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Chapter 187 The Phantom of the Empty Mountain

Chapter 187 Phantom of the Empty Mountain (Two in One)

After a short fight, countless green bamboos in the center of the bamboo sea were damaged by the wind of the knife, revealing an open space with broken bamboo leaves everywhere.

The rain of bamboo leaves drifted away with the wind, gradually covering Huang Yulong's body.

Not far away, Pei Xiangjun held a spear and pinned Xiao Shichen who was covered in blood.

Ye Jingtang crouched in front of him, and took out the medicine bottle again:
"It's too late if you don't eat any more. You are only the second in command. You used to have to listen to the arrangements of the leader, not the mastermind. Now that your boss is dead, he is responsible for all the crimes. You can avoid death. You are only over 40, at least you have 30 years to live, why bother to die for King Wu?"


Xiao Shichen kept coughing up blood, looked at Huang Yulong who had died, and said hoarsely:

"You should go after Bai Siming. Everyone in the Jianghu is a fool. How could King Wu tell us where he is hiding? Cough... If you want to kill, kill, I have enough money...cough..."

Ye Jingtang frowned, raised his hand to send Xiao Shichen away, stood up and looked into the depths of the bamboo sea.

Luo Ning came to the front with a saber in hand, and was about to speak, but saw bloodshot eyes on Ye Jingtang's hands, so she quickly grabbed Ye Jingtang's hand to check.

Pei Xiangjun took out the golden sore medicine from the back of his waist and handed it to Ye Jingtang, with a very displeased expression:

"I don't need a good big gun, but I have to take a knife to 'single-handedly approach the gun', what are you thinking?"

Ye Jingtang was not injured, but the tiger's mouth was shattered. He shook his head and said:

"I just want to test whether the Dragon Slaying Order is strong or not. What kind of broken sword technique is not good at all. It almost confused me."

Luo Ning took out her handkerchief, helped Ye Jingtang wipe her hands, frowned and said:
"If you use Junshantai's one-hundred-jin heavy sword, Huang Yulong will be knocked off the first time, let alone the gun and stop the sword. It's obviously because your weapon is wrong..."

Pei Xiangjun saw that Luo Ning's master was full of air and said that Ye Jingtang was not, so he interrupted:

"Ning'er, you just repeatedly jumped sideways, more than 30 times, what kind of move is it? Fascinating array?"

? !
Luo Ning's words stopped abruptly, and she looked at the sarcastic Sanniang:

"What ecstasy array? I'm Jiugongbu!"

"Jiugongbu is a close-fitting footwork, is it used to be four or five feet away from the opponent?"

"I took a soft sword and didn't look for an opportunity to sneak attack. Could it be possible to go straight to the front like him? You also used a big gun, and poked it from the beginning to the end... woo~!"

Luo Ning was arguing with Sanniang, who was taunting her with angry eyes, but in the middle of the conversation, a handsome face suddenly appeared in front of her.

Then there was warmth from the red lips, blocking the words tightly.


Seeing Hu Meizi being hugged and chewed, Pei Xiangjun quickly turned his head away.

Luo Ning was so angry that she was attacked by Ye Jingtang, she raised her hand and slapped her on the shoulder, turning her cheek away:

"Little thief, are you getting sidetracked? She said you were silent, and I said you gagged me?"

Ye Jingtang brought the Dragon Singing Spear over, and made a serious appearance:

"I just want to take advantage, how can you say that I am sideways. Let's go and chase Bai Siming."

Luo Ning felt that Ye Jingtang was pulling sideways, but the business was important, so she couldn't say much, so she put away her sword energy and rushed to the front.

Pei Xiangjun carried a spear that didn't match his figure on his shoulders, and thought about it while walking:
"By the way, the officers and soldiers came suddenly just now, and after they came out, they ran non-stop to chase after them. I forgot to tell you. When I was watching the roof, I saw King Wu's cronies coming, and there seemed to be someone following behind."

Ye Jingtang took the Overlord Spear, and put the two guns together on his shoulders:
"Stalking? Who?"

"I don't know, the lightness kung fu is very powerful, and the insight is amazing. When I found someone watching around the Moon Lane, I ran away. Not long after, another woman in white came to the town from behind, and she seemed to be chasing the light kung fu master in front..."

Luo Ning slowed down and asked:

"What kind of woman?"

"I don't know, it's too far away, I can only see that I'm wearing a veiled hat and a white dress, the Qinggong must be better than me..."

Ye Jingtang only listened to this, so naturally he couldn't figure out his identity and position, but according to the judgment of 'an enemy of an enemy is a friend', the person who can chase and follow Bai Siming is most likely to be someone from King Wu's side.

Ye Jingtang thought about it for a while, wrote it down first, and left the bamboo sea together, chasing in the direction Bai Siming left...
Afterimages cover the moon, withered vines and old trees in the deep mountains and dense forests, there are occasional howls of unknown beasts:

The bird spread its wings and hovered above the night sky. Its black pupils reflected the mountains and fields within a radius of several miles, locking onto the figure fleeing fast in the woods.

Wearing a robe, Bai Siming moved forward between the mountains as if walking on flat ground with amazing agility. He was extremely fast, but made no sound. Occasionally, he would lightly leap up the treetops, and carefully observe the wind and grass behind him. He was extremely cautious. .

But no matter how cautious a warrior is, it is difficult to notice a bird circling in the sky at night.

Finding that the Hei Ya Yan Wang in the rear was dragged by Huang Yulong and others and did not catch up, Bai Siming no longer hesitated to hide, and began to gallop across the mountains at full speed.

Although the movement was small, but with such full speed, it still brought out a row of swaying canopy branches and leaves in the deep mountains and old forests, extending to the northwest, like a beast walking through the forest.

Niao Niao followed at a high altitude, and after chasing several mountains like this, he suddenly found a black shadow standing on the top of a mountain overlooking the mountains.

The movement brought by Bai Siming was not loud, but it was very eye-catching when you look closely. The black shadow quickly locked on to Bai Siming's position, and then quietly followed behind.

Niao Niao tilted her head high in the sky, and just as she was wondering, she found another white shadow floating from out of sight at an astonishing speed, chasing after the two of them.

The three of them were separated by a long distance, walking through the mountains with the momentum of "praying mantis catching cicada and oriole behind".

The woman in white at the end kept closing the distance, and when she touched a cliff, the black shadow sensed it, turned around and ran away.

And the woman in white erupted at the same time, jumping down from the cliff.


Then grass and trees began to fly across the mountains and fields, black and white shadows scurrying around like a cat chasing a mouse.

Bai Siming, who was fleeing ahead, was visibly vigilant when he heard the movement, and flew away into the distance without stopping for a moment.

Niao Niao's head was full of question marks, because the goal was clear, he ignored the two outsiders who were running around, and continued to chase Bai Si Ming...
The night is dark.

In the deep mountains and old forests, a group of three people walked forward silently, Ye Jingtang carefully observed the clues on the ground, and judged the direction of Bai Siming's escape.

But the top master escapes, and the footprints that can be left behind are barely visible. If you want to catch up with Bai Siming, you have to rely on the scout. The three of them walked slowly in the mountains, resting and recuperating, waiting for the bird Report back where the target is.

After traveling like this for a quarter of an hour, he never saw the bird turn back or send a signal, but Ye Jingtang moved his ears slightly and looked towards the lofty mountains ahead.

Pei Xiangjun lowered his breath and looked into the mountains:


Ye Jingtang stood up, flew to the top of a big tree, and looked into the depths of the mountains:

"There seems to be someone fighting in the mountain, and the movement is quite loud."

"Bai Siming fought with the others?"


Ye Jingtang is not the only one who is coming to the court to hunt down King Wu now.

Wu Wangmou escaped, and being the first to discover and capture it was a great achievement enough to be promoted to the ranks. The arrests and even the top officials from all over the country have been rushing to Wuzhou in recent days.

In case other people who were searching for traces in the mountains came across Bai Siming and started a conflict, the duck in his beak might just fly away.

Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang did not hesitate, and began to move quickly towards the deep mountain; Luo Ning and Pei Xiangjun also got up and followed behind...


Flowing clouds covered the full moon, and the deep mountains and old forests were darkened, leaving only dim starlight.

Deep in the mountains, in a pine forest.

The yellow-brown pine needles have accumulated a thick layer on the ground. The ground is very slippery, and they will make a light noise when stepped on.

A woman in a long snow-colored dress and a white veiled hat is walking slowly in the dark pine forest. The white shoes embroidered with plum petals, stepping on the pine needles, seem to have no weight and no movement .

The woman in white is holding a long sword, the sword is three feet and three inches long, the four sides of the sword are as bright as a mirror, and the gauntlet is in the shape of a yin and yang fish. The Tanhua sword in the sword.

Such a high ranking does not mean that the material and craftsmanship of this sword are so special.

Just like the Dragon Singing Spear, the material and craftsmanship of the Singing Dragon Spear are not inferior to the top ten guns, but its reputation in the Jianghu may not even rank in the top [-].

After all, the status of a famous soldier in the world is never judged by the quality, but by the person who uses the weapon and the past record.

This sword can be ranked among the top three because it is the sword of the patriarch of Yuxu Mountain, but now it is in the hands of the top three women in the Eight Kui and the strongest women in the world.

The pine forest looks calm as usual, but if the light is sufficient and you look closely, you can find black needles as thin as hair on many pine trees, and there are still sword marks on some trunks.

The dress of the woman in white fluttered with the faint night wind. After searching the woods for a long time, she stopped and said:
"Come out, you've been hit by me, and you'll die if you hold on."

The rather mature Yu Jie's voice is elegant, soft and neither too fast nor too slow, but with a cynical slackness, it sounds both good and evil, making it difficult to distinguish between good and evil.

As the woman in white spoke, a woman's voice came from deep in the dense forest, burning with anger:

"Demon girl, you have been hit by my rotten bone needle, and even the genius doctor Wang of the Southern Wei Dynasty can't save you. Now throw away the sword and beg for mercy. I will give you a way to survive. If you chase me again, we will die together!"

The woman in white turned around and walked towards the source of the sound, sighing softly:

"You've said this seven or eight times, what kind of heart-burning needle and Duanjing powder, every time you say there is no cure..."

"I didn't want to kill anyone, so I kept my hand away from you! You, a witch, have been chasing here from last year to this year, from Daliang Xihai, are you bothered? If you chase after me again, I will give you an aphrodisiac and throw you into a brothel... "

A flying needle, as thin as a hair, flew soundlessly from the shadows without any warning, but when it approached, it was still swept away by the Hehuan Sword.

The woman in white is strolling among the pine forests, looking at a tree crown in the depths:
"Oh~? You still have aphrodisiacs? I really want to try the power, don't be the cheap ones on the market, I don't even feel it..."

"Bah! You witch, don't force me, if you dare to take a step forward, I will break the ring of killing!"

The woman in white kept walking: "You can't hold on any longer. Hand over the Dragon Crying Picture, and I'll let you leave alive..."

"I don't have a picture of Minglong, and I have told you a hundred times! If you want to find a picture of Minglong, go to Jiang Zhahu. Why are you chasing me?"

"I was going to look for Jiang Zhahu, but I ran into you first. You are the 'Saint Thief' of Beiliang. You have visited countless wealthy families in the two countries over the years. You should have more than one picture in your hand, right?"

There is a big difference between the Northern Liang Jianghu and the Great Wei. The Great Wei are both traditional warriors. There are only two saints on the mountain who are revered as 'sages' in the Jianghu.

Beiliang, on the other hand, respects strange people and strangers, and warriors who do not follow the usual path are also of high status in the world. Poisons, hidden weapons, even binoculars, osmanthus soap and other objects that are prevalent in the world are all from Beiliang people, "Poison Saint" There are a lot of titles such as "medical saint" and "robber saint".

But no matter how many people there are, there can only be one person in a row who dares to use the word 'Holy'.

Being identified by the woman in white, the people in the woods were not proud, but said angrily:
"You're the thief! I've never stolen anything..."

"You have such a good lightness skill, you sneak into the secret room of the study of a wealthy family every day, and you don't steal anything, so what are you looking for?"

"I just learned martial arts secrets secretly."

"The Palace of King Yan also has martial arts cheats? The Palace of King Yan was stolen a few years ago, and King Yan didn't say anything, just secretly tracked down your whereabouts..."

"I didn't do the case of Prince Yan's Mansion! There are so many thieves in the rivers and lakes, and they blame me for stealing things. You don't believe me when I explain..."

"The wingless owl didn't even learn anything about Lu Jieyun's third cost. He was too scared to go back to Yanzhou after stealing the knowledge of lightness kung fu. He didn't have the courage and ability. Only you in this world can sneak into King Yan's study without making a sound. ..."


The two of them spoke only a few words, when suddenly there was the sound of branches breaking on the pine tree in front of them.

Then a black shadow fell from the crown of the tree and landed on the ground full of pine needles.


The black shadow was dressed in night clothes, and only a pair of eyes were exposed from the whole body. After landing, he wanted to turn over and get up, but he groaned and covered his chest:


The woman in white walked ten feet away with a sword in hand:

"Every time I'm half a mile away from you, you'll be able to sense it and run away ahead of time. I don't believe you if you say you haven't practiced Myojin Tu."

The man in black lay on the ground, staring at the dog skin plaster in front of him, and said angrily:
"Is it wrong for me to be born with eyes and eyes? I travel around the rivers and lakes without stealing or snatching. I have no grievances or enmity with you, a witch. You have repeatedly attacked me..."

The woman in white holds the long sword upside down and throws it behind her:

"If I wanted to kill you, you would have died long ago. I urgently need the Dragon Crying Map. If you have it, I have to take it. If you hand it over, I will let you go, and I will compensate you for a great opportunity. If you don't... ...I don't want to be a bad woman, but I can't help it for the sake of my apprentice."

Seeing the other party approaching, the man in black gritted his teeth, slipped a dagger out of his sleeve, and pressed it against his neck:
"If you dare to come here, I will kill myself immediately!"

The woman in white strolled in the courtyard, turning a blind eye:
"If you commit suicide, it won't prevent me from doing a body search while it's hot."

"I don't have the Dragon Crying Picture, but I know the whereabouts. Once I die, you don't want to find it again!"

The woman in white paused slightly, then walked forward again:
"You are so smart, how could you kill yourself, tell me the whereabouts of Minglongtu, and avoid suffering..."


The man in black looked sad and indignant, and in desperation, directly stabbed the neck with a dagger.


Seeing this figure, the woman in white speeded up suddenly and wanted to stop it, but just as she rushed past the pine tree where the man in black fell, a voice came from under her feet:
A white mist burst out from among the soft pine needles, instantly engulfing the woman in white who passed by above.

Naturally, the dagger of the man in black didn't pierce his neck, the grief and despair in his eyes dissipated, and he quickly bounced up from the ground.

The woman in white didn't panic, she just stopped and looked down:

"What is it this time? Aphrodisiac?"

"You think beautiful!"

The man in black held the dagger in front of his body, and said coldly:

"This is blood coagulation. I have a unique secret medicine at the bottom of the box. I will definitely die. The faster the blood is gone, the faster the death. You'd better not move around."

The woman in white felt it, and nodded slightly:
"This time it's really powerful, and I guess it will take a quarter of an hour."

The man in black didn't quite believe this, but he knew how scary this witch was, so he slipped three black needles out of his right hand, and slowly stepped forward to give the witch a few more touches.

The woman in white wore a calm and calm demeanor, stuck her sword on the ground, and took out a palm-sized red wine gourd from the back of her waist, opened the stopper, took a sip slowly, and said politely:
"The 'Lie Nushou' produced in Shazhou, also known as Immortal Kneeling, is the best wine in the rivers and lakes, would you like a sip?"

The man in black smelled the aroma of wine, and his eyes flashed with surprise:

"Did you still dare to drink after getting blood coagulation? Don't you think you died fast enough?"

"There is wine today and I am drunk today."

After the woman in white took a sip of the spirits, she hung the wine gourd back around her waist:

"People live all their lives for pleasure, and if they leave fun behind for survival, then living is meaningless."


The man in black felt that the witch was too calm, so he didn't dare to get close to her rashly. He gave up the idea of ​​mending needles, turned around and staggered towards the depths of the mountain.

"Let you run for a quarter of an hour, see you later."

The woman in white looked idle, watching the man in black go away, until the figure disappeared completely, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She took out a handkerchief and put it on the ground, sat cross-legged with her back straight, pinched the Mid-Wonder Art with both hands, and then the dress and veiled tulle didn't move in the wind, fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead...


Ye Jingtang heard the slight movement, walked quickly towards the mountains, and soon came to the bottom of a rocky cliff behind a mountain.

The forest below the cliff was in a mess, as if it had been run over by a herd of elephants.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang knew that the opponents were very skilled in martial arts, so he slightly raised his hand to stop Sanniang and Ning'er.

Pei Xiangjun carefully looked at the messy woods all over the ground, and found a few inconspicuous thin needles and a lot of colorful powder stuck on the ground and even the trunk, and reminded:

"Be careful, there is poison."

Ye Jingtang also noticed this, and carefully exited the jungle where there might be poisonous gas. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a voice from a pine forest two miles away:


The sound of branches breaking.

Although the distance was quite far, there was no sound in the mountains and fields, and it sounded very obvious.

The three of them frowned at the same time, looking at the pine forest in the distance.

Knowing that the opponent was still there, Ye Jingtang did not say a word, and silently groped towards the pine forest with the knife.

Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning didn't need to communicate, so they separated left and right, keeping a certain distance to follow.

Ye Jingtang silently came to the outskirts of the pine forest, using the method of Tianhe Dao to carefully perceive the internal situation.

There was no movement in the pine forest.

Ye Jingtang reckoned that the other party was very skilled in martial arts, and was afraid that Sanniang and Ning'er's footsteps would be exposed in advance, so he raised his hand and asked the two to stand still, be careful outside the pine forest and prepare to rush to help, while he relied on his lightness kung fu to make no sound Step over the pine needles and get closer to scouting.

After carefully touching a certain distance, after passing through several pine trees, Ye Jingtang saw the scene deep in the forest through the dim starlight:
A woman in a white dress and a veiled hat sits cross-legged in the forest, with a long sword stuck by her side, alone and without any outsiders.

In the middle of the night, deep in the mountains and old forests, a woman in white clothes like snow suddenly appeared. She was silent and had an ethereal aura. It was easy for people to be confused whether it was a human, a ghost or a fairy.


Ye Jingtang wasn't sure if the other party was dead or alive, so he thought for a while and approached slowly while pressing the handle of the knife, and when he was still tens of feet away, he noticed that the woman in white turned around and looked towards him.

Ye Jingtang paused for a moment, aware of the extraordinary martial arts skills of the opponent, so he didn't come any closer. He held the handle of the knife to keep the distance, and showed his waist card:

"The black office is doing business. Who is sneaking around in the forest? Report your name!"


The woman in white looked around in the woods, and quickly recognized the handsome official who suddenly touched him. It was the young man in black who stopped him when he saw the injustice on Wanshui Town Road in the morning.

The woman in white admires this kind of arrester who keeps her duty in mind and has a strong sense of justice. If she meets her in normal times, she might chat with her for a while.

But now that he came out and bumped into her, she was obviously not interested in talking.

Judging from the behavior style of this handsome policeman, if an unknown person is found meditating in the deep mountains and old forests, he must get to the bottom of it. He will not stop until he finds out her identity, hometown, where she came from, and where she is going. The conscientious policeman acted quickly.

Moreover, Beiliang Pirate Saint is by no means an ordinary person. Although his frontal combat power is a thousand miles behind her, his lightness kung fu, six-sense perception, and ability to use poison with concealed weapons are of a super-class level. Messy poisons are very annoying.

Today's blood coagulation is indeed a strong and strange poison at the bottom of the box. Although it can't hurt her at all, it is not a big problem to limit her time.

If the younger generation finds out that the strongest woman in the world is drugged and forced to sit here, the invincible image accumulated in the past will not be destroyed on the spot...

All in all, now is the best time to go.

The woman in white heard Ye Jingtang's question from afar, but she didn't respond, stood up unhurriedly, pulled out the saber beside her, held it upside down behind her, and walked slowly into the depths of the woods, leaving Ye Jingtang with a fairy-like look. back.


Seeing that the other party dared to resist arrest, Ye Jingtang frowned, and pressed the knife forward:

"According to the law of the Great Wei, those who refuse to be arrested will be shot and killed. Girls, don't play with fire."


As soon as the sound came out, the woman in white who was walking slowly in the forest rose into the air, turned into a white afterimage flying left and right, and went out for more than ten feet in the blink of an eye.

Ye Jingtang was indeed startled by the supernatural body skills that could be called ghosts, but his body skills were not bad either.

Anyone who sees officials who don't dare to talk to them and runs away is not a gangster and must be unclean.

King Wu might be hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, and the woman in white ran away when she saw an official, Ye Jingtang naturally acquiesced as the remnants of King Wu, and immediately flew up and chased after him...


I got up at 11:40 in the morning and kept writing until [-]:[-] in the evening. At this speed, Aguan was already desperate.

Originally 2 words, only [-] words left after revision or[-]
(End of this chapter)

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