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Chapter 186 Suffering from Yama

Chapter 186 Killing Yama ([-] in [-])


The sound of hooves resounded across the field.

More than a thousand cavalry in light armor galloped from the direction of Jianyang City. The three hundred cavalry in front were armed with two-foot-long carbine guns, and the back were bowmen with crossbows and shields.

In Baisu Town, there are mostly people from the rivers and lakes who come from south to north, and their kung fu foundation is not bad; but the army is also a martial artist, it's not that they don't practice kung fu. orthodox.

Ordinary soldiers fighting alone may not be the opponents of the Jianghu people, but thousands of people are wearing armor and holding strong bows and crossbows.

For this reason, the moment Bingfeng appeared, the town of Baisu immediately fried pots, and countless martial arts warriors showed their supernatural powers and began to flee towards the mountains and fields in all directions.

However, the disciples of the Moon Tower didn't know the situation, they didn't dare to leave the station without permission, and they didn't dare to attack the incoming army, so they could only hide their weapons, standing outside the town like an enemy, waiting for orders.

Ye Jingtang took Luo Ning away from Xianyue Lane, and after making sure that she was not being followed, she quickly came to an alleyway.

Sanniang found that the situation was wrong, and she was already leading the horse in the alley to meet them. Seeing the two of them coming back, she hurriedly asked:

"Why are the officers and soldiers here?"

"do not know."

Ye Jingtang came up to the horses, quickly tore off his robes, and put on the robes of the black Yamen policeman, so as not to be accidentally injured by the officers and soldiers as thieves:

"Wu Wang's cronies have already taken the lead, let Niao Niao chase after him, let the officers and soldiers deal with the miscellaneous fish in the Yueyue Tower, and let's go after Bai Siming."

Seeing this, the two women stopped talking, put on the black and green robes they had prepared, and wore bamboo hats on their heads, dressed up as black Yamen police officers, got on their horses and followed Ye Jingtang out of the alleyway, heading towards the rear of the town.

The town is already a mess, full of civilians running to their homes and Jianghu people fleeing.On the side of Xianyue Lane, it is obvious that many people leap out from the top of the building and flee towards the mountains behind the town.

Ye Jingtang galloped galloping with a spear in his hand. He had just run half a street away when he saw a large group of light cavalry pouring out from the crossroads ahead. In front of him was a strong horse with a military officer in a red cloak sitting on it.

The Qingqi in the back held a strong bow, and when they saw the Jianghu people with bright weapons, they couldn't help but say that it was a nest of arrows, and they shouted along the way:
"Get down to me! Anyone who moves will be killed!"

Ye Jingtang and Pei Xiangjun held spears and rushed from the side street at speed, the momentum must be quite large.

Hundreds of Qingqi who rushed past the street, turned their horses' heads when they saw this, and rushed towards Ye Jingtang.Seeing that the three of them looked like masters, they dismounted and lay down on the ground obediently. There were still a hundred steps away, and dozens of Qingqi immediately opened their bows and arrows.

Ye Jingtang was wearing Hei Ya's robe, seeing that the other party's eyesight was so poor, he could only take out his waist card and shout loudly:
"Hei Ya was ordered by King Jing to investigate the remnants of King Wu, stop!"

Dozens of light cavalry rushing over heard the words, only then did they recognize that Ye Jingtang was wearing a policeman's robe, and immediately put away their bows and arrows.

Seeing this, the military officer at the street turned his horse's head and ran dozens of steps away. After confirming that it was Hei Ya's sign, he spoke from a distance:
"I just received an unknown tip that Bai Siming, one of King Wu's disciples, is meeting up with the Pingtian Sect thieves here. I am here to arrest you. How is the situation in the town?"

Ye Jingtang had just appeared as the Pingtian Sect, and only King Wu knew about it. Hearing this, he knew that someone on King Wu's side had leaked the news and ordered him.

"I have never seen any traces of the rebels from the Pingtian Sect. The Moon Tower secretly colluded with King Wu and arrested many civilians and imprisoned them in Moon Lane. I hope the general will rescue them quickly..."

After Ye Jingtang briefly explained the situation, he turned his horse's head and led Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning towards the mountains in the northwest...


The moonlight is like frost, and there are many ghosts in the mountains and forests.

The rugged mountain road was difficult for horses to enter, and soldiers in armor and guns could not run fast. Therefore, all the Jianghu people who ran out of Baisu Town all fled into the mountains by coincidence.

Among them, the fastest runners were Bai Siming and others.

In the past two days, King Wu had an accident, Huang Yulong knew that he might have to run away, he had already asked the third head of the Yueyue Tower to settle his family members in other places, and the family property that could be taken away had also been transferred. Just now when the soldiers and horses came, it was clean and tidy and ran away.

As for the hundreds of disciples in the town, they were all foreign disciples who received money to teach kung fu, and they were placed in Baisu town to support the scene, so as to avoid the government's suspicion in advance.Now that the officers and soldiers are calling, the smart ones know to go far away and see you in the rivers and lakes; if they don't know how to run away, it can only be said that they are not suitable for mixing in the rivers and lakes.

After rushing out of Baisu Town, Huang Yulong looked back and saw that the vicinity of Xianyue Lane was full of flames, the disciples had already fought with the officers and soldiers, and there was no large group of people chasing them, so he had time to catch his breath:

"Lord Bai, that woman just now is definitely the Goddess of the Toad Palace, I will not admit my mistake. Could it be that the Pingtian Sect has been recruited secretly?"

Xiao Shichen walked beside him with a long soldier wrapped in black cloth, shook his head and said:
"Impossible. The Pingtian Sect is the overlord of the Jianghu. They are notoriously tough. They were not recruited when they ran out of ammunition and food. Now that they are so powerful, why did the Pingtian Sect leader surrender without a fight?"

Bai Siming walked in front with a gloomy face, feeling in his heart that Xiao Shichen's opinion was right, and that Pingtian Sect might be fine.

But King Wu was desperate, believing that anyone would die without a burial.

Bai Siming thought about it secretly, and felt that it would be too risky to go back directly to Fulong Cave, so he said:

"I don't know where the news leaked out, and the officers and soldiers have already found their whereabouts. I dare not go back to the prince for a short time. I will go to Iron River Villa to recruit people first. If it doesn't work, I will rush out of Wuzhou by myself."

Huang Yulong didn't say much, and a group of three people marched quickly in the mountains.

But just after walking for a few miles, when passing through a sea of ​​bamboo, Bai Siming suddenly stopped and raised his hand.

The two people behind immediately held their breath and froze in place.

rustling --

The gentle night wind blows across the blue bamboo sea covering several mountains, making a delicate sound like a wave.

The light in the bamboo forest was dim, apart from the chirping of birds and insects, there was no living thing to be seen, and it was as silent as a dead land.

Huang Yulong leaned against Xiao Shicheng's back with the short soldier wrapped in yellow cloth, and asked in a low voice:
"There is movement?"

Holding a folding fan, Bai Siming listened carefully to the movement in the depths of the bamboo sea, then looked at the dark place on the side of the bamboo forest, and scrutinized it carefully with his brows furrowed.


Soon, the subtle sound of boots stepping on bamboo leaves came from the depths of the dark bamboo forest.

The footsteps are unhurried, and you can feel the calmness just by listening to the sound, just like an experienced hunter walking towards the prey trapped by the trap.

Huang Yulong and Xiao Shichen's expressions changed slightly, they turned their heads silently, and looked deep into the bamboo forest.

The moonlight passes through the gaps in the bamboo leaves, casting sometimes bright and sometimes dark reflections on the ground, and farther away there is endless darkness and silence.

Slight footsteps sounded from the darkness, and as the three of them focused their attention, a silhouette slowly emerged.

The figure was quite tall, dressed in a black and green robe, with a saber hanging from his waist and a long soldier wrapped in black cloth in his hand.

As the figure approached, through the dark moonlight, one could see that the visitor had sword eyebrows and star eyes. He was very handsome, with a waist card hanging on his waist, engraved with the word 'catch'!

Although he was alone and seemed weak, his eyes were so calm that there was no emotion at all, as if he had just walked out of the underworld and came here to seduce his soul and kill him with a cold face.

Scratch, rub~

Although the footsteps were light, each step was in the hearts of the three of them.

Bai Siming saw that the other party was imposing, so he didn't dare to take it lightly, tapped his palm lightly with a folding fan, and spoke first:

"Your Excellency will come here alone?"

Ye Jingtang walked ten feet away in a leisurely manner, and looked at the three bandit leaders who were alone:
"I'm a policeman, how can I go out to do business by myself."

There was movement again on the left and right sides of the bamboo sea. Two ghostly figures flew through the bamboo forest at high speed and stopped ten feet away. One was holding a spear and the other was holding a sword.

Bai Siming took a look from the corner of his eye:
"Just three?"

Ye Jingtang slowly unwrapped the black cloth wrapping the dragon firing gun, and said in a flat tone:
"There are more than 500 officers and soldiers behind."


Bai Siming felt that this question was a bit silly. The government lacked everything except reinforcements.

Encountered here, and being held back from fighting with each other, the three of them will undoubtedly die.

For this reason, Bai Siming gave up the plan to fight recklessly, tapped the folding fan twice in his hand, and said:

"Each to make a living, one by one."

Huang Yulong didn't say anything, he paid attention to the movements of the three people around him, and untied the strip of yellow cloth, revealing a large knife with nine copper rings on the back of the knife.

Xiao Shichen leaned against Huang Yulong's back, and took off the holster, revealing a seven-foot-long double-ended gun, which he held horizontally in his hand.

Ye Jingtang stood where he was, raised his gun with one hand, and pointed at Bai Siming. As the party who caught the thief, he was not in a hurry to attack, and waited for the other party to strike first.

Bai Siming couldn't afford it, glanced at the positions of the three police officers from the corner of his eye, and twisted his right foot slightly.


The toe of the shoe kicked into the mud, and an oval pit popped out directly in the fallen leaves. The mud splashed, and the figure retreated at the same time.

Xiao Shichen and Huang Yulong followed Bai Siming to the rear without warning.


The earth and broken leaves covered the sky, obscuring the front view.

According to common sense, Ye Jingtang should jump up or move around to avoid flying sand and stones before chasing him.

But what the three of them didn't expect was that at the same time as Bai Siming made his move, there was a muffled sound from the dead bamboo forest.

Ye Jingtang's whole body trembled slightly, he held the end of the gun with one hand, retracted and released his right arm, and stabbed out with a green dragon offering its claws.

call out--

The long spear over ten feet was like a giant arrow shot by an eight-ox crossbow, with a frightening piercing whistle, clearing a long black soil groove on the fallen leaves all over the ground.

The oncoming mud filled the sky, and when it touched the spear point, it was engulfed by the energy and turned into a whirlpool, churning out a circular hollow in mid-air.


At the same time, the crisp sound of the blade being unsheathed pierced through the bamboo sea.

At the same moment when Ye Jingtang threw the Dragon-Firing Spear, the Chilong Saber in his left hand was out of its sheath, and a bright white glow appeared in the dark bamboo forest, almost following the tail of the spear and cutting towards the three people in front.

Seeing this frightening power, the eyes of the three of them flashed with astonishment.

Bai Siming had the highest martial arts skills, and naturally the fastest body movement. He flew back and retreated without stopping at all, but just threw the folding fan in his hand and slammed into the spearhead that was coming.

Xiao Shichen's martial arts are not even as good as the collapsed mountain tiger king Chen Jing, and his speed is the slowest. This sudden shot hits the chest and abdomen, and even dodging seems hasty, followed by a knife that is as fast as lightning. The next moment must be instantly killed. Ashes.

However, Huang Yulong is one of the heads of the four major factions in Wuzhou after all, and his reaction was much quicker. He could have followed Bai Siming to retreat, but when he saw that his brother was about to be buried under the knife, he suddenly stopped and raised the nine-ring knife in his hand. , split towards the Dragon Spear.

The unstoppable long spear pierced Bai Siming's folding fan in mid-air, and the folding fan exploded and shattered in mid-air, stabbing Xiao Shichen's heart door unabated.

Huang Yulong slashed with all his strength, raised the blunt dragon-striking gun, and shot it into the air.

And Ye Jingtang walked away with the gun, and the moment Huang Yulong pulled out the saber, he ran into the front of the two of them, and slashed at Huang Yulong's waist with the saber in his left hand.

Xiao Shichen and Huang Yulong cooperated very well. Seeing Huang Yulong's help to save the siege, he raised his double-headed gun and placed it across Huang Yulong's waist, trying to block him.

But Xiao Shichen obviously underestimated the gap between them.


There was an explosion of gold and iron.

As fast as a thunderbolt, he slashed on the double-ended gun, and the moment the energy exploded, it directly shattered the tiger's mouth of Xiao Shichen's left hand.

Unable to resist the huge pressure, Xiao Shichen's left arm did not even support it for a moment, so the gun head moved back and hit Huang Yulong's waist and abdomen.

The eight-step knives were intertwined, and Ye Jingtang made a move, the hilt of the knife had already been sent to his right hand, and he stabbed forward with the tip of the knife, piercing Xiao Shichen's left chest!

Huang Yulong's reaction was extremely quick, he slammed the dragon spear flying with his knife, and when his waist and abdomen were hit by the gun shaft, the nine-ring knife in his hand also slashed down, blocking Ye Jingtang's long knife.

The Jiuhuan Knife is a heavy knife. Although it is not as exaggerated as the Junshan Knife, it still weighs [-] catties. The nine copper rings on the back of the knife count as counterweight to increase the chopping power.


The two blades met, and the fallen leaves under Ye Jingtang's feet were instantly shaken away by energy, and a circular open space appeared.


Huang Yulong's body was muscular, and he wanted to press down on the blade to hold Ye Jingtang down and let Xiao Shichen make up the knife.

But the moment he slashed and let go of his strength, Ye Jingtang was already on the verge of closing, flying back and falling three feet away.


Huang Yulong suppressed nothing, immediately retracted the knife and stood in front of him, staring at Ye Jingtang's movements, his eyes flashed with shock.

Ye Jingtang stood in the bamboo forest with his left hand behind his back, holding a knife in his right hand and pointing at the ground obliquely, the tip of the silver blade was stained two inches of scarlet.

Because the knife was not stained with blood, the scarlet gathered towards the tip of the knife again, turned into a drop of blood, and landed on the dry bamboo leaves.

Tick ​​~

The Dragon Singing Spear spun several times in mid-air before falling from a high altitude after a while, and stuck on the ground not far away.


Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning approached from ten feet away at the same time, and before they had time to make a move, Ye Jingtang retreated at the touch of a touch, and immediately stopped three feet away, picked up the dragon firing gun, and was on guard.

The blood dripping from the tip of the knife became the only sound in the dead bamboo forest.

Huang Yulong stared at Ye Jingtang with all his attention, and found that Ye Jingtang hadn't attacked again, so he looked to his side from the corner of his eye.

Xiao Shichen couldn't stand Ye Jingtang at all, his heartstrings stretched to the limit, he ignored the pain, and just stared at the man with the knife in front of him.

It was only when Xiao Shichen realized that the atmosphere was not right that something was wrong, and then he felt a sharp pain in his chest and abdomen.

Looking down, a wound appeared on the left chest, penetrating the body for more than two inches, and just opened a small opening in the blood vessel near the heart.

With the violent heartbeat, blood poured into the abdomen, the wound was bleeding like a fountain, and the chest slowly turned dark red.


Xiao Shichen's eyes were full of bewilderment and disbelief. After a muffled cough, he knelt down in the bamboo grove with his gun in his hand, staring at Ye Jingtang with blood red eyes:
"What a quick knife!"

Bai Siming, who was behind the two of them, fled away without looking back.

Ye Jingtang still had to follow Bai Siming to find Wu Wang's lair, so naturally he didn't stop him, so he looked back at Xiao Shichen who was kneeling on the ground:
"I kept this knife in my hand, and I can still be saved now. It won't be so in half a quarter of an hour."

Then he took out a small medicine bottle:

"The An Gong Pill prepared by Miracle Doctor Wang himself can save your life if you eat it. Take me to find King Wu, and I can give you this."

When Xiao Shichen saw the medicine bottle, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

But Xiao Shichen knew what he had committed. In the past two years, he helped King Wu arrest more than 400 people to test the medicine, and most of them died. go down.

Huang Yulong saw the vicious swordsmanship like a poisonous snake, and knew that there was a high probability that he would not be able to get away today. He gritted his teeth, and his eyes gradually turned fierce.

Ye Jingtang frowned slightly, put away the medicine, and stepped forward with the knife in hand.


Xiao Shichen gritted his teeth, threw the double-ended gun to Huang Yulong, and said angrily:

When the words fell, Xiao Shichen suddenly jumped up, and threw himself at Ye Jingtang with his bare hands.

Seeing this, Pei Xiangjun stepped forward without hesitation, and stabbed straight into Xiao Shichen's waist with the force of thunder.


Luo Ning cut through to the rear, cutting off Huang Yulong's retreat.

Huang Yulong knew that he was surrounded by three people, and there was no possibility of escape, so he caught the double-ended gun and threw the nine-ring knife at the same time.


The nine-ring knife whirled in mid-air, and the nine copper rings collided with the blade, making an ear-piercing and crisp sound.

Ye Jingtang raised the saber and stepped forward unhurriedly, originally wanting to avoid the whirling blade, but with a thought in his heart, when the Jiuhuan Dao passed by, he grabbed the handle again.


The flying nine-ring knife stopped suddenly in mid-air, and the Chilong knife also retracted and returned to its sheath at this time.

Huang Yulong held the double-ended gun, his face turned red, his shoulder muscles almost tore through his robe, his eyes were bloodthirsty and fierce:
"Kill one and earn one, second child, you go first, I'll be there soon!"

Xiao Shichen fell to the ground, clinging tightly to the tip of the gun that penetrated his body, coughing up blood, but did not respond.

Ye Jingtang held a [-]-jin heavy knife in his right hand, twisted the blade, and made a soft clang:

"You may die sooner than him."

Huang Yulong's robe was bulging, and his eyes were full of fanaticism:
"it's the same!"

Ye Jingtang didn't say much, and his pace became faster and faster. When he was three feet away, he stomped on the ground with both feet, knocked out of his body, and circled behind with the knife in both hands.


The bamboo forest overflowed with energy in an instant.

Huang Yulong's eyes were bloodshot, he strode forward and stabbed Ye Jingtang's throat with his gun. He never thought that Ye Jingtang's nine-ring saber was much faster than him, and the moment he raised his hand, the blade hit the tip of the gun.

Gold and iron clashed, sparks splashed everywhere.

When Huang Yulong saw the attack of 'bow back and flick the knife', he instantly realized that it was the 'order to slaughter the dragon'.

But it was too late when he took the move, the double-headed gun was instantly smashed open by the irresistible huge force, and his left hand was so shocked that he almost missed the gun barrel.


Ye Jingtang held heavy knives in both hands, and he fell behind with one knife, his figure rotated a circle according to the inertia, and the moment Huang Yulong pulled back the double-ended gun, he slashed down again with a powerful and heavy knife.


Huang Yulong retreated in big strides. Facing the incoming blade, he had no choice but to raise his gun to block, and then there was a loud noise in the bamboo forest.

boom -

The heavy knife was chopped on the barrel of the gun, even if it wasn't Junshan knife, its power was much stronger than the eight-step mad knife.

The moment Huang Yulong relayed the relay, the soil under his feet was stepped out of two round holes, and his legs were submerged in the soil until his knees.

Ye Jingtang slashed his sword and turned around again, with both hands rotating the big saber, slashing from bottom to top.

Huang Yulong was nailed into the soil, and before he could pull out his body, he could only use the force to get out of the trap by pressing down with the spear horizontally, but it turned out that the force was too strong.

Luo Ning, who was trying to retreat in the rear, saw Huang Yulong, whose body had just sunk two feet, come directly to a dry land to pull onions.

The sturdy body was pulled out from the ground with a knife, and flew backwards, hitting several green bamboos in an instant.


Bamboo leaves scattered all over the sky, and a sound that made the scalps of countless swordsmen in the rivers and lakes tingle, also sounded in the bamboo forest.

Call ~

Under the moonlight, a circular saber light appeared between the bamboo forests.

The light of the Xueliang knife swept across the bamboo forest like a wind and clouds, and the fallen leaves along the way were smashed when they touched the light of the knife, and were carried by the wind of the knife and flew to the surrounding area.

As the speed of the blade became faster and faster, Qi Jin kept accumulating during several times of knife movement, and soon reached a terrifying level.

Huang Yulong was sent flying, and just as he bounced to the ground and stood firm, Ye Jingtang jumped up, and the nine-ring knife, which was urged to the extreme, fell down again.

boom -

Huang Yulong raised his spear to block hastily. The double-ended spear was strong enough to be considered a famous soldier, and it was not broken.

The moment Huang Yulong received the knife, the barrel of the gun bent, his sleeves were shattered, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood.


The whole person was like a polo hit by a long stick, smashing towards the ground obliquely, his back sank into the soil, rubbing a groove several feet long in the bamboo forest, and breaking more than ten green bamboos.


Ye Jingtang wielded the Nine-ring Saber with both hands, and exhausted all his vigor after a single strike. Therefore, on the way of chasing, he turned around a few times to strengthen the momentum of the saber.


Huang Yulong was knocked away as soon as he fired his gun, and he couldn't stand at all, and he was also angered. Seeing the blade pressing down again, his whole body shook violently, and he ignored it and pierced Ye Jingtang's torso.


This blow was extremely powerful, and it was obviously the ultimate move of the Yueyue Building.

Seeing that the other party wanted to change his life, Ye Jingtang controlled his body to distance himself, and slashed at the point of the spear again.


In the end, I never thought that Huang Yulong really hid something, and the vigor contained in this move was unimaginable.

When the two blades meet, the colliding of the Bengqiang and the Jiuhuandao directly creates a gap in the blade.

Ye Jingtang felt a stabbing pain in his hands, and immediately let go of the handle of the knife.

But Huang Yulong went all out to head-to-head, and it was obviously uncomfortable. The head of the double-ended gun was broken on the spot, and the barrel of the gun was also smashed to the ground.

Seeing that Beng flew the opponent's weapon, Huang Yulong turned his gun directly, and used the other end of the double-ended gun to perform a spear-splitting style, and slashed at the top of Ye Jingtang's head.


This double-headed gun collapses and slashes, it is the ultimate move of the Yueyue Building, as long as it collapses the opponent's weapon, it is a fatal blow.

But it's a pity that Ye Jingtang's Nine Rings Knife was not blown away by Beng Fei, but by himself.


At the same time as Huang Yulong turned his gun, a cold light flashed in front of him.

The spear fell and hit the long knife that was suddenly unsheathed.

Ye Jingtang held a knife in his left hand to guard against the splitting spear, flashed past Huang Yulong, and was already three feet behind when he stopped.



The blade returned to its sheath, and the bamboo sea regained its tranquility, leaving only the rain of bamboo leaves in the sky.


Huang Yulong held the gun with both hands, kept the posture of splitting the gun and looked at the empty ground in front of him.

It was only when footsteps sounded behind him that his eyes moved, and he raised his hand to touch his neck on the left side.

As expected, it was hot and humid.


Huang Yulong knelt down on the ground, blood seeped from between his fingers, turned his head to look at the back of the black clothes, his lips moved, but he couldn't make a sound, after shaking twice, he fell forward in the bamboo forest...

(End of this chapter)

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