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Chapter 188 The real person Xuanji

Chapter 188 The real person Xuanji
bang bang—

In the pine forest, two explosions sounded almost simultaneously.

The originally dead and silent mountain forest suddenly set off a cross wind and waves, and countless pine needles were carried away by the two figures' robes.

The woman in white was suppressing the strange poison in disorder, her movement was still astonishingly fast, her feet flickered back and forth on the tree trunk, but she was already several feet away in an instant.

She thought that the handsome official in the back would be stunned when she saw her move.

But the strength of the young policeman behind her was really beyond her expectations. Just as she flew not far away, the young policeman behind her pressed down at an astonishing speed, pulling the distance to two or three feet in an instant.


The dress of the woman in white fluttered with the wind. She looked back as she was flying, and was quite surprised to see that handsome face that was focused to the extreme. When she stepped on the tree trunk again, her slender legs bent and then straightened suddenly:


The thick-waisted pine tree trembled violently under the huge force!
Amidst the explosion, the woman in white broke through the air, and her robe made a strong wind.

Wherever the figure passed, all the larch needles on the ground were blown away by the cross wind. From a distance, it looked like a white dragon was born suddenly, passing through the pine forest, and reached the edge of the pine forest in an instant.

? !
Ye Jingtang has a strong psychological quality, and was also shocked by this incredible explosive power. Knowing that this woman's martial arts skills are much higher than he imagined, he stopped suddenly while speeding, and shoveled a long groove in the soft woodland.


The woman in white who pulled away from the distance in an instant regained her fairy-like figure, rising and falling above the canopy of the tree, and looked back when she was far away.

Although the face was covered by the veil, Ye Jingtang could still feel the woman's teasing, as if she was saying to him——are you still chasing him?

Ye Jingtang didn't know the opponent's details, and it was too risky to forcibly chase such an unfathomable opponent, so he just stood there and watched, frowning and guessing the opponent's identity.

Under the silver moon, the ghost-like woman in the veiled hat in white clothes rose and fell, and soon reached the end of the field of vision
Ye Jingtang saw that the other party did not come back, so he wanted to leave the place quickly, but before turning around, he suddenly heard a voice from afar:

Looking carefully, I saw a mile away, the woman in white, who was still a fairy, staggered when she stepped on the trunk of the tree, and then she stepped on the ground and fell in a circle, and there was a burst of branches and leaves being crushed. The broken sound disappeared.

? ?
Ye Jingtang paused when he turned around, and frowned slightly, a little bewildered.

After waiting in place for a while, there was no movement in the distance, but two slight footsteps came from behind.

Pei Xiangjun walked beside Luo Ning, paying attention to the wind and grass in the dark pine forest, and asked:
"What happened just now? Who did you meet?"

"I don't know, I seem to have encountered a powerful master..."

Ye Jingtang didn't know whether to say that the other party was powerful, or he liked to pretend, so after waiting for a while, the woman in white didn't appear again, so he opened his mouth and said:

"Keep your distance and be careful. I'll go and have a look."

Luo Ning threw the Dragon Singing Spear to Ye Jingtang, and kept a distance with Pei Xiangjun and followed far away, paying attention to the movement behind.

Ye Jing Tang did not have Niao Niao as a scout, afraid of being ambushed by this woman of unknown origin, so he walked carefully every step of the way.

It took about a quarter of an hour to pass through the rugged mountain forest and arrive near the place where the woman fell.

Looking under the brilliance of the stars and the moon, the shrubs in the forest were pressed out of a small hole, and a white shadow lay inside, a veil was hung on the branch next to it, and a snowy sword was stuck on the ground not far away. superior.

Ye Jingtang held the dragon-firing gun and came ten feet away to look carefully. He could see a woman in a snow-colored white dress lying on her side among the bushes, silently, only hip-length hair and waist, legs, shoulders and backs could be seen. , can't see the cheek.


Ye Jingtang called out, but the woman didn't respond.

Ye Jingtang couldn't figure out the situation, so just to be on the safe side, he took out a gold needle and lifted it with his fingers ten feet away.

The 'Leaving Soul Needle', as thin as a hair, pierced through the air.

Ye Jingtang doesn't often use hidden weapons, and he can't guarantee the accuracy at a distance of ten feet. The Soul-Living Needle is also poisonous, and if he can't control the strength, he can't pierce it too deep, and it may kill someone if he punctures the abdominal artery.

For this reason, the needle was aimed at the back of the woman in white, where the target is large and easy to hit, and the needle is relatively safe.

Although it is difficult to see clearly from a long distance, judging from the trajectory of the golden needle, it was hit accurately.

The Soul-Living Needle is a killer weapon developed by Dr. Wang. If Qiu Tianhe gets hit, he has to kneel down on the spot. Ba Da Kui may have a way to force out the golden needle, but it is impossible to be the same as a normal person.

Ye Jingtang waited for a while, and seeing that the woman was still not moving, he pressed the knife and walked to the side, looking at the woman's cheek.

Under the moonlight, a woman in a long white dress was lying on her side in the pressed tree nest, her eyes were closed, her ruddy lips were very calm, and there was a faint blush on her fair cheeks. It's like being greedy for a while, lying casually among the flowers and plants for a short rest.

The woman's long hair should have been coiled on her head, but it fell apart when it fell down. A few strands of jet-black hair slightly covered her cheeks, and the distant mountain black eyebrows gave people a picturesque look. Her appearance was very delicate, but her temperament was not gentle and gracious. elegant.

Even though he seems to have lost consciousness, his natural demeanor still gives people a strange feeling of cynicism and life and death...

Ye Jingtang took a few glances from a distance, but couldn't hear the sound of breathing, and felt that it was already cold, so he walked nearby, and poked the woman's shoulder with the end of the Dragon Shot Spear:


The woman still didn't respond.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang put the gun on the ground, pressed the handle of the knife with his left hand and came to him, and touched the woman's wrist with his right hand.

As a result, as soon as the hand was stretched halfway, the woman opened a pair of peach blossom eyes!

Her clear eyes are as bright as stars, and although she doesn't say a word, she can make people understand the meaning - if you dare to prick me with a needle, you will cause big trouble!

Ye Jingtang instantly backed away a few steps, looked at the woman, and was about to speak when he realized that the woman closed her eyes again, and then there was the sound of breathing, her breath was unstable, and it sounded like she was seriously injured.

Ye Jingtang waited for a while, but the woman was completely unresponsive. Just as she was hesitating, she heard:

From the corner of the eye, Ning'er, who was dressed as a police officer, came galloping from the forest and ran towards the unconscious woman.

Ye Jingtang hurriedly stopped Luo Ning:

"Watch out! What are you doing?"

Luo Ning saw that the woman in white was terribly dead, and obviously panicked:

"What did you do to her?"

Seeing Luo Ning's expression, Ye Jingtang felt a little dazed:
"You know her?"

Luo Ning didn't know what to say, so she hurried to the front, checked the woman's breath and pulse, found that she had been poisoned by a bunch of poisons, and was still alive, so she quickly took out the White Emperor Pill, stuffed it into the woman's mouth, and patted her face to call out :
"Shui Shui?..."

Pei Xiangjun came to the back with a gun in his hand, seeing Luo Ning rushing to rescue him, he was a little puzzled:
"Jing Tang, who is this?"

Ye Jingtang didn't know who it was at first, but this woman probably has the strength of Wu Kui, she ran away when she saw an official, Ning'er still cared so much...

If this is not the leader of Pingtian, who else could it be?
Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang's heart turned cold, and he hurriedly came to check the woman's pulse.

As a result, Luo Ning patted the back of his hand before he even touched his wrist.

Luo Ning checked her pulse and breath, and found that something was wrong, so she anxiously asked:
"What medicine did you give her?"

"I just used a Soul-Living Needle, without any medicine."

"Where is it stuck?"


Ye Jingtang motioned to the woman in white ass.

? !
Luo Ning's eyes widened a little. She understood the mad woman's temper very well, and knew that Ye Jingtang was in big trouble, so she quickly raised her hand through the woman's legs in white, and hugged her horizontally:

"Go back to town quickly, if she hurts her muscles and bones, the Queen will not be able to protect you."

Ye Jingtang took out the cloth belt wrapping the spears, tied them to the two spears as a temporary stretcher, and asked:

"Is she..."

Luo Ning put the woman in white on the stretcher, thought for a while, then took out the face towel, covered her face tightly, and changed her voice:

"Such a powerful woman, you can't guess who it is?"

Pei Xiangjun pulled out the Hehuan sword from the tree next to him and looked at it, his eyes slightly startled:
"It seems to be Master Xuanji... Jingtang, didn't you ask before you made the move?"

Ye Jingtang naturally knew who Master Xuanji was, but he heard that Master Xuanji was a master of Taoism, and he never went out of the mountain to avoid the world and practice all the year round, and when he came, the court didn't say that Master Xuanji would come to Wuzhou, and suddenly bumped into him here. , and was injured, which was really unexpected.

Ye Jingtang and Sanniang lifted the stretcher together, walked outside the mountain, shook their heads and said:

"I didn't even touch her. She turned around and ran away without saying a word, and then fell on the ground..."

Pei Xiangjun's eyes were cautious: "It must be injured, be careful, there should be experts in this place, and the person who can injure the real Xuanji is definitely an ordinary man."

When Luo Ning heard this, she also reacted, and carefully observed the surrounding mountains and forests:

"The person here is a top expert in using poison. If he can injure her, the three of us may not be able to pass a round together."

Ye Jingtang half-believingly asked: "Is she so powerful?"

Pei Xiangjun walked ahead carrying the stretcher, and responded:

"The Three Tripod Armors among the Eight Chiefs are omnipotent. Do you think he is a small fish like Huang Yulong?"

Ye Jingtang said it was the first time he saw the live Ba Dakui. Although he knew in his heart that he was very powerful, but seeing Xuanji's half-dead appearance, the invincible image he had imagined before was still greatly reduced.

But thinking of Benben and Yuhu who are both good at cooking and love to play, and then play off, it is not surprising that the master looks like this, it is really the same line.

Seeing Luo Ning's eyes full of anxiety and worry, Ye Jingtang asked again:

"Ning'er, do you know her very well?"

Luo Ning walked beside the stretcher, like a female nurse in the field, holding the wrist of real Xuanji, observing the situation all the time, and responded in a low voice:
"I used to travel around the rivers and lakes. Before I went to Pingtianjiao, I went to Yuxu Mountain in Tuzhou. At that time, I met Master Xuanji and lived in Qingpingguan for a while. She originally wanted me to stay in Qingpingguan, but in the end... "

Seeing that Luo Ning hesitated to speak, Ye Jingtang asked:

"What happened in the end?"

When Luo Ning talked about these past events in the world, her eyes were a little complicated.

Back then, she wandered the rivers and lakes in order to get revenge, and settled in Qingping Temple for a while, and had a good relationship with Xuanji, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a sister.

But Yuxu Mountain was highly praised by the imperial court, and Lu Taiqing, the head teacher, was awarded the title of "National Teacher". In essence, he has drawn a clear line with the world, and he has to consider the imperial court's intentions in everything he does.If she is in the process of becoming a disciple, it will be difficult for her to be happy in the future, so she is very entangled.

At that time, I met Xue Baijin who had just emerged. Xue Baijin was a traitor of the Pingtian Sect. He promised to teach her martial arts, and he didn't have any scruples about helping her destroy the Thousand Buddha Temple. The two hit it off.

Being involved with Heping Tianjiao is destined to draw a clear line with the imperial court. Master Xuanji must not agree to this marriage, so she can only secretly leave without saying goodbye and elope with Xue Baijin.

Later, she had a "big marriage" with Xue Baijin, and Master Xuanji thought she was forcibly taken away by the leader of Pingtian, and ran to Tiannan to save her from the sea of ​​suffering, so she almost got into a fight with Xue Baijin.

She couldn't say that Xue Baijin was a daughter, but she could only say that she and Xue Baijin were in love with each other sincerely, and from now on they would be taught by Pingtian.

As soon as this remark comes out, it means that officials and bandits are at odds with each other, and they cut off each other's kindness and justice.

Luo Ning always felt ashamed of Master Xuanji in her heart, but she couldn't do anything about her family feud.

Now meeting old friends again...

Thinking of this, Luo Ning suddenly felt something was wrong—she was following the little thief, if she was discovered by Xuanji, how would she explain it?

First abandoning the old love for the new love, and committing herself to the rebel as Mrs. Yazhai, and then she empathized with another love and cheated on her, and had an affair with the court's Xiao Langjun...

This made Zhenji Xuanji realize that she should be hanged up to beat her promiscuous woman?

Secondly, Ye Jingtang is a member of the government, and she, the leader of the Pingtian Sect, is by her side. Isn't it all exposed that she is on three boats!
Leaving aside the matter of Ye Jingtang being a double-faced hidden stake, at the same time, she hooked up with Xuanji's apprentice and former best friend, and let Xuanji know that if she doesn't castrate the little thief, she will be sorry for her temper...

Luo Ning felt that something big was going to happen to Ye Jingtang, so she hurried to Ye Jingtang, and whispered in her ear:
"She wakes up, you must not let her know that I am here."

Seeing that the two knew each other, Ye Jingtang naturally knew that Ning'er couldn't see the light, so he nodded and said:
"Then you hide later, and I will send her away."

Luo Ning covered her face tightly, and galloped in the mountains for a while, then felt that this was a big thunder, and it would explode sooner or later, so she had to think about an explanation in advance, and said again:

"I was snatched by you softly and stubbornly. If I was found out in the future, I... I would say that I was working in the capital, and you arrested me. You took a fancy to my beauty and used both soft and hard methods to detain me at home." .I am in Dawei, and my heart is in Nanxiao Mountain..."

? ?
Ye Jingtang's eyes were astonished: "Then I won't be able to capture the beautiful gangster and be bullied by the back house? Let the real Xuanji know and beat me to death?"

Luo Ning frowned: "To tell the truth, she wouldn't beat you to death? With this explanation, you can at least disassociate yourself from Heping Tianjiao. It's nothing but a loss of personal morality."

Ye Jingtang thought about it for a while—he had a close relationship with Ning'er, and he wanted to convince Master Xuanji that he was not an undercover agent of the Pingtian Sect. Either Ning'er had empathized with another person and betrayed Xue Baijin; He kidnapped his wife and occupied Ning'er.

It's obviously inappropriate for Ning'er to take the blame for empathy, but if he takes the blame for kidnapping beauties, won't his image collapse?

Ye Jingtang thought for a moment, and could only sigh secretly:
"Let's take a step and take a look. Let's go back to the town first..."

(End of this chapter)

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