curve visible on the edge, and her straight and slender legs were close at hand.The already glamorous and charming cheeks were a little annoyed because of the pain. At this moment, she covered her buttocks with one hand, turned her head to stare at Sanniang, and found that the curtain was opened, and looked at him again.

Sanniang stood in front of her. The big watermelon was only wrapped in a black cloth belt. Under her snowy waist, there were black thin trousers that fit close to her body. They perfectly outlined the plump curves of the white moon...

Sanniang raised her hand, looking like she wanted to do it again, but when she saw him appearing, she hugged her chest in shock.

Both of them stood on the bed, Ye Jingtang opened the curtains, and his eyes naturally fell on the position below his chest. Looking up, he saw big and small watermelons, and down, his waist. For a moment, his eyes didn't know where to look first. Sideways, so that the eyes start to sway from side to side.

Luo Ning saw Ye Jingtang's dizzying eyes, and raised her brows upside down:

"Little thief!"

Ye Jingtang was awakened by the scolding, smiled, and rubbed Ning'er's moon:

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt..."

"You!" Luo Ning was ashamed and angry, and quickly dodged.

Pei Xiangjun's face turned red when he saw this scene, and before he had time to start his movements, he realized that the vixen next to him was not a human being, so he directly used her as a shield, pushed her on the back, and pushed her staggered reclined.


Pei Xiangjun was caught off guard, and was pushed towards Ye Jingtang, and immediately came a standard fat-headed attack.

With Ye Jingtang's reaction, this kind of attack can be completely dodged, but he had to fall to the floor to avoid Sanniang, so he raised his hand and resisted the impact with his face, and then supported Sanniang's waist with one hand Let her stand.

Pei Xiangjun's heart was not light, and he turned around when he stood firm, and said angrily:

"I think you are in a hurry..."

Luo Ning's face was slightly cold and her aura was astonishing. She raised her hand as if she was about to wrap Sanniang's chest:
"You come!"


Pei Xiangjun faltered immediately, and retreated a little while hugging his chest.

Ye Jingtang looked a little funny, seeing that Sanniang was very embarrassed, he put down the curtain:

"Okay, let's change clothes quickly, there is still business."

"Jingtang, you have time to take care of her..."


Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, and changed into a dark blue Taoist robe while talking and laughing.

Pingtian Sect was founded by the Taoist priests of the former Qintianjian. Although it is not recognized by Taoist orthodoxy, and it does not practice immortality itself, it only develops its power in the skin of Taoism, but most of the congregants go out and walk dressed as pheasant Taoist priests.

After the three of them had finished dressing up, Ye Jingtang took a weapon and headed towards the east side of the town together...

On the east side of Baisu Town, there is an old alley. The alley is less than half a foot wide and extremely deep. There are high green brick walls on both sides, forming a "line of sky" landscape. Occasionally, the moon rises, just filling the line of sky at the end of the alley. , so it has the name of 'title moon'.

Xianyue Lane is half a mile long from the beginning to the end, and on the left and right are Shenzhai compound, in which are the three major families of Baisu Town, and it is also the entrance of the three halls of Xianyue Building. The Huang family at the end of the alley is the chief rudder of Xianyue Building, Huang Yulong Both the owner and the head of the family.

Xianyue Lane is equivalent to the back mountain of the sect, it is difficult for outsiders to get involved, and there are usually few people. However, in the past two days, King Wu has had troubles, and the situation in Wuzhou is unknown. From time to time, disciples will run in from the alley to report the situation in various parts of Wuzhou.

In the fragrant hall deep in the Huang family's mansion, there is a portrait of the ancestor of the Yueyue Tower hanging, and several high-ranking chairs are placed in front of the hall.

Huang Yulong, who is over fifty years old, dressed like an ordinary Yuanwailang, sat on the main seat, holding a teacup in his hand, and gently swiping the tea leaves floating on the water with the lid of the cup.

Sitting on the right side of the hall is Xiao Shichen, the second head of the Yueyue Tower, who is frowning and saying:

"People from the imperial court have come here one after another. From time to time, official ships enter the Wuxi Wharf, and the main roads are also blocked by officers and soldiers; this morning, my third brother-in-law was arrested in Wanshui Town and quickly investigated. Not just from the Six Doors, but also from the Black Yamen..."

Huang Yulong paused, frowned and said:
"At such a critical moment, if you are being watched by the capital, a little carelessness will be a disaster...Why was it investigated?"

Xiao Shichen naturally knew the seriousness of the matter, and said calmly:
"Prince Wu's residence needs martial artists with a foundation in kung fu. I asked the subordinates to recruit warriors from other places on their behalf. When I went but never returned, my family members came to the door and caused trouble... The subordinates did not know the details, and they separated their relationship with Xianyuelou. The case is closed, and it won't affect the Yueyue Tower..."

Huang Yulong put down the teacup, with an angry look on his face:

"If such a small matter can't be done well, what's the use?"

Xiao Shichen sighed: "It's meaningless to say these things now. King Wu has already fallen, and our Yueyue Building has done a lot of things for King Wu. The court really wants to investigate. There are hundreds of disciples in the building, including you and me. I'm afraid It has to be cut in half and drained in half, what should I do now?"

"King Wu has a solid background. There is no hope of rebelling and becoming the emperor. It is not difficult to escape from Wuzhou and take root in other places. Master Bai is planning, and he should try to break through in the next few days. At that time, I will leave together..."

Xiao Shichen looked at the town outside and sighed:
"Such a big family business, if you say you lose it, you can lose it, alas..."

"If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about no firewood. The secret medicine researched by King Wu is making rapid progress. If you and I can both become the leader of the martial arts, what is a broken town? Just like Fengguan City, martial arts ascend to the top. Wan Wufu's presence in court, that's the real style..."

Xiao Shichen secretly sighed in his heart, when he was discussing countermeasures with Huang Yulong, he suddenly heard outside:

When the two found the voice outside the main hall of the house, their eyelids twitched—they could pass through countless disciples without making a sound, and reach the center of the house, they must be top masters!
Huang Yulong didn't dare to be careless, put down his teacup, took a saber from the desk, walked quickly to the back of the main hall, and looked out from the hall door.

Outside the main hall is a large courtyard, and the surrounding verandas are full of disciples of the Yueyue Tower rushing over.

The sun had already set, and the light in the yard was dim. Two figures appeared suddenly, standing on the cross path in the center of the yard.

The leader is a woman in Tsing Yi, tall and slender and covered with tulle, only a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes can be seen, her temperament is out of the world, like a jade girl who descended from the nine heavens.

Behind him is a man in a loose green robe. He is quite tall and well-proportioned. He looks like a fairy. He wears a bamboo hat on his head and a face scarf on his face. He is holding a black cloth-wrapped Short soldiers.

The two stood surrounded by dozens of disciples, motionless and calm, looking at the entrance of the main hall without saying a word.

Xiao Shichen felt that the visitor was extraordinary, definitely not a good person, and said in a low voice:


Huang Yulong took a closer look, and felt that the appearance and temperament of the leading woman seemed a little familiar, but after all, he couldn't see the appearance, so he walked into the main hall without remembering who it was, and bowed his hands:
"I'm Huang Yulong, may I ask your Excellency?"

The woman in Tsing Yi in the lead flicked her wrist and took out a black iron plate with eight small characters engraved on it.

When Huang Yulong saw the writing on the iron plate, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he walked out of the gate quickly, waving his hand and saying:

"Go back."

The surrounding disciples of the Yueyue Tower, Deling hurriedly exited the yard.

Huang Yulong walked down the steps quickly, and bowed his hands:
"It turned out to be Mrs. Xue coming here. It's a pleasure to meet you. I met Mrs. Xue in Tiannan before, but I couldn't recognize him because of my blindness. I hope Mrs. Xue will forgive me... Who is this?"

Luo Ning showed up as the leader's wife, backed by the Pingtian Sect, with a strong momentum, and directly entered the main hall by herself:
"The protector I teach in Pingtian."

Luo Ning went straight to the main hall and sat down, while Ye Jingtang stood beside him with his hands behind his back as a bodyguard.

Facing the wife of the leader of the Pingtian Sect, Huang Yulong really couldn't pose as the leader. He sat down on the chair opposite the main hall, asked Xiao Shichen to serve tea, and asked:

"Wu Zhou has not been peaceful recently. Mrs. Xue came to the door at this time. I don't know why?"

Luo Ning cut to the chase and said:

"My Pingtian Sect is an old minister of the former court. King Wu secretly planned to overthrow the Great Wei, and my Pingtian Sect is a fellow. Recently, the leader heard that King Wu was defeated and will be handed over by the court. He specially sent people here to see Can you give King Wu a hand?"

Huang Yulong was surprised when he heard this, but it made sense after thinking about it.

The Pingtian Sect is a remnant of the former dynasty with roots in Zheng Miaohong. The imperial court wanted to recruit peace after many years of suppression but could not break through Nanxiao Mountain. The Pingtian Sect refused.

Now that King Wu's rebellion failed and he had nowhere to escape, Pingtianjiao learned the news and wanted to take the opportunity to subdue King Wu, so as to obtain King Wu's property and the network resources of Wuzhou, which made sense.

And the Goddess of the Toad Palace is the wife of the leader of Pingtian Sect. When the leader of Pingtian Sect doesn't show up very much, it can be said that she is the leader of Pingtian Sect. He has seen it before.

There was nothing wrong with his position, motivation, or identity. Huang Yulong wanted to be wary, but he didn't know where to start.

He couldn't doubt that the Pingtian Sect was recruited secretly, and the leader of the Pingtian Sect was about to become the emperor of the rivers and lakes. Why should he be recruited under the infamy of disobedience to the ancestors, disloyalty and injustice, and change to the meaningless title of Little Marquis?

Huang Yulong hesitated for a while, and asked to be on the safe side:

"If you want to help King Wu, you should go to King Wu. How did you find Huang's door?"

"I usually teach my eyes and ears all over the world, and there are many believers in Wuzhou. It is difficult to track King Wu's trace. After inquiring, it seems that the head of Huang has been buying medicinal materials for King Wu in recent years, so come here and ask. If the head of Huang knows about Wu Whereabouts of Wang, I hope you can summon me for help, if you don’t know, just pretend that I have never been to Pingtianjiao.”


Huang Yulong tapped the table with his fingers, because the identity of the Goddess of the Toad Palace was unquestionable, and King Wu was really in a hurry, so he nodded after a little hesitation, and turned to look at Xiao Shichen:

"Second brother, go deliver a letter."

Ye Jingtang stood behind, heaving a sigh of relief when he heard the sound, knowing that the fish had been hooked...

(End of this chapter)

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